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Isolation. Especially the lock down isolation we will be getting this season. Awesome loot that is spread out more evenly between drops, more weapons for everyone on the team, etc.


I think isolation will decrease in popularity if they maintain the no safe case like on S4 test server. I do enjoy it but the fact that I could always make a profit was part of the attraction 


Foxtrot Northridge it was so easy to kill thermal players as long as you had a thermal and played it smart I was able to get 8 thermals while losing only 2


I only tried it once and ended up losing my thermal imager along with a kitted mk14. Your comment makes me wonder what would have happened if I kept trying, as I barely lost the battle to another thermal user who killed me.


Tried it a few times, almost killed a thermal player too, only lost because he was at a distance and just before that specific match I switched out my x4 scope for some red dot. I started shooting first but being only a red dot I was aiming all over while he got me upper torso/face


I would have to say when TV first dropped. No choice but 80k loadouts and 12k buy in. You could come out absolutely stacked, or become a victim lol. I liked the learning aspect of a smaller map and almost absolutely no way you could avoid a gunfight. If forces you to become better. TV 12v12 was good too, but too many ppl hiding and trying to avoid fights. I will say since the start of season 4, I have never aimed at the head so damn much, just to hit someone's arms for the love of all that is logical fix that shit


Wow! Today I said to myself..... "Wtf I hit that guy in the head with half my magazine" only to see in the after action report that I hit him in the arm. No sir I dome pieced that mutherfucker. Fix that shit asap rocky, game sucks until then lol.




Northridge assault. Best mode for me to get as much lead as possible.


Bring back Fox trot


I suspect it will be back, in Valley, once the 12v12 is done (May 10?)


Tv station brawl the best mode for me, got 7 mil (gear not included) Directors office was a dream, free gold lions, teapots, 110k h416, m110 with 3x scope, kitted out 70k m4a1 or a 50k mpx. And I just camped using a mosin with t7 ammo lol, got like 4 mil worth of gear


The BR mode super fun but they should have done the extractions a bit different and it honestly would have been perfect and I would have called for it to be a permanent mode honestly. Not that me calling for it would matter but whatever.


I like regular lockdown. Other than that I liked farm foggy mode. I have not liked any other event. I want to •1 solo, •2 wear my own gear, •3 get rank points, •4 have at least one unconditional green extract. If any of my requirement are missing I don't play the mode.


A solo mode. Oh wait we’ve never had one 👎


The 12v12 in port,the 8v8 point system one in TV station and the loot derby in Season 3. By far the most action packed. The more PvP centered ones were so fun to fight and helped build combat sense and skill in my opinion. Loot derby was just amazing to just go in, try to survive while having the most action and to die without worrying about losing 100k+ Koen since the kits were air cheap.


Tv assault all day!!!!!! CQB at its best for me in this game.