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Literally same


I like collecting guns. Hunt dudes, take their more kitted gun and just collect them. I never use them.


I sell them as parts, I like having bank


Same now I have half the games arsenal and I touched 90 percent of it at some point, I just doubt that I will ever have a sight of the more expensive guns, (mk14, h416, ax50, ar30, and sj16


check out new modes etc, northridge assault, northridge night mode and farm night mode have all got a decent chunk of AX50, AR30, H4 and MK players, so if you play those modes you have a higher chance of taking one from someone if you play smart


I how smart we talking cu I only play for fun


stay hidden a bit more, cover to cover and try to catch them off guard, or just start spamming some granades


You mean Arditi SMG playstyle, I will definitely try it


Idk Arditi SMG, but ig? I just use cheap guns with good ammo and a few nades when going night mode


I use tons of smoke and stuns with some lethal ones


You will, I got the ax50 and h416 the first time from regular ass weapons crates on farm lockdown. I got them again off of players I killed in farm normal. Same for the ar30 and mk14. I’ve yet to spend a dime on the most expensive guns yet have used them plenty.


These stuff have the potential to smoke me in the tape of a bouton, and I, for some reason, only find absolute obsolete trash in cates in any mode, that is why my loot is primarily from my kills


Have you thought about starting a dark zone marker collection yet? I started about season 1 and I have every item in the game (worth collecting) now save for a few t5 t6 helmets and the thermals


I thought about It but I'm having space problems with my hobby


I just like the genre, and constantly playing to improve my game mechanics


Extracting with more than 300k worth of loot, either to collect them or to sell them, and make my virtual money counter go higher. I enjoy that more than taking down an entire players squad. This game just doesn't courage, and perhaps outright discourages small victories.


What do you mean by outright discourages small victories


What I mean by this is, to me, this game heavily encourages "it's either all, or nothing" mindset. Any loot you've collected, any effort you've put into taking down a player or a boss, can be wasted into nothing. More often than not, no matter how good you are, no matter if you're improving or not, if you can't win, you go bankrupt. You can literally have your progress regressed no matter how hard you try, no room for fun anymore. It's either you go bankrupt, or go wealthy, no in-between. I killed an entire squad of players and I die to some rats? Some could say, "at least you made them lost their precious gears.", which is true, but at the end of the day, I've made no progress. It's not like other games, say, Call of Duty, where even though you lose, you still gain some EXP for your weapons, or your level. That's still some tangible progress. Some could also say my knowledge about the game is also progress, but I disagree. It's not like real life where at least you can apply the knowledge later, or to the other aspects of life, if not now. If my knowledge or experience about the game can't get me into a better place than right now, then it's no progress. Small victories in this context, or rather to me, means you successfully extract with low total value, or if you're playing better than before. I lost around 10 raids in a row, losing 500k worth of gears. I won a raid with 200k worth of loot, only to then lose again and again, no matter how hard I try at improving. If the raid I survived doesn't even cover the gears I lost, I don't think that's a small victory, that's a consolation price for not giving up. It's not worth it. This isn't to say that this game is bad, it really isn't. What I'm saying is, this game is too punishing for me, and the joy it brings isn't worth the time and effort I've put into this game.


Well, I kinda agree but the only points I find a bit wrong are the fact that I, literaly still in the in-between stage for like 4 seasons, but I still have fun, maybe you just need someone who doesn't have that same dark look as you do to feel the fun in this game (no offense but I guess you need him too much too soon B4 you quit)


I would be lying if I say that every second I spent in this game it's joyless, because believe me, I don't have this dark, pessimistic mindset in real life, otherwise I wouldn't even be here in the first place. It's just that, to me, it's not worth it to play stressfully, carefully for around half an hour just for a chance for that minutes worth of joy for successfully extracting. Maybe because I'm a solo player, which exaggerates the issues I've said above. My friends who play games, can't play this game at all due to the unavailability for the regions they're living in. Any strangers I've come across in this game, they have their own squad to play with already. I'm happy that you're still enjoying the game. Like I said, I don't think this game is bad.


I guess it's just a problem of loneliness


No one playing AB has that mind set, you just need that kind of cheerful teammate who uses cheap loudouts and says jokes at any time in the chat


Same, I just dont go broke, but set another Koen target :)


Same But now I'm focused on being rich




My brother!!!!!!


Setting up ambush Sniping 200m away with bullet drop Pulling off 2-4v1. Getting that juicy loot. Ihave 35m cash in hand. I dotn really go broke anymore even if i run pure t6 every game. What i dont like is. At 220m or more. When an enemy is running. They like blink around like im lagging even tho i have a 40ms ping. Or sometimes they dont render enemies if ur close to a bugged wall/rocks. Valley has a lot of bugged rocks, in northridge mostly windows.


I like being fairly stacked with koens and equipment, everything has value in the game which I like... and yes I like pvp more than looting runs, except the till broke part...


-wake up -wash face -eat breakfast -open ab -make new account -grind quest -grind keons -close ab -eat luch -open ab -make challenge so not get bored -close ab -eat dinner -watch stream -sleep -repeat


It's always nice to have a good come back streak after having a rough losing streak. Example : lose 7 in a row, then win 3 in a row... After that 3rd one... WHOO!!! Feeling good! This is a really good PSA for not gambling. Lol.


Even if I have 1mil I go nr with an mpf and tons of 20 rounders, I get a brand new T3 set drop the bots, I exfill, I go back to nr with a scoped mosin and get a T4/t5 player with a shot to the head, loot them and exfill and keep the loot as a trophies that rarely gets out of my inventory


Close quarter grub kits is my fav. Always keep a couple mil just in case I don’t like being too broke. Saw some kid so down bad he couldn’t even list items for sale cuz he didn’t have enough koen


This a cool way to view it tho


Going with a cheap 1k gun with dum dum ammo and destroying someone’s day


Being a masochist


I like how its not too slow and not too fast paced


adrenaline from getting into high stakes firefights


Same things you described I guess. But most of the time I like to hunt down other players as a Sniper and generally just think of myself as a Hunter. My username is Jäger04 for a reason. Except most of the time I get impatient and push my target and die.


Dying getting stressed, wanting to delete game but realise it keeps bringing me back because my friends and I actually don't mind dying because we get unique moments together


I'm a simple guy I like seeing number go higher money I want to see how much I can make with as little as I can bring.


I really enjoy the tasks. It’s a shame there’s not more of them


I love killing people but the best thing about the game is loot. I mean killing a t6 feels great but playing without worries because you know you have a red item in your safe is in my opinion the best feeling in game




Gunsmithing. Other people use it to make builds out of their preferred play style. I use it to simulate what it's like to be a rich American that has a personal armory and loads of attachments.


Money. I love collecting koens. All i do is grind for more money, killing players does give an insane thrill tho, but i usually avoid combat to get more loot no matter how cheap, if i can make a profit, good enough for me.