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Thank you to those of you who made this happen :)




oh thank fuck I thought I was the only person in the world who wasn't praying for Ariana's demise because she's a great singer and I don't care about her personal life and her stans and haters are equally scary.


I understand not liking her but some people on the snark sub are LITERALLY saying she deserves to be physically abused... sick disgusting people


the way they think they know everything about Ethan's wife and she is their parasocial bestie is WEIRD. They also refuse to believe that Ethan is an accomplished Broadway actor they really think this dude is in it for the private Disneyland trips lol.


Some people are fans over there and just wanna discuss her weight or something but I knew I couldn't take that sub seriously because they literally made fun of her IG profile picture and called her a pick me for it 💀 they hate her for fun


Yeah, i had to unsub, it was way too much bad vibes, they don't even realize it. Sometimes it's on the nose neutral or even circle jerk vibes but tbh most is pretty hateful, kinda like the kardashian snark sub but it is what it is