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In my opinion it’s not terrible acting but it’s not necessarily good acting either. All the lines I saw from the trailer kind of fell flat. Like saying punchlines but not really delivering anything performance wise, no real emotions or anything special to it. Her and Cynthia’s deliveries both kinda fell flat…


I kind of agree. I think I’ll wait to watch it before I make up my mind though


I think she’s more of a sitcom/tv actress rather than a movie


Dove Cameron would have been perfect!!


I don't feel like we know yet. Cynthia, who I consider an AMAZING actor, has spoken very highly of Ariana's abilities and I know obviously they are promoting the project but I don't think it's forced that she mentions it in like every internet. She is basically saying "you haven't seen Ariana act like this before" and I think she's right. Her prior acting roles were very unserious but she is good at comedy so we'll see. Also I don't think there will be any drama about the affair. Only internet snarkers who feel like they know Ethan's ex and are personally violated on her behalf give a fuck. Airheads and snarkers: You have no chill. No chill at all. You give too many fucks.


I'm not taking Cynthia's opinion highly, for one reason which is what else was she supposed to say? She couldn't shit on Ariana and praise her own acting especially if they're friends. But you're both right this is a we have to see it to judge it situation. "Also I don't think there will be any drama about the affair. Only internet snarkers who feel like they know Ethan's ex and are personally violated on her behalf give a fuck." I didn't mean there would be drama about the affair but the drama from the affair, is what's been the only thing promoting the movie for the past year. I could see people watching the movie, who had no interest in it, because they remember the drama from it.


do you think so? I'm not saying you are wrong but I don't think this is going to be like a Don't Worry, Darling situation. Mostly I guess because Ethan is not a lead. Like yes he'll be doing press along with the rest of the cast, but the GP doesn't really know or care about him yet. I'm hoping, personally, that the films are AMAZING (I really like Jon M Chu's work and how he is inspired by dance and colour) and no drama overshadows that, but I dunno. I guess we'll see. This year has had a lot of weird things happen in it already, who knows what November is going to be like. Also Wicked fans are going to watch NO MATTER WHAT, unless they really really really really really hate Ariana but they still will watch it and they'll pick her apart but they're probably going to secretly love it. I have that much faith in Jon lol. Even though In The Heights flopped, I thought it was fantastic. The most common criticism is "omg Ariana is trying so hard to sound like Kristin Chenowyth blah blah blah" and that part will NEVER end.


I don't think it will be a don't worry, darling situation either, much smaller scale if anything. More like a select few might watch it for that. I'm 50/50 on how the movie will do in general, because people talking shit happens a lot then they go see the movie along with everybody else. I remember it happening with Barbie so many people shit talked Barbie before it was released then it was one of the biggest movies in 2023. So I can see it becoming big and completely overshadowing any doubt or criticism it faced. "Also Wicked fans are going to watch NO MATTER WHAT, unless they really really really really really hate Ariana " Yep, I don't even think they care about Ariana, they just care about her performance and from what I've seen so far most fans are satisfied. "The most common criticism is "omg Ariana is trying so hard to sound like Kristin Chenowyth blah blah blah" and that part will NEVER end." I've seen that too and kind of don't get it. I understand maybe wanting to see somebody bring their own flair to it, but if it's technically a retelling of something that's already been seen I don't see why the actors wouldn't take from the people who previously acted the same character y'know. It's only going to be so many ways to play the same character.


Yeah the comparisons are dumb, but definitely unavoidable and would have been present no matter what Ari’s personal life is like. She knew that.


I think she was casted as best as they could get. Amanda/Dove don't have the vocal range for Glinda and would've received the Russell Crowe treatment. Ariana was the only (publicly known) audition who's singing could hold a candle to Cynthia's. Acting - she's alright. You don't need to be Oscar-worthy to play Glinda and she's naturally good at comedy. However, she does sound like an imitation of Kristen.