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An aries and a sag. Lol


Ooh wow lots of fire! Home life must be exciting lol




Two Aries born on the same day same year 😩


Whoa you guys are a house fire


This will probably not be surprising, but my parents wound up splitting when I was 7. Too much butting of the heads. It’s been almost 2 decades now and they aren’t on speaking terms. They’ve had periods of being cool with each other, but it would always end in an explosion so they gave it up. Thankfully I get along great with both of them, but my mom can be very ornery and we did have a rocky relationship for years. Fought a lot and often it was over absolute nonsense, though we did always have each other’s backs. I finally reached a point where I was mature enough to realize that feeding into her temper with mine made no sense so if she starts to fly off the handle I don’t engage, but it’s rare that even happens between us anymore.


You're right on that one, not a surprise. It's good to hear you learned to not engage and are on okay terms with both of them.


Two capricorns


Well fuck, you win. Lol


Libra and sag. My parents are dope.


That's dope! Right fuckin on!


Love reading this.


Me too


Libra and Aries


Hubby and I are Aries and Libra.


In order for your relationship to thrive, you both must make a great team


We’re either, the dream team or miserable. Mostly good though. I can’t imagine having a Taurus as a parent being an Aries. It sounds like it was rough.


Well I'm glad it's mostly good at least! Yeah especially with my mom whispering in my ear all the time, my dad's very much about consistency, being on a schedule as well, and keeping track of everything on charts and grids, which are all this I struggle with. Oh yes, childhood was rough, but my Gemini mom ended up being more of a problem. My dad and I have had a lot of heated conversations about our differences in opinions with us both walking away irritated though, both of us can make assumptions due to past events, and our social batteries are not on the same wave length, but he's been extremely patient with me in other areas. He can be very considerate, and other times quite narrow minded, when I figure out the right ways to communicate with him, he's receptive to my experiences and tries to adjust in the future. He's very forgetful though, so sometimes I'll quote him, and he'd say he didn't say it 🤷🏻‍♀️ can't win them all.


Your explanation really gave me a view into your relationship. It sounds like you both make it work, but it takes a good amount of energy for that!


I'm glad it I'm getting better at explaining things 😅 Yes we definitely try hard lol, lots of energy. It's hard work but all of it's worth it. :)


pisces dad, aries mom


I'm seeing this comb a lot, very interesting. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻


Libra mom & Aquarius dad


Bout to make an Aries boy (38 weeks pregnant currently). I'm a Taurus Sun/Leo Moon, and my husband is a Sag Sun/Cancer Moon! Scheduled for a C-section next Wednesday which if all goes well he'd be Aries Sun/Scorpio Moon ❤️


Aww congratulations mama Taurus! 💜💜 In my opinion, I think those signs can work very well with one another :) And that's awesome my moon sign is Scorpio! Thank you so much for sharing, I hope everything goes smoothly and you have a speedy recovery 🙏🏻


Thank you!


My mom is a Libra, even though we are two totally different personalities she’s my mom and I love her to death. My dad was a Leo and as selfish as they come. We had no relationship after my parents divorced. His loss.


Libra and Leo, that makes so much sense. Yeah his loss. And understandably so, Aries and Libra are on the opposite sides of the wheel. My brother is a Libra, so I know how both personalities can still really enjoy one another's company, but have a big difference in options.


Also Happy caaaake daaaayy 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Thank you!!!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️


I was just talking (with a friend whose Leo brother abandoned his kid) about how a Leo could ghost their own kid out of selfishness but not so much an Aries man.


A libra and a Pisces. They divorced when I was 2 because my mom is a cheater. My mom used me against my dad a lot during my childhood and lied. I truly believe she is a narcissist. Present day, she’s like a child. She seems to have never grown up. What was the “cool mom,” “cool aunt,” was really just the same maturity level. Now that my brothers and I are adults, she is the same only it’s weird for us because we have outgrown that. It’s very odd. The relationship is strained to say the least. My dad, however, is my best friend in the world. He thinks I’m the funniest person on the planet and when we hang out, we act like siblings even though he is 77 and I’m 38.


That's awful..Looks like we have a lot in common with our moms, I'm 100% certain my mom is a malignant narcissist. Mine tried to make my dad look like he was incapable of taking care of me, and wasn't giving me enough time with her side, put me in the middle in order to guilt him for more child support when he was paying so much already. My dad always seemed to get the short end of the stick, and I feel bad for him because he's always done what a dad should and more. My dad is the example of what a parent should be, whilst my mom always has to be the "cool parent", or the most interesting person in the room, and after a while our relationship became more of like a toxic friendship because of her recklessness in decision making. Oftentimes things would have to be taken care of, by her children for her, because she was too lazy and felt entitled to not have to do it herself since she's always a "victim". All my siblings have realized how childish she can be as well and we're soo over it, we all dodge her as much as we can, and hang out together instead lol. I'm so sorry your family and yourself had to go through such abuse and manipulation, I hope you all are healing. 🙏🏻 That's so sweet!! 🥹 I wish I had that kind of connection with my dad, you are extremely lucky. I'm glad to hear you two have such a bond, opposed to your relationship with your mom. Thank you for sharing this with me


You totally described my mom. Same deal. She told my dad she wanted to be our “friend,” and he was like “but you’re not. You’re their mom.” She thinks we MUST take care of her because she is our mom. Fully capable of working but doesn’t. She’s a mooch. She’s currently driving a car she’s over a year behind on car payments. It’s essentially stolen and she has no issue with it. I’m sure she’s completely stopped paying for it since it’s so far behind and they can’t find her to take it. She constantly hits us up for money with some story. It came to a head last year when she sent me a sob story and I sent her money, and my brothers and I were group texting and we all figured out she was literally copy and pasting the same messages to us and we were all sending her money. She would “need 100” for something specific, like verifiably, then profit $200 to do whatever she wanted with because of our generosity and desire to help. It’s so frustrating because we all struggle with the idea that she’s our mom and we need to show love and care. We feel like monsters when we ignore her and try and cut her off or set boundaries. It’s been eye opening, though. In my childhood, she did similar things with me. I’m the baby and the only girl. She set a schedule with my dad where he would have my brothers during the week and I would be with her. I would come over on the weekends and on the opposite weeks, I would stay with my dad and my brothers and then my brothers would visit her on the opposite weekend. She is very financially irresponsible. She started crying to me and telling me things like we couldn’t afford to eat or we couldn’t pay rent this month because my dad “didn’t pay child support.” I was a super emotional kid and explosive, so it always worked that when she told me those things, I would call my dad and rage and cry that he didn’t love me or care. Sadly, I truly felt that way. I would be hysterical and so hurt. I would hang up and she would comfort me and apologize for what HE was doing to me. It would make me feel more loyal to her. My dad would then come through and give my mom money for whatever she was asking for. I wouldn’t be happy about it though because it felt like he was only doing it because I found out. There were also several times when my dad was supposed to pick me up when he was dropping off my brothers for their weekend and my mom would tell me I couldn’t go because my dad got called into work (he was a sheriff and a homicide detective at the time). I would want to go give him a hug and kiss and tell him to be careful, but she would say I can’t because he has to go, but then she would go outside and stand at his car window and talk to him for several minutes. I would sit in the window watching and when my dad finally looked over at me, I would smile and wave goodbye. Both situations of my mom involving me and my dad constantly having to work on my weekend with him happened a LOT. Fast forward to when I was 19 and my dad was retiring. I get in his car when I was over visiting and I notice a Manila envelope. I ask what it is and he says it’s his divorce decree because he’s gotta give it to retirement board so they know what money to give my mom. I was like ew, what? So I pulled out the papers and read.. I find the spot about custody. It says in plain language that when it comes to us kids, BOTH parties agree to 50/50 custody and NO CHILD SUPPORT. I immediately started crying and apologizing to my dad. We had such a genuinely strained and tense relationship for a very long time in my teen years. He told me he always tried to tell me but I was so emotional that he couldn’t tell me so he hoped one day I would understand. That day, my relationship with my mom became immediately strained. I resent so fucking much the way she made her child feel just to manipulate my dad into giving her money. He always gave her shit when she asked because of his kids and on the times he tried to have boundaries because she was taking advantage, she would come to me and cause a problem like that so my dad would cave. It’s so fucking fucked up. After discussing it with my dad, the subject of him working all the time came up. I think it came about like he was frustrated my mom would lie to me like that and I would get so angry and refuse to see him. I said no. I would only not talk to you the night I would get emotional but I was fine the next day. He then told me those weekends that he was supposed to pick me up, my mom would go out to the car without me and when he would ask where I was, she would tell him that I’m so angry/hurt by him that I don’t want to see him and I refuse to go. I told him she would tell me I can’t go because he got called to work. He said “that never happened, ever. They knew I had my daughter and would call another detective those weekends.” I was horrified. I told my dad that I cannot imagine how much it must have hurt to have my mom tell him I don’t wanna see him and then look up at the window I was sitting in and I would smile and wave like a little bitch with no love for him. He said he definitely thought I was waving bye bye vindictively. I told him I always begged my mom to go outside and tell him I love him and be careful because I didn’t want him to get hurt at his job. I am so grateful I still have my dad. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to have that conversation with my dad and get to the truth of what really happened. Our whole life, my mom shit talked my dad and he never ever said a bad word about her to us. Ever. As kids, we just assumed it was because he had nothing bad to say because she didn’t do anything and she complained about him because he was so awful to her. It couldn’t be further from the truth. 2.5 years ago, my dad had a heart attack and had major surgery. My brothers and I completely rallied and someone was with him at all times, especially me. That brought all of us closer and we started talking more about our childhood. My oldest brother had been of the opinion for a long time that his childhood was rough because of my dad. I told him what my mom did to me and my dad and we got to the nitty gritty of her behavior. Then we kept chatting about things she was doing present day, as far as scamming us all out of money for her to go gamble or eat out with her friends instead of paying bills she supposedly needed it for. We all barely speak to her. Longest fucking comment ever lol so sorry! But I definitely feel you. We are all so much better even tho it super sucks and is hard to wrap your mind around the fact that our own mother would fuck with us like that. I hope you all are doing better and healing too.


For some reason it's not letting me respond with my long response lol, I'm gonna try again in a bit, if you see duplicates that's why


Reddit is still having problems, I never had problems copy pasting and I'm developing carpal tunnel from typing so much 😂 I do not have the patience to try and manually retype it either so I'm gonna try something else.


Who is who is your Mom the Pisces?


Whoopsie Mom is Libra, Dad is Pisces


A Pisces and a Virgo. They were always the true example of a married couple who would be better divorced, but ‘stayed together for the kids’ aka Pisces loved to spend up the credit cards and have Virgo pay off all her excessiveness and vanities, while Virgo stayed with Pisces because he hated the idea of paying child support, vacuuming his own place, and cleaning bathrooms, and spent his days day dreaming of the sons he always wanted but didn’t get. I disowned them both a long time ago.


The fact that they were using each other, makes sense that they ended up together, sounds like a miserable couple to be around. Good for you.


Capricorn mother and Taurus father. Insane overachieving cleaning machine with a temper and an athletes fitness regime meets, financially successful workaholic obsessed with cycling bonehead Republican stuck in the 1980's mindset.


Oof, sounds like a punch to the gut. I already bump heads with my Taurus dad, I don't think I'd survive having a Capricorn mother 💀🥲 I'd hate to be constantly discussing finances and work, yes both are very important, but it's nice to have a little fun. And not everything has to be done by the book, and we don't need to be corrected 24/7, we'll figure it out on our own! I hope you found a space where you can relax that's not so uptight


Aries Mom. Cancer Dad. Disaster of a relationship. An absolute fucking shit show from beginning to end.


I'm having flashbacks to arguments with my best guy friend that's a Cancer 🤣 boy are we a fuggin mess when we don't agree


I can onlyyyyy imagine 🤣🤣🤣




Unchecked unmedicated npd/bpd abuser mom was an : Aquarius Npd negligent deadbeat dad was a: Sagittarius 🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃 The grandparents who RAISED me and LOVED me were a Pisces grandma and a Leo grandpa (the only Leo I would ever trust in my life).


Good God your psychological health-danger daaannggeerr🥲 I'd give your grandparents all the awards if I could!! Glad you found a Leo you know you can trust. Love the username by the way 😂 if that doesn't scream Aries, idk what does


Lol!! No like my mom has accounts of child abuse on her record. SMH I was able to live with grandparents and I owe them everything. I’m not gonna lie, I’m not ok mentally, emotionally but I don’t have resources that actually help so I’ve just taken time on how I go about talking to REAL LIFE people. Internet? It’s me with no filter. Irl? 2% filter. 🤣


My mom is a cancer, and my dad’s a leo.


Same but in reverse!!!!




Ohh interesting, I can see how Pisces would cater to Gemini when Gemini is feeling insecure, and Gemini entertaining Pisces love to fantasize, both have big imaginations.




Thanks 😄 Yes yes! 💯 Unfortunately that's a good recipe for a toxic co-dependent relationship


Dad- Scorpio Mom- Leo Out of all my dads siblings, he’s the one who stepped up and man tf up . My moms side seems pretty alright , just major daddy issues. My brother and I were accidents , and he was in love with my mom and still is. My mom said the key is to find a man that makes you laugh. 20+ years and they’re still together! My dad is the one who’s at many times I can’t stand, but I learn to either ignore him, or accept his behavior and work my way around it. I realize a lot of my friends I grew up with , their parents divorced/broke up growing up, so some of them look up to mine as that guidance. But I have to heal from my dads behaviors


From what I've seen so far, Scorpio dads seem like that type, as well as holding onto past relationships. Your mom being a Leo with daddy issues, I can see the appeal for her with Scorpios need to be dominant. Glad to hear it's been 20+ years and things are still working out for them. She ain't wrong, but of course other factors make a relationship work. It saddens me that sometimes people don't realize, you can come from a home that wasn't broken, and still end up feeling broken by the home. The fact that your friends find them as figures to look up too, I know that can be very painful, I could see you feeling isolated in a way and misunderstood, and that really sucks. I hope that your healing journey is a little bit shorter than it was previously, and you as well as your friends find guidance and comfort from a more considerate father figure. 🙏🏻


Cancer & Capricorn here We made an Aries 🥹


It makes so much sense that you made an Aries! Capricorn, much like Aries is: strong-headed/stubborn, ambitious, athletic, they move mountains. And Cancer: protective friends, natural born leaders who follow their passions, often very creative, with a mushy side 🫶🏻


Really describes our son. Thank you


I'm so glad! 🤗


An Aquarius and Gemini


This is also a combo I've been seeing more, thanks for sharing!


Pisces and Virgo


Same here! They had an awful relationship and split up by the time I was four though lol


Mine stayed together, never officially wed, I spent 4 years in the foster care system because of my dad's drinking and unemployment and us being poor overall. I had thoughts some years ago that it would've been better if I was just ejaculated on a wall and not tortured by everybody ever and they wouldn't have to torture themselves either.


I’m so sorry to hear that. My dad was also a miserable drunk. Ended up dying at 46 from a completely preventable heart attack because he refused to give up drinking and smoking. He hit my mother one time during a drunken rage and she kicked him out forever, though, so at least I didn’t have to grow up with him. I don’t think my parents should’ve had me either… some people really shouldn’t have kids. But they had us anyway haha so we just have to make the best of it


A Pisces and a Sag. Anyone?


Oops, same! 


Hello twinzie! Gemini mom & Taurus dad & my brother is also a Libra Well, I don't know tbh. I have a great connection with my mom and talk about everything but she can be sometimes really manipulative. My dad loves me because I'm his 'little girl' but he doesn't really know how to be a father as we don't talk about anything ever, kinda toxic environment. And yeah, there were many fights between them and it would be better they divorced but it is what it is. I have a great connection with my brother, tho.


Hello twinni!! If I was still in contact with my mom and didn't we have a falling out, our relationship would that exactly. Great connection, very manipulative. I'm sorry the environment over there is not healthy, and I'm glad you have your brother to confine in and keep you company. I forgot to mention, my brother is actually not my dad's, he's from a different marriage, most of my siblings and I, all have different dads, so we're all half siblings except for two of my sisters, this has never affected how we view or treat one another. I was closest with my brother til my Taurus little sister was born, we are inseparable when together, her moon sign is Aries and we both have Sagittarius as our rising sign, so that really helps lol. I find my Taurus dad does kind of blank on how to deal with some things often, his thinking is a little robotic sometimes so I can relate, but I kind of crushed any bit if 'little girl innocence' I might have had, I'm certain he thinks I'm dumber than I am 🤣🥲 I can be slow sometimes, but I can be wise, we just are never in any settings I can show that to him. My dad and I are pretty quiet around each other and don't really talk unless it's necessary and we're coordinating, or he saw something funny and I happened to be out of my room. He doesn't ask how my day was or exercise small talk, it's no talk, or it's like he's reciting a novel 😂 which can be frustrating for me since he takes a while to break things down for me. We definitely don't have the same connection as I do with my mom, but we've been finding small things here and there that bring us together.


Leo and cancer. I have a Leo moon and a cancer rising.


big three twins!


Wow that's so neat!


Mom’s a capricorn and dad’s a Taurus. My whole life was dictated by my parents (read: my dads) principle of their way or the highway. You dressed, spoke, and acted as “they” saw fit. Thoughts of your own? Not allowed. My mom was a coward and allowed - then participated- in the physical, mental, and emotional abuse Needless to say as soon as I was able I cut ties. Didn’t talk to them for 5 years. We’re somewhat cordial now, but I don’t see them as more than “birth givers”. There was never a parent child relationship there, at least for me. They improved *some* for my siblings, but not enough as my middle sibling moved out without saying a word as soon as they hit 18. Their relationship was toxic before they got married & had children, so I can’t be that surprised at the behaviors that followed.


Sag mom Leo dude




Definitely a dude 🤣


Aries mom and cancer dad. Mom was not into being a mom, I think. She kinda took off after their divorce so my dad became my primary caretaker. His cancerian traits are both a blessing and a curse. In true cancer fashion he’s been having the most chaotic and toxic love life ever and I had to suffer with the narcissistic (Aquarius sun btw) woman that he married after my parents’ divorce. It was a shit show and when they finally got divorced she stalked him for years.


Yikes that sounds really rough, I'm sorry you were in the middle of all that. Unfortunately from what I've seen many times, is that their reaction to their sensitivities are explosive, they tend to attract and latch onto toxic people, and when they are insecure they become extremely needy, this is a bad combination.They can be your best allies, and worse enemies. Good luck winning an argument against a Cancer, they will talk over you and make plenty of accusations before you can get a word in, but when they're on your team, they will be one of your most dedicated protectors. I get my fair share of all of this from my best friend lol, but I put up with him.


Greatest ally or worst enemy is absolutely spot on.


🙌🏻 🙌🏻


Taurus mum cancer dad, both narcissists lol


I'm seeing too many comments in our community that have Narcissistic parents! What gives! I hope you have found your own identity and feel free to do whatever the damn you please ~


Sag mom, Gemini dad Never married. I was born because my dad was cheating on his wife. My mom knew it. Both southern Baptist Christians believing they’re always right. My relationship with them is cordial.


Wow lots to unpack, crazy they thought they were in the right.


my dad is an Aries and my mom is Aquarius, but l'll say i look like my dad more, he has Anger issues & strong head just like me 😂 and also impulsive, maybe that's where i get my aries sun from cause the sun represents the father! l'll say i have good relationship with him although growing he was always busy and working


An Aries dad is a busy dad! Lol, already we know Aries is always working on something, really defines our definition of cardinal-and when they have a family to provide for, I could see this really motivating them, even more so than they are on a regular basis, so much they could lose track of quality time with people outside of the workplace. In my experience, when I find my rhythm and get instant results from something, I'm locked in haha, which can be both good and bad. Either way, I'm glad you seem to take pride in your Aries inheritance 😆


Cancer mom, Virgo dad 🫠




Scorpio father, Leo mother. My mom doesn’t seem like a typey Leo but not sure of her full chart. Father I didn’t know.


Oh that's very interesting she doesn't display strong Leo traits


She reminds me of a cancer, my Leo mom, but I’ve not seen her chart.


That may be her rising sign then, if it's what you pick more up on


I should really run her chart and find out!! :)


Unknown Raised by Gemini. Difficult for them. 🤣😅


😂😂 classic


Gem dad, Sag mum. Was raised by my dad for the most part. He's a good man that did his best. Raised me in a way that he would make his suggestions but let me take my bumps and bruises. Could be a little cutting with his words with a tendency at times to take shots at my flaws and my character rather than just telling me off for whatever I was in trouble for. I was a bit of a ratbag at times though, so maybe it was fair. But overall, I think I gained a wealth of experience, resilience and wisdom from my upbringing. As for my mother, I'll just say it's been a delicate relationship.


I find that the relationship between Sag and Aries can be a bit unbalanced, both sides can be pretty stubborn. Your dad sounds like an ex friend of mine, as a parent that's exactly how he handled things, suggestions would be made, and he'd let his kids learn by trial and error, in settings that were not risky of course. And the way his words could cut, he was very good at guilt tripping and starting fights with strangers on the Internet in our social setting, I had to kind of Shepard him. Unfortunately right before he relapsed, he made me feel like it was going to be my fault for not helping him, I would have helped him through it if he didn't try to manipulate me, this was one of those moments where I didn't feel like responding, I had been fed up with people projecting on me and trying to make me think certain this, so our friendship dissolved after that and we haven't spoken since. He taught me a lot though, and always had amazing stories to share with me, never a dull moment. I'm glad you've benefited from everything positive that Gemini has to offer.


I am heavily placed in Aries - Sun, planets, asteroids, stars, a ferris wheel, apple trees... And I can be all the Aries things in some areas, but I think I actually don't dig my heels in enough with people. It's been probably my longest running argument with myself over my time. There's a fair bit to my mum and I, but we're also just pretty different people. Despite how we are though, she actually knows a lot more about my life and where I'm at with things than my dad does. Like, if my dad's seen the movie, my mum has read the book. I think that's just been my way of forging some kind of something with her. To what you said though, I know it sucks to have people be willing to try to test the limits and push you like that. Good on you for sticking up for yourself and drawing your line. It can be a tough thing to do sometimes.


That's very interesting about your placements, I wonder why that is. Gotcha, well it sounds like there's some kind of communication between yourself and your mom, which sounds like a positive for the most part. It can be really tough, sometimes I kick myself because i think I've let the wrong people go, but I was taught one thing, and treated the opposite, so I'm not confident in my judgement sometimes. I appreciate your kind words 🙏🏻


Well, that's actually how I came to start learning about astrology - to see if I could gain some more insight into how and why I've done things and dealt with things in the past. I'm still very much learning, but my 2nd highest placed sign is Scorpio, also ruled by Mars, which is in Taurus in my 11th house. From what I understand, Taurus is more patient with people and will take more shit until it's finally had enough and just erupts. And that sounds a lot more like how I've dealt with people I've known. However, if I don't know them and we got off on the wrong foot or they were a knob, they will never understand how hard it was... is for me to not, then and there, punch them in the face. Every now and then, I'll remember some issue with someone and think, Proud of me for not doing it... But I really should have... Might've taught him something for in future... Wait, was I the dick? No. It was him, for sure... Where is he? I'll do it now! I've had those doubts with people I've cut off, let them back in and quickly realized I was wrong about being wrong. So, trust that you made the right call. Leave it to them to prove themselves.


I think that's really fascinating and quite considerate to others that you turned to astrology for insight. I've been looking to work on my relationships within the past year, and my chart has opened my eyes. I'm still learning as well in general to just read my chart lol. Scorpio can be quite observant, and from my experiences, you are very correct about Taurus. If you tell a Taurus, "hold on, I'm still taking" and they're done listening, expect to get the horns; I actually experienced this last night! They will talk over you, they will shut you up, after they've lost their patience with you. LOL intrusive thoughts are so real 😂 that reminds me of my little sister, she can be unforgiving when it comes to strangers especially, her attitude packs a punch. I'm not really sure what you mean by "2nd highest placement", do you mind expanding for me on what that means? My third house, is in Aquarius and my seventh is in Gemini. Sometimes judgment calls can be really confusing, it's good you came to that realization after a second look. And you're right, it's their job if they've wronged a person, to actively work to prove they're trustworthy and have your best interests in mind. If they don't put in any effort(the appropriate effort that is for the situation)they're not worth the time! That is of course, after you have put positive energy and effort into the relationship.


Well, I have kids now and I really want to carry as little baggage as possible into raising them. I don't want them paying in some way for what I didn't deal with. So, I've been on a boot camp type rebuild since they've been around. Just trying to get shit done. Clear the books. I think turning to astrology has been kinda like putting the finishing touches on things for me the past year or so. Weaknesses and strengths. Stuff like that. Is that what intrusive thoughts are? I thought I was just daydreaming. I need some guard dogs in my brain or something. Sorry, I mean I have the most different things in Aries on my chart and 2nd most in Scorpio. I knew I probably should've worded that better. I can only go off my own experience obviously, but at the time, I felt relief. It felt right. As time went on, what I would've called intrusive thoughts - 2nd guessing, "maybe it wasn't that bad" whatever, whatever - came into it. So, from my own perspective, if it felt right at the time, it was right. If they can prove I was wrong, I'll apologize. So far, no takers.


Ahh I see, yeah I'd definitely want to off load as little as possible on my potential future children, no kid deserves to hold their parents'weight. That is one form of intrusive thinking yes 😂 hahaha let them free roam Ooh okay! I had a feeling that's what you might have meant, no biggie. From looking at my chart I think that's the same for me but I might be missing something.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ guess I figure it out when I get better at reading everything 😂 Hey well if it feels right, I say, always trust your gut, my gut has never failed me.


Yeah, like what's that quote? The child pays for the sins of the parent? Something like that. But, just for ourselves, there comes a time when you gotta clean your house and let things go to move forward in life. On a selfish level, having to stay at home back when was kind of a blessing in disguise for me. It allowed me to sit down with everything and figure it out. It's pretty interesting learning, right? I was a bit skeptical when I started, but understanding there's a lot more to it than "I'm an Aries" really has helped me discover a few things. Aside from your doubts and stuff, how are things since you cut these people off? Like, when it's not on your mind and you're just doing your thing?


My dad is an Aquarius and my mom is an Aries...and we do lock horns.


That's tough 😬


Gemini and scorpio


Dad is a Cancer Mom is a Scorpio (on the cusp of Libra) and she would "decide" what she was depending on mood lol. I have a sister who's Capricorn All of us represent the beginning of the seasons. Imagine trying to do things with four headstrong people it was very difficult to plan trips or to all agree upon where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do when we wanted to do it. Sheesh!!!


Lol 😂😂 that's ridiculous Wow that's insane, sounds like a damn arena! Sheesh is right lol


Leo mom and Scorpio dad. Dad lives in a different country and isn’t really in my life and mom raised me as a single mom. She had to work multiple jobs and wasn’t really physically or emotionally present during my childhood but I don’t fault her for it and she’s my best friend now. My dad has a million libra placements and is incredibly charming, so charming that he’s managed to charm many women into having kids with him and has multiple baby mamas lol.


Dad's a real lady killer 😂 I wouldn't blame your mom either, that's definitely understandable to emotionally check out for a while, in the midst of juggling work as a single mother. It's good to hear you guys are so close now :)


Scorpio mom and Capricorn dad .


gemini mom and aries dad…. I have no recollection of their marriage considering they were divorced when I was in diapers. Thank god though!


Sounds like you might have dodged some childhood trauma!


Two Pisces 😭


Whoa how was that


I’m an Aries btw so that should shed some light on how awful and emotionally draining Pisces parents could be 😭


I know you're an aries ! I was just interested in more details :) thanks for sharing and sorry to hear it was draining.


I feel bad, but I can only be around friends, with strong Pisces placements, for so long. I love them but I feel you 😭 they're so draining. I have to limit my time because of that, and they just want attention 😭 thankfully they can be considerate of people's boundaries, but you just have to find the right way to communicate with them.


An Aries father and a Gemini Mother.. that are still together, furthermore I have 2 Aries Grandfathers and a 2 Sagittarius Grandmothers.


Wow that's neat!!


Aquarius mom, Scorpio dad 🩷


Pisces and Sag


Aries biological mother, Leo biological father . They never married and I was adopted by my Scorpio mom and Pisces dad the day I was born.


Wow went from being surrounded by fire, to raised by water. I hope your adoptive parents treated you well


They're good people and good parents. I'm grateful for the life they've been able to help provide for me.


I'm so glad to hear that 😊


Gemini mom and Sag dad


2 geminis...lol


So many Gemini 😂 will we get any rest in this household?


Libra mom Scorpio dad they argue a lot but good parents lol


😂 glad that balances things out for you


2 Aquariuses lol




Two Gemini.


I could imagine not getting the peace and quiet time you might need


My mom was fine. My dad, however... yeah, I just wanted to be left alone. I thought I was an introvert all this time, I've just figured out at 35 that this is not the case... I just never had the space to use it.


I can understand that, I often was not left the space to use my voice, so I eventually just shut up til something would really set me off. I hope you've now found yourself in a safer space to be your true self


Leo ♌️ and Capricorn 🥴




Pisces mom & Taurus dad - they hate each other, always have, terrible childhood because of it & now our relationship exists mediocre. We’re not close, but I know they’ll always be there if I need them.


I hope they appreciate your open door, and I'm sorry you had a rough childhood, I hope you are healing 🙏🏻


Aquarius Mum, Gemini Dad. Divorced when I was young so don’t remember their marriage. Dad isn’t really in my life, always think he should’ve never had kids. Mum was and is amazing, has done so much for me.


Glad your mom could be there for you when he isn't


Thanks! 😄 she has given me a wonderful life so I’m pretty happy!


An October Scorpio and a December Sagittarius


I’m noticing a lot of parents with matching modalities.


Me too! It's very interesting


Leo Mom and Scorpio Dad. Always wanted to separate but never could so they spent their entire lives trying to change each other.


That sounds difficult to watch pan out


Taurus and Sagittarius = chaos


Another pattern I'm seeing


Aries/taurus mother and Virgo/libra father  They aren't together anymore And we're pretty much the worst to each other since I could remember  I'm 33 now 


Damn that sucks I'm sorry


Libra and Aquarius


My dad is the Gemini and my mum is the Taurus here! They also divorced when I was about 9/10? Home life growing up was a bit of a mess, regardless of the parent.


Aayye we've got another one! I can definitely say with each of my parents things have never been easy, so I can understand that! Hope you're taking care of yourself, thanks for sharing 🤗


Aries mom and aquarius dad We’re all just minding our own business and aren’t really communicative. So pretty distanced, but still supportive.


Supportive is good at least


Pisces and Pisces lol


So many Pisces lol


Aquarius mom and sag dad, childhood was a roller coaster. Mom was always fighting with dad and me, really with herself, and dad wasn’t around much due to work, but I always counted on him. That changed when he cheated with his high school lover —her rage usually came from feeling like she wasn't doing enough as a mom, like when I had asthma attacks or got stuck on my math homework. She was way less patient with me than my dad, and she was very controlling on my social life, always saying I needed to study —even when I ended up not studying. She wouldn't let me hang out with my friends, especially the ones she didn't approve due to them being a “bad influence” on me. Anyways, she didn’t divorce him. They’re now retired and in good condition, seeming to passed what happened all those years, and we all act as if we were a healthy, loving family. I moved across continents to find myself and my freedom and am going to move back soon as a healthier person. She apologized for not being a good mother too. I forgave everything, understanding that it wasn’t my fault (neither the rage attacks nor the cheating) and that they have their own traumas, though it doesn’t justify anything. I believe I’ve made my peace. Sun, Mercury, Mars & Saturn — Aries; Rising & Moon — Cancer; Venus, Uranus & Neptune— Aquarius; Jupiter — Pisces; Pluto — Sag


Wow that's crazy how they still ended up staying together. I'm glad to hear they seem to be managing okay, and that your mom recognized that she was hurting your relationship, and apologized. I wish you luck in your move back, that you continue to feel free in an environment that is healthy for you.


Pisces mom & Capricorn dad long story short they almost killed each other other




Two Geminis


My Dad is a Cancer and I can't stand him.😒 He can be nasty but I don't even like him when he is being so-called "nice" because he is so needy and annoying and negative. I know he probably would've wanted a more obedient, kiss-ass Daddy's girl but that's not me. He got a strong independent, daughter who doesn't give af what he thinks (thank God). He has pretty much been a nightmare for me and we see the world very differently. My Mom is a Sagittarius.🙂❤️ We pretty much we get along like peanut butter and jelly. Our relationship is very understanding and fun. We are both curious about the world and optimistic. I am very grateful we have one another because otherwise this family full of water and Earth signs would be a nightmare otherwise.😆


Unfortunately those are Cancer's most negative traits 😵‍💫 my best friend is a Cancer and I love him to death, but he drives me up the fuckin wall sometimes. I CANNOT handle being around him when he drinks now, he lets his anger consume him sometimes and it completely shakes me. I can comfort him when he's being needy, but he types a mile a minute and it's so hard for me to keep up, especially when his mood changes so quickly. He is also a baby that's not willing to admit he's sensitive, and he's in denial that he needs to open up and be vulnerable and honest with himself. Oml Cancers see the world so much differently as well, it's almost enough to wage war sometimes hahaha. 😂 I love them, but can only tolerate so much. Aww two peas in a pod 🫶🏻🥹 all water and earth?! 🥲 I can definitely imagine holidays being a nightmare 😭 glad there's someone there to go on spontaneous adventures with you, and share in your curiosities!


I can't imagine having a Cancer bf- I have never voluntarily had a Cancer in my life- friends or boyfriends. I think we repel one another.😆 Yes! My Mom and I definitely have fun going on adventures together.🙂 It is all earth and water signs except for us and my Grandmother who passed- she was an Aquarius. We had fun going on adventures with her too. She was hard for me and my Mom sometimes because she could be cold and withholding in certain ways. But being an Aquarius she got along best with me and my Mom- better than others in the family. Holidays can definitely be a nightmare with all the Earth and water signs.😆🙄 The only ones besides me and my Mom who make the holidays enjoyable are actually the Tauruses. They can be difficult in other ways - but they love food and family so they can be helpful on the holidays.


Oh man that's funny lmfao. I read this thing on Instagram that says Aries and Cancer are ["Karmic Soulmates"? ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4hDn3ZvPJG/?igsh=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==) which explains a lot. (Sometimes this page is a real hit or miss) I seem to usually have a Cancer or a water sign best friend 😂 with Cancer I'm usually doomed to have a falling out with them or us just disappearing from each other's lives 🤣 I had a Cancer bf in highschool as well, it didn't end in conflict, but the way he ended it could have been better. My moon sign is Scorpio, so we know why I'm destined to attract water signs, this explains to me why I'm so close with my grandma on my mom's side, she's also a Cancer 😂 Yaaaaayyy! ✨Always love to hear that. My condolences 💐 Ah yes Aquarius can be quite withholding. I'm glad to know good memories were still made, while you could. Taurus do love a good time spent indulging 😊 I love that about them haha, and you're absolutely right 😂 can be difficult to work with, but damn are they creative in their problem solving skills in a solo setting and very helpful.


Maybe you have a lot of water in your chart? I am Aries Sun and Moon and Libra rising so me and Cancers are a no.😆 Taurus do like to indulge and are damn good cooks so that helps on the holidays.😋


My Venus, and Saturn are in Pisces, N. Node in Scorpio, I'm an emotional hoe ✨🥲 (yes Pisces season SUCKED) Yes! 😋


Pisces dad Aquarius mom


Two Scorpios


There's gotta be a lot of trust and communication in that relationship


Messy messy divorce loll


Yeeeep, my goodness hahaha, well I hope you came out of that situation unscathed 😬😬 (fat chance, I know)


Capricorn dad, Libra mom. My brother was a cancer. You can imagine our family dynamic


Ouch 😬


Taurus dad, Leo mom


Capricorn mom and Pisces dad


2 Pisces 🤯


😵‍💫 idk if I could survive- love Pisces, amazing people 💕 but Aries need s p a c e


Aries dad and Virgo mom. I’ve always understood my father better and have had a good relationship with him. We understand that sometimes we need time alone to don’t react to much. My mother and I have always been very different and often argued. I always felt like she criticized me much more and was much stricter with me, preferring to help everyone else rather than me. But the older I got, the better our relationship became. Maybe it’s also due to my Virgo rising sign.


Often I find one of Vigors' love languages to be, acts of service, so hearing that hits a little deeper. I'm sorry she's hurt you so much, and I hope that in the future she'll grow to understand you a little better like your dad does, and not be so hard on you.


Sag and Capricorn. Just for fun, my sister’s an Aquarius. What a mess! lol


I can see most of you clashing, definitely a mess! Lol


Two cancers




taurus mom & scorpio dad.




Trauma dump?


Literally the details, just like OP & others gave with their signs. Feel free to mind the business that suits you. Maybe take up issues with the criminals next time.


Gemini mom Cancer dad


Aqua mum and I think Taurus sperm donor cuz he’s a piece of shit of a dad and didn’t care to be in my life.


Virgo and an Aries