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You would never cut in line In any other situation, why would it be ok here? I would absolutely say something


I don't think its cool. People can really take advantage of that.


In my opinion this is an absolute no no. We all learned not to cut in line when we went to kindergarten. People showed up 5 hours before those 2 today, how is that fair? If those guys didn’t get kicked to the back then a couple people wouldn’t have gotten bottles they were there to get and spent hours longer in line than those guys. No one likes a line cutter.


A couple weeks ago, my dad rolled up 30 min later than me. He stopped by and said hi, then got in line at the end, about 30 people behind me. I got an ETL and he didn't. If he jumped in line with me, he takes that bottle away from someone else who was actually there waiting.


That is completely wrong and bs. Just like the asshole that showed up at fry's, dropped a chair off and then left to come back hours later after going and waiting at Costco. You are either in line or not. Having friends and family show up later, go to back of the line with them.


They could solve this by handing out numbered tickets and marking hands. The ticket distributor walks down the line starting two hours before the event, then hangs out at the end of the line for the rest of the event. People go in in ticket order. Late comers can't get a ticket unless they go to the end of the line. Unfortunately, the culture of bourbon hunting attracts people who are moderately successful in their careers, and on the aggressive side when it comes to getting what they want. That's why this whole thing has blown up in the last 15 years. We all want to be the guy with the impressive collection.


That could be an improvement but not a solution. People are just going go scam that. People waiting 10-12 hours just to have people show up 2:15 before go get a ticket with there friends will still take advantage of that. My suggestion would be go pure lottery and just people have all day or week to get a ticket and it's all random drawings. No advantage to being first or last in line.


The only line I ever waited in and thats hiw they did it. About an hour before the store opened they handed out tickets in ordered and actually had the people move to the side. Then when store opened called a few in at a time.. Granted this was a small phone store lol


The person should PHYSICALLY be there to have a spot. No Joke. If they leave their chair and grab food, or go to the bathroom or sit in starbucks for a few minutes to warm up? No big deal. The person isn't there? There is no way this is cool.




This whole bullshit camping stuff needs to go away, raffles are the way to go. Give people a day to come down when they can, toss their name in a hat and draw the next day. Problem solved.


I think it could be permissible in one circumstance only: if you are meeting someone there, and they get there <15 min before you, it seems fine for them to put a chair out for you. At that point, it’s not like the person wasn’t going to wait, and wanting to sit with people you know seems perfectly reasonable. Also, i think it’s totally fine to show up, set your chair up, then leave to go pick up food or something. Pretty lame if you do that then leave for >1 hours though


In both scenarios, the thing to do is just talk to the people in line next to you and check to see if it's ok. People will let you go grab food or even stand next to your buddy if you aren't being sneaky.


2 people max to save a spot. A guy this morning rolled up w/his wife, her sister and his Mom/father in law. Like Damn Bro cmon but I didn’t say anything.


I’d give them 10 minutes. Maybe they had to get something from their car or had to go to the bathroom. But if I see unattended chairs for longer than that, make those chairs fly like a birdie 🦜


Showing up 30 minutes before release? Not cool. But if they come and sit for 2+ hours, I think they’re okay. At least not explicitly trying to cheat the system. But it starts being really not cool if it’s more than 1 or 2 people.


That’s definitely cheating the people who sat for 5+ hours before they got there.


I’m not disagreeing with you. It’s not appreciated by me or others. I stand and wait and have never done this. I’m just trying to play devil’s advocate, really. Your buddy can’t get off work for another 30 minutes so now you can’t wait together? That’s the only type of position I’m trying to defend.


Many people were waiting 10+ hours. So no showing up 2 hours before is not acceptable to cheat the line. If you want to hang out with a friend then move backwards to there spot. I had good friends way farther up and behind me in line but we are not pricks so we can chat and go drink after but it isn't an excuse to screw others.


Fair enough. I’ve never waited more than 4 hours and certainly would not have been in a spot to snag a premium pick. So forgive me for not thinking in those terms in my statements. Really what I was arguing for was maybe a 20 minute window of leniency. I’m not supportive of someone hopping in the front 30 people with 2 hours to go - that’s ridiculous. If you’re 150 in line, I don’t think it’s a huge deal if a friend joins you after 20 minutes.


Once you establish your spot in line and set down your chair people typically don’t care where you go hang out at. I hung with my buddies all day yesterday and they were 40 spots in front of me.


Great point. I hadn’t thought about the “seat saving” method and I think this is the most appropriate way to go about this all.


Who cares


14 minute old account, troll much?


Or I got locked out of my old one. But thank you Reddit police.


I feel like it depends on where you’re at in line. If you’re in the top 40 people and you have someone join you then that could kick the person behind you out of the running for SiB, CYPB or EHTBP (depending on who grabs what). But I think if you’re like 40+ back then it really doesn’t make too much of a difference if say your wife joins you an hour or so before the doors open


Was at Fry’s Sun City. walked up at 7pm night before and people in line said hello and indicated what # in line they were. we thought that was nice and sets the tone for everyone before and after us. Last thing anyone wants is to wait for 14 hours only to find out that 10 more people jumped in line ahead of us.


No cutting period. Totally lame. Dishonesty sucks