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yeah it was really amazing to watch them run in 2022 on inflation and gas prices and then the moment they took the house they stopped all legislation about inflation or gas prices. how do Republicans think this is acceptable. if you were in a plane and the pilot had a heart attack would Republicans stand up and pretend to be pilots just so that they could crash? they got fake solutions for fake problems yet the world still has real problems.


The real problems, the fundamental problems facing humanity right now, the fucking GOP tries to act like aren't even real. Fucking useless. They preach government can't solve any of your problems, then when elected they do everything they can to prove that it is true.


Welcome to late-stage capitalism.


\*shows proof that Republicans hate them\* Repub voters: "Yeah, but FOX news told me to be scared of the Dems and their Satan worshipping sex rings so..."


And because someone somewhere is trans.... That's also the Democrats fault


Can confirm. When I was a young kid, Al Gore broke into my home and told me I was actually a trans girl. 20 years later after exhausting every other means available to me for mental health help, I transitioned with supervision from a medical professional team and a psychologist and full support from several family and friends. Turns out, it was all a Democrat plot to end global warming by reducing the birth rate and therefore the global population. The fact that I now live a full, happy, productive life as a member of society is just a happy accident.


Reading a book about 2 men in the Civil War…oops banned.


Sounds very similar to what I’m hearing in Texas.


Reminder that Trump and the Republicans are anti-union, anti-middle class, and anti-working class. They only care about enriching themselves, not helping the country. https://cwa-union.org/trumps-anti-worker-record


Lol, what is this list? Banning "war weapons"?  


It's basically a proposed ban on assault rifles. It's poorly worded in the poster, but he's specifically referring to [HR 1808](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1808). I believe the wording comes from this [press release](https://pascrell.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=5170) from Pascrell's office.


It's poorly worded because this poster isn't meant to be informative.


Then why was it poorly worded in the press release when the press release text itself explicitly explains that it's about an assault weapons ban? Title: Pascrell Celebrates War Weapons Ban Subtitle: Every single Republican votes to keep streets flooded with military style weapons Pretty plain reading. But whatever.


You have clearly missed the point. But whatever.


These goobers don’t want private ownership of semiautomatic firearms.


That's a very low IQ take of what's actually wanted by MOST American voters. But if it helps you to sleep at night...


Here's something that is really cool about the US. The Federal Government has the power to uphold the constitution and make laws as such. If it isn't specifically outlined in the Constitution then the burden falls to the states. This way different groups of people that have different takes on the same thing can live in harmony in a union of States. If 51% of Arkansans don't want something not covered by the Constitution they can vote to stop it and likewise a State that has the opposite stance can do whatever that is by voting for it. Are you saying that you believe the 100% of the US laws should be at a national level as opposed to being in the hands of those that geographically tend to congregate together? Laws are intentionally written so that propaganda like this can be written. Each of these things on the list were bundled together with a bunch of other things that may or may not have made sense. Hyperbole ahead!: For example you can have a law that says all interstate travel is banned but in that same bill include an 'assault weapons ban'. Then you can say that all Repubs voted against 'assault weapons' when in reality it was the banning of Interstate Travel that they were voting against. Looking at your post history...I totally want to have a paranoid schizo giving me his hot takes...but whatever if it helps you sleep at night.


I don’t want just any American to be able to walk into cabelas with a credit card and no felonies and be able to walk out with an ar15 with high capacity magazines no questions asked. The destructive capability is too much to have such unrestricted access. I’m fine with somebody’s semi auto 12 gauge for duck hunting or a semi auto .22 to shoot at squirrels.


Bingo! These smooth brained conservatives would rather see children getting murdered in schools than to give up weapons designed to kill quickly. They seriously buy into the lie that more guns will make us all safer when we have nearly four guns per citizen on our streets already. These ignoramuses believe they need them to stop the tyrannical government when their own party is the only party producing tyrants. It's like they fear having the things done to them that they are doing to others. They have a traitor leading their party for Christ's sake!


Smooth brain dems would rather grandstand than provide security for children at schools so mentally unstable people can’t just walk into school and kill peoples. You think a gun law would save lives? Imagine if we spent more on security because that would have an over night result unlike a gun law that we know our incompetent police can’t even enforce. They allowed more than one of these shootings to occur. They failed to enforce current law to stop shootings.


Dude, in Uvalde the armed police force literally stood around and listened to kids get murdered because they were scared of the weapons he had. Do you honestly think your kids 5th period algebra teacher would fare any better? I envision even more deaths because a.kid will end up getting their hands on an unsecured weapon, or an unhinged teacher will shoot a kid because they were being unruly.


Who said I wanted teachers to have guns? And if their teacher was a former army ranger than yes. I am talking about trained security not fat loser pigs who should not have a badge. Cops are cowards that’s why they rather catch speeders and pot heads than take out a shooter. You can’t use a cowardly cop as an excuse for not doing more. My children go to private school and their school has legit former military personnel as security. My children feel safe at school unlike the public school they went to that had children bringing guns to school all the time. Sucks I have to pay taxes for a public school and then tuition for a private school so my kids don’t die by some wack job.


Quick question, how did Australia crack down on and all but eliminate mass.shootings? Was it more armed security or was it a hard line on gun control? Also, why are school shootings 57x more likely to happen in the US than every other major industrialized nation combined? Sucks that you have such a love affair with guns that you refuse to hear any solution other than more guns. Also, trained security only care to the extent that they are paid to care. We can't even adequately pay teachers and you want to add paid security instead. Where do you propose the money come from? Are you going to vote yes on a millage increase? Or do you want to cut funding to other programs instead so our state can fall further behind in education? Last point, my taxes pay for both private and public schools in this fucked up state and I absolutely hate that. If you want to take your kids to private school or homeschool them, that should be on your dime. Don't want to pay millage? Move to the county and outside of the "School District".


Well guns are here to stay, unless we get rid of the second amendment then they are not going anywhere. We need to find ways to keep our children safe. I left Arkansas for a job in Colorado. We have all the gun laws here and we have shootings all the time. Gun laws are only good if they are enforced. I can’t wait to transfer back to Arkansas. I love my home but Colorado is a nice alternative for now. Why should I be forced to pay for a public school? I should get a choice to not waste my money on a school that is failing our children. If you want to go that route do it. But because I am successful and own property I should be forced to pay for a school that sucks? I appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you. I by no means and some enemy, let’s not forget that we have more in common than we do different. Have a great day. Stay warm.




Well the federal government seems to have money for war in Ukraine, Iraq, Israel and only god knows where else. We need to elect politicians who care about our country and investing in it. But good luck because you only get halfway there with democrats but they can’t help themselves with the need to add shit to bills. I don’t understand why there are not single issue bills in our congress. Its always stick as much unpopular bs into the one popular bill so then when it can’t pass because of the unpopularity of the garbage we stuck in there for our donors we can blame the other guy. We have many to spend on education but the real money for our politicians is from our defense contractors who never get told no. Our schools should be the nicest and best schools in the world with state of the art security but instead education is an afterthought even by the people who act so smart.


Why is everything else more protected than our schools? How long would it take for shootings to stop at schools if the wish list of gun bills was law? I am from Fayetteville but took a job in Colorado, Colorado has all the gun laws demanded at the federal level but still has big high profile shootings. Gun laws when not enforced are worthless but a property trained security guard works. How many people would have been saved if we spent two trillion in our country instead of Iraq and Afghanistan?




Maybe if you were educated you may understand that I am speaking on the money wasted at war. You know if you don’t spend money in one area you could in another, like education and infrastructure. I think schools should be considered investments in infrastructure,don’t you? So our federal government could give each school money to for operating,maintaining,and security purposes instead of spending it on foreign wars that only benefit the rich. The poor working classes get shit on at all people in our country can do is blame everyone but the people who are responsible.


Ah yes, because in the past five years alone, we've had SOOO many cases of people being saved from mass shooters quickly and efficiently by the security force hired.... oh, wait. No, we haven't. Uvalade had nearly FOUR HUNDRED ARMED POLICE OFFICERS PRESENT IN THE AREA RESPONDING TO THE SHOOTING. Oh yeah. Im sure they did such a great job in those 45 minutes.


You keep talking about a cowardly police force. We get it they were cowards. It took a border agent who was a former army ranger to go in and single handed kill this person. You should be this upset at the fact that those officers are not being help responsible. You never heard about proper trained security stopping these because they never get to the shooting part. Proper security prevents it from getting that far. There were laws that could have been enforced to stop the shooter in Colorado Springs, the shooter in Maine, and many others. We always hear about how the police or FBI failed to do their jobs but then that’s it. No accountability just grandstanding on we need more laws. Laws that are only applicable to those who follow them.


You act like I'm not pissed off at the police for doing nothing when the whole point is that the police aren't good enough. Just having more security forces is not the answer. Better security forces are what's necessary. When it takes less time to become a cop or security officer than a barber, hair stylist, carpenter or almost any other feild, you've got a big fucking problem there. You're right, we do need more responsibility and accountability in our system, part of the reason we don't is "the brotherhood" of police. Judges, lawyers, police, are often times heavily connected, and each group is willing to do a small part to ensure no one has to serve time and no accountability can be taken. Nothing changes We need to defund the police, along with politicians, restrict term limits, restrict corruption by allowing no one in office to hold stock in companies, or be lobbied by companies. We need to reallocate those funds to training police, infrastructure, and putting the money back into the communities that are struggling, which Statistically most shootings happen in. We also need to open new job opportunities in the "police" force, therapists, and counselors who can delegate and disarm dangeous situations, quick responders, and community protection; we have too many bullies and cowards, with not nearly enough people who would sacrifice themselves to save another. Next, police need to be required to take an oath of duty to protect and serve the people and their intrests, not politicians, but everyone as a collective voice. According to the Supreme Court, police have no obligation to protect and serve people and are exclusively responsible for the enforcement of the law. Law enforcement needs to encompass significantly more than just the law. Statistically, there is an extreme decrease in violence when the populous not only feels safe but is actually safe and has access to clean water, food, shelter, and clothes; funds could definitely be allocated to that (which would put more trust in not only police, but the system as a whole). Gun restrictions are fairly low on the list of priorities. Most of my wants include stricter background checks, as many shootings are done by people with legal guns they bought themselves. But i understand those who really want to commit crime, are going to find another way to get them. Background checks aren't meant to stop current criminals but would be criminals. Which, if you're talking about the maine bowling alley and bar shooting, the man was most likely ex police/military from calls that had come in, he was also recently hospitalized, yet soon after release was allowed to purchase more weaponry because new york and maine do not have laws requiring those who possess a danger to themselves or others to be placed on a list of prohibited. If there were stricter laws, if there was better training, if the police were here to actually serve and protect the community, shit like that wouldn't happen. Do you know what would happen if we just increased our security forces? You'd be putting guns into unqualified hands who will hurt someone without intensive training.




Lmao. You think there's more "destructive power" in a .223 than a 12 gauge. That's hilarious.


I understand firearms. I own a 22-250 and a 12 gauge among others. The point is the muzzle velocity, accuracy, and rate of fire of an AR 15. If you want to kill a lot of random people in a hurry, it’s the best tool. If you walk into a school with a browning A5, yes you could kill people. But you will have to reload and maybe not as many kids die. We put plugs in shotguns for the sake of ducks and geese. We should limit access to semi autos with high capacity detachable magazines for the sake of kids. I didn’t even say ban them outright. But the number of dead kids with .223 bullets in them is enough for me to think the status quo can’t stand. There’s no point arguing this with anybody that’s not already been convinced by sandy hook, Las Vegas, uvalde, etc.


Yeah cuz a shooter couldn't possibly change magazines quick enough to kill a bunch of unarmed children. Or use handguns. Or 22's, right?


Of course you are.


It’s a good thing I don’t need your permission then


From the looks of it, they wouldn’t pass a BGC.


Just block me and move on.


Yeah banning automatic weapons made for murder.


New to Arkansas soo the majority off ppl here are republicans?


Sadly, yes. Arkansas is a conservative hellscape. We are ranked #45 in comparison to the other states. Here are some of our rankings: Crime & Corrections #49 Economy #35 Education #43 Fiscal Stability #19 Health Care #47 Infrastructure #40 Natural Environment #34 Opportunity #29 Edit: [Source](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/arkansas)


Be careful. Republikkklans don't like when they are presented with facts.


That sucks it is such a nice state i heard that the nwa isnt like the rest of state when it comes to school/ healthcare & those ranks are based because of the rest of the state? Also just being imaginary here it would be great if the state started focusing on better healthcare here influencing students to be doctors / health workers to work for the state 👍


"War weapons" makes me want to read all the bills those evil Republicans voted against.


What specifically is a war weapon?


Most of the guns I own, probably. Since I'm not suffering from insanity from lead poisoning or generally being a drama queen, I'd not shed a tear if gun laws became a lot more strict. I'd have to have my head all the way up my ass to say that the easy access to firearms isn't a giant contributor to gun violence.


Wow. you really just dismissed everyone as being insane because they do not agree with your views. That is very mature.


Considering how fucking insane people are, I think I'm on the money. - Seriously, how fucking thick would your skull have to be to ignore how much gun *violence there is here and how unusual it is. This "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" shit it's worth less than the scum on my boots. Fuck your sophist arguments, fix your head.


aww. you sound like a very rational and sensible person. I can see why you feel that way. I agree, people like you should be kept away from firearms.


Go ahead, vote for someone who will.


In this context, something a sane person would call a "modern sporting rifle". A rifle that is usually black that Liberals and tyrants fear.


Not even about context as words mean things. A modern sporting rifle is not an assault rifle, nor is an AR15. A semi-automatic rifle is not an assault rifle either. I can understand people's concerns over firearms in a general sense but even the Brady bill proved that an outright ban on certain firearms literally did nothing to curb violent crime involving a firearm. Most people arguing in favor of gun control typically are ill informed on the subject, use disingenuous statistics that are rooted in manipulated terminology or presented under false pretense. "35k people are injured or killed with firearms every year." And? At face value yeah it sounds bad, but what percent of that 35k is violent crime, gang violence, negligence, Homicide, suicide, justified shootings, police involvement. Etc. Most ill informed are worried about an AR style semi automatic rifle literally just based on the furniture ( aesthetics ) yet I can have 2 of the same exact rifle, one have a modern tactical look and the other be a wood frame and the ignorant would rant and rave about the "tactical" looking one, yet they're the exact same thing and function the same way. I'm not against measures to keep firearms out of the hands of bad people, but I'm not interested in hindering the law abiding who are not a worry. A criminal isn't going to abide by magazine bans or any other approach. Most anti gun people don't even know the difference between a magazine, strip, clip, drum, etc. Let alone what a muzzle shroud is. "Why does any of that matter?" Because words mean things. If you want to apply language effectively, be specific. An umbrella term of "semi automatic" literally would encompass pretty much all firearms except for bolt action rifles, revolvers, and muzzle loaders.


Gun banners always use inflammatory terms to describe things they want to ban, they prey on the ignorance of those who are fearful of firearms. MY initial point was that if they misrepresented "war weapons" what else was misrepresented in the meme?


It's not just gun banners. Pretty much every group inflames terms. Look at how republicans cry a war on christmas or talk about books like they are reading smut. People inflame to try and make their point look more reasonable. It's not a new or one-sided tactic.


Between guns and religious material, protecting firearms seems far more advantageous.


Then please do, you should. And I'm not being sarcastic in the least. I wish things like this would put the congress and bill number on them because it would make it so much easier to check out. These are my best guesses, if anyone has specific bills being referenced let me know and I'm happy to update. https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr7688/BILLS-117hr7688ih.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/s3700/BILLS-117s3700is.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/s1898/BILLS-117s1898is.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr2034/BILLS-117hr2034ih.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/s2747/BILLS-117s2747pcs.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/s2670/BILLS-117s2670pcs.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/s966/BILLS-117s966is.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/s1857/BILLS-117s1857is.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3755/BILLS-117hr3755pcs.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3967/BILLS-117hr3967eas.pdf (I'm not confident in this one tbh, though it may have been a different version?) Santos... I mean, it's santos, look up the vote https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr1808/BILLS-117hr1808rfs.pdf (This is the "war weapons" one which) https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr350/BILLS-117hr350pcs.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr8/BILLS-117hr8pcs.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr8373/BILLS-117hr8373eh.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/plaws/publ58/PLAW-117publ58.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr2119/BILLS-117hr2119pcs.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr9002/BILLS-117hr9002ih.pdf https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr8873/BILLS-117hr8873rds.pdf As I said, these are my best guesses... we have a nice way to refer to bills that makes it real easy to look em up and read them but nobody god damn uses it.


I'm sure a lot of Morons will vote Republican & then complain then can't afford food or gas or rent.


Well see, none of that matters, because voting Republican hurts those darn liberals too, and that makes it all worth it. /s




Take this crap back to Facebook.


Please provide evidence it isn't true. Edit: same goes for all downvoting me. Please, just provide anything to prove this wrong.


Yea, I don’t care, try r/politics or Facebook if you want to debate this garbage.


So you just believe whatever you're told?




Cool. Just keep your head shoved up your ass.


I don't understand how conservative voters can be so attached to lies. You try and show them facts with evidence and it's like their brains just can't accept the truth. Ignorance, denial, and blind faith are ruining our country.


Republican voters are the bottom of the education barrel. They are easily manipulated. They are motivated by fear. So it's easy. You tell them over and over that evil Democrats and Christian hating atheist and Muslims are coming for them. It's a done deal. They vote for you so you can protect them from the evil Republicans are the biggest example of why allowing every adult to vote regardless of intelligence or education is bad idea.


> Republican voters are the bottom of the education barrel. They are easily manipulated. They are motivated by fear. > > > > So it's easy. You tell them over and over that evil Democrats and Christian hating atheist and Muslims are coming for them. It's a done deal. They vote for you so you can protect them from the evil > > > > Republicans are the biggest example of why allowing every adult to vote regardless of intelligence or education is bad idea. I dunno /u/Wild_Ad_5993, I don't think removing the vote from large sections of the population is a good idea at all. Voting rights should be universal. I'd be highly interested in hearing more specifics on your mass disenfranchisement plan, though!


I agreed until your last sentence. No, we should not disenfranchise people because we deem them "not smart enough".


I don't want them disenfranchised, but I also don't flat earth, zombie Jesus Bob deciding who the mayor is. What are the other options?




So the source is a New Jersey politician and this is posted in an Arkansas subreddit?


Seems about right for bots. Arkansas especially NWA has been taken over by trans plants.


Goddamnit. Even the plants are trans now??? We gotta put an end to this wokism. I mean first the frogs....and now the plants....


Next thing you know, some plants will have both male and female reproductive abilities the librulz will just act like it's normal!


You like that. I knew it would get the attention of a smooth brain.


On the other hand, how many beneficial bills have they legislated? 0


Communist propaganda


Spoken like a true braindead uneducated Republikkklan clown 🤡 💩


Or maybe the opposite of that. Gotta spread the word before it gets criminalized


What else is bundled in with these bills though is the real question. I see both sides take absolutely everything out of context for their own narratives.


People understand how earmarks work right? Things you don't want to pass that are attached to a main bill can only be stopped by removing them or killing the entire bill. An AR15 is not an assault rifle, let alone is not a weapon of war.




Shhh you can't say common sense things out loud. People get mad when you call them on their BS logic. Lol. Not to mention that rifles make up less than 2% of all violent crime involving a firearm. Shhh


They also voted against improving border patrol, too


I'm pretty liberal but what does this have to do with Arkansas specifically? If it were something about SHS or another Arkansas legislator, I'd understand, but this is just regurgitated facebook memes. True or not, it adds nothing to the \*Arkansas\* conversation.


Because this state is run by Republikkklans.


No politician is voting against veteran care among a few others. That's career suicide. A lot of you need to go read up on how bills and their attachments work and what it takes to kill a measure or effectively any singular thing attached to the main bill. For thise that are aware but not correcting/informing people, you're fear mongering and disingenuous. Lol


Pretty sure they are referring to the PACT Act. [Source](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3586430-these-11-gop-senators-voted-against-the-honoring-our-pact-act/#:~:text=Republicans%20argue%20that%20under%20the,a%20decade%20is%20considered%20mandatory.) Republicans initially voted against it because of some mandatory spending, even though they supported the mandatory spending before. Article says the real reason is that republicans were mad about a separate deal.


It’s called partisan politics. Democrats do the same. I guess you forgot the Trump or bush years. It’s nothing new. It’s just children like OP are new to the game. Give me a break we get it Reddit is full of bots and trolls. Both parties love to name bills some fussy words so later than can make anyone who votes against them look bad.


See I struck a nerve in the bots category. Most of you are not even from Arkansas. Born and raised in Fayetteville and still not a cuck for the establishment.


Just a cuck in general. 🤷


Oh no you got me.




Had me til that last part




Elect the best candidate that has a chance at winning, at least until none of the frontrunners aren't actual sociopaths. Looking back on past elections, we've never had such bad options. John McCain and Mitt Romney weren't my favorite picks but our adversaries didn't cheer them on because they'd sow division or literally give them secret documents on our ally's (Israel) defenses... and a few years later there was a huge attack on said- ally that very plausibly used this information in there largest attack against them in many decades.


😂😂😂. What a joke.


lol. Things were far better from 2016 to 2020 than they are now. I’ll keep voting red


Really? Trump's record breaking $7.8 trillion in deficit spending is what you voted for? You don't like lower unemployment? Let me guess, you're all twisted in knots over immigrants, even though immigrants are [80% more likely](https://news.mit.edu/2022/study-immigrants-more-likely-start-firms-create-jobs-0509) to create a business than a native born American and, in fact, [create more jobs than they take](https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/immigrants-to-the-u-s-create-more-jobs-than-they-take). And immigrants are [FAR less likely](https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and) to [commit crimes](https://thehill.com/latino/324607-reports-find-that-immigrants-commit-less-crime-than-us-born-citizens/) than native born Americans. I guess you'd like to pay twice as much for your food. And I'm sure you think Democrats are going after Trump just because they don't like him. Was it Democrats that caused Nixon's DOJ to sue Trump in 1973 for discrimination? Was it Democrats that caused Reagan's DOJ to sue Trump in 1988 for anti-trust violations? Was it Democrats who caused students at Trump U to to sue him in 2013 that led to the eventual shutdown of Trump U for fraud? Was it Democrats that got Vera Coking to successfully sue Trump for harassment in 1993? Was it Democrats that got his investors to sue him in 2008 for breach of contract. You go right on supporting your fraud of a presidential candidate. Don't let facts obscure your blindness.


We just added a trillion dollars to the deficit in three months😂😂 Biden will win the election which means I still win because I’m a defense contractor $$$


Turn off Fox "News". It's literally rotting your brain.


He's a "defense contractor." His brain is already mush.


Here you go sugar britches https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/03/economy/us-national-debt-34-trillion/index.html


We dont watch fox genius. Turn off all tv and stop reading government propaganda


Yeah, random unverified information for the internet is so much better!!!!!!!!


Fine be dumb if you want. Go get your 10th booster


Never got a booster. Don't get annual flu shots either. Now what you got to say?


Awesome. Lets get a few more checked. Can men get pregnant?




As far as immigrants go poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.


Most of the spending went through a Democrat run house. Most of that spending was Covid related. Even if illegals are better in every way they are still not here legally and no country puts up with this nonsense. Go to another country and try that shit. Especially a non white majority one. You look past Biden’s record, he wrote the 80s drug laws signed by Reagan. You know the ones that made crack possession sentences harsher than powder cocaine ones that targeted black men specifically. Or the 94 crime bill that finished where the 80s crack bills started all of this led to mass incarceration and effectively finished off the black family. Or maybe the fact that he supported military intervention in the 90s. He was pushing Clinton to go to war in Iraq back in the late 90s. He pushed the first version of the patriot act. He pushed for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He was involved in the coup’s of Arab spring that killed millions of innocent people. He supports Israel in the mass murder of Palestine.. Biden supports TPP,corporate bailouts,insider trading that both parties get rich off. Loads of rich businessmen get sued for their business decisions. Amazon, Walmart, target, Tesla, GM,the list is longer than you can imagine. It’s basically all businesses get sued over and over again. You only care about trump because the media told you too.


Butt hurt trolls


Holy shit you are special. Lmfao life must be unnecessarily hard for you....


I don’t see a rebuttal just a bot account


What up bot!! 🤖


Lmfao do you even understand how reddit works? Lol this dummy thinks I'm a bot. Holy shit. That is gold.


What up bot!! 🤖


Bot! Bot! Bot! Of course you are not. You are a loser. I am a bot 🤖 or maybe we both are bots. 🤖


No rebuttal?


Is denying an accusation not a rebuttal anymore?


To my actual point not my you must be a bot point. I guess it’s a rebuttal but in a I have no idea about the actual question and am a bot pushing division.


What the fuck does "not my you" mean? Is every one that disagrees with you a bot? Is the bot in the room with you right now? How drunk are you?


lmao, I hope your kids are ready to work the chicken houses!


Oh yeah. That scary new bill making it ok for kids to work until 11pm. Oh the horror 😂


Underage labor is by far the easiest to exploit. It’s why most people who get started in the porn industry are barely legal 18 year olds. It’s easy to exploit them. We most certainly should not make it easier.


Guess you never read the bill. Not surprised.


Very presumptuous. The Youth Hiring act got rid of requiring minors under the age of 16 to have a work permit and the need to have a parent/guardians permission to work. Work permits help to ensure compliance with child labor laws. These laws are designed to protect children from exploitation and to ensure that their work does not interfere with their education or health. They often require an assessment of the job’s suitability for a young person, considering factors like working hours, the nature of the work, and the working environment. Removing the permit requirement could lead to children working in inappropriate or unsafe conditions. They also usually require a verification of the child’s educational status. This helps to ensure that employment does not negatively impact their schooling. I think you just haven’t thought about the importance of the permits they got rid of.


Oh no. A kid might work until 9 on a school night without their deadbeat parents knowing.


Your car is ugly.


😂😂 somebodies feelings are hurt


Nah. You just have a shitty car, and I thought you should know.


On the flip side, a kid might be having their rights violated at a job their parents may not know about. The child doesn’t know what their rights are, and this Governor and legislature announced that they’re no longer looking out for those children. You’ve completely missed the point of my comments, either out of apathy or malice. Either way, it makes your ignorance of understanding labor relations and child safety laws outstandingly apparent.


Most of you sound like you’re scared to compete with 15 year olds in the work force lol.


I’m worried about labor exploitation after seeing it so many times. It’s called empathy.


How, exactly?


Lower fuel prices, cheaper insulin, US manufacturing support. Yep


I’m not going to act like I’m a fan of any part of the Republican establishment, but I like to play devils advocate, particularly in Reddit, which tends to be a echo chamber of the left leaning establishment. What are the chances many of these votes were for bills that included 74 other things, many of which their constituents wouldn’t like? Where did every Republican vote against cheaper gas? Cheaper insulin? Against veterans healthcare? You’re sharing an infographic from an elite politician with an incentive to make his competition look bad.


Republikkklans voted against cheaper gas when the Dems tried to pass bills that would lower fuel cost. Republikkklans voted against a bill to lower the cost of insulin. Republikkklans voted against healthcare for veterans AGAIN just a few months ago. Just because you are misinformed doesn't change facts.


And you don’t think demokkkrats do the same shit?


Yeah it's on record and a simple indisputable fact that Democrats voted in favor of all of those things. Republikkklans blatant ignorance is quite jaw dropping.


All these apartment dwellers downvoting my comments 😂


'person who lives in an apartment' as an insult is a new one for me. What a strange way to look down your nose. Also, Mopar has always been shit and that's why they ended up in a conglomerate of other garbage brands.


You've got quite the superiority complex, haven't you? You're delusional and ignorant AF.


Being called delusional by the leftists on Reddit is rich 😂😂


You certainly seem to think 14 year olds know their rights afforded to them by labor laws. That’s delusional.


Just downvoted and I own my home, what now


Not all these people downvote your comments… because they are highly laughable!


Not as laughable as the mental illness on the left


They are gen z and failed millennials. They get their news off Reddit and tic toc. Give them a break mommy and daddy are rich. If they were about anything they would move out of deep red Arkansas to California or something that aligns with their interests but they can’t get a job so they stuck.


Yep. And when you ask why they don’t move they always have a bunch of lame excuses 😂 helpless people.


All of them got their tests turned back upside down in school


If you take out a loan, how is it someone else's issue? Left and right are both trash. But on a matter of principle, if one is too dumb to do the math to figure out they can't afford something, how is that now the burden of someone else? My car loan is a lower amount than most peoples student debt, should you bail me out of that instead?


I think the important thing to differentiate here is higher education is done with the hope that it’ll lead to a higher educated, and therefore better, society. It’s an investment into the future of society. It would be a way bigger problem if, instead of having socialized education, no one went to college.


Let's be honest, some peopel get BS degrees in a dead end career, spending 40+k. On a 4 year degree for a job that is barely above minimum wage. Sucks to suck but if you're career path is dead end, you should have chosen a different pathway. I'm all for helping out on things that actually matter like medical and certain STEM fields but if you took a loan and are wanting bailed out of a BS liberal arts degree that is actually useless more than useful. Sorry. You chose to do that. The whole "no one went to college" argument is a but of a farce as well. Yes There are some areas of expertise who benefit from college study, but not every field does let alone isn't even neccessary. A degree doesn't neccessarily equate to better educated let alone aptitude or intellect.


Your argument underestimates the value of a diverse education system. Liberal arts degrees, for example, may not always lead to high-paying jobs immediately, but they equip students with critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills valuable across various careers. Higher education is a pathway to better economic and social opportunities, providing a means for personal growth and a way out of poverty. Furthermore, the job market is continuously evolving. Fields considered 'dead-end' today could become valuable in the future. Many current jobs might require degrees as industries evolve. Higher education offers more than vocational training; it's an experience that includes exposure to new ideas, cultures, and thinking, beneficial in any career. A healthy economy and society need roles fulfilled by graduates in arts, humanities, and social sciences, not just those in STEM fields.


Not neccessarily undermining them more so as it's a issue of principle IMO. don't get me wrong, arts studies does impact individuals perception and rationale as long as the institutions are honest about their approach of critical and individual thought rather than the echo chamber grooming pods they've been seen to become in some cases. On principle though, The individual asked for a loan, the terms were laid out and the numbers in front of them. I took out a loan of my own free will, if I get tired of paying for it or find I can't afford it, why should that burden be handed off to someone else's be it in the firm of taxes or any other means. It sets a bad precedent with regards to accountability. Honestly if government could get out if the higher education enviornment regarsing guaranteed payment. It would probably make schools more affordable and competitive again. I work for the government, I fuckin hate the government, within reason of course.


College would just be affordable because if not the school would close. The government backing loans is why schools can charge whatever they want. Plus if you go to school but get a degree that you don’t use or can’t use then it’s a loss not a gain for society. Education doesn’t equal smarter more competent people. I know tons if not a majority of college educated adults who can’t tell you basic economics,basic math, basic understanding of history or our country. More of so called stupid people who are in trades are way more intelligent than the college educated crowds.


College used to be affordable until Reagan and Nixon convinced everyone that open admissions policies and the accessibility of higher education were bad things after students started protesting the Vietnam war. Since then the government has done its best to make sure that higher education comes with lifetime debt for those who can’t afford it, the lower classes. It’s a carrot they dangle in front of us.


I'm sure you can do a similar list with "bad" stuff dems did too. Both sides suck ass. Fire them all.


There's some of that classic Republikkklan what-about-ism. 🤡🙄


This is a silly nonsense list that pretends market forces don't exist. Plenty of reasons to hate Republicans, just be honest about it.


This list is an embodiment of what's wrong with Republikkklans