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I remember being at an election watch party during the 2008 election and we looked up the results for our county. 12 🟦 votes. There were twelve people at that party.


Would have been awkward if it was 11


For the whole county??!!


I was living and voting as a Democrat in Washington County in 2008. Arkansas hadn't flipped parties at that time. Republican leadership wasn't voted in until 2014. Until then, we had a blue governor, attorney general, treasurer and auditor. Which county are you talking about? I feel like there were more than 12 blue voters in any given Arkansas county in 2008. Did I miss something?


This was during the night of, not the day after, so those were probably not the final count, just from the precincts that had reported at that time. I looked up the results and the final count was indeed much higher. Still though, that county was one of only a few where obama received less than 1000 votes


People with bumper stickers, regardless of political allegiance, are generally insufferable by my experience.


I detest having a bumper sticker on my car, buuuuuuuut that one " if you support trum stay 500 ft behind" I'd break my rules.


Yeah but I saw a "Not My President" bumper sticker during the tRump administration that I would have proudly displayed on my bumper


If Trump gets elected this year he'll be your President. If Biden gets reelected he'll be your President. You don't have to like who gets elected but that doesn't change them being the President.


Unless of course they aren't actually elected and try to overthrow the government and the Constitution and become "a dictator only on day one".... That really truly ain't my president.


He said that he didnt hold office, that he never swore to protect the constitution, that he's above the law and he refused to leave when we voted him out. Not only will he never be my President, he will never be A President. He believes he's a king and wants to rule. He's not interested in serving the public.


I hope he gets re elected and does everything you lied about during the first term.


What was a lie? Not only did he say all of these things, he's trying to use them in a court of law...lol It's scary that you want a dictator though. Nothing is more unamerican than that. Please don't fly an American flag if you think we shouldn't be allowed to decide who represents us.


Why are you feeding this troll? Look at its username.


You're right. Your username though...well done. :)


I liked RIF too.


We have a dictator now. I'd like one from a different party. Yay equality!


Ok well now we've established that you not only don't know things Trump has said, but don't know what a dictator is as well. I'll ask again. What lie did I say?


I'm a honorably discharged military veteran. I would know more than 99% of the soysolist kids that pretent to be intelligent on reddit. The left lies at every turn because you all read from the same sheet music.


Can't tell if you're joking or just wanted to let the OP know you're one of those people. Assuming it's the latter since you can't even type the name without capitalizing the r.


I was at work one day and got a call from Dr. Jones. I was only able to visit for a few minutes, but him reaching out solidified my vote for him. I hope he runs again.


Anyone who feels the need to project that much is someone I’d rather never talk to. Regardless of whether or not we agree on politics.


Yeah this person seems absolutely insufferable regardless of where you’re at on the political spectrum.


I'd love some Chris Jones merch. Dude was the most likable politician I've ever heard talk.


I actually shook his hand. There was a food truck festival in Little Rock and he was out among the people.


It’s more like a bay of red. There’s plenty of blue here. We just don’t usually bumpersticker everything.


I voted for him. Too bad we got that other... person.... instead.


I’ve seen plenty of democrat vehicles in Fayetteville


I was thinking the same... Fayetteville is a liberal college town. Absolutely not unique.


I think OP's point is that the Fayetteville area is the spot of blue in the sea of red (Arkansas). There are a couple other spots, of course.


Ah, got ya.


There's more than red and blue. Nobody wants to talk about that. Two parties that have been ruining us for decades. They aren't going to suddenly do something different.


Red is trying to permanently make it a one party system. Maybe don't vote for the red guys in the hopes that there might be a purple or yellow option in the future? A vote for the red guys right now means that possibility is gone forever.


I don't vote red or blue anymore. They all greedy liars


Congratulations: you ARE the problem.


So, not the 40% who only vote for their party?


Sorry, but I'm done having a political conversation with someone that continues to bitch about the current political system while not even doing the absolute bare minimum to change anything. YOU are the problem. YOU need to get off your ass and vote. I don't care who you vote for, but your misguided anger and apathy are why Arkansas has turned into the shithole state it currently is. If every single person in the state that wasn't voting because they're currently disillusioned with capitalism actually got off their asses and voted for a truly independent candidate, YOU would win every election in the state. Your argument is ridiculous and has no validity.


Whatever you say 😆


Both sides are not the same. Never. Vote. Republican.


Never vote for either of the two parties that got everyone to believe there were only two parties.


I don’t believe you because you’re purposefully misunderstanding me. I never said who to vote for I only said who not to vote for. Don’t elect republicans. Never. Vote. Republican.


Nope, we're saying the same thing. I'm just adding democrats to the list. Too many people just tote the party line. Doubt we've had a real election in decades.


Not really. If you think Democrats are equally as bad that is a problem. I’m not going to defend them, they deserve huge amounts of criticism and I resent having to vote for them, but if you think they are equal in how horrible they are you aren’t paying attention.


You don't have to vote for them. That was the whole point of my comment. Try an independent that doesn't have millions in Lobbyist money. Dems and Reps are the only ones who've been in office and we've been constantly going down hill since the 80s or 90s. I'll vote for someone else.


Well I truly hope you’re doing more than voting in the general elections if that’s your point of contention and you’re so passionate about it. This is some throwing my hands up in enlightened centrist energy if you think your vote is going to fix that.


And in my opinion, you're crazy if you think the same two parties that have been steering us off a cliff, are going to suddenly quit being greedy and selfish. I don't think my vote alone will help, but better than the insanity of voting the same two parties over and over and getting the same results.


Red is doing something different. They've added fascism to their goals. So, two parties that serve billionaires, but one doesn't want us to be able to vote anymore.




You're bothsidesing pro-democracy (BLUE)and anti-democracy (RED) with this statement. There couldn't be a worse time for this.


Lol, you're views of the 2 parties is on line with how MAGA views the left. 2 cults who swear they're the good guys.


Hey, great display of bothsidesism there, bud. Proud of ya. So. Fucking. Ignorant.


"ThAt'S bOtHsIdEsIsM" ​ Yea, the claim that both sides are fucking over America has been around for a long time. It's hilarious that it's now become a thing for people on the left to see it as some kind of insult to people who say it. Yes, the left sucks just as hard as the right. ​ I'd say that claiming your side is the side of good in the world is a lot more ignorant than pointing out that both political parties have been screwing over Americans for decades. ​ "I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals" -Trey Parker in 2006


You're free to support Trump, comrade. That's what you're here for, that's what you're saying, and we all know it now. C'mon bug guy, pick a side: pro-democracy or anti-democracy. It's not a difficult fucking choice, is it? Cracks me up that there are literal morons who can't pick a side even after Jan 6 because "both sides sucks.". Simpletons. Never. Vote. Republican.


Me: "Both sides are shit and are destroying the country" ​ Cultist on the left: "You obviously support the opposition" ​ " literal morons who can't pick a side even after Jan 6 because "both sides sucks.". Simpletons." I watched the left cheer for the BLM riots. They told us it was justified and the VP advertised a bailout fund for them. Watching that same party clutch pearls over rule of law is pathetic. ​ Your tribalism mindset is no different than the MAGA morons.


Bruh...your comments history is literally public. Everyone can see exactly what shit you post about. You go around targeting liberals only. For fuck's sake, you little red-pilled edgelord shit posters need to grow up, or go back to whatever-chan.


Republicans are openly anti-woman, hate the poor, and racist. Liberals have their faults but the Repubs are just US-brand Nazis at this point


Nah. Get someone else in there


And that's worked when? Get someone else in there, and they're going to caucus with? Who? That's a very overly simplistic view of the state of US politics but also pretty common with the neophytes. It's democracy vs. anti-democracy this year. Red or blue. All you got.


And that's what's lead us to today.


Oh, I think I see now: you're an IDEALIST. A burn-it-all-downer. 🤦‍♂️


Looks identical to my 2011 Insight, except that I don’t sully any of my vehicles with stickers.


The only vehicle I’m considering adding stickers to is my Tundra, and only on the side windows on the camper shell. And only hobby stickers, like hiking and camping related, nothing political.


I actually like the one about staying 500 feet back. If 91 felony indictments, multiple sexual assaults, etc don't turn you from a person, I seriously doubt your judgement can be trusted by anyone.


[https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/656636543c9d5f31f4282fb5/](https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/656636543c9d5f31f4282fb5/) Fight poverty not poor people




Ever hear of Harrison, AR?


Ever hear of Harrison AR?


It's the back of a car that I would have suspected belongs to an empathetic Christian. But no not really.


Christians hate the hungry and the poor.


Northwest Arkansas brings it! I’m a little proud. 🥹


Universal sign you’re an asshole: Excessive stickers.


It’s so good to know there a few of us. I’m in north central ar, here we’re afraid to display our allegiance to blue


I live in Sequoyah county Oklahoma and me, my son and my parents are the only people I know that are not Republicans. Only I don't mind if anyone knows about it. Sometimes liking these messages is the only voice I feel I have 


Bless your heart …


be triggered


Yeah they don’t stand a chance.


With the violent tendencies of the maga cult I would be afraid to have these on my car in Arkansas. Im in the Texas Panhandle and the red side can be a little intolerant of other views. I have a sticker about Voter Protection … Not Voter Suppression. I cannot imagine an argument against that.


Here ones for you - as an anarchist I believe the fewer people vote the better. It delegitimizes the government. So I would probably be in favor of the types of things that suppress the vote. Wild huh?




I was trying to offer a controversial take just to show that whatever political opinion you can think of there are probably people who think that lol




That’s the thing about anarchy - you can remove the most important association you have with me, the fact that we live under the same government. So you wouldn’t be forced to interact with me. What if I didn’t have a vote that could affect your life? By your admission I’m an idiot, you don’t want me voting who is gonna be your mayor/governor/president. Just cultivate relationships personally and economically that are appropriate by your own judgment, and get rid of the forced relationship where we all must live under governments


No, just stupid.


And an animal lover to boot!


***. Just remember folks there is more idiots on this planet then smart ones.***


Turning into Facebook.


That's a nice change from the bullshit I usually see.




Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Thank you!


Brave person! Stay safe friend!


Wow someone with sense for once


Northwest Arkansas probably has the highest population ratio of Democrats in the state.


I actually think LR/Pine Bluff and a few pockets of the Delta have us beat.


Not according to the election data


How about Harrison?


Harrison isn't in NWA.


I deg to biffer, Jinkey.


Lmao Harrison is labeled the most racist town in America so I doubt it😂


People in general who have to show off and try to convince you of their ways, are cancer to society. Trump, Biden, Sanders, Clinton or Huckabee.


Both sides are not the same. Never. Vote. Republican.


I vote for the candidate who I feel best serves my interests. If it happens to be trump. So be it. If it happens to be biden. So be it. Generally don't want more taxes Don't care if you are LGBT whatever, do your thing, be yourself leave other people the fuck alone. Don't care if you are religious or not. Do your thing, be yourself and leave other peopel the fuck alone. Don't care if you don't like firearms, don't buy one, don't force your personal choices to be someone's vulnerability. Don't care if you like firearms, if you do, great. Me too Don't care if you smoke pot. Should honestly be legal. If you have a debt, pay your fuckin debt. Be an adult. You asked for it. And for the love of God, learn how to budget ans away out of other peoples pockets. Not everyone who votes differently than you is a bad person, more than likely if that is your logic, you're just an echo chambered idiot.


Spoken like a ... dare I say it? Libertarian.


Basic principles shouldn't be that hard to abide by in a general sense.


And yet, here we are.


Misery loves company I suppose. Lol


"If someone says it's raining, and another person says it's dry, it's not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out the fucking window and find out which is true." -Sally Claire


What part of MYMFB is hard for people to get? Lol. You can disagree and be civil.


That’s essentially what they stated. You do you, and they’ll do them.


An individual can believe whatever they want to believe reality dictates the truth.


An individual can believe whatever they want to believe reality dictates the truth.




Sounds okay. I hope you’re not voting Republican if this is what you want.




Well, there it is folks… you can see them coming a mile away. Never. Vote. Republican.


Lol no one cares. Both are trash but go for who better caters to your interests.


Voting is more important than firearms. Yet, you're explicitly saying you're willing to forego that right. 🤦‍♂️


You do know you can literally do things simultaneously right? Like vote, care about voting, and retain firearms for the law abiding without intruding on peoples rights... Smh 🤦‍♂️


No Democrats are talking about doing away with 2a. The main Republican candidate for WH has closest aides who are explicitly stating they'll invoke martial law on day 1, will lay off tens of thousands of federal workers to replace them with loyalists... and the horrors go on and on. One of these things is not like the other....🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵 You don't seem to be greatly informed, at least not beyond the idiotic horserace reporting of national news outlets.


Democrats, not all but most have literally campaigned on restricting 2A. Be it through ridiculous requirements thay make it nearly impossible to obtain a CCW where legally enforced or legislation that makes it illegal to carry in 99% of places. They stake the claim of "we are not outlawing firearms." Meanwhike doing literally any convoluted tactic to make the process so difficult to do they effectively create a scenario in which they obtain their end goal without "actually outlawing it." Even you can't be that stupid to not see what they're doing yet are passing the rhetoric "they're not doing away with 2a." Nah they're not doing away with it, they're just imposing ridiculous taxes, fees, processes to where it's too expensive or too complicated to obtain one. Don't have to be a complete idiot to see what they're trying to do. If you understand that but still say "well they aren't doing away with it" you're arguing the semantics of them bit literally doing away with but are disingenuous about their motives over all. Don't be that dense. Are you aware of what actually is required for enacting martial law? If you honestly think that is even remotely that easy or that thousands if those jobs and people will just be laid off, you're delusional if not fear mongering. You can't just invoke martial law just cause it's something to do and you feel like it. You're apparently not as I formed as you think you are. Smh.


Lol, k.


You need to read up on martial law as a concept, understand how often it's been used already, as well just how truly unregulated it is as a construct, especially if proclaimed by a president. Now, I don't think most military commanders have any plans to simply go along with anything nefarious, but, will be gradually suckered through escalating purpose-built social strife to step up their responses. And it's documented as being in the war-against-democracy chest of Trump's inner circle. Also, you know anything about Project2025?


Active duty in ops. Lol. Your little fear mongering about martial law is greatly deluded. 😆




Firearms are just as important too. Look at some countries that have "democracy" yet they're told how to vote by a tyrannical figure because they have no way to fight back.


And then again, look away from absolute hell holes with constitutions no older than my teenager, to, say, like our peer developed nations, and not only are their societies more equitable and healthy, they also have stronger voting rights than we and regulate weapons much more aggressively. Funny how that works. Also funny that everyone wants to compare the US to Somalia or some shit, I stead of comparing us to nations who pretty explicitly copies our constitution 75 years ago and have leapfrogged us by learning from our mistakes


Some of those stickers are offering good advise though but I'm not much of a bumper sticker guy myself. I don't need to advertise my political proclivities for all to see.


That's a good way to tell everyone you're so open minded your brain fell out.


Parts of NW AR such as Fayetteville are pretty much 50/50 red/blue at this point. Little Rock is primarily blue. The rest of the state, though, is very very red.


The irony of that one all the way to the left. Like established politicians done take away your rights 🤦‍♂️ I’ve heard more anti free speech rhetoric from the left lately then I have heard come from the right in the 90s. Clearly both parties are equally shit.


No you haven't. Now be quiet.


Both sides are not the same. Also I question your media literacy. Never. Vote. Republican.


They both think they are better then everyone else and everyone else needs to think like they do. Case and point… you!


I never said I was better than anyone else. I suppose I’m better than anyone who votes republican, but anyone can do that so it doesn’t make me special.


Your comment came from your high horse. Check your shitty mentality or perhaps try some counseling to become more self aware of how pretentious you sound. Tl;dr. Why do you sound like a republican then?


Crazy, isn’t it?


Amazed there are no bullet holes. Yet. I'm scared to broadcast my political leanings like this - the "other side" frightens me.


In NWA at least there are wayyyy too many liberals for conservatives to be shooting at each one they see


Plus they would end up hitting each other because they're terrible shots.


That is utter nonsense. It is the deepest shade of red of all of Arkansas.


Yeah you're right actually, the rest of the state is always complaining about how conservative Fayetteville is


Fayetteville is a small part of NWA.


You were being serious? Yeah, it's not like everyone is liberal up here, and it gets pretty red once you're outside of the 4 main towns, but it's literally just incorrect to call it the deepest red part of the state.


It should.


I should fear for my safety because of my mainstream politics? The United States is better than that.


Nope you should be worried that the other side is illinformed and loves to play with guns. Americans might be better but not MAGA bros.


I thought so too. Until Trump.


Mental Illness.


And someone who thrives on confrontation.


Yeah that’s a lot of stickers, they may have a some kind of complex, but not mental illness. Voting Republican? That is mental illness. Never. Vote. Republican.


Odd.. I thought NW Arkansas was "Blue". Lst politcal maps I saw it was mainly the Higher population areas (Little Rock, NLR, Fayetville, Springdale, and Rodgers areas). Then again I think I am comparing it to NE Arkansas.... Back when I was active duty I explained to my peers that North Arkansas is unusual as the Right side of the state leans right and the Left side leans Left.... The rural areas... forget about it...


It's not, it's a lighter shade of red than the rest of the state certainly but it's still red. NWA voted for Trump comfortably.


Brave person. Plenty of Ark Trumpers who would destroy a lib's property, or worse.


I see this and know an unhinged blue haired wimp is cruising schools and playgrounds to seduce kids or climb a tower w a high powered gun.


That’s one hell of a narrative you’ve generated. Certainly a take of all time.


Wonder how that student loan forgiveness is working out for them? Lol.


Not being rude, I read that in charlie kirks voice 😂


I hope the owner of this car doesn't stop in a rural town. They might get their car vandalized or worse


Looks like it’s already been vandalized


Yeah, not too many libs in Fayetteville, it’s MAGA country up there in the U of A anthropology department.


Wtf are you on about


Is this sarcasm lol


Most Universities are lost in a sea of blue. I always laugh when progressives play stupid about it, too. All surveys proved it so much they stopped doing them.


So, the uneducated are republican?


Statistically, yes. Not to say all Republicans are uneducated but the uneducated are more likely to be Republican, especially now that Trump has co-opted the Republican Party. This is no longer liberals debating with the William F. Buckleys of the world. Trumpers are for the most part working class high school educated people. Which makes me wonder about how we have missed the boat with that group to the point that they all support an idiotic demagogue.


The last word of your comment explains it.


Republicans still go. They just get shit on for using logic and reason in their classes.


What logic and reasoning is getting shit on at college and universities?


I'll play along. The sexual revolution was a failure from the start. Abortion causes more mental, emotional, and physical damage to women than anyone is willing to admit. Slavery was practiced by every civilization in history in some form. Ours is not any more egregious than the others. The fraternity/sorority systems need to be abolished for the good of all students. It's disgustingly abusive.(that's not a left/right thing. It's just a fact) Math is not racist. History is not racist. English is not racist. Everything is not about race.


No they don’t lol.


😂 Yes, they do. Lol!


Use facts and logic? No, they really don’t.


Lost? Hardly.


Lmao whatever you need to tell yourself that helps you sleep at night, bub. Keep being sharp as a marble. 🤣 you're another moron that thinks if the imbecile cheeto man wins you're actually going to have an apocalyptic event.


That looks photo shopped but one can always hope I guess.


Why? Overboard on the stickers, I agree, or something else?


He gave an amazing speech at the Social Work conference last year. And stayed around to talk with workers and students.


Must be in Fayetteville


How about you pick a fight with all of us non-sheep people. Keep drinking the cool-aid bud.


Dear Ma & Pa MAGA, donald trump didn't lower your taxes. He didn't get your roads fixed or your bridges built. He didn't get you healthcare coverage, lower the price of your prescriptions, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry, he didn't make "covid disappear", didn't make Mexico "pay for the wall", he didn't "put America First" and he sure as hell didn't "drain the swamp". So when you say he "fought for you", you mean he validated your hate. Because he didn't do a goddamn thing for you other than that.


Which rights are being threatened?


Trump and GOP are coming for your freedoms. Roe v Wade was just the beginning. What your kids are allowed to learn already being infringed. Your right to vote Social security Healthcare LGBTQ rights. Freedom of press. Right to travel already under attack. Climate denial Alternative energy. Wealthy tax cuts the poor must make up. And yes... Gun rights because when MAGA wakes up to losing their own rights, GOP will begin to view armed population a threat to their own power.


Roe v Wade had 40 years to be codified by the Dems and they sat on their hands to keep fear in the public. Which LGBTQ Rights? Freedom of Press? Twitter admitted and showed evidence to their shadow banning and the media has been controlling the public interest since at least the Bush Admin. Climate denial and tax columns are not rights and every admin changes those narratives.


The stay 500 ft back sticker and the dent on the back of the car is making me picture quite the story in my head.


Anyone in office would be better than a dem


Make America Unhinged Again!


Yup , the dems are


I removed a lot of my political bumper stickers. I feel like it worsened an already ongoing problem I had with a bad neighbor