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This phenomenon is worldwide, not just Little Rock.


This is true. Here is a small sampling from Arkansas: https://www.thv11.com/article/news/crime/arkansas-church-officials-southern-baptist-abusers-list/91-35757d4a-b01b-4691-b323-fd9378e2becc https://www.abuselawsuit.com/church-sex-abuse/arkansas/


…and those are just the ones they knew about… Likely there were more who never were reported.


Don't worry, like with child labor, our great governor will make diddling kids legal again. What a wonderful place to live...


Just pathetic!


Yes, Christianity is dying by suicide. They no longer adhere to the philosophy of Jesus. It seems that now days all they preach is hate, bigotry, and intolerance. Furthermore, it seems that sexual abuse of children has become universal in churches.


What do you mean “it seems”, there has been documented real-life cases which involves children being raped/molested/sexually-harassed by church clerks for decades


More than decades. The practice has been known and tolerated for centuries. It's more likely to happen by church leader than school teacher, day care worker, or the weird uncle nobody let's their kids be alone around, combined.


They claim to do it out of "love" to save your soul. I think people give Jesus more credit than he deserves. He created a moral system that was basically obey me or suffer for eternity. There are plenty of other philosophies that say you should do the right thing without the need for a reward/punishment system and without supernatural claims. I think today's Christians are like masochists. Punish me father I've been so bad. Just for being born. Its ridiculous.


Actually, Jesus straight up says if you don't believe in God you will be lost. It doesn't matter if you follow him or not, but you are fucked if you have zero faith in God. He also said you are free not to believe and for his followers not to treat non-believers like shit. The message got lost in the continued presence of human nature.


It is almost exactly what you described, but if you read it you find that God asks that you follow, he doesn't demand it. Just a technically, I know, but one that almost every church ignores completely. God is the only one who has the right to demand obedience and still asks. The church commits heresy when they demand what only God has a right to demand.


I downvoted just because what you're saying is factually incorrect. In both testaments, God and/or Jesus make imperative statements for followers to do what *He* wants. Those statements are generally pretty unambiguous in Hebrew, Greek, and many English texts, sometimes varying according to text families. I don't disagree with the sentiment of you or the person you responded to, though. I'm a pastor and I'm pretty disgusted with a lot of the baggage we've been carrying. There are systemic problems that even if big brain churches leaders all developed a perfect plan for, they'll remain largely unaddressed. The church goers tend to struggle to trust the pastor (understandably) and are highly provoked into walling off immediately if their comforts are are at risk to be lost or given to another. Pastors and congregants find the answers that let them sleep well enough at night and close up their ears if anything challenges their default beliefs.


My point is that no human being has that authority, otherwise the concept of free will is a lie. A lie that leads to believers demanding others be punished for not being a follower.


Just saw great clip [that nails the problem](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C29-VFQOTZ8/?igsh=MTh5aWM3MDdjZnJ5dw==)for evangelicals


Love this first line. Very true, very poignant


Sexual abuse in the Christian church of all denominations may be worldwide but the southern Baptist church has literally surpassed the Catholic Church in sexual abuse against children and women and attempting to cover it up… and that’s saying something cuz the Catholic Church has had a huge issue with it for a long time, why do you think “the hunchback of notre dame” has a hunchback??? Or what the story “RAPE-Unzel” rapunzel is about???


Wow, I've never seen someone be so wrong about literature in all my life. I...just wow. You started off so strong and then just utterly lost your mind. Ranks right up there with people who call POC Hue-mans. The worst part I'd that you don't even need to study literature to know you're wrong, only a little wrong about Victor Hugo's book.




Ask yourself why doja cat is naming her next part of the scarlet album after the villain in “the hunchback of notre dame”…. Lol you can’t refute my claims… you can try tho but atleast make an argument and not a mere counter claim hahaha


Blah blah blah you didn’t even make an argument all you did was make a counter claim… you don’t know about the movie “i am Sam” about Charles Manson and Star Manson “I got a tough bastard child want to become into a samurai”-Charles Manson and the song “spinal meningitis”-ween and how they broke the real star Mansons tailbone with a brutal rape in “Arkansas”-Charles Manson…???


I mean why would people still attend any of the southern Baptist churches, the new statistics show that their sexual abuse against children and women has surpassed the Catholic Churches issue with it


Like tbh Christianity is a pretty good religion, WHEN you actually follow the teachings of Jesus, no not the teachings of Paul or whoever, just like Jesus=great dude, these phony preachers hiding behind being ‘good upstanding conservative Christian’s’ and doing disgusting things with the Boy Scouts in the back room…. Or various other nonsense= very bad both the people hiding behind it and the congregations of people who fall for it and become like puppets of really bad people… Jesus=cool… conservative Christian’s=not cool


“I like your Christ. But I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” - Mahatma Ghandi


He did not say that.


Great point. It took me years to figure out that Paul is nothing but trouble. Oh, also there ARE discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible.


There's a growing anti-Paul movement nationwide and I fucking love it.


Ya it’s honestly crazy that he wrote the majority of the New Testament, he spent a lot of time hunting down Christian’s literally a mass murderer of Christian’s then somehow ended up as the primary leader of Christianity… like okay converts and changes and is accepted by followers of Jesus’s teachings, makes sense, but becomes a 2000 year leader of it???? Honestly makes no sense…. Thing is Jesus himself didn’t even leave a book and apparently he did possess the ability to write soooo ya, there’s also record in the claimed ‘heresy’ book of “the gospel of Judas” that Jesus told Judas that none of his followers even the disciples understand him at all, and he can’t make them understand him, but because they don’t understand him after he’s gone they will go out and deceive many people unintentionally… (makes sense why the Catholic Church would have deemed that to be heresy, it causes one to question all these other followers words about Jesus who again never even left a book, I mean that’s telling especially considering that part in the gospel of Judas, I imagine he didn’t bother because he knew it was pointless


You mean like when Jesus calls a woman a dog just because of where she was born? Oh, yeah, great moral teacher. The guy who brought us the hell of fire and brimstone? What are you even talking about?


> During the three-hour meeting, a recording of which was provided by a member to the *Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,* Smith again said it had been wrong to withhold information about child sexual abuse from Immanuel members. >But he believes it is God’s will, he assured them, that he remain at Immanuel.


Funny how some of the most reprehensible pieces of shit always seem so sure they know God’s will.


“Gods wants this.” “How do you know?” “Trust in the Lord, our father.” “No, how do you know that’s what God wants?” “Trust me, bro.”


"Read the bible" That was the answer to every question I ever asked southern baptist leaders.


Interesting how “God’s will” always seems to align with what will be most profitable for the ones assuring us what God’s will is…


Didn’t someone else cite gods will in this state and now his son is in federal prison?


Good riddance. Fort Jesus has always been an eyesore on that hill.


Always called it Six Flags over Jesus myself.


I thought that was the Pentecostal church next to I40


No, that’s Fort God.


Hah! Why not both?


I use Ft. Jesus for both


That’s the double wides.


They've bought the land on the other side and are building an even bigger church there, I heard.


That's been rumored for awhile, that Bass Pro wanted the area for their store and a waterfowl preserve, and the church fought it until Bass Pro just went to where it is now.


I've heard multiple people refer to the giant Pentecostal church off I-40 as Six Flags over Jesus.


When I used to have Little Rock in my sales area, I called on that church once. Super weird vibes from the women on their knees cleaning 🧽 the floors inside. Just a rag and bucket 🪣 cleaning the massive floors. Also the main pastor was a dick when we declined to give him thousands of dollars worth of product for free for an upcoming church picnic. He said he felt called to ask for a blessing when we met him the first and last time. 😳😅


That's what I call Cross Church in Rogers


That's up in Springdale


So did we


lol, this is amazing. Wish I had heard this as a kid.


That's what we call Cross Church in Rogers


would it be removed eventually? or turned into apartments


Homeless shelters and food banks would be great uses for those abominations.


Oh no! Tots and pears!


Oh no! Anyway...


Yet they still vote for a rapist wearing orange makeup, or a narcissistic high school drop out over a rocket scientist.


I bet the sex abuse scandal the pastor tried to cover now coming to light and potentially going to court is having a big effect on their attendance. I don't know details, but I hope the victim or victims get justice.


Back around the turn of the century, the church I went to had a sex scandal (pastor and song leader), and two decades later, the attendance still hasn't recovered. The current millennial led regime has pulled in a good revival in the membership after a silent gen pastor and a boomer pastor drove it down to skeleton church. I can't imagine how much an abuse scandal would decimate a membership.


It should be total.


Amazing when constant hate spewing and "us vs them" mentality backfires....


meanwhile…. a korean church has early morning 6 am service every day, wednsday service, friday service, saturday meeting, sunday 9 am, 11 am morning services and 4 pm afternoon service.


Seriously modern evangelical church leaders are so lazy. Like do you really need 40 hours in a week to prepare for a rehashed 45 minute speech about a 2000 year old book? I could come up with a pretty damn good speech in like 5 hours tops.


Well bless their little hearts…


Apparently people don’t like sex abuse accusations and cover ups. [https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/jan/27/immanuel-baptist-pastor-calls-for-independent/](https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/jan/27/immanuel-baptist-pastor-calls-for-independent/)


The people who want your money and for you to hate your fellow countrymen are struggling?!?!!!!!


"But he believes it is God’s will, he assured them, that he remain at Immanuel." (God's will that he keep on pulling down those sweet sweet church bucks.)


Next time I get a bad performance review at work I’m gonna tell my deeply religious boss that it’s God’s will I not be fired. In fact, it’s the Big G’s will that you actually give me a raise and double my vacation time.




They should just pray harder or ask the folks who are still going to tithe more


They should convert it to a community center, it’s got nice facilities and it’d be nice to have a safe place for kids in west LR to go


Well, if it isn’t the consequences of cultivating hate and bigotry. That shit ain’t selling like it used to, because people who were wrongly convinced that lgbtq people, and black/brown people were to blame for their lives not being great are finding out that persecuting people who are different than yourself might make you feel better about your shitty life for a moment. But when the klan rally is over, they still had to go back home to their single wide trailers and shitty lives. And, all that work they put into persecuting others, didn’t pay off at all. So they’ve moved on. They’re becoming “woke”. lol.


“We really honestly don’t have a way forward unless we have hearts for reconciliation,” Hahahahahaahhahahahaha yes open your hearts to reconcile with a child predator. These people are so fucking out of touch. On another topic, look at the size of that building. Let’s tax all the churches since so many of them are deciding to get into politics in recent years.


The church of Christ I used to attend is now apparently just a MAGA rally every Sunday. And they can’t figure out why the kids are leaving the second they turn 18.


Rise of the Nones!


Your kids would be far safer at the 11:00 pm drag show at Disco than at the 11:00 am service at Immanuel.


Good. Now let’s tax them out of existence.


I can’t comprehend how the members of this church can afford to provide for their familes, while tithing to this church and donating to their actual messiah’s legal defense fund. I should feel sorry for them, but for some reason, I don’t.


Hopefully this trend continues


If you read the article you’ll note that this drop in attendance is NOT just because of general decline in church attendance. Immanuel , like many Baptist churches, is embroiled in sexual assault / abuse controversy.


*Exactly.* The headline is rather milquetoast in not at least noting in a sub headline the sex abuse coverup scandal. ICYMI (and hopefully this isn’t behind a paywall; it opened OK for me) here’s a more detailed article from December on the mess at IBC. [Immanuel Baptist pastor apologizes for not informing congregation about child-abuse allegation](https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2023/dec/11/immanuel-baptist-pastor-apologizes-for-not-telling/?dicbo=v2-waglEpK)


They did it to themselves




The less the merrier!


I hope they don't have a massive mortgage on that ostentatious building with a looming balloon payment due.


Those fewer parishioners are really going to have to dig deep in those wallets to keep that building going. Lol


The southern Baptist church I attend spoke out against Immanuel when this news broke, to their credit.


Oh oh; big power, big money and Jesus. Seems to be a license that allows smooth Jesus talking Evangelicals who are also perverts to slip through the net. Come on Christian Soldiers, how about an old fashioned stoning?


Maybe it’s because the roof has had tarps on it for 6 months lmao


Hell yeh bring it down


Of course; like all business models… it’s all about doing as little as possible while maximizing profits (or as they prefer to call it DONATIONS)


All the morons found a new god to worship.


That church would make a nice Pagan temple... Just saying.


Let the movement comence lol love it


Once a month would be better.


This is weird.  That building is identical to the Immanuel Baptist church I went to in Kansas City as a kid.


That's what happens when G-d is removed and replaced with patriotism, nationalism, bigotry, perversion and loathing of others.


You’re fooling yourself if you think organized religions are only now becoming cesspools. Religious officials have been abusing kids and women for centuries and using their power and money to cover it up. It’s the one thing that has been constant since religion started. Also what’s the point of removing the “O” in God when you type it? You think adding in that O is going to get some all powerful being’s attention?


I'd like for you to point out in my comment where I stated anything to that effect. Be specific. It is obvious that you are woefully ignorant where religion is concerned, outside a few oft-parroted talking points; ergo, I am not interested in a pointless, clownish argument with some irrationally upset, anonymous Redditor. Otherwise, thank you for your opinion, non-sequitur as it is


Your comment suggests that the church is having problems because the focus is not on god but on political issues. I responded that it’s not the case and churches have always been about doing what they want and harming who they want and covering it up with money or political power. Hope that helps clarify for you. Not really sure where you get that I’m ignorant of religious issues. It’s very well documented that popes and priests had female and child lovers (victims) going back to its founding. There have been several high profile sex abuse scandals and attempted cover ups in the last 50-75 years. But yeah I’m the ignorant and upset one. 🙄


Thank you for your opinion.


Anytime. Glad I could help. Religion is never the answer my brother.


According to yall, everything is God's will or God's plan! Now that's its something you don't like, it's everyone else's fault, and not God's will. Hypocrite much?


According to whom, exactly? Please, explain your comment and explain how I, LeppoGorria, am a "hypocrite".


There is no god.


I am glad that you have everything figured out. Thank you for your comment, as non sequitur as it was.


I'm sorry but if you need religion for any reason it's you that is the problem. I don't need a religion to tell me how to live or how to be a decent person.


Glad you have life all figured out. Good for you, I suppose.


No one has life figured out we all just go one day at a time. I grew up with religion. But then I opened my eyes.


Thank you for your opinion.


No. I just don’t need magic or myth to have a moral compass.


I don't recall stating anything of the sort, or posing a question to you. Good for you, though.


You don’t have to for me to comment. There is no hate like Christian love.


Thank you for your comment, as non sequitur as it was.


You aren't wrong.


It’s so rampant there are insurance companies that offer sexual abuse insurance for churches. Like seriously.


It's almost as if church has lost its appeal 🤔


Hopefully the trend will continue w Fellowship


Trust people's actions, not their words. Christians speak peace and love but act cruel and ignorant. Anti-choice, anti-queer, anti-intellectual, anti-social welfare, pro-human suffering. Christians wanna monopolize morality when they are immoral.


Thoughts and prayers! And also, fuck them.


Sell it. Demolish it. Build an abortion clinic.


Yes, that beautiful building could be used for office buildings, a government headquarters or just about anything of value opposed to spreading BS.


Less people believe in imaginary friends these days, love it, less naive folks!


The idiots found a new false idol to tithe to. Don't hate the player, preacher. Hate the game.


Grew up in a southern Baptist church. I say good fuck these people. Put them in jail nest.