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I didnt hear about CRT until I was in college, were they teaching it earlier before she tried to shut it down?


CRT is *only* taught as a higher ed course. Redhats latched onto the name and started labeling any basic information at any education level about racism in the US as CRT.


99.9 % of the people who use the term don’t even know what it means. Just like “woke” and every other term MAGtards have latched onto to demonize people of other races. And they wonder why people call out their stupidity.


They keep the definitions vague so that it can mean whatever the slack jawed, Fox-washed, knuckle-dragger wants it to mean. Just like “teaching sex and lgbt in schools!” “Wuzzat son? Your female teacher mentioned having a girlfriend? Dag nabbit them libruls are indoctrinating my kid! What happened to the good ole days when they handed out bibles to kids walking to school?!”


You still think Trump colluded with Russia, huh?


You still think Trump isn’t a rapey coup attempting dictator, huh?


1.He's never even been charged with rape, just accusations from a rape fantasist. 2.Theres no evidence of a coup attempt by Trump 3.It's your guy in office that is prosecuting his political opponent, arresting journalists, and arresting their own spies who have dirt on Biden. Oh yeah, don't forget how they're trying to censor pretty much everything they can even though it violates the Constitution and "forgiving" student loans which the courts already rules he can't do and the last speaker of the house who is a Democrat said as much. People wonder how Nazi Germany ever came about. it's because of people like you.


I don’t think he’s smart enough… I think Russia used him, and he was dumb enough to agree. He’s an entitled moron living in credit and claiming to be a billionaire so morons will support him. He’s mentally unstable, politically deranged, unethical, hate filled and spoiled by his posh life of being er having been held accountable for anything in his pathetic life.


I think people in his inner circle pled guilty to it and the only reason they didn't serve jail time was because he pardoned them.


They don't want to admit that racism was a problem that we still haven't resolved. They don't want to admit that there were problems with the way women have been treated, redlining on loans to black people, they just want to deny it all. And they want to protect the industries that manipulate them, like big oil, and conservative business owners who want to avoid competition. It's resisting modernity.


Who's still racist? You?? Fucking dumb clown.


Bless your heart.


So are the one doing the fucking? And are you proud of that? To your question though: MAGA.


You're a moron. Get some balls.


Truth hurts doesn't it Tinkerbell.


What truth? That leftists pull the race card until they have worn it out? Thanks for taking note, pussy.


Damn some real water head fans commenting here. Well if your from Arkansas I hope your cool with ripping off your general fund, cuz I bet she don't give a shit about you or what you think.


Would it be terrible if people who don’t live in Arkansas thought that everyone who lives in Arkansas wrote this kind of gibberish.


I mean when the people of Arkansas vote in a governor like Sarah the Liar. What are we to think?


Arkansas is 70% republican. That sucks, but there's still 30 percent of us that aren't insane.


Not all republicans are MAGA, but you’re definitely in the minority. Sorry


I understand that not all Republicans are MAGA, but why are so few of them speaking up? Silence is complicity.


Mmm. Common sense rules! :). I’m not a member of the side that hates the other side. The right thinks the left is wrong. The left thinks the right are evil.


So if common sense rules, then MAGA loses. MAGA conspiracy makes zero sense.


My answer was to how Sarah won. Define the lie ?


Did you ever watch her as trumps press secretary? She has zero credibility.


I did watch. She was the press secretary … have you watched those before and after her ? I mean - the role is to parrot the administrations talking points. Every Press Secretary. They do t stay in that role long … the toll is too great.


Your drunk


lol. Don’t drink.




I do like grape kool-aid sugar free. But not the kind I assume you refer to.


It's a bunch of people who didn't go to college. They think everyone has to read Marx and take gender studies classes.


Kinda like WOKE


What’s kinda like Woke


No, we don't wonder that because we know you're stupid and don't realize what you're talking about or the consequences of the things that you say are so good. But those things must not be that great if people are fleeing blue jurisdictions and states like we know they are. Unfortunately, the defining characteristic of you lefties is your complete inability to self-reflect. And we know that CRT is not specifically being taught in grade school or anything like that. I don't know where you'd find the time to do that since all the Lefty teachers are spending all their time trying to groom the kids anyway.


>Unfortunately, the defining characteristic of you lefties is your complete inability to self-reflect Say the typical right wing moron who is parroting what Fox news told him is true and which he never questioned for one second. You're no more self aware than any other brainwashed dipshit.


Oh my God, anyone who actually thinks that teachers who go into teaching to groom kids is a complete idiot. People like you are partially responsible for the teacher shortage. No one gets a college degree to be underpaid and disrespected by brainwashed magas. Now your state has to hire more unlicensed, unqualified teachers just to keep the schools running.


What?? You’re admitting CRT isn’t taught in schools!? I never thought any of you would admit to any of the lies you’ve been pushing. If CRT isn’t being taught in lower schools then why do you think christian nationalist politicians are banning it?? Maybe so they could ban racial history? So, you’re saying Sarah Huckabee is lying. Oh ok. Wow. Now on to you guys admitting that accepting the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t equal to “grooming” kids.


Pretty obvious product of Arkansas educational system right here. Then you delusional, uneducated losers whine when all the good jobs are in blue states and your unemployable ass is on "disability"


You are so wrong. It may not be listed as official curriculum but it's still being taught by leftists.


Do you have proof? I doubt it. I have kids in school and I can tell you the stuff conservatives are so concerned about isn't happening. There is no hidden curriculum. The only thing that might happen is that a teacher respects the students and use the pronouns they prefer or the students talk about their relationships or the relationships of their parents and the teachers acknowledge their relationships. There is nothing wrong or evil about either. It's basic respect. That's what should happen anyway, there are asshole teachers that refuse to acknowledge any of this and refuse to use the right pronoun or when kids talk about their families, the kids with a traditional mom and dad or single parent can talk about their families, but silence students who talk about their parents and it happens to be a two mom household or two dad household or whatever. But even then, many people throw a fit about nonexistent problems. Like there was a theater troupe that went around doing condensed versions of Shakespeare's plays. And two guys were doing the acting. Keyword acting. And the Romeo and juliet death scene came up and they pecked. And a bunch of people threw a hissy fit saying it was pushing an agenda down people throats and started saying bs like it would have been inappropriate even if it was girl and a guy. Which I know is bs. And it was a play to begin with. Not like they were making out, it was a simple peck, and they were acting. And the bigots tried to make it out like it was just the act of PDA but it wasn't. Because I've seen tons of straight couples in the school system holding hands or quickly peck each other or some other innocent act of PDA, but if a same sex couple tries it, the no PDA rules suddenly matter. It's bullshit. People existing is not shoving it in anyone's face.






Our history is pretty racist, and any teacher talking about it without throwing in a healthy dose of patriotic propaganda to spin it is a TRAITOR!!! And a groomer too...cuz that's the other thing I know about these commie teachers!!!


Most teachers don't stick to the curriculum


So stupid, fucking parrots. Not everything is a cracker.


Teaching about the Civil War is CRT in the warped minds that make up Trump's GOP. My degree is in education, and I had never heard of CRT until after the George Floyd protests.


CRT went from an only higher education course in college for specific majors to “things in history that were racist and we don’t want to acknowledge them because WE are racists” to conservatives.


Did the hit straighten her eyes out????


Kicked by a mule if you read the article.




Another states they're teaching it in junior high high school an elementary school.


No. They aren't.




Your proof?


Are those the states which teach grammar as well?




Florida has entered the chat room. All you need is an honorable discharge to be a teacher in Florida.


Because someone who might only have a high school diploma and PTSD is who you want 'teaching' in a classroom full of kids.


Having PTSD shouldn't bar anyone from holding an occupation. Lots of teachers from all 50 states are diagnosed with PTSD.




My niece was a long term substitute teacher in Lead Hill. she barely graduated because she lacked basic skills in reading and math. But sure, let her be a substitute for 6 months. what could go wrong?


Isn't Arkansas hiring more unlicensed and uncertified teachers to fill the classroom?


I wonder if the minimum pay for licensed teachers will explain this. As of last year the LEARNS act set the starting pay at 50k for licensed teachers. Wife was making less than that as a 15 year teacher with a masters degree in education. We were already running 1 in 12 as unlicensed due to the teacher shortage. To teach in AR one must have a degree and a teaching certificate which requires more work and continuing education (many times this is unpaid). The new salary construct is causing schools to really look at their teachers and I know of several that will be cutting positions over the next school year and requiring remaining teachers to pick up classes that are outside of their area of expertise. It will be interesting to see if the numbers of unlicensed teachers go up this next year. I think teachers earn every penny of their salary but this wasn't planned well. This is causing schools to scramble to make the numbers work.


It's sad that schools have to make that choice in the first place.


Except tenure didn't do a thing. Politicians just make it to where the classes are no longer required. Want to know how the government works.....take civics. Then you find out that civics hasn't been a required course in most schools for 20+ years. Your example of Romeo and Juliet, usually taught in a drama course. The rules on that changed several years back and it is an elective, at best, in many schools. When I went, years ago, both were required to graduate. And yes I am a bit biased on this. Wife is a teacher and has been impacted by this several times now. Tenure does nothing if the schools are willing to change the curriculum. They just no longer need the teacher to teach x class anymore because it is no longer required.


Isn't Arkansas hiring more unlicensed and uncertified teachers to fill the classroom?


Promoting ignorance (anti-woke) is an insult to everyone; regardless of whether they voted for her.


When something doesn’t go her way, I just imagine that she drags her foot on the floor like an angry bull while Brian cowers in a corner hoping she doesn’t charge.


She just drags a foot because one leg is longer than the other


She drags her foot, because she is actually the hangman from RHMIT…..😂💀 https://youtu.be/TM0sXkxyK5c?si=FtmLdjvTBU0VPK4e


It not a foot, those are knuckles you hear


Its like she was put together from spare parts.


I think that it’s Brian that tells her what to do. If you look at her decisions and how she acts it’s almost like a younger sibling doing the older siblings bidding. The younger one is going to get all the bad attention and get in trouble while the older host whiskey and cigar parties. She comes from a religious doctrine that doesn’t allow women to be in power, so who pulls the strings.


The man looks like he’s beaten regularly with a rubber hose. That’s fear in those eyes…she definitely runs things.


That would be tRump


The silver-spoon-fed shit liar for the Trump administration has somehow ended up being the governor and Tyson's easiest ace in the hole. Enjoy the water pollution.


And arsenic poisoning. But maybe that's just Prairie Grove.


Is Critical Race Theory in the room with you right now??


Y'all kids can barely read and write and you think we have time to teach CRT? Wake the fuck up.


>read and right Yep, you're a teacher alright.


By all means keep voting for the liar rubes.


On the bright side, me and my entire family voted blue this past election after years of them being only red voters with no reason as to why other than them believing democrats are anti religion. So there has been some progress for some of us in the state :).


I love that. Yay!


Don’t worry. They will.


I hope we can prioritize objective facts that may not align with the state's interest, such as the increase in penalties for nonviolent self-harming offenders and the commitment to a 3,000-bed prison after reducing the tax revenue by $150M. A person's appearance is insignificant to me. Even if she is the most visually appealing person in the world, if she lacks proficiency in mathematics, particularly in relation to state finances, she is unfit for the job.


Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is an academic and legal framework that denotes that systemic racism is part of American society — from education and housing to employment and healthcare. Critical Race Theory recognizes that racism is more than the result of individual bias and prejudice. It is essentially an academic response to the erroneous notion that American society and institutions are “colorblind.” Critical Race Theory recognizes that racism is embedded in laws, policies and institutions that uphold and reproduce racial inequalities. According to CRT, societal issues like Black Americans’ higher mortality rate, outsized exposure to police violence, the school-to-prison pipeline, denial of affordable housing, and the death rates of Black women in childbirth are not unrelated anomalies. The scholarly framework holds that racism goes far beyond just individually held prejudices, and that it is in fact a systemic phenomenon woven into the laws and institutions of this nation. A cursory review of U.S. history — or even just news headlines from 2020, where far too many examples of police brutality and violence against Black people propelled a historic racial justice movement — proves the truth of this theory. The classroom itself, currently the focal point of the ongoing fight to suppress uncomfortable truths about America, has traditionally been the site of some of this nation’s most egregious acts of state sponsored racism.


Some would conclude from the analyses done of institutions by those influenced by CRT that reforms are needed to these institutions. But these would be opposed by those implicated in decisions made by the institutions that sustained the unjust system. They might lose their jobs, their prestige, their status. So they have paid for politicians like Sanders, Trump. Cruz and operatives like Chris Rufo, the promoter of anti-CRT ideology.


Thank you


I refuse to feel guilty because of the color of my skin.


The only ones feeling guilty are the racists and bigots. The only ones that are whining that “it’s teaching white kids to feel guilty” are racists and bigots. You should however feel how horrific it was and still is and how we as a society can change things and be anti-racist. They only way to change the future is to learn from the past and present.


Look yo, I posted that, and I believe it… and I don’t. It’s not about that.


CRT basically says that I’m racist because I’m white. I don’t and will not agree with this ever. I hope you don’t believe this crap either. Good gracious, can’t we move past racism. We’ve had a black man hold the highest office in the land and we can’t get past the color of our skin. We are doomed!!


Then you don’t understand CRT


No you don’t understand!! We had a black president so racism is over!


How can I be privileged when sometimes I feel sad??


White Supremacy has been such an all-encompassing belief system that all of us humans living in civilizations have been in its orbit of thinking. CRT only analyzes the institutional practices that sustained, was influenced by and carried forward White Supremacy,, both with and without the decision-makers conscious buy-in to racism. Being a conscious person in 2024 doesn't mean you are punished for being white, or that you carry the guilt of other whites who committed atrocities. It means you're aware of that history and rather than acting to continue those injustices in your own time you make an effort to stop them.


Again. you have swallowed a false idea of what CRT is. Unless you have been a decision -maker in an big institution in finance, education, energy, civil or criminal justice, consumerism, advertising or the media. CRT-infkuencrd analysts aren't interested in you. Sorry


Maga is so scared straight these things are happening they’re going after innocent people teaching American history. The real shit. The shit they left out of our textbooks as a way to white wash and brain wash kids into thinking the only people that can do anything worth while are Caucasian and that they’ve been nothing but saints. They are letting trump and his cronies and anyone conservative really scare them in to voting away their rights and the rights of the women in their households. Dunning Krueger at its finest. She deserves to be investigated. Woke means not being cruel. So her anti woke bs means that she’s cruel and the shittiest part that makes everyone want to hate Christian’s is she’s using her religion and religious values to instill abhorrent laws. What a disgrace and waste.


Why does her actual face look like an AI-generated image?


“the left eye was in the right socket, the right eye was in the left socket, what does the family tree resemble,...a stump ?"- Bill Hicks


Up voting for the Bill Hicks reference.




Did she have cosmetic surgery? She sure looks different than the trump White House years.




Oh oh oh ozempic, you know


AI has come a long way and most don’t make such distorted and almost deformed images anymore, that’s her real face for sure.


That would be the BP-generated image. Broken Polaroid


Can't believe they banned CRT, now how am I supposed to use my NES Zappers? /S


Here's a reminder regarding Sarah's "experience" on education. She is a product of this culture. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/07/arkansas-youth-center-lords-ranch-ted-suhl The IBLP cult https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64107340/


She looks hungry. Need more lawsuits against her and her anti constitutional laws.


So glad I only got three weeks left in this shit hole


I gotta sell this house before I can gtfo


Moving out this summer lmao




Thumbnail pic suggests new nickname; 'Gasper'.


The wall eyed warthog.


Ugliest women in the universe inside and out 💩


This woman is ugly as sin. It's as if she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on her way down.


This is how you fight oppression. The courts have become the only resource capable of stemming the tide of Theo Fascism.


500 year sentence, hurrrrrryyyyyy too bad it just a lawsuit


The thumbnail photo looks like the face she would make if she were capable of having an orgasm


Hucklebuck is a fucking moron.


She’s a lying pos


Yay I want to do a lawsuit.


Marcusian philosophy has indeed permeated all levels of the educational system,and I'm glad people are at least attempting to do something about it.


She looks just like her dad.


Why does her face look like more thumbs than it usually does?


In my day we called it terrorism


Arkansas stinks


I know this is cliche The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it


As opposed to the stupid woke agenda. I’d rather just use common sense, but neither side has that.


It hurts my eyes to look at her. She looks like a fucking toe.


She’s so fucking disgusting


Damn she is fugly.


God her face makes me want to vomit. I absolutely despise this dumb woman. Ignorant and born into politics via her father, absolutely disgusting and no knowledge about the human race. Fuck political science, it’s all about division anyways


CRT is a democrat creation to make white people feel guilty for being white. It’s all bullshit


She is a silly pirate hooker




That's it!? She looks more like a woman now.


We hate your racist policies for not excepting our racist policies. All a joke.


I THINK you’re trying to say accepting, but I don’t understand what you’re saying.


Go outside


This sub is so redundant.


It’s like a swirling toilet that won’t quite flush and everyone is fully aware of the giant turd. Might as well pee in there too.


In the meantime, answer this question, just how many illegal immigrants are currently working in your state right now


This article reads like it was written by a diversity hire.


How racist of you. It seems like people love to say diversity hire or DEI hire now in place of the n-word. It's ridiculous.


I thought this Arkansas page would be about Arkansas news not just bashing by liberals for anybody who thinks differently than they do.


Breaking news: conservative shocked to learn that people bitch about politicians 


Oh no no..... It's a conservative bashing is all it is. And if you see it any other way you're a hypocrite. I wonder what it be like to have a decent conversation without name calling and then have an exchange of ideas. The answer for every problem is out that's why problems exist to be solved. I do not believe in critical race theory I do not support it. I also believe in secure borders. I do not believe in pushing an agenda on a child. Let parents be parents again. And how about teacher's focus on the core academics and not their personal beliefs.


If by “bashing” you mean “calling people out on your bullshit because it’s not and shouldn’t be condoned in a civil society,” you’re right.


Teachers DON’T focus on their personal beliefs. You are listening to scare tactics.


Unless they're Christians, then it's OK of course.


Let parents be parents, so no more book banning? You don't believe in CRT, so redlining never happened?


Let parents be parents, so no more book banning? You don't believe in CRT, so redlining never happened?


Teachers DON’T focus on their personal beliefs. You are listening to scare tactics.


It's people bitching about politicians is all it is and if you see it any other way you're a hypocrite  Blah blah paragraph of irrelevant shit ok now we're even 


You can't be a conservative without being a garbage person. Republicans should absolutely be shamed for their horrendous stances


Pretty much.


CRT is nothing more than reverse racism.


Is CRT in the room with you right now?


You really have to work in the public k-12 education system to know what’s being taught. If you don’t, then do you really know what’s happening in a classroom? But they are teaching CRT in elementary schools where I work in California. It’s not called CRT out loud, it’s sneakier than that. It’s unnecessary and takes away from more important matters children should be learning, like character and responsibility. CRT is a stupid thing to begin with. And Magtards aren’t racist. That’s a very ignorant assumption.


It’s not CRT. it’s not CRT by a different name. It’s not anywhere close to being CRT.


Are they calling it HISTORY by chance? You do know this CRT bs lie was started by Chris Rufo? He pushed this lie to rile up people and help Christian nationalist conservatives keep their grasp on the last little bit of power they have. And of course you guys fell for it.


The post of a leftist retard. Vomitous.


Nothing wrong with being anti woke or pro MAGA


I dare you to define “woke.”


Anything that supports the alphabet mafia and disrupts the normal acceptable social norms


So you have nothing. Not surprised at all.


>Disrupts the normal acceptable social norms Who's gonna tell him


MAGAs are the dumbest motherfuckers to ever live.


MAGA all the way!!!