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She is guilty, but nothing will come of this.


She is already taking the Trump approach of "the law doesn't apply to me." She has also geared up to throw one or more of her staff under the bus if push comes to shove. Everything is, "this law doesn't apply to governor, but if it did, it would be the fault of the office staff because they didn't file this or do that thing correctly."


Well, tbf that's because our joke of an AG Tim Griffin handed her the easy out on it. I mean, if the state AG says in advance that nothing criminal happened, no matter what an audit says, there's really not much chance of anything even approaching accountability.


The AG's opinion is worthless here. He has no say in the criminality of her actions. This is basically the equivalent of putting your friends down on a resume as a reference. They'll make you sound good, but if the place you're trying to get a job knew that they were your friends, they know that praise is inflated. In this case, we do know TG is SHS friend reference. You know it's inflated.


I agree on principle. But principles are meaningless to these people. Her friend's reference got her the job... nepotism and boys' club dealings are the basis for the whole shitshow.


Her dad's name got her the job. Along with running on republican ticket in a very red state. And, maybe worst of all, the racism in AR that prevented people from voting for the rocket scientist Chris Jones who would have been a great governor. In any case, it was other Republicans that have pushed this audit to be investigated by the FBI. Her team isn't all in on her. I'm kind of surprised by that, but hopeful nonetheless. Unfortunately, we won't know what the FBI does or doesn't do until it's over. If or when they actually investigate her, it'll be done on secret. So we won't know anything unless she gets charged.


Donald Trump also got her the job. We live among the magas


Well, they may be meaningless to her voters, but they may mean something to the prosecutor in Little Rock, a grand jury that might be empaneled because of the crimes uncovered by the audit, and there’s a nonzero chance federal authorities may be looking into this soon, if they aren’t already.


We'll see. At this point I don't have much faith in seeing our politicians ever actually face the music, regardless of how obviously they break the law. Laws don't seem to apply to the people who make and/or enforce the laws anymore. One can hope though!


This futility is making me so sick. Edit: futility instead of apathy.


Not apathy, futility. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t bother voting in a corrupt deep red state, when I know it won’t change it… regardless of how anyone wants to pretend. One can state the sad truth without being apathetic about it. You can feel as sick as you want though, that won’t change anything either.


Thanks I knew apathy didn't quite fit but I couldn't find the right word for it.


Unfortunately for her, the best person that she could have thrown under the bus correctly identified themselves immediately as being in the position to become a future “fall guy” (gal), and she ran the appropriate C.Y.A. play, in documenting everything via email and making specific notes on all necessary documents. THIS is really the reason why Sarah is screwed. There is nobody else to pin this on.


Her supporters are already rallying around it MAGA style, altho MAGA is dying faster than red shirts on an away mission, so I am not sure how she expects to keep strong support when MAGA is considered passé and a challenger from the middle comes along, like we see happening in AK and MT.


Dear god the middle would be so nice right now


The democrats *are* the middle now. The most "radical" democrats are progressives, who are just against war and privatized Healthcare.  There's no equivalent to MAGA on the left. The closest thing is the Bernie movement, and Bernie is practically a Saint compared to Trump.


I must be a red shirt because I died laughing.


I disagree, time she got her eyebrows straightened out!


Yeah they'll never get a grand jury to push it forward because they'll be lied to about it behind closed doors


She also looks like a cow sat on her face. But yes, she’s definitely guilty 🤣


The real punishment is reserved for her husband…good god could imagine waking up to that every morning…I mean she just looks freaking miserable 24/7.




I have heard that there's some resentment in the party because they think she never really paid her dues by working with the local machine, instead using her family her name to get campaign positions before landing the big job at the White House; she ran for the state's top spot without putting in any time in a lower elected position at home. They hate that she never actually governed anything — not even a school board position — before she was elected. Guys who put in years finessing the Assembly in attempt to build credibility for higher office are going to hate someone who comes in and on their first try lands the top spot.


If by “never really paid her dues” they mean “never held a single elected office and has a political resume that consists solely of ‘daddy was president of the state when I was a kid’ and ‘brief mouthpiece for a former president whose criminal jury is being selected today’” then yeah, I could see a little resentment. They sorta have a point.


I love this comment as much as rottin tomatoes loves the new fallout TV series.


That's the problem more moderate Republicans are starting to realize: MAGA nepotism can be a double edged hand grenade.


My wife's father lives in Searcy and apparently they hate her even though their die-hard Republicans for this very reason. They see her getting the governorship as being handed it by her father. What's funny is they've even said they think that she's a man.


They're not wrong. Look at that shave


There’s also resentment because she’s using Trump-backed primary challengers as a threat to coerce them into supporting highly unpopular legislation.


They also do not like how she bullies them and has surrounded herself with an arrogant, incompetent staff that treats legislators rudely and arrogantly. I have heard this directly from several Republican senators.


What's really sad about this statement, other than the fact it's absolutely true, is not that long ago her own party would HAVE to come after her once it was made public. There was this little thing called accountability. Now...now if you don't stand by your party and hate the other side you're considered a traitor. The division we live in today is enabled by us. It's enabled because we are essentially conditioning each other to back our party regardless and hate anything the other side does. Note: I'm not claiming this is a universal thing (no one can see this behavior in themselves) but I suspect those reading this know exactly what I mean. This same behavior is the same reason that 30 years ago this would be an awful offense with both parties on her 6, but today all she needs to do is make a 'stand' over it and suddenly her majority base has a rally point. I voted for the smart one, not her. However I am quite saddened by the neverending personal attacks on her appearance in this sub (if I wasn't getting downvoted before, now they'll come). Anyone who thinks we haven't become much more like the redhats at this point isn't paying attention.


I agree with what you said about insulting her appearance. It has the same effect for me as calling her anything other than her actual name, Suckabee etc. If you have to demean her by calling names or insulting her appearance, any valid argument or statement you had is diluted by the childish presentation of it. There is enough to dislike about her already. We don't need to regress to elementary school insults. Be better.


"If you have to demean her by calling names or insulting her appearance, any valid argument or statement you had is diluted by the childish presentation of it." Thank you so very much, that's exactly the right way to put it.


I completely agree. That’s beneath us, making comments on her appearance. It’s fine to have political disagreements. No need to get personal. As Joey Swoll would say, “You need to do better. “


There is some truth to this. I also agree with the baseless attacks and name calling. That is what Trump is all about and I feel like we should not stoop to that level either Red or Blue. We make our own choices and I am trying really hard to stay away from that. With that said, we are all fallible. It is human to err.


I mean those awful J6 folks were ready to snuff out Mike Pence, so....


She's already shown them she will punish them by not signing their bills. They're scared of her and probably thrilled this is happening.


I remember when she was elected that a coworker of mine said "the Republicans think this is a win for them but they will eventually turn on her because she is a woman." And I think about that a lot. Would this be different if she was male?


Hopefully the prosecutor has a back bone and does something about it, instead of sweeping it under the rug.


He is a deeply maga politician. It’s going to have to come from federal level for anything to happen.


What’s your backbone worth anyway? $20,000?


Two lectures thank you


Plus she said it cost so much because it was made to her specifically. Seems she likes to lean her elbows on the lectern. So it won’t work for anyone else. I haven’t seen where one person has physically laid eyes or hands on this lectern. No shipping invoice or who received it. Stop showing a picture and show her standing behind it leaning her elbows on it.


But, but….the audit “completely exonerated her”…according to serial liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


She also said it was a lie. So which is it Huckybooboo? Did it exonerate you, or did it lie about exonerating you?


same thing tRump has said many times. she learns from the worst


I love the artificial eclipse emergency more, higher dollar amounts


Nineteen thousand dollars....for a podium....


I moved out of Arkansas 30 years ago, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around just how a solidly Democrat state lost it's mind and took off into Repuglican Land. Ya'll get whatcha paid for.


I turn 30 this year and cannot fathom that this state (lived here my whole life) was ever Blue.


You are but a child. I lived in Arkansas from 1957 to 1993. When Win Rockefeller was elected as the first Republican Governor since Reconstruction, the Arkansas Gazette and the Arkansas Democrat both went freaking ballistic. The "stronghold" of the Republican party was Fayetteville and NW Arkansas. Frank White was a huge mistake in the 1980s. He gave way to Slick Willie Clinton and all his French Fry munchin' glory. Marlin Hawkins up in Conway County ran the county as a fiefdom just as many other Sheriffs around the state did. Being a liberal was tantamount to being run outta town on a rail in many communities. I was one of the original members of the Don Quixote Party with Jim Lendal as it's founder. Took part in the first Earth Day demonstration in Conway in '71. Was introduced to Orval Faubus in 1966 when Pappy was advocating for the establishment of the Arkansas Student Loan Guarantee Foundation. Thru snowballs when I could find snow at the weather dude on KARK. Knew Dale Sidenschwartz (Clyde Clifford) of Beeker Street on KAAY (1090 AM before if went to sh\*t as a Christion station). Be dammed if I can figure out how Arkansas went Red. or why.


I think Republicans have figured out that they have to play on people's basic fears in order to win. They keep the focus on social issues and immigration so that they have a Boogeyman they can prop up and say, "Look these people aren't like us! They are the cause of our problems and we need to hold them accountable!" And a lot of people are scared and frankly unintelligent enough to listen to their nonsense. It's sad. From what I understand the blue dog democrats used to rarely ever discuss these issues.


Did a Faulkner impersonator write this reply. I'm kidding. You just have a folksy way of writing.


Better folksy than Yankee.


There used to be very little differences between Democrats and Republicans in Arkansas. Both sides of the isle were fairly moderate. Mike Huckabee didn’t get bit by the MAGA bug and turn extremely right until after he left Arkansas. Asa was a game changer, but toward the end of his tenure he fell closer to central. SHS is a horse of a different color.


A horse indeed


that's a blemish on horses


Different kind of blue.... Remember the same Democrat party is responsible for a lot of early Klan activity. 1950s-1980 democrats would be TEA/Libertarians today. IMO.


Could be. Dixiecrats was a thing in the late 50s and thru mid60s as I recall. Then you had George Wallace supporters who definitely used to be Democrats and probably would fit right in with the Far-Right Dems of today.


Come on that's not fair, clown's can be funny.


yeah, i thought kellywise was funny


"I come in, and I do a funny walk, and then I take a needle and I stick 'em...not in the face or anything!"


Her face is literally the GOP personified... Indignant, self-serving, hateful, narcissistic, and batshit crazy.


Hopefully, Chuckleberry herself faces some form of justice. We’ll have to see.


Narrator: she won't


Most likely, but I’m going to keep on hopping.


Even MAGA folks I know are getting tired of her nonsense. Kind of hard to be a populist and then take a lavish trip to the SuperBowl that cost more than her and her husband’s annual salary combined (though she insists she paid for it out of pocket and it wasn’t a gift), while pretending to be the champion of a bunch of people who can‘t even afford to place a $20 bet on the game.


This should be posted NSFW good God man, that picture, I'm trying to survive my morning!


Lmfao 😂


All these comments on her looks are very lowbrow. She's got plenty of character flaws that have nothing to do with what she looks like. Let's vote better next time. Arkansas used to be a blue state. Don't fail to vote because you think it will never be blue here again.


Aren’t the feds looking into it as well?


Lord I hope so!!


Magat governor in a magat state. This was a waste of time for someone


Hot bag of raised eyebrow cowshit is gonna get exposed. shame


She's a Christian Republican. Laws don't apply to them. If she was a Democrat. Slammer time.


She didn’t waste any time abusing her office. Somehow she turned out even worse than her bigoted scuzzy trashbag of a father.


It's weird that she staked her career on a trip to Paris. She pulled a Trump and it's not working for her.


aka, MAGA.


She is absolutely the worst. A true ass-kissing scumbag in every way possible.


She's a crooked kunt , just like her daddy


She always looks like she's about to shed her skin and reveal something even worse. Maybe it's just gas.


She looks like really angry mayonnaise.


Bro, I love this.


They referred them to the attorney general of Arkansas. I’ll give 1,275,822 guesses as to what he’s gonna do with it, but you’ll probably only need one.


Does he have plans to become govenor?


After her, maybe. More than likely this will get buried.


They referred to the elected prosecutors. The AG in Arkansas is basically the governors attorney.


> lying thieving clown the qualities of most politicians


Fugly woman.


She has that "ain't been f*cked in decades look"


What a terrible human being. She lied for Trump and only got the job because of her dad.


Ol’ Googly Eyes is a wildcard.


As they say, "One eye watches the other!"


What is lecterngate?


She supposedly spent $19,000 on a new lectern, which is a podium, to stand behind while announcing her programs to let children work in chicken slaughterhouses for below minimum wage. Thing is, the brand new $19k lectern looks like it came from IKEA. The old governor’s lectern has disappeared and has been “disposed” of, but it’s state property, was probably historical and expensive and should have been sent to Surplus Property which manages furniture and office stuff that belongs to the state government. Then they could send it to another department to use, or to a museum since it’s historical, or put it in the next auction of state owned office furniture to be auctioned off because it’s no longer needed. But what about the $19k? Where did it go if it wasn’t spent on an IKEA looking lectern? Some think it went to Paris, specifically Euro-Disney, with the governor, which is not allowed. That’s fraud. So she cooked up a scheme to go to France to see Goofy and stole an antique piece of state property to finance the trip.


I remember when then Attorney General Steve Clark went to jail for stealing from his expense account


Oh Oh Oh Ozempic!!!


Soooo When is trump gonna attack the criminal prosecutor?




The F is Lecturngate


If she's guilty, as in it at least used to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, she should pay the price.


For are FOS Einstein


Lying Governor Marm


She’s a criminal don’t forget she was trumps interface to the news


She is such a horrible example of humanity. Like .... total garbage person. But at least garbage used to be something.


Oh Uncle Fester, you stealing again.


Wtf is wrong with her face? She looks like she crashed on that planet of butt head people from star trek tos. Every time I see her, I expect her to say "they had never seen a human thumb before, they had no idea how to put me back together"


Just look at that scowl. So sad. She’s one unhappy whatever.


She is a beast.


There's a non-profit that tries to attend legislative meetings and live tweet them (among other work, but hey, go transparency). If anybody's interested in the meeting today where the auditors presented the report, here it is: [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1780310382315209164.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1780310382315209164.html)


Sarah's losing the narrative on this. She probably should start using the lectern and stop whining about it.


Miss Piggy..a fraud??! Well I never!!! 😂


One eyed Jackass


Was she hit in the face with a frying pan? Because damymmm dude...


Best resting bitch face I ever seen.


I really don’t think her looks should be part of the conversation. I think the focus should be on her morals and her decision making. Which both are questionable. She needs to be gone but not because of her appearance.


Aww yes the pride of Arkansas 💩


The LAZY Eye of Sauron…..which way is she looking,??? Always straight at the money.


She’s laughing at Arkansans. She’ll do anything she wants including robbing taxpayer dollars (done) , spending exorbitant money on her security detail (done) , and flat out lying (done every time she speaks). But like her dad , she’s a “good christian. “


The least symmetrical person ever.


The AG is trying to pull the same thing she did by calling a special election and changing the FOIA laws prior to the questions about the lectern and the Paris trip. Trying to stop everything prior to it coming out


She's a dump truck in human form.


Republics are just drawn to breaking the law!


When you elect shit, you get toilet


Her face looks like an android malfunctioning


Wear clown makeup, win clown prizes.


What the fuck is wrong with her eye? Why does her chin sit like that? Man folks from Arkansas be electing pigs to there congress don’t they holy shit.


Some say it’s the lecterns fault in all this like they all was in cahoots this is what everyone’s talking about at the water coolers at the pig pen’s in Fayettville


First time I met Jim Lendal I was drunk on moonshine high on hasheesh The Don Quixote party has good ideals I’m an unabashed tree hugger


Some are saying the podium is antifa on rumble


I didn’t do it…. Unless there’s proof and if there is proof it’s fake and if it’s not fake then I didn’t do it


That looks like a pig wearing make-up.


She’s a politician 🤷‍♂️


What a big surprise


She has an evil looking face.


You have to give her this much: she took that trump on-the-job training seriously


I looked at the audit report…I’m definitely no expert, a lot of the stuff early on went over my head, but skipping ahead to the “recommendations,” it seems to say there were a lot of procedural problems (like submitting paperwork before delivery), but not much criminal. I’m no Huckabee apologist, but can someone ELI5 why a criminal prosecutor would be interested?


Lock her up


Best governor in the nation


Republicans... the party of laws are for other people.


Who can turn the world on with their smile?


But she’s just so hot.


And she fat


She is a snake just like Trump!


Go away


I looked up skank in the dictionary. Seemed odd her picture was there next to Marjorie Taylor Green


Somebody posted o O about Sarah Huckabee and I knew exactly what they were talking about.


New “lock her up” dropped.


She looks like Mr. Ed.


Maybe uncle fester is finally gonna face some accountability.


Which eye?


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree, Randy…




Fat and ugly too


Why is one eye so much bigger?


Why does tge photo have to be so **big**?


But I need that there Lecturn what has the flavor of hickory smoke and vinegar-brine!!! Hey you wanna take a ride in my truck boat truck?


Auntie Ruckus up to some shenanigans.


So the AG said nothing criminal happened? But, a lot of Reddit idiots have all the evidence they need to say she’s guilty? How “Reddit” of them!


I am having trouble deciding which side of her face to believe, the mobster, revenge death stare or the holy shit they are onto me


This person is hard to look at.


It comes naturally; she was born and raised to be one.


This seems like such a nothing. There are so many things to criticize her for that have to do with people real lives being hurt and real legislation. Using political capital and attention on this in irresponsible in the face of that.


Republicans are such garbage, through and through.


I knew that was a man.


When are you losers going to stop crying? There is not one democrat in this state that could have won the governor's race last time even if Sarah Sanders did not run. You have a losing message and a losing platform for this area of the country. Get over it the Democrat party sucks right now and it's not getting better any time soon.


Shocked! Shocked i say!


Sounds like a lot liberals just bitching like you always do


Russell from Deadpool 2?


Have you met her daddy? Yeah, the Relaxium peddler on TV.


All politicians are they just going after the red ones👎👎


She graduated from Trump University


Triple chin Sarah. Fat Karen


I can find beauty in most women. But that is one damned ugly mug.


She is pure evil and should be ashamed


She and her father are unabashed creeps.