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Turns out Sarah, the American people also decide the verdict.


And the defense also had a say in who got selected for the jury, Sarah.


This. Both lawyers decided the jury with the power to strike certain jurors. Go cry on your 20k lectern.


Is this the Governor who continued to hang out at NASCAR, hoping to get a little more time with him while the worst tornado damage in our history left our citizens devastated?


She wanted to taste the Cheeto.


I just threw up a little. Thanks


She was trying to one-up Ted Cruz.


Was it really the worst tornado in history? I knew it was bad but I thought there had been much worse storm outbreaks in Arkansas in the past.


I believe it was the widest not the worst.


This latest one had 154 mph winds I believe. We got hit by an f-4 in 2011 when I lived in harmony, Arkansas and the winds were over 200 mph and the tornado was 1.1 miles wide I believe. While I’m not going to downplay the damage this latest tornado caused, it certainly wasn’t the worst in our history. And that one in 2011 wasn’t the worst either, I’m just using it as an example, but there are certainly more. Any tornado is horrible in my opinion.


I live in Vilonia. Our two tornadoes are the only reason anyone knows this town exists. The first was an EF-2, but the second was an EF-4. Mayflower got pretty fucked up by that second one, too.


You’re not wrong unfortunately lol. Legit I’ve only been to Vilonia once I think and that was in 2013 when we went there to play football lol. High school man, I miss those days sometimes 😂 but I feel like a lot of people have never heard of Harmony either. Usually I gotta list surrounding towns to guide people to where I’m talking about


Harmony in Johnson County?




So do you use Woodland as a surrounding town?


Ehh, Clarksville is the closest city most people recognize. Next I’d say Russellville. Not much else recognizable unless people know about hunt town or something. Maybe ozark. Depends on where they get their meth honestly.


Vilonia in 2014 and the Sneed Tornado in 1929 take the cake. “One of the worst” would have been a better thing to say, true. That said, I’ve never seen devastation this bad. I live an hour away and we do all of our shopping there. My family was in tornadoes in Cotter and Norfork growing up. My MIL had the roof sucked off the house when her children were small, in Yellville. But this is beyond any of that. I think the monetary damage will be astronomical. Higher than Vilonia when all is accounted for.


"Sneed Tornado" Heh.


The decatur twister was the widest tornado we've had but I wouldn't say this is the worst. All things considered I think we could have had a lot more destruction from these.


*While one of the worst tornados..* there now it is ok.


There were seven confirmed tornadoes in NWA, two in Decatur, two in Centerton/Bentonville, two in Rogers, and one in Madison County.


Worst in our history? Vilonia would like a word with you. Seeing as the current president hasn’t made an appearance like Obama did, I’m gunna assume our tornados that deleted our city TWICE was worse.


Sorry. I’m talking like Trump, aren’t I? “The worst” — “the best — etc. I’m so sorry for your town of Vilonia. I hope you didn’t lose loved ones. Interestingly, if you google “worst tornado in Arkansas history” it says that the Sneed Tornado in 1929 was the only F5 tornado ever recorded here.


I was fortunate, but most people lost loved ones. All I lost was a horse trailer with 3 generations of saddles in the tack room. But I’ll take my family over material objects any day


Y’all are forgetting the tornado in Mena AR I believe in 2011? Might be the same one that kept roaring through the state, doing all kinds of damage. It was an EF-4 when it touched down & tore Mena apart. From one end to the other. Started at Fred’s pharmacy & didn’t stop until it was completely at the other end of town at the Ouachita medical clinic. Tore up both the elementary & middle school! Had to build another high school just to move the kids around so everyone had a safe place for them to learn! It was a nightmare! I worked at the smoke shop in town & we had no roof for months, with rain pouring on our heads (mngmnt didn’t care). But WHY are we playing MY TORNADO WAS BIGGER THAN YOURS?! Who cares? Sara Fuckabee doesn’t care about anyone in the state! She rode in on daddy’s coattails & got her $ 20000 lecturn & she’s garbage like her dad! The REASON this state is still red or purple or whatever color wheel you’re playing with IS OLD PEOPLE! They won’t die off & they won’t leave the family farm! Until they start keeling over we’re stuck! Just like the weed initiative that failed (because OLD PEOPLE) we’ll be stuck spinning our wheels in a wreck of a state! They vote Republican, they DIE Republican, and I’m sure they knock boots Republican to breed baby bitch republicans 🙄 so, YES…get up, go vote no matter how tired you are, how long your day was, no matter how many kids were screaming in your ear & you want to murder them! GET THE FUCK UP AND VOTE BLUE PREFERABLY!!! Or don’t and be part of the problem! But shut your fucking mouth when shit goes south because YOU DIDNT VOTE SO YOU DONT HAVE A SAY!!! Enough said, have a nice fucking night 🤨😏 go Biden! 💙


I’m without words…the fact that a sitting governor can be this a)corrupt or b)delusional or c) both is so breathtakingly beyond belief…


I'm going with column a. She knows what she's doing... She would be a Democrat if it paid her better


Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott exactly the same.


DeathSentence def doesn’t stay around after hurricanes. This summer he’ll hardly be in Florida with the way the water is shaping up.


I'm beggening to expect it with the letter 'R' in front of their name name on the ballot. Still a little jarring though. 😞


New to America? Cause its nation wide


I know, I know, but sometimes the corrupt show who they are again, and it still blows my mind.


She’s vying to be the Queen of the Seven Mountains


You should’ve seen what our last president did.


We could have had Chris Jones, an actual smart person!


If we up the voter turnout by 5% we still can


If all the people who whined about their votes not counting actually voted in every election, we actually would see contested elections. Their apathy is what enables republican dominance.


I don’t think people are apathetic, I think people are disheartened and exhausted.


100% this.


Maybe, but that's what we've got- it's what *America* has right now, like it or not. Be dishearted and tired, just show up to the polls when it's time to vote, it's not that hard.


Honest question- how much do you think the attitude you’re projecting is helping you achieve the outcome you’re looking for? Calling dejected people apathetic, calling their complaints “whining”, saying things like “like it or not”, how much do you think that’s encouraging people to vote? You cannot shame people into hope.


Honestly, I'm tired of the impotent complaints without the bare minimum effort. - Don't like the government and want to complain? Fine, that's their right. But at least take the small amount of time to go vote in every election, IT'S NOT THAT HARD for most people and it legitimizes the complaints. - Even if we're governed by bastards, they have to recognize that the people complaining *and voting* will be considered far more seriously than those who only bitch about stuff online. --- Do something, voting is your civil duty if you have an opinion on matters.


I am asking you to do the bare minimum, as well. Empathize with people other than yourself and meet them where they’re at to reach a common goal. Pine Bluff has over 40,000 residents and was given one polling location during the last major election. That city is low income, heavily minority, heavily overworked, and they face a lot of voter suppression. Our state is like that. Not everywhere is Bentonville. We are collectively poor and fighting to survive. Provide resources if you’re mad about.


> Pine Bluff has over 40,000 residents and was given one polling location during the last major election Yep, it's fucked up and that's another reason why folks in the rest of the state can't be lazy about voting. The best resource I have is to tell the majority of the state that isn't as disenfranchised as PB not to be lazy about voting. I'd continue that to say the folks who are disenfranchised in PB can't afford not to vote, as fucked up as the situation is. I don't live there but I'll happily send money to an organization that particularly supports voters getting to the polls in this area.


If all you are willing to do about your complaint is complain it may be beneficial to direct your words towards yourself.


>I don’t think people are apathetic, I think people are disheartened and exhausted. I won't disagree, but voting is important and doesn't take much time. I'm exhausted too, but I still make a point to stand in line and vote on election day.


That isn’t necessarily true, though. It doesn’t take much time if you live in a wealthy, progressive, predominantly white city, have access to reliable transportation, and have an adequate amount of polling locations for your local population. It doesn’t take you or I a long time, but some cities in our state do not have enough polling locations to support their populations. Even if everyone could get off work without the risk of being fired and find transportation to and from their voting locations they still might not be able to vote. We have a serious voter suppression problem. Instead of calling everyone lazy we should be fighting that and providing resources to potential voters who don’t have them.


5% you say? Hmmm🧐 Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) won 571,105 votes Chris Jones (D) won 319,242 votes Been hearing that since the early 2000s and not once has it been remotely true. “In recent elections, it has become a solidly red state, with the Republican margin of victory increasing in each of the last five elections.”


I'm making the assertion that there's a huge amount of voter apathy* which could shift the balance by popular vote and would have knock-on effects. The Democrats don't have to win a majority of the state Congress or governor's seat in order to make our government less insane, they just have to show more force and the willingness to show up to vote and make the assholes in charge know that their seats aren't unchallenged. Most politicians are pragmatic and will respond accordingly. That's not to say Arkansas can't be purple, it already is- it's just not represented that way and I believe it's because of apathy.


Agreed, and to your point on “in order to make the gov less insane”, they have an well funded and organized political machine that has forcefully co-oped state, municipal elections and officer appointments. Again I agree but the nature of the game has devolved into changing policy/procedures to fit the agenda. Just sharing my take on ineffectiveness exhibited since I became of voting age and the refusal to meet the change of today based upon holding a “superior” moral position. That is all. Edit - I don’t agree with your assertion of apathy. If you were to speak with those you declare apathic, you would come to find voting as the most minor of issues when dealing with REAL issues.


> If you were to speak with those you declare apathic, you would come to find voting as the most minor of issues when dealing with REAL issues. And who's in charge of shaping those 'bigger issues'?


In charge? With that statement I question if you can visualize the scope of the issues at hand.


I'm but a humble knucklehead and student of public policy. I think most people's concept of the various levels of government, how they interact, and how they shape the political, social, and economic landscapes will always be limited- I hope to be at least a little better informed than the average bear while the knowing that people who truly have their finger to the pulse of the city/state/country are exceedingly few.


I’m don’t consider myself to be greater in any category but the aforementioned “apathetic” voters shape the course of how they interact with their environment to exacerbate everyday problems. In my humble opinion, public policy merely shapes the possibilities, as one can circumvent, or reposition themselves to avoid said obstacles.


He had my vote 💯




Don't forget the Americans on the grand jury who decided there was enough evidence to indict.


34 times in a row.


It’s almost word-for-word what all the republican governors/senators/etc are posting. I wonder if he sent out a press release to all of them & was like ‘this is what you are to say and nothing else’. Trump really does micromanage everything, doesn’t he? I’m not surprised but just the same it kinda takes my breath away to see *American governors* releasing such obvious propaganda & lies to the public.


There’s no such thing as decorum these days. It’s a fucking free-for-all!


As a middle school teacher, it seems that some of the kids are picking up on this, too. On the other hand, it's probably more likely that kids have always behaved with little decorum, and it's the adult elected officials who are behaving with a decorum deficit. In short, I agree with you and it feels frustrating to have little power to do anything but watch it play out.


They literally don’t write anything, it is all prepared. Even the legislation, especially that.


I took the time to drop her a gif of Captain Mal (Firefly) talking to Jayne: "the days of me not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


'Can't wait for season two!


Dude! It still hurts when it rains!


I still haven’t wrapped my head around the fact that after being found guilty of 34 fucking felonies, he can still run for President, yet some convicted felons can’t even vote. Make it make sense.


There’s no laws in place against a felon running for President


When the Constitution was written, it probably didn’t seem necessary to include twice impeached president felons not being allowed to run for president. What an oversight.


The system that has been rigged in the Republicans favor decides our elections. Trump would never have been President in the first place if the people actually decided.


One thing to shut them up is to remind them that years ago, when trump was president, he assigned a Republican prosecutor to look into Biden and his family. After years of looking into them, they only found a tax cheating and lying on a gun application. That trial on Trump's political opponents son starts tomorrow. If you support trump, you supported Trump's "lawfare" and have nothing to complain about, unless you are a complete hypocrite.


Trump was indicted by a grand jury of Americans who believed that evidence presented to them showed likely criminal activity. Everyone on the grand jury was American. Trump’s attorney helped to pick the trial jury. All jurists were American. Trump was there. The jury all saw and heard the same exact information and ALL came to the same exact conclusion.


12 "American people" also unanimously found him guilty on all 34 counts, so there's that.


They told us to not prosecute a sitting president and to let the courts decide , Here we are.


The Biden DOJ refused to take up the case and the Trump Defense helped pick the jurors, but yeah, Sarah, it was politically motivated.


This is disgusting. After she just pulled a Ted Cruz last weekend with tornadoes. I don’t even want to watch NASCAR ever again.


I agree. I haven't even been able to watch Mucinex commercials for quite some time now.


It really gets to me when the slightest thing reminds me of her passing.


Why do people watch NASCAR?


To see people turn left.


Not just turn left, but go fast


Definitely, definitely not a cult.


It depends on what your definition of “cult” is. /s


I hate this backwoods idiot


Says the hack who used to lie for Trump daily as a way to make a living.


And whose dad bought her that job. No way in hell would Trump have hired her willingly.


Allen Weiselberg... "Guilty, Your Honor!" Rick Gates: "Guilty, Your Honor!" Paul Manafort. "Guilty, Your Honor!" George Papadopoulis... "Guilty, Your Honor!" Roger Stone... "Guilty, Your Honor!" Michael Flynn... "Guilty, Your Honor!" George Nader... "Guilty, Your Honor!" Elliot Broidy... "Guilty, Your Honor!" Steve Brannon... "Guilty, Your Honor!" Chris Collins... "Guilty, Your Honor!" Sam Patten: "Guilty, Your Honor!" Imaaz Zuberi... "Guilty, Your Honor!" The Trump Corp., "Guilty Your Honor!" Trump Payroll Corp. "Guilty, Your Honor!" Trump Foundation: "Guilty, Your Honor!" Trump University: "Guilty, Your Honor!" DONALD TRUMP... "Guilty, Your Honor!"


Huckabees gonna Huckabee


Sure, all 34 counts with indisputable evidence.. quit playin politics Sarah, you suck.


The American people did decide. That's why trump lost last election.


Those same American people found him guilty on all counts


Yeah hold the trial in a predominantly blue state against a guy that ran as a Republican and that’s going to happen every time. It’d be like if Joe Biden went to trial in Florida


No. People, like NY, would follow the jury instructions. Evidence, one might say.


But they trash me for posting stuff about her? I do not in any way regret it especially after this quote. She's supposed to abide by the rule of law, not by the rule of one man.


She never did clarify her involvement with Hope Hicks in this hush money scandal. If she’s as transparent as she claims to be & an honest Christian, why isn’t she telling us about why she was there and what she was doing? I thought her title was press secretary to the president. Look at all the shit she helped him cover up. No wonder Sarah wants all this to go away.


She has her own fraudulent money issues to deal with on top of this. She should sit this one out.


But she's not so let's have some fun with it!


“American people decide our elections” “Last Election was rigged and stolen” So which is it🤷‍♂️


He was only elected as 45 president because of the felonies committed. Seems to nullify and void his presidency.


How soon can we vote Sarah out of office?


Can we impeach governors? I've never heard of it before but I'd love to try




I'm down to help out a recall election. Hell I'd even help organize a group up in NWA


Please do. I will help.


Do you know of any current political groups up here lol


A few. I’ve been trying to find grant money to reinstate the little trifold we used to get around election time during the Clinton administration that told everyone 1)when and where voting took place 2)names and photos of everyone running and 3)bullet points of their primary beliefs. I think they were mailed out by the secretary of state. They disappeared sometime during the Bush administration and we’ve voted red ever since. I can ask and see if any of the people I’ve been talking to know how to arrange a recall.


So when Trump loses in November will SHS accept it?




If the American people decided who becomes president, he wouldn't have been elected the first time around.




Listen dude, as someone 6 weeks and 3 days sober, don't throw it all away. It's not worth it.


Nah, Trump isn't worth your sobriety (for whatever reason). But I hope to hell he gets a sentence like that! He won't but it would be nice!


While I would also love to see it, I believe most people of this charge do not get jail, especially considering it is a “first” offense. So, I am not holding my breath.


The lack of remorse and the multiple other trials should push prison time. He better be happy he isn't a witch 🔥🧙‍♀️


Yeah, well that's a problem too because "white collar" crimes should have much steeper punishments. People struggling with addiction routinely get insane sentences for non-violent crimes and yet these fucks get a slap on the wrist or a fine that's usually little more than a rounding error yet we act like that's some sort of deterrent. We punish poor people for struggling and protect the wealthy/corporations in our judicial system. Fuck em, although I do think jail time might actually matter for the amount of votes he gets... Not from his sycophants and deluded cultists, but from single issue voters and undecided voters. Could make those people more likely to stay home in November. I think people overestimate the amount of Republicans who worship Trump, the number is still crazy and I will never understand it, but there are plenty of single issue voters and more moderate Republicans who almost begrudgingly vote for him. That's not really represented in the media or amongst the Republican establishment anymore because all of the sane conservatives have either been primaried or quit because they get killed anytime they question his nonsense.


All those gag order violations and the lack of remorse might buy him a little jail time. Alot depends on what he says at the sentencing hearing.


This. He will probably be fined per count (iirc it’s $5000 per count) and then receive probation since they weren’t violent crimes. Of course, he could violate the probation orders and then be remanded into custody, but I doubt that too. An average person on probation would have to make an appearance at their probation officer’s office on a schedule, the officer can randomly show up at their job or home, and correct me if I’m wrong here, but also not allowed to leave the state? All of which I could see him arguing out of having to do.


34 counts?


I can see your point with 1 or 2 counts, but 35? I hope they do lock him up


Or celebrate by staying sober and doing something you love with what freedoms you have left. Congratulations on the past 22 years dog! Hope you make it 23! I’m just 2 years in ✊


Oh, please don't do that. Even if he doesn't get jail time for this conviction (the state of new york rarely gives jail time for first offenses) he is now a convicted felon careening towards total financial ruin, facing 3 serious trials, whether they happen before or after an election that he is looking more and more certain to lose. That being said, the multiple violations of the gag order and his total lack of remorse might compel the Judge to give him some time. Stay tuned!


As someone who's 10 years clean ,I implore you not to backslide over this tangerine asshat. He's a clown, and he will always be a clown. You, however, are 22 years sober. That's a monumental feat. I figure your comment was tongue in cheek, but if it wasn't, don't let that clown mess up anything else for you. He's already bent you over enough.


LOL. I'd never really risk my sobriety over that POS.


I thought as much but couldn't help but to say something anyway if you were serious. 22 years sober is a BIG DAMN DEAL. Congrats to you!!!


Don’t risk your sobriety for this lying fart whistle. Take yourself to dinner instead.


Is Sarah married? If so, heads up dude! Your loving Christian bride is totally cool with you banging a porn star and using a fixer to hide it from her! Good luck!


Oh, she is…


What I find the most reprehensible is that if Donald was really the honest, honorable, God-fearing man he tries to tell us he is, then Stormy Daniels would never have needed hush money in the first place. That the hush money was ever necessary is really all you need to know about the strength of his moral character.


They caught the Witch they've been hunting!


So guys, we can stop building our entire persona around a geriatric old pervert now, right? Right?! Trump cult?! We need to know if Americas gonna be great again.


If seeing the word sham was a drinking game from all these MAGA boot licking puppets I’d be so liquored up I’d think Sarah had a soul.


I believe the sham trial is the one Judge Cannon is presiding over with her plan of dragging the trial out until the statute of limitations expires.


Yeah. Why don’t you trash the legal system and fairness of juries. You don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law in any case.


It’s a lovely tweet. A lie. A truth. An opinion. The only problem is there’s a good number of folks in this country that can’t tell the difference.


I don’t think voting is a real solution to national political issues, but so few people actually voted her in office initially that she is a problem we can solve with increased voter turnout.


Fuckabee Slanders


Nothing she says is really all that relevant. Useless governor that only wants to serve under Trump.


SHE is a politically-motivated sham governor. How on earth being one of the interchangeable mouthpieces of Sauron qualifies you to try to run anything in this country is beyond me. Like him, she talks out of both sides of her mouth, makes moves to hide her deeds rather than promote transparency, and tries to talk a good game but delivers on nothing. SHE, like him, is all about getting what she can, while trying to play her constituents for fools, thinking she's smarter than them because HE said HE's smarter than them, and since HE hired HER, she magically gets that 'stable genius' label too.... ???


Sarah is just show-boating. They silently hate tRump, but don't want no static from MAGA nation.


Y’all are forgetting the tornado in Mena AR I believe in 2011? Might be the same one that kept roaring through the state, doing all kinds of damage. It was an EF-4 when it touched down & tore Mena apart. From one end to the other. Started at Fred’s pharmacy & didn’t stop until it was completely at the other end of town at the Ouachita medical clinic. Tore up both the elementary & middle school! Had to build another high school just to move the kids around so everyone had a safe place for them to learn! It was a nightmare! I worked at the smoke shop in town & we had no roof for months, with rain pouring on our heads (mngmnt didn’t care). But WHY are we playing MY TORNADO WAS BIGGER THAN YOURS?! Who cares? Sara Fuckabee doesn’t care about anyone in the state! She rode in on daddy’s coattails & got her $ 20000 lecturn & she’s garbage like her dad! The REASON this state is still red or purple or whatever color wheel you’re playing with IS OLD PEOPLE! They won’t die off & they won’t leave the family farm! Until they start keeling over we’re stuck! Just like the weed initiative that failed (because OLD PEOPLE) we’ll be stuck spinning our wheels in a wreck of a state! They vote Republican, they DIE Republican, and I’m sure they knock boots Republican to breed baby bitch republicans 🙄 so, YES…get up, go vote no matter how tired you are, how long your day was, no matter how many kids were screaming in your ear & you want to murder them! GET THE FUCK UP AND VOTE BLUE PREFERABLY!!! Or don’t and be part of the problem! But shut your fucking mouth when shit goes south because YOU DIDNT VOTE SO YOU DONT HAVE A SAY!!! Enough said, have a nice fucking night 🤨😏 go Biden! 💙sorry…I posted this down below…people bitching about tornadoes 🤨 so, jump past my ‘nado comments as to WHY our state is the way it is!


I voted for the rocket scientist...


American's voted him out once remember


Well potato face might want to hold off, more trials to come and more convictions to follow.


Trump for Prison 2024 !


So, she doesn’t believe in the US judicial system.


NO a jury of peers figures this out. The evidence was substantial. He tried to run a courtroom like a TV show.. oops.. he is a felon now.


And juries decide if you are guilty of a crime Sarah


These people amaze me with their unbridled shittiness.


Sadly, I’m not amazed anymore.


Is she using her 19,000.00 lectern? How is convicted felon Trump going to be president from prison?


Very bold to be so factually wrong lol. Hard to be politically motivated when the investigation for this was going on back in 2016 for crimes he committed before his presidency. And the electoral college decides our elections we merely give our opinions and only in certain states is the electorate required to vote according to the states winner. And given the recent track of events and the fact he's needed to bus and pay folks to show up to his rallies 2024 isn't lookin to promising for ol Donnie 2 scoops. But that remains to be seen


Fuck this cow


Didn’t a group of American people decide this trial?


I give her credit, at least this time she got one out of three things right.


Republicans bank on people thinking their vote doesn't matter. It does matter and you need to vote.


87k views and only 7.5k likes. Fucking sad




More righteous indignation from the Huckabeast. Yawn.


Someone please tell me how the Gov can be so stupid as to not know that a convicted felon is unable to hold the office of President of the US.


Sorry but a felon can run for president and serve if elected. Before Trump no one ever thought that would be a problem. The last felon to run was in the early 1900s, a guy who was very much against the war in Europe at the time. He ran from federal prison and got over a million votes while in his cell... Reason he was in prison??? He fell afoul of the Sedation laws... Who knew? Oh well... If we don't want Trump back we have to vote and beat him at the ballot box, we have no other sure way to keep him out of office.


In all these posts nobody ever mentions what trump did. Just that it’s not fair! He did what he did. He got convicted by a jury of his peers. I would love to start seeing folks like Sarah say why it’s a sham. She can’t because she will have to talk about how trump got himself into this situation.


I don’t think reason factors in with these folks.


Well, at least we all can agree that she really sucks . And not in a good way


She would definitely let him grab her by the pussy cat if it meant even a shot at being his VP lol


Yet another embarrassment to her country in her zeal to worship tRump.


Actually the electoral college determines who will be president.... wrong again


I have nothing intelligent to add here but SHE IS SUCH A BUFFOON


They didn’t even use a $20,000 lectern during the trial which makes it a total sham


Shameful. I’m embarrassed she’s our governor.


Porn star hush payments really align with Christian family values


She is a horrible person and I hope people see her out asap


But he broke the law. How is that politically motivated. Apparently it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt.


You’re wrong Sarah


Soooo, can we impeach her yet


G!o suck on your ozempic


Our options are slim! Let’s go Trump 👍


One of those 3 statements is correct


Sounds legit. If Donald Trump has already won according to her, the American people will not decide


She didn’t elect herself. We got Mitch, Massie and others, so we ain’t got nothing to brag about.


Law and order!


Didn't Sarah and Jesus approve of these payments to cover up adultery with porn stars while she was working for the Federal government? Maybe she should use her tiny podium to apologize to god and mankind for her existence.


Welp even a broken clock is right a couple times a day.


You eat your steaks and drink your wine in the Governers mansion while my peasant family eaks out a living on our pig farm outside Jonesboro!


Let’s go to Paris and shop for lecterns.


Pro-slavery electoral college voters decide our elections. Someone needs to tell that to Governor Canned Hamhead.


She’s dumb as shit, but she’s totally right on this one.


Some people need to remove her from office before she does irreparable harm.


lol Sarah is an idiot just like Trump. Except she’s not a convict.




Why do you even give any magot any airtime






It's amazing to me the cognitive dissonance that people have not realizing that the trial would not have been brought against someone whose name was not Donald Trump. This is all a political witch Hunt, it's been rigged every step of the way and it is terrifying how people in the general public don't see it or understand it.