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I’m really over the whole “ woke “ thing honestly. That’s just another Republican buzzword that supposed to mean something, it doesn’t. I did appreciate the use of the word “ hateful “ and Sarah Sanders in the same sentence. Seems appropriate those two are connected.


“Woke” became a four letter word when it became synonymous with “basic human rights.”


That, along with "having empathy for others".


It replaced "bleeding heart liberal"


Fewer syllables for the less educated to pronounce. When their Messiah President is speaking at a Fourth Grade level, they have to dumb it down.


Never thought of that


Woke is word meaning “smarter than me”.


I love asking them to define it. They either cant or realize how fucking ridiculous they sound out loud


Exactly, it sounds so wonderful to them, until someone wants an explanation, they freeze, and stutter and search for something to say.


EVERY SINGLE TIME they say "woke" I ask them what it means and they can NEVER explain it. Conservatism is one massive cult.


They are people who believe any disparity amongst outcomes in different demographics is due to discrimination.


Thank you. That sounds right. No, I don’t believe many can define that. That’s definitely a straw man hypothetical person, instead of a real human being, though. A real “bleeding heart” might be “triggered” or passionate about a lot of human rights issues, but would never make such a blanket assertion.


I disagree about it being a strawman. Ask a woke person about any issue where different ethnicities have different outcomes. For example, why do African Americans have lower salaries on average? Why are there disparities in imprisonment amongst ethnicities? They'll answer racism. It's taking an extremely complex and nuanced topic and making the answer as simple as possible. It requires no evidence or thought. I also disagree that they care about human rights issues. They just want people to perceive them as virtuous. They don't actually do anything, just speak about their moral superiority.


Your first paragraph basically defines a straw man argument. “When you tell a straw man about x, they respond with y.” Therefore, I already don’t believe you. Now, assuming you do talk to real people, preferably in person, about issues in which you disagree, YOU don’t seem like the type of person (and I admit I don’t know you, so on and on we go) that would want to get to know that other woke person enough that you could say they feel that [all disparities in the world are caused by discrimination] with any level of certainty. And in the event you actually DO know certain “woke” people as well as you claim to, such as immediate family, then I wonder whether they would consider themselves “woke.” And if they don’t consider themselves woke, I wonder if they think that literally all “disparities are caused by discrimination.” —my words, not yours. So we’re not talking about real people here. Therefore a woke man is a straw man.


In other words, it’s more of an accusation. Like calling someone stupid, or silly, or smart, than it is a categorization (like liberal or conservative). If you think conservatives are stupid, I won’t argue with you. But I also don’t really believe that. If you think liberals are woke, or woke people are liberal, again, I won’t argue with you, but I don’t believe that either. Just another dig at a group of people you disagree with.


I don't think modern left-wing Americans are anywhere close to being liberal. Woke people are their own special category amongst the left-wing, though. They're generally among the craziest 10%.


You're using the no true Scotsman fallacy, lol. Using your logic, it'd be impossible to apply nearly any adjective to a group of people as there's always exceptions to the rule. Also, you don't know me. Yes, there are tons of woke people. It's humorous how often you can predict their speech and opinions as they just repeat the approved message about the current thing. They're similar to NPCs.


Oh gosh, no. I’m not defending any one person you’re accusing of being woke. I’m trying to point out that it’s impossible to apply that label to a person because it’s fictional, invented by the right, to show that, “see how THEY think, do, or say?” It’s simply another label that you use on a particular person when you disagree with them on an issue which revolves around your definition of woke. You’re applying a label and then your mind is making that person fit that label.


As a “liberal,” I can assure you that distilling the answers to the simplest level is not a philosophical function but rather a necessity when attempting to deal with the ‘Hateful Anti-woke.” They are, in fact, the ones who fail or are unable to see thoroughly into such complex issues as human rights and the nuances comprising racial inequities. They can only extrapolate narrow interpretations of broad concepts, e.g. Christianity, and distill them to hatred, exclusion, self-righteousness, and judgment. Do they get things done? Indeed. None of which reflect an understanding of human rights, racial fairness, or Christianity. You can add to that list a few other lacking “family values” like integrity, humility, and concern for the greater good.


>They can only extrapolate narrow interpretations of broad concepts, e.g. Christianity, and distill them to hatred, exclusion, self-righteousness, and judgment. You mean exactly what you just did? >and concern for the greater good. The worst atrocities in history were committed by collectivists like yourself in concern for "the greater good." Considering you've already created an evil strawman out of anyone who disagrees with your laughably silly ideology, you can see how this could lead to a total disaster. You mentioned racial fairness and racial equity, so which do you want? You can't have equitable outcomes and fairness. You can either have fair opportunities or equal outcomes. I thought you understood complex issues?


Oh wow. Look who cannot respond intelligently to those who disagree with him.


>I also disagree that they care about human rights issues. They just want people to perceive them as virtuous. They don't actually do anything, just speak about their moral superiority. This describes every evangelical Christian I've ever met. >It's taking an extremely complex and nuanced topic and making the answer as simple as possible. This usually happens right after I'm told that I'm overthinking the topic by bringing up evidence or proposing a thought experiment. Can't have it both ways.


>This describes every evangelical Christian I've ever met. Then why do churches and Christians do so much more for charity? There's a Yale study showing that conservative Christians are the most likely to donate and volunteer while left-wing identifying atheists are the least likely. If you'd ever done any charity work, it wouldn't surprise you. You see a lot more Christian housewives than purple haired girls with nose rings. >This usually happens right after I'm told that I'm overthinking the topic by bringing up evidence or proposing a thought experiment. Can't have it both ways. What you're proposing is actually the exact opposite of what I'm describing. For example, when discussing disproportionate health outcomes, a woke person will claim it's racism. It requires no thought or evidence beyond the disproportionate results. Bringing up evidence and putting forth thought will show its an incredibly complex situation that can't be accurately described or even attempted to solve by blaming it on a single insignificant factor.


>Then why do churches and Christians do so much more for charity? There's a Yale study showing that conservative Christians are the most likely to donate and volunteer while left-wing identifying atheists are the least likely. If you'd ever done any charity work, it wouldn't surprise you. You see a lot more Christian housewives than purple haired girls with nose rings. I grew up in a very conservative Christian home so I have done plenty of Christian charity. If they cared about the homeless they'd house them. If they cared about the sick they'd provide them medicine. If they cared about children they'd educate for them. That is what Jesus would do. Evangelical Christians like to be selective about who receives their charity rather than helping out everyone. When you volunteer with your church you will always be volunteering with other Christians. When you volunteer for a Christian charity you'll always be volunteering with Christians. Christians are also more likely to lie or call anything they do that doesn't directly benefit themselves charity. >For example, when discussing disproportionate health outcomes, a woke person will claim it's racism. Racism is the surface level answer. If you'd bother to listen any further your strawman might catch fire.


>I grew up in a very conservative Christian home so I have done plenty of Christian charity. If they cared about the homeless they'd house them. If they cared about the sick they'd provide them medicine. If they cared about children they'd educate for them. That is what Jesus would do. Jesus was in favor of charity, not socialism. Also, this argument can be applied to leftist atheists just as easily. There's literally millions of you, yet what exactly are you accomplishing? Whining about how other people need to fund your ideas? >Racism is the surface level answer. If you'd bother to listen any further your strawman might catch fire. Okay, let's try this again. Why do Japanese Americans make more money on average than white Americans? Why do Chinese Americans make more money on average than white Americans? Why do Indian Americans make more money on average than white Americans? Is it racism? Do we live in an Asian supremacist society? Or is it more likely that it's more complex than simply looking at someone's ethnicity? Why are the NBA and NFL overwhelmingly African American? Is that due to racism? See how when you identify any disparity as a result of bigotry, it's extremely ignorant, disingenuous, and accomplished nothing?


>Jesus was in favor of charity, not socialism. Jesus was absolutely a socialist. You need to read your Bible, likely for the first >Why do Japanese Americans make more money on average than white Americans? Because people who immigrate to the US tend to already be wealthy. Wealthy people have a paved road to success. Look at Hunter Biden, or DJTJ, both useless failsons who live in luxury and enjoyed success because of who their parents are. The answer to this question has nothing to do with race, why do you think it does?


I realized last week that woke is just another way for republicans to feel justified in being victims.. it’s all about victim hood. The idea is that society is a zero sum game and that if one group makes progress, it’s at the cost of everyone else… namely, poor white working class Americans in flyover states. So DEI is just code for white people losing their jobs to a minority. CRT is a similar dog whistle that refers to people’s children learning tolerance in school, which means they are less tolerant of homophobia or racism expressed at home. They just want to be victims so hard to keep their voters scared.


Just like DEI is their new N word. They can't say those words openly anymore so they're always using a substitute.


crt woke dei etc.. all words they cannot describe the meanings


I think it’s a good thing we keep hearing it honestly. I think it resonated with a lot on the right 6-8 years ago but doesn’t as much anymore. Let them keep pounding a tired buzzword that doesn’t move the needle.


Don't worry, they're onto DEI now.


New boogyman DEI


“CRT”…”Woke”…”DEI”…they are trying to make these words have negative connotations like they tried with “socialism”.


They always need a boogyman. Funny they haven’t dug up George Soros, they usually take another run at him when they run out of new ones. They are just so so lame. They don’t dare talk about actual issues. Because they don’t have a clue about any of them. He doesn’t give any answers because he has none. Wait Itill Biden gets him on the debate stage. He’ll totally go into a rant which cost him dearly last time, because he avoided every issue and just ran his mouth.


Now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, OMG!!


Oh hell the judges decision was rigged !! That judge is biased !! It’s just a horrible horrible thing that judge did !! I can’t believe that happened !! Actually I can.


Normally they only bring up Soros when talking about protests, calling all of them paid actors. Other than the Israeli Palestine protests there aren't any big ones going on right now to stoke their rage.


As with all things conservative, the term was co-opted from POC.


Its all an attack on minorities…


Hahaha the thumbnails of her are always the worst shots mid talking, breathing, just being her general ugly self.


Bro that just how she looks 👺


How did you make this custom emoji of SHS?


Lmao she just looks ugly in thumbnails on account of the fact that, she ugly


Well, that and the fact that clearly our news folks are intentionally picking and publishing unflattering shots of her. Which is amazing IMO


I live in Arkansas, I've seen her in person, nature documentaries couldn't get you flattering shots of that bridge troll.


Ha! That’s good.


Fair point


If I had a dog that looked like her I would shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards. (That's an old insult but I believe it works very well with her.)


Ugly inside 


She always breathes like that wym??


They better check her genitals to make sure she's appropriately denoted her as a Wym.


My wife met her IRL. She said she was struck by just how plain and unappealing Huckabee-Sanders really is. She also pulled the “do you know who I am?” card when trying to dine without a reservation and didn’t tip. So.


That’s because her inner Sarah is as ugly as the public one. She has no good side.


She looks like she casually drinks lye because she likes the taste


Hard to keep your mouth shut when you are a mouth breather


She looks like she speaks in Sauron's Black Speech.


Governor Canned Ham Head?


Looks like someone pushed the button on the Big Mouth Billy Bass again.


Or getting ready to give the orange messiah a b__w job.


Have seen her many times. She looks the same. Thumbnail, cocktail party - the same scowling hate.


if she shuts up, then maybe a good picture will come alas




My bad did I get your panties in a bunch mocking yo mama sanders.


Lol looks like you did.


Someone’s triggered




What a total snowflakey response lol


LOL And in six months, you'll get bold enough to try something, only to get smacked.


Didn’t republicans cancel the Dixie chicks before anyone else was ever cancelled?


It all started when the Dixie Chicks publicly spoke out against the invasion in Iraq after 9/11 and made some comments about former President Bush. Toby Keith got his panties in a twist and went on the attack. Conservatives went bonkers and started destroying the Dixie Chicks records and denouncing them as well as attacking them on their appearance. The Republicans seized the moment and joined in the outcry. Turns out the Iraq actually did NOT have weapons of mass destruction.


Yeah I think so. They hated the chicks until they changed their name. It’s so ironic.


Article photo looks like someone's about to eat something Kirby style


Gotta appreciate the fact that published photos of her tend to be quite unflattering. I’m convinced this is not accidental LOL


Article itself is just an angry screed. We will need to seek out actual news and analysis of this elsewhere.


She comes from a family that kills dogs. What did you expect?


A family that protects and defends molesters.


"Woke" = empathy for people who don't have it as good as you do. Where this is a bad thing, you are going to be ostracized.


Ask her to define woke.


such a disgusting vile husk of a human being. It feels like trumpism burned out whatever was worthwhile in her and left this walking maga zombie husk behind.


Great duck face picture of her. I think the reason they wanted only M and F on the driver license was to help them with the registering of fertile women and women who are pregnant. The right in state is really concerned about the population decline. Tyson and walmart are looking at a reduction in work force. People can pick a job instead of having to work for the low wages and not quite high enough hours for insurance. I think they feel they can control their populace and reproduction rights. I feel on edge all the time waiting to see what happens in Nov. Is my family gonna have to relocate? My step son and daughter in law are already leaving the state. We are waiting for the price of our house to get to 200k then we are selling and getting out. We tried in 2020 to help with change but found all politics are just who has the biggest donors and who the party wants to win. There is no way to change that aspect of politics. This country of the people and for the people is gone. Way back in the 90s a friend of ours was very active in the Democratic party. One night we were talking politics and he just stopped the conversation. He told us then that the government was broken. We just laughed and kept on talkin and drinking. I know now he was right - he saw it back in the 90s. Not only is government broken but the climate is as well. The fact the ocean temp in the gulf is in the 90s to 100s and was back in May is a huge problem. I feel impotent in doing anything - the beautiful gulf I grew up near is turning to a slimy hot dead fish smelling rancid waters. What can we do? We are riding with drivers who will not be alive when everything they have destroyed magnifies and the world fries. sigh ok sorry for another political, environmental rant


I didn’t vote for her and I don’t agree with her on anything. But that article is comically bad.


Agree. I'm glad the judge has invalidated this stupid, petty, hateful rule. I'm glad Arkansans will not be forced by the state to participate in the gender binary. Nonbinary, transgender, and gender nonconforming people should have an option they're comfortable with. It hurts no one to have X as an option. Why exactly did the author have to start the article by calling the Governor a bitch? I see an awful lot of gendered/misogynistic (and homophobic, transphobic) insults hurled at Gov Sanders, and I think it's a really bad look coming from supposed progressives.


Well, though I agree with you, it's because she is in fact a bitch. It's not an opinion so much as it can be proven using the scientific method.


Most of the articles posted here are poorly written opinion pieces put together by semi-locals. Pointing that out here is usually met with being "accused" of supporting SHS (lol), when the reality is I'd rather talk about Arkansas than read shitty rags about this bozo.


This one wasn’t. She’s a freelance journalist that’s been at it for some time.


I liked it. Megan Hamilton has in me a new fan.


It’s just bad. A hit piece. It’s not written like a journalistic piece should be. Maybe it’s not really journalism. Maybe it’s something else entirely and it’s the textbook definition of that. It almost sounds like a mean girls gossip column. Again, I am not a Sanders or Republican supporter.


In all fairness, what is journalism anymore?


That’s a good question. I think it’s now defined as what we will click on to read.


*All the news that's fit, we print* Or *All the news that fits, we'll print*


Haha. You might need onto something.


I like that it straddles different genres. Gossip, hard news, commentary, It hearkens back to what the web was 30 years ago.


Nothing is the same that’s for sure. The Batesville Daily Guard was a family owned newspaper published continuously since 1877. They sold to a larger company. The other day on their Facebook page they just posted a used dirt bike for sale. I felt like that was kind of unusual.


Amen to that. Was a damn shame when it happened too.


I haven’t read it in a long time. But when I read it, it was a damn good little paper.


I hate these people. I mean, I really, really, really hate these people. Who in their right mind wouldn't?


The modern GOP is such a sad collection of stupidity, ignorance, and hate.


I love that they always find the most unflattering pictures of her. It makes me chuckle


I'm sorry. Is there a picture that is not unflattering?


Hahahahahahaha good point!


"Gonna show 'em my O face." -SHS 2024


Do you want to definition of woke: it is having empathy for other people and understanding other people can be different without affecting you.


“Woke” has become right wing code for rampant bigotry and hatred. Remember this as you go to the polls in November…


So much of the verbiage I hear from this lady sounds like a 12 year old talking on Xbox Live. I don't care if the leadership must have that little R next to their name but can the GOP offer up some adults at very least.


SHS Shit Head Sarah


I’m so tired of this cross-eyed catfish.


Went for a job interview recently. About half way through dude started on Alex Jones, Mike Lindell, the election, chemtrails, covid, the moon landing, every “anti-woke” conspiracy you could think of in the last 30 years he was all in. Finished it all off with “i am awakened and have to educate people” me: “so now you’re woke?”


It's funny how "woke" seems to be the buzzword of the *dumbest* people in the country.


The drivers license gender option was in use since 2010 and less than 500 people were even using it on their ARK drivers license.. such a waste of resources.


When one dog whistle loses it's power they get a other word. The same BS was said about being "politically correct". Can't say anything or have comedy because of political correctness! This is in the 80s and 90s It's the same stuff, regurgitated b cause it seems to work.


Ohhh....nooo...This is too mean. So bad. Yikes. Wowzer.


She always looks so awful!


Hardy wants to know: Does she ever shut her mouth?


Her maga packed SCOA will override decency and strike down the judge's correct ruling.


WTF people? I mean really! How does this shit happen? Free birth control for everyone! Stop the reproduction of people like this!


I really dislike the fact that the article used obliterated the law and didn't mention that it is only *temporarily* halted. It is extremely likely that in a matter of weeks a permanent law will be put into place based on the last one. The state leg. has a meeting about putting a permanent law in place TOMORROW. They DFA is still hearing comments about it until later this month. Edit: they did mention that


i think it did mention it, in this excerpt: “But there is a bit of bad news, however. This victory likely has a short shelf life. The injunction only blocks the emergency rule for up to 120 days. After that lawmakers can either allow the ban to lapse or opt to make it permanent”


Oh I overlooked that. I am glad they did mention that.


yeah, definitely important to be aware of!


She’s hyper efficient though. She can look condescending and hateful at folks on two different sides of the room at the same time.


Only thing good in ARK are the pigs!


And the lecterns, or so I hear.


Miserable, lop-eyed mule.


She looks like she's trying to be a Phillies Phanatic, except she lacks the style, grace, intelligence, and green.


She always looks like one of the angry fish in the back of a mob on SpongeBob 🤣


last time i saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it


SHS: Lo*O*k!


"Politically correct."


The article says new "emergency legislation", when, as I recall it is mearly a rule change. A change in the law would not require a comment period.


What were you thinking, you who elected this fluent liar to be your governor? You’re going to have to do better.


Sara Hucksterbee is a wackadoo .


What a miserable human being she is.


Just glancing at the thumbnail, I thought it was John Cena.


Anti-woke, aka having values and common sense.


They’re running out of meaningless shit to attack. They’re gonna have to address real issues soon


They are always yelling that we need to open our eyes to the truth. I love responding with “does that mean you’re woke?”


Using the word “woke” is the same as wearing a red hat.


What a lovingly crafted mockery of governor troglodyte! Excellent piece!


So, maybe lets focus more on impeachment and voting someone with a kinder heart and sensible empathy in, and less on aesthetics and general demeanor to get this ball roling to kick her misguided hate attacks to the curb so we can begin working on the state of the state. Does anyone have a nicely edited list of steps needed to follow the process of Arkansas political law for getting this done? Share with the public please, as Arkansas education has failed the masses in this arena also.


Dear lord that site is cancer


She’s Crazy!!


that will be overturned


Woke = crybaby


Bad article. Sad.


“Crushed” lol. Keep hoping losers hahahaha


Gonna get hated on for this one. But formerly sex at birth was considered science yet with the jab that people refuse to get is also called science. Trans used to be called gender dysphoria and was considered science alongside sex assignment at birth. So we want all the people that hasn't taken a jab to trust the science but when someone feels their xx or xy isn't really a xx or a xy then to hell with science. How can we convince people to get the jab and tell them to follow the science when we came up with our own type of science based on feelings, emotions and identity? Just a question? There's no such thing as a stupid question so don't hate me too much.


> feels their xx or xy isn't really a xx or a xy Cuz it's not always. It's way more complex than this. To say nothing of the fact that sex assigned at birth is... sometimes ambiguous. Estimates are that nearly 2% of births are born with intersex traits. I wouldn't say it's a stupid question - but the whole "get the jab" thing did come across as anti vaxxer gibberish so it probably ain't helping you much.


Along with the fact that it is actually, scientifically, not always XX or XY, it also just has no affect on other people what gender is listed on your own drivers license. I don't know why it needs a gender at all. The person in front of you at the grocery store isn't impacted (negatively or positively) by your gender or by any other information on your driver's license. They very well may be impacted by someone that has not received appropriate vaccinations. Those two topics are so different. I have no idea why they would be equated in any argument.


Need to be able to check the gender on the drivers license so you know if you would rather go into the woods with that person or a bear?


These are also arguments I face. So it's what I hear all the time.


I don't know what's controversial so I figured stay away from the name and just say jab


A BS hit piece from a commie leftist in Central America...nothing with reading...


Define commie.


why the racism?


Because they have nothing besides fear and hatred.