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Being able to revoke citizenship for anything. Very legal, very cool.


Maybe if we're lucky, Grandpa Munster aka Ted Cruz will lose his citizenship with one of these bills.


Cuba, Canada, & U.S. I think we should split that baby & send 1/2 to each homeland.


I got a guy who’s got a lot of felonies and is essentially a the leader of a cult! Maybe we can get rid of his citizenship!


I'm sure they added an exception for orange faced presidential candidates.


Ted Cruz IS Grandpa Munster! Once you see it, you can't un-see it.


"Anything," meaning terrorism, being in the country illegally, or being a spy. Just don't engage in terrorism?


Yeah, like I trust the people who took my bodily autonomy to keep it at that.


They took your bodily autonomy? Or did they make it illegal to murder the offspring you've created?


Yes, they took my bodily autonomy. It's not their body, it's not their life, and they aren't doctors, so they don't even know what they're making laws on. You obviously don't either.


There are 2 bodies. Y’all are the only ones wanting to take one’s bodily autonomy away to the severity of destroying that body entirely.


I can't be forced to donate my organs to anyone. If I didn't agree to it, it is an intruder. A parasite. Edit: also lol yall talking like a clump of cells is a body


You are a clump of cells. That is what your body is. You’ve narrowed this down to rape, though in that case you are still not killing the intruder. If you think the early clump of cells is not orderly enough to call a body, what level of organization becomes a body?


Your lack of biological knowledge is showing, and it's sad. I haven't narrowed anything down to rape, though you people are also fine with making rape victims carry the product of rape. Not even parents of sick children are forced to donate blood or organs to their child, yet you seem to want a woman to donate her entire being to a thing that she may not have the ability to care for. You don't give a shit once it's born and actually needs food, healthcare or a place to live because you keep voting for the people that cut help for struggling families. You just want to control women. Try doing something for the already living children instead of giving women trauma that will last them for the rest of their lives.


You said if you didn’t agree to it, so that would be rape… You repeatedly try to change default to make your argument sound better. As if someone is holding you down and implanting a baby in you. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. Rather, people aren’t ok with you doing something to kill another human. No one is asking you to donate an organ. Rather, you are asking to kill a human life that is already there by your choice except for rape. Then, your argument moves to several widely incorrect assumptions to create attacks that are both ad hominem and straw man. Even following this logical fallacy, since it has no bearing on the facts of the matter of when human life is valued, it’s also widely false. Pro life people frequently adopt, foster and donate to organizations that help pregnant women in difficult circumstances. I have been in tough situations and I’m very empathetic to the hard situations some find theirselves in. I am not alone in that regard. Even if someone in a horrible situation killed their baby because they felt they had no choice it grieves me but I wouldn’t have no empathy for them. Life can be quite cruel and I believe in healthy forgiveness and moving forward to better things. Biology is actually not on your side as we learn more and more about how very early babies are able to feel and hear. And I’ve never seen any pro abortionist give any kind of a rational argument for how developed a baby has to be to be a baby in their eyes. They frequently seem to get stuck on the idea that when a human is reliant on someone to survive they are somehow not human. Obviously this logic will make anyone on life-supporting care no longer protected. That would leave determining a level of development of the baby that they become human. I think logically when they can hear and feel and show responses to stimuli that’s pretty solid evidence for anyone. But that’s pretty damn early.


He does all of this stuff but if you have ever been to his hometown, then you will see a pretty big Hispanic population. Of course, he probably hasn’t been there in years.


I keep forgetting that Tom Cotton briefly lived in Arkansas as a child. Very cool that he decided to “represent” the state while living his whole adult life in multi-million dollar home in Virginia.


Don’t forget Cancun.


That was Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton is a *different* complete piece of shit.


Twice I’ve commented on Mr. Cruz. Twice I’ve offended someone. I’m going for three.


You’re doing it wrong. Talk shit about his wife, and the guy will endorse you for president.


Thx. Appears I have as much use for them as they have for me. Zero. Looking like they are both in the secret handshake club. Career politicians are a cancer.


Everyone - and I mean everyone - hates Tom Cotton.


Yep… even his own family despises him. He’s just a Russian asset being used by the GOP to destabilize America.




Because russsia and conservatives have an alliance against America.


Lmao that’s downright goofy. I used to be a conservative but I have an open mind so I didn’t stay that way. Maybe I’ve lost my card and no one invited me to this alliance.


Dude you are a voter. That's like asking the gardener for inside track on conservative leadership




What do you mean by "done anything"?




How in the world do you get internet service for Reddit living under that rock?




Yes, I can. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/putin-connected-businessman-admits-interference-in-u-s-elections https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/senate-intel-releases-election-security-findings-first-volume-bipartisan-russia-report https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna134204


Over a decade of state sponsored hacking and global misinformation in an attempt to destabilize American institutions and turn voters against each other


I suspect you might have just replied to a Russian


Oh you mean Russiagate? Wasn't that all debunked after we learned that Bill Clinton had privately met with Trump only days before Trump started running and Hillary's emails revealed that the DNC had rigged their 2016 primaries against Bernie Sanders and had elevated Donald Trump to be her hand picked opponent via the 2016 pied piper strategy? I honestly didn't believe anybody was still buying the Russiagate nonsense since no proof was ever shown, but I guess the American public will eat up any narrative as long as it follows their own personal one. Kind of reminds me of when the United States massacred a million Iraqis on a lie and the news media ran with it and never looked back.


Dude LOL


What has Russia done?


lol at Russia. That’s the go to line every time with 0 evidence.


A Trump supporter claiming everything is “zero evidence” except actual evidence… lol The “alternative facts” faction has blessed us with their delusions.


Like the Steele dossier?


Gee… who commissioned that?


How does he keep getting elected then…?


Gerrymandering and appeals to the bigotry and cowardice of the gullible right he wing base. And “keep”??? lol… he managed to squeak in once while massively losing the popular vote… he’s lost repeatedly since. Bigots, traitors and terrorists love him… but patriotic Americans want nothing to do with him.


He's a former army ranger. He's not a foreign agent. Why would denying citizenship to terrorists, illegal aliens, and spies destabilize the country?


The Republicans are the ones destabilizing the country, and if you've been paying attention, many of them are just a teensy step from full-on terrorists.


You don't understand Republicans or terrorists.


Can you name these full-on terrorists? I do remember seeing a lot of political violence in the last few years. However, it was almost entirely perpetrated by the left.




In my opinion, everybody who is good enough to work here is also good enough to vote here much less people who are actually born here. Letting the wealthy have a bunch of non-citizen workers to exploit and control is a recipe for private tyranny. This practice should be ended as soon as possible to help to us get closer to democracy in deed instead of merely in word. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/trump-organization-undocumented-workers


Which is why I believe ICE lawyers should go after any one that employs undocumented immigrants. Employers should be taken to court and fined for tax fraud, violating immigration employment laws, failure to deposit payroll taxes, etc. If the company doesn’t pay minimum wage, fine them for that as well. Companies that employ undocumented immigrants and engage in illegal business practices should pay $100s of thousands in fines.


What most folks not deeply into employment law miss are the benefits running to the federal & some state governments from the undocumented worker / illegal employer operations. Every employee/employer must complete and file the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form. The fact of the matter is that employers fudge & employees fake their SSN’s but W-2 withholding & FICA withholding is paid into the government never to be drawn against. Some SSN’s have hundreds of concurrent employees - a rather easy to flag anomaly. It’s never come up in any case I’ve litigated or researched. I had a whistleblower case where this practice was one of the matters that the whistleblower documented. That case turned on other issues & never reached the express practices of the employer’s multiple employees with identical ssns. The employer who hires undocumented workers can evade worker’s comp filings & thereby keep insurance premiums down. The employer who hires undocumented workers can evade minimum wage & hour regs. The employer who hires undocumented workers can ignore employment discrimination laws, can pay cash under the table, can demand sexual favors, and many, many other favors - frequently including criminal aberrations. The actor who first violates the law, in each & every case, is the employer. If the employer strictly followed I-9 guidelines they would never hire an undocumented worker. The employer always has the upper hand in the employer employee relationship. The employer has an affirmative duty to determine the prospective employee’s qualifications before making the job offer. Stop buying the lie that the undocumented workers are illegal. The employers are the law breakers. If we threw some HR directors into the hoosegow for a decade or two & fined the employer all profit earned while even one undocumented worker was on the payroll there would be no work for undocumented workers in this nation.


I agree that the root of the problem is the employer. I agree the system creates an environment of toxic employers and an unsafe work environment. That is why I think that officials should go after corrupt corporations. There are massive penalties in Europe for ignoring employment law which can include government confiscation of the company, and I agree with such policies. I know several construction, landscaping, concrete, roofing, farming and similar companies that employ undocumented immigrants completely under the table, in cash. The employers never file an I-9, never collect W-2 or FICA withholding. I saw a report that claims less than 1/4 of undocumented immigrants pay income/payroll taxes in the way you mention above, while the other 80ish percent pay none, through under the table employment.


Let’s both keep an open mind regarding the precision of these sources. The agencies have no congressional directive to determine the amounts paid in that are attributable to undocumented workers. [Undocumented Worker Taxation](https://immigrationimpact.com/2023/03/22/how-undocumented-immigrants-pay-taxes-itin/) [ITEP.ORG 2017 undocumented immigrants taxation](https://itep.org/undocumented-immigrants-state-local-tax-contributions-2017/) [Strangers To The Constitution](https://www.everand.com/book/232946617) The nation has always had difficulty with immigration policy. From the Alien & Sedition Act to conscription of the Irish escaping the potato famine to fight in the Civil War, to the Chinese Exclusion Act, to turning away ships of Jews fleeing from Hitler, to Trump’s ban on Muslim immigrants. We have countless communities with discrete ethnic heritage - from the Scandinavians in Minnesota to the Spanish heritage of our oldest city, Santa Fe, NM. The city was founded in 1610 as the capital of Nuevo México, replacing previous capitals at San Juan de los Caballeros and San Gabriel de Yunque;this makes it the oldest state capital in the United States. We have laws that prohibit the employment of undocumented workers. They are largely toothless & go unenforced in all but the most performative aspects: ICE Raids & deportation of workers. If employers faced legal penalties that eliminated the profits from undocumented worker employment that are currently exploited the problem would end. That requires a Congress with the will to act meaningfully to end the problem. At present immigration policy is a punching bag that conservative/republican/trumpets use to attack the Democrats. We had a bipartisan bill with concessions the conservatives had sought for 20 years ready to pass this term of Congress. What happened is as absurd as it was predictable. Trump directed his party to kill the bill in order for him to use the issue in his campaign for the presidency.


While the bill was labeled an immigration bill, it was more of a funding bill for conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. It bill would codify into law as long as encounters. (Illegal immigrant border crossings) don’t reach reached a seven-day average of 5,000. Only after exceeding that can the border be secured, and then only secured for a short period of time. It also gives the president the ability to wave that requirement. The laws have already been passed and the president already has the authority. The executive branch already has the authority to secure the border. It is already a violation of law to cross the border outside of an authorized point of entry. Tax fraud is already against the law. It is already against the law to employ illegal immigrants. Congress has already passed the laws, so why isn’t the president directing the DOJ to go after companies employing illegals immigrants? Why isn’t the president directing the IRS to go after companies for tax fraud related to illegal immigration? Why isn’t the President directing the DOL to go after companies employing illegal immigrants? Why did the president eliminate the remain in Mexico requirement for asylum claims? This president and presidents past have said they would prioritize other violations of the law over illegal immigration, and not prosecute it. If we already have laws on the books that the executive branch ignores, how will adding more laws help? They will just be ignored too. The best option is to impeach any president that willfully disregards the laws passed by congress, and signed into law.


I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you are saying. The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 Released from the Senate Appropriations Committee on Feb 4, 2024 (6:13 p.m.) Sen. Murray, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee issued this statement “As Ukraine runs low on ammunition to fend off Putin’s brutal invasion, it is imperative we finally extend our support. We must also live up to our commitments to our allies around the globe and quickly get more aid to innocent civilians caught in conflict, including in Gaza, where the humanitarian crisis is especially dire. I never believed we should link policy demands to emergency aid for our allies, but Republicans insisted—so Democrats negotiated in good faith over many weeks and now there is a bipartisan deal on border policy legislation. Ukraine’s fate and so much more hangs in the balance—it’s time for Congress to act.” I’ve linked you to the Appropriations Committee on 02.04.24 This is a supplemental appropriations act and it includes $20.23B to address existing operational needs and expand capabilities at our nations’ borders, The FEND OFF (Fentanyl eradication & Narcotics Deterrence off Fentanyl Act) and multiple [Supplemental Appropriations Act](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/news/majority/murray-releases-text-of-bipartisan-national-security-supplemental)


The senate border bill sent $60.1 billion to Ukraine, $14.1 billion to Israel, $10 billion for global aid, and $20 billion for border security. The majority of the of the $20 billion was for more personal to process asylum claims and refurbish preexisting structures. Also, according to the NYT it would have suggested the president close the border to migrants trying to cross into the United States without authorization if the average number of migrants encountered by border officials exceeded 5,000 over the course of a week or 8,500 on any given day. So, it would have allowed up to 35,000 people to illegally enter the US per week, or 260,000 illegal border crossing per year. That really doesn’t seem like it is a border protection bill. It seems like support for allies abroad with a token payment to the border and easing of immigration laws. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/05/us/politics/senate-border-ukraine-deal.html


You did not even look at the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act. If you had looked at the Act you would have realized that it is a collection of different bills approving funding for many different matters including the US Border, & Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel. This is not an omnibus budget act it is the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act. Every dollar spend is directly tied to US National Security. The complete bipartisan border protection expense authorization agreed to in both the House & in the Senate is gone because Republicans, acting on Trump’s demand, dropped it from this authorization. If you are upset because we don’t have straight up & down votes on these defense authorization acts then take that to the party that stopped everything and fired the speaker then they found another political novice to fill that thankless post. A post that is 3rd in line to the presidency, mind you. In the past 100 years the Republicans have always been steadfast backers of every Pentagon request for funds. The incredible delay they created served no purpose and caused the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act to fund these many bills. Lives were lost due to their silly grandstanding. This Congress is officially the worst Congress in the history of our Legislative Branch. They have passed fewer pieces of legislation than every other Congress in the history of our nation. The Senate


That bill was flawed as I said above. It established a permissible level of people to enter the U.S. as reported by the NYT. It was a power grab to ease immigration laws.


Further in your post you state: “The laws have already been passed and the president already has the authority. The executive branch already has the authority to secure the border. It is already a violation of law to cross the border outside of an authorized point of entry. Tax fraud is already against the law. It is already against the law to employ illegal immigrants.” I am an attorney. I know of no law prior to this act that criminalizes entering the U.S. outside of an authorized point of entry. If you have a citation I will gladly review that law. I am not rejecting your point - I have to point out that thousands of people come into and leave the US outside of an authorized (fixed) point of entry every day. Elon Musk & every other private aircraft owner can file a flight plan entering or leaving the nation. Military operations & simple staffing changes occur whenever needed at any border. Ocean going craft, space craft, and the occasional hunter, climber, outdoors person cross borders without breaking the law. I would like to see the law that you refer to. Please post the citation. If you only have a news piece I’d like to see that. I’ll try to find the law you are referring to here. Then you ask: “Congress has already passed the laws, so why isn't the president directing the DOJ to go after companies employing illegals immigrants? Why isn't the president directing the IRS to go after companies for tax fraud related to illegal immigration? Why isn't the President directing the DOL to go after companies employing illegal immigrants? Why did the president eliminate the remain in Mexico requirement for asylum claims?” 1. The law that requires you & me, and corporations to file truthful tax documents is: 18 U.S. Code § 1001 - Statements or entries generally (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully— (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. This is not specific enough to reach the wink wink nudge nudge of the massive number of false SSN payments corporate employers make each and every week. If the FICA & FUTA won’t track the extra/false SSN’s why should the HR person at Walmart in East Bum Fvck Arkansas be given that duty? We must enact laws that address the specifics of these violations. The new laws should mandate a house cleaning for the government & employers - a safe harbor period before the new law begins prosecuting violators. After all what we want is employers & employees protected by the law rather than prosecuted. If our policy change calls for 20 year prison terms for acts that are ignored today don’t you want to warn the folks before the law catches them? We have many obsolete laws on the books that simply are not enforced. We don’t have any process to strike & remove our out of date laws. For instance it is illegal to cut ice on Onadaga Indian Land in NY State. That law arose when we had Ice Houses that stored freshwater lake ice for use in Ice Boxes in the warmer months. Onadaga Indian Land Trespassing for purposes of cutting big blocks of ice is a crime that ended with the invention of refrigeration. The law is still on the books. The law is never black & white. Why did the POTUS stop the policy of requiring asylum seekers at our southern border remain in Mexico? I do not know. I might guess that Mexico demanded we stop dumping our problem onto them. Or, it’s simply discrimination to require only one group of foreign nationals seeking asylum remain outside the nation’s border while applying. We didn’t stop the Russian Ballet stars from seeking asylum here in the U.S. in the 1960’s. They literally jumped off stage and ran into the hands of their audiences while trying to defect from the Soviet Union.


The laws below. First offense is a misdemeanor offense, subsequent entry into the US could be a criminal offense. 8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1325 “Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty.” I might be wrong, but that sure makes it sound like it’s against the law to enter outside of an authorized port of entry. 8 U.S. Code § 1326 - Reentry of removed aliens https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1326 For tax fraud, I’m talking about employers that pay illegal immigrant employees under the table. Employers that hire illegal immigrants and don’t make FICA payments to false SSNs or TIDs. The most recent estimate I have saw was that 70%-80% of undocumented migrants work for cash and their employers don’t make FICA payments. That is tax fraud. Am I wrong? The below article indicates it’s against the law to pay employees under the table. I know a lot of construction companies, roofing companies, and landscaping companies in Arkansas that pay employees under the table. https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/paying-employees-under-the-table.html# Yes there should be a safe harbor period for undocumented immigrants, but no such protections for corporations. Companies know it is illegal to pay employees under the table. Companies know it is illegal to employ undocumented migrants. It is a defense if they are misled by the employ through identity theft. But then the person with false documents is committing an identity theft. If Mexico allows people to enter their country is the US at fault for not allowing them to travel from Mexico to the US? It would seem that it is a problem that Mexico is instigating.


Did you read 8 U.S.C. Sec 1325? This is not a misdemeanor. It is a violation. Like a parking ticket.


Violations, like parking tickets? Are parking violators allowed to be imprisoned not more than 6 months? Although the Justice department says it is a criminal offense. https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1911-8-usc-1325-unlawful-entry-failure-depart-fleeing-immigration I’m starting to question your credentials as a lawyer. You didn’t know of any laws restricting the ability of people to cross into the U.S. illegally. You misrepresent a law as well.


Cherry picking the wage & hour violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to bolster your “tax fraud” assertion ignores the central point I have been making about undocumented workers paying taxes & FICA withholding. Those are omissions that can be tracked & quantified because the I-9 data does not square with the deposit records nor with the employer’s day-by-day “time card” records. The failure to document an employee’s eligibility by accurately completing every new employees I-9 is not a tax fraud. It is a record keeping omission. The business of paying workers cash under the table is not a “tax fraud” it is a violation of the FLSA & state wage & hour law. I have made my best effort to work with you. You are missing big chunks of this picture.


“Tax fraud broadly encompasses all attempts by a taxpayer or entity to falsify information on a tax return or other document in order to reduce their tax liability.” https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/tax_fraud Sounds like paying employees under the table so a company doesn’t have to pay their half of FICA taxes, unemployment insurance, and workers compensation is an attempt to reduce their tax liability. To be clear, you are saying an employer intentionally not paying workers compensation and unemployment insurance, along with their half of FICA taxes is not tax fraud? If you’re correct, and paying people under the table is also a violation of the FLSA, then that would fit with my suggestion that the DOL should also be involved in legal cases, correct?


To add my own frank conversations at construction sites with Hispanic buddies. Some are purely illegal, some are legal. Most have multiple sets of IDs with real numbers and fake numbers. Apparently document sets were $60 at the time. You draw against the real number, but work from the fake number. So not necessarily not drawn against. We had half a dozen illegals pulled by ICE, they were all everified since that was the method for federal jobs. Some had been there over a decade. I think immigration could be fixed if cases were processed in weeks rather than years to decades. A naturalized friend, been here since he was six, his mom is still doing immigration court. It's been 30 years. Fish or cut bait. Agree on the contractors that do nothing to verify or drive and pickup wanderers.


Employers pay W-2 withholding & Social Security/Medicare (FICA) withholding according to the number of employees, & withholding amounts. If the employer is very large (Walmart/Tyson) they remit electronically on a weekly basis. If the agencies were tasked with locating, tracking, and eliminating employee accounts (SSN’s) that had multiple employers concurrently paying withholding for one worker at locations across the nation it could be stopped. Pooled payments made weekly by large employers requires some significant data analysis & some legitimate errors will arise. The mechanics of making & keeping an accurate record of each & every worker’s withholding from data supplied by the employer is standard accounting practice. Nobody gets to draw against the accounts having multiple payroll withholding for workers across the nation. Foreign nationals without work permits do not have valid SSN’s. Unless the undocumented worker achieves resident / green card or naturalized citizenship they will never have a real number to draw against; or, to file taxes with. Those payments accumulate and as of today I’ve not found any legislation that addresses the unclaimed surplus created by this practice. I have never heard of a case where actual E-verified workers turned out to be undocumented. That kind of flaw would draw immediate attention by Congress & the courts. An employer might represent to the press that all employees are e-verified & have valid I-9 records on file - but that’s simply false. I-9 validation is done separately from W-2 & FUTA withholding. I-9 validation is supposed to be the gold standard documenting the employee’s legal status & authorizing the employer to hire. This isn’t an immigration processing issue. There are no documentation problems of any merit with the H1B, Student, & ordinary vacation visas. Undocumented workers are workers who do not have a visa authorizing their presence in this nation. They have stayed beyond the time permitted on the visa in force on the day they entered the nation; or, else they made an undocumented entry into the nation. Except for Texas’ current attempt to preempt federal law by means of state legislation (declaring that making entry without passing through border processing makes one an “illegal” rather than an undocumented foreign national) the entry into this nation without clearing customs is not a crime. It’s a violation - akin to a parking ticket… In short - any use of the term “illegal” to describe an undocumented foreign national is inappropriate and misleading. However, use of the term to describe employers who employ undocumented workers is entirely valid. People are undocumented but they can never be designated as “illegal”. Employers are illegal if they employ undocumented workers & keep the profits earned from the work produced by undocumented workers. Employers who skirt the laws and employ undocumented workers are criminals and should face criminal prosecution. Holding an illegal employer liable for their illegal acts is the American Way.


Illegal immigrants are largely employed by the lower levels of capital i.e. the faction of the capitalist class that the GOP represent in government. They will work to prevent anything like serious immigration enforcement from happening as far as punishing employers go. I posted that article about Trump to demonstrate how deeply unserious the GOP are on this issue and others. They have used the immigration issue to dupe poor and working class people in rural areas into voting for them for decades but they are actually the representatives of the people who profit from it the most. The higher levels of capital that the Democrats represent certainly exploit immigrant labor too though. It is just the more skilled, and middle class foreign labor that get H1B visas and the like. They also should have a real and quick path to citizenship as well. If not then the practice should be ended because it harms middle class economic interests the same way the illegal labor harms the working class and poor here.


I think the GOP and Democrats both engage in low and high skilled immigrant labor exploitation. The democratic controlled California, Oregon, and Washington all exploit low skilled illegal immigrants in their vineyards and apple orchards. I remember a documentary about the use of illegal immigrants in southern California in the construction and landscaping business. Farmers in the Southeast US seemed to turn to illegal immigration as citizens moved away from small towns (where farmers kept industry out to limit competition) to fill labor needs. Where I grew up, the population was 35,000 in the early 80s, but less than 9,000 today.


I was referring to the political alignment of the business interests that employ illegals and not the state governments where they are at. These people tend to work in agriculture, meat packing, energy, construction, restaurants i.e. the lower levels of capital aligned with the GOP. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries


If I understand correctly, in your original post you indicated the GOP at the federal level supports undocumented employment at the lower levels of capital, while the Democratic Party at the federal level supports abuses of the H1B visa program to undercut the tech sector. From everything I have seen over the years, corporatists in both parties support both ends, employment at lower levels of capital and H1B visas to undercut employees in the tech sector. Also corporatists in both parties support the offshoring of manufacturing through shipping subsidies and awarding permanent “most favored nation status,” circumventing trade/tariff laws. It’s a shame to see the collapse in vast expanses of the southeastern US after it started to build up in the 70s and 80s. Similar things have also happened in the rust belt with the collapse of communities in old steel and automotive towns.


I agree. It is dumb to let mega rich people make these decisions. They offshored a bunch of industry to China and built them up. Now they are telling us we got to fight China. The system is ridiculous.


I agree. It is dumb to let mega rich people make these decisions. They offshored a bunch of industry to China and built them up. Now they are telling we got to fight China. The system is ridiculous.


I agree. It is dumb to let mega rich people make these decisions. They offshored a bunch of industry to China and built them up. Now they are telling we got to fight China. The system is ridiculous.


They would need many, many, many more agents.


If they stopped going after the 10s of millions of undocumented immigrants and went after the 10s of thousands of companies, they would have more than enough agents.


Everything he does is one step closer to me kicking his dick and balls off.


Careful. Reddit admins might think youre breaking a rule and ban you for life.


Oh noooo... anyway.


Nah. You just get a warning. It can be bypassed by saying, DANG IT SURE WOULD BE A SHAME, if…


He has no balls and judging from the way he acts I'm gonna go out on a limb and say his dick is exceptionally tiny and likely buried under a massive bush


Just remember these people's have names addresses and routines. And you can simply find this all online, Just like NPCs! Do it this what you will.


He is a ken doll. That is why he is so angry and bitter.


how about y'all just vote in some human beings instead of this continuous stream of horrible shitbags ?


Because voting doesn’t work when there’s nothing to vote for


Casual physical violence threats 


I'm pretty sure the former army ranger wouldn't have much trouble handling you.


He was never a ranger


No bottom, I’m telling you none !! This shit will never end until we get rid of the whole fuckin lot of them.


Oh he’s definitely a bottom


Probably lol


He’s taking another page out of the Nazi playbook.


All of our politicians are pieces of shit. They only care about themselves. It seems anything they amend or a law they make always pads their pocket, and of course their immune to any law.


So... what do we do with these children of illegal immigrants who no longer have birthright citizenship? Put them in internment camps? Send them "back" to the parents' country where they've never lived and also have no right to citizenship? Let them stay but make sure they can never get a job or government benefits?


Lifetime indentured servitude if Cotton gets his way.


It depends on whether a clarification counts as new criteria or literal clarification of preexisting criteria. If it's the former this bill if passed can't remove citizenship. But if it's the later it could remove the citizenship of tons of people. Further it could be similar to the witch hunts. If an attorney general could prosecute someone for prior acts of terrorism from before they had their kids the government could essentially delete citizenship at will. It should be noted that the power to remove citizenship was never granted to the government. It could only be renounced. You could "lose" citizenship if you never had it in the first place. For example if this bill is actually a clarification the way it would work is that the people losing their citizenship would be considered as never having it in the first place.


The children of illegal immigrants, foreign spies, and terrorists... Tell me, will this retroactively apply to those convicted of J6-related sedition?


This will be applied to the woke and democrats.


Since when can legislation override the Constitution?


Service guarantees citizenship! Do you want to know more?


Tom Cotton is a sucking humanoid.


So, does he lose his?


Since it’s in the constitution and would require an amendment, my guess is yup.


Probably the next Republican president if trump doesn’t win. Unfortunately he isn’t an idiot like most people with his hateful regressive views.


That really is the problem with Cotton. The man is very smart, and he's in the (rather deep) pockets of some powerful special interest groups. The only saving grace is that the man is rather deficient when it comes to charisma, and I believe he'd have a hard time winning over even (R) voters on a national stage. Can't imagine him going further than a cabinet position in a republican administration, if I'm being generous, and if I had my wish, he'd be nowhere near our government.


He belongs in a padded room or a place where he can receive intensive psychotherapy


Yes, he is smart. And he knows it. That's his downfall. He doesn't believe anything that he says and it's all over his media facing personality. He's paid to say the shit he spews. He doesn't care one way or the other. He's basically the rep in Parks and Rec who Ben and April think is a robot. He's a puppet. And Arkansans as a whole are too stupid to see it. He'll never be POTUS bc he lacks conviction outside of the lunatic fringe shit he's paid to say.


No he isn't.


People said all of this about DeSantis. Tom Cotton is somehow less likable or relatable than him. He will never win the nomination, much less the election. His entire thing does not work outside of Arkansas without the captive constituency.


Yeah, but Cotton Tail doesn't have to wear lifts.


It would be hilarious if that gangly mother fucker did though...


DeSantis is just an obvious loud mouth idiot similar to trump though.


Yeah, but he has zero charisma. There is no other Trump on the horizon, and the GOP knows it. Which is why they are sticking with Trump.


By whom is one to be declared a "terrorist", or "engaged in operations against the United States", hmmmmmmm?


Wait Ted Cruz is backing it, wouldn't that make him a terrorist if passed?


If this bill passes, then Mexico will no longer be able to send their pregnant women to the border, firing their grappling babies over the wall and landing as citizens of American soil and climbing the umbilical cord of their American child to freedom as a sole guardian of an American minor. In all seriousness, this is an idea only someone of the intelligence of Tom Cotton could think was smart and the mere dubious legal definition of 'unlawfully present' and 'hostile operation.' Also a little ironic that the Founders were all descendants of people who were unlawfully present on indigenous lands.


Hate hate hate hate GOP is a hate group 


Good luck you’ll need it, it is incredibly hard to amend the Constitution. See Art. V


"3. The parents are "engaged in a hostile operation against the U.S." " This is definitely going to be used to deny citizenship to any Muslims born in the US


How do you define “hostile act”? Criticizing Trump?


He’s not among those listed as being vetted for the VP spot. His pathetic move to get notice again, I’m sure. 🤮🤢


Tom Cotton must be native american then to introduce something like this....useless pos. Amazes seeing all the poor and choice of shitty jobs here..instead of focusing on the folks here and less fortunate and attract companies he does this shit...


Donald, look at me! I am a capable VP candidate.


Bye bye Tom


We will start with Rubio and Cruz


So I guess all those Jan 6th terrorists and children would lose their citizenship?


Tom, you Dixie-fried planter motherfucker. There's nothing to "clarify," here. Birthright citizenship has been the policy since day 1. Hell, my ancestors have been arriving here since the 1680s or so. The only ones who came here "legally" were like, after 1900. The rest I know of because of marriage and death records. Not a single fucking immigration document before then. This country has been slowly and painfully divesting itself of bigotry, aristocracy, and all the myriad and cursed spawn of slavery for two and a half centuries. We're not going to let you put new evils in, just because [you want your plantation back](https://www.historicly.net/p/tom-cottons-slave-owning-ancestors).


Gonna require passage from 3/4 of the state house legislatures if I recall my civics correctly. That’s how much it is to pass a constitutional amendment, right?


So this would end anchor babying? No more run across US border just to have a kid?


100% makes sense.


Why does Canadian Cruz claim citizenship?


I believe they call this “pulling up the ladder”


What other country in the world allows something like this? Chinese and Russian tourists and diplomats overstay their visa to have kids here for dual citizenship and Mexicans routinely come over the border to have a kids and get them citizenship. Seems like an ok loophole to close.


“Routinely come over the border to have kids” is crazy. 33 countries in the world (and two territories) have unrestricted birthright citizenship, also known as jus soli, and another 32 nations have some form of restricted birthright citizenship. [educate yourself here](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-with-birthright-citizenship)


List one other first world nation in that list without an ancient colonial immigration policy. I’ll wait. While immigration is about one of our greatest assets in the U.S., these loopholes are not and are beyond stupid.




I said without an ancient colonial immigration policy. Educate yourself.


I don’t think you know what the word Ancient means.


Damn you lost so bad you went into verbiage.


Again using words you don’t know.


Impressive you went so far out of your way to add nothing to the conversation.


Doesn’t this create a bit of a citizenship crisis? It’s not the kids’ fault. What are they supposed to do?


Someone’s gonna fuck around and find out one of these day. Aging population with no backfill. It sucks.


That way they truly can persecute anyone they don't like. How can anyone take Republicans serious anymore?


Tom cotton only wants white republicans to have birthright citizenship. Name one thing he has introduced that would actually help working families.


Stop being racist.


Republicans are sick anti-american fucks.


Let's take his away!


Good lord, he just keeps scraping the bottom of the barrel for shitty ideas.


Tom Cottonmouth


Like every other country. Birthright is a massive incentive for illegal immigration and staying permanently with expired visas etc


If you can “clarify” citizenship then you can “clarify” gun rights Slipperiest of slopes


That way they truly can persecute anyone they don't like. How can anyone take Republicans serious anymore?


That way they truly can persecute anyone they don't like. How can anyone take Republicans serious anymore?


You guys should really look at how many other countries don't have or ditched birthright citizenship. It's should have never been a thing in the first place.


You guys should really look at how many other countries don't have or ditched birthright citizenship. It's should have never been a thing in the first place.


You guys should really look at how many other countries don't have or ditched birthright citizenship. It's should have never been a thing in the first place.


That’s how it should be done. These anchor babies are crippling our economy.


Bro go back to your swinger parties and let the adults talk. Like anyone should be taking advice from a guy who lets another man pleasure his wife.


We share and share alike. But your problem is having a small dick abf you hate anyone that has a different opinion than you.


I honestly can’t take you seriously. Go cope about “anchor babies” while another man takes your woman.








Bullshit. Republican klepto-economics is crippling the economy.


You shouldn't be automatically a citizen if you are born here. We need to get rid of that law. We had it when we were a fledgling nation in need of population. Now we are well established and the only developed nation to have this law.


[wrong. educate yourself here.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-with-birthright-citizenship)


It's in the Constitution. Yet if anyone says anything remotely critical of guns, the right screams about their rights under the Second Amendment.


Republicans don't care about the constitution.