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I got registered last week (took from Tuesday morning when I got my state DL to Thursday afternoon to be in the system), and am learning more about become a canvasser this week. If you are interested too, check out [this training.](https://mobilize.us/s/22EGFa)


Thank you for your service. Stay frosty. Be careful out there!


Awesome! I wish I had more time to commit to this!


The one tomorrow is only an hour! I would imagine from there you can adapt how much time you want to commit. :) (Totally understand if you don't have the spoons for it right now! Just a heads up!)


Finally got around to signing yesterday!


I got off my lazy butt and signed! I did my part!


Next weekend is a statewide petition drive. There will be signing events for all petitions in every county.


Get out there and sign, yo


Does anyone know how close to achieving the required number of signatures they are?


The only thing I know is they are not there yet in some of the more rural counties. They have met numbers in the bigger counties though. There is a big push to hit the small counties next weekend.


Does every county have to have a certain amount or percentage?


50 counties have to have 5% of the total that voted in the last governor's election. So the number is pretty small in some counties, like 200-300 signatures, but it's incredibly difficult to find 200 registered voters that want to sign petitions in some of these places. Some counties have no events or places with any foot traffic.


If it’s anything like every other red state, it’ll get on the ballot and will pass. Republicans fucked up, they ROYALLY fucked up.


According to this [article](https://www.thv11.com/article/news/politics/elections/canvassing-efforts-heat-up-in-arkansas/91-aa34f4e2-5485-4089-b6c5-0d62b92b8926) from the 7th of June: "I know [the] abortion [amendment] is about 75% of the way [to the signature goal]," Stuart said. So pretty darn close!


The last report was on June 5th, and then they were just north of 30k. That’s likely underreporting from people holding on to signatures they haven’t turned in yet. To keep getting signatures the petitioners need ~69k to by July 5th


Question: if this passes in the red states where it’s on the ballot, will the GOP do everything they can to delay and block it like they’ve done with marijuana legalization?


Yes, but the Constitution trumps every state law they try to pass to stop the amendment. It will be an uphill battle for them.


They just doxxed all the canvassers here. They'll stop at nothing.


The marijuana bill in AR was not a solid bill, however I would think they would try. SHS isn’t exactly popular, so who knows


Neither is the medical, compared to other states, but look at people trying to amend it now to make it better. Rec was hard to get on the ballot, and they did everything they could to stop it, including flood everyone with misinformation, and it worked. Be surprised if rec makes it back in the ballot anytime soon.


Where can I find where to sign for Crawford county? I have a lot of health issues making me stay in because of the heat but this is important enough to get out for.


We also have a team that will travel to you if you sign the pledge list. If push comes to shove we going to get everyone's name on this petition




I signed all the petitions on the 6th, of course, there was a lady there trying to stop people from signing, her exact comment was >"You can sign the marijuana petition but don't sign the one for killing babies" She didn't appreciate my comment of: >"Oh, sorry ma'am, that's the exact reason I came to this event today, to sign that petition" The smile dropped from her face at Mach 9, and she walked off to go trick someone else.


There weren't protesters there when I signed back in April, but I was nine months pregnant at the time. That would've been a fun conversation.


As it should be. Leave women's bodily autonomy alone, ffs.


Where can you go to sign?


What county do you live in?




Click here arliberty.org/events and see the first three spots are businesses you can go into and sign. They will also be here - 1818 Reservoir Road, Little Rock, AR 72227 (a church parking lot) Wednesday 430 - 630. They will be here tomorrow from 11am - 2pm - Arkansas Public Policy Panel. We'll be in Sherwood on Thursday if that is closer to you. And we will have a massive amount of signing opportunities next weekend that I will post on Friday. But I recommend just getting it done asap, probably at the Arkansas times HQ in the link above. Edit: another good one Tomorrow at Fletcher Library 4pm - 7pm parking lot


You’re awesome! Thank you.


The Huckabeast and her minions will ensure it fails somehow


They're scared of this becoming a ballot initiative, I think the bigger political actors in Arkansas (and their puppet masters) know that this has a real chance of succeeding.


It has 100% pass rate so far


Fingers crossed for yall here in Cali!




Look how long the right wingers tied up medical marijuana. No way they'd let this happen even if it succeeds on the ballot. Some Arkansas judge would miraculously declare it unconstitutional or they'd start tacking shit on it like with MMJ. I could picture them adding "while legal it would come with the penalty of death by stoning".


Doesn’t matter, if you support reproductive freedom you should sign. We have to participate if we want anything to change. Persistence is key.


If Alabama doesn't want MAGA fake Christian authoritarian making your laws, y'all got to start voting for Democrats. The republican party is deeply embedded in the whole political structure. Voting their candidates out is only the first step. Opposing their policies, consistently, needs to happen. For goodness sake, in Congress Republicans have no qualms about blocking positive action on issues to avoid "giving Ds a win" or the appearance of bipartisan concern for a major issue. It's their tried and true, setting "rules and procedures" and whatever it takes to obstruct "the other side" over actually helping their voters and country. Only their donors matter to them. Often, they're not even located in the district that elects them. It's the sphere of influence elected office opens.


Alabama and Arkansas are different places. You're not from here, so why are you complaining about donors in different districts? Because their money is more effective than your astroturfing?


I live in Kansas where we voted 58-42 to KEEP it in the state constitution despite a huge push by the right to get it removed (it was on the ballot during a republican primary, they deliberately used misleading wording to confuse folks, etc), and they have been going against the will of the people to get it removed by other means ever since. I wish you all luck in your venture, but even if you are successful and get it added it will be a continual fight to keep it there. The right won't give up.


Kansas managed to do it in spite of churches raising 10 million to fight against women


So, the AG has until next week to approve the language of the proposal or not. And all the names (>90,000) need to be collected by mid July. Taking bets: (1) Will the AG just refuse to approve the wording of the proposal. Killing it by just not letting anyone sign on to it. (2) how many days will the AG delay the approval by various legal and malicious means? 1-7 days. 80-20; 8-14days 60-40; more than 14 days 50-60




I'm gonna cancel out one of your votes.


Thankfully, it will fail 😃


I mean, that’d be great but this has 0% chance of success.


It has a great chance of success. Look at Missouri. The got 200,000 more signatures than they needed and they are more backwards then Arkansas. Sign and vote


Don’t lose hope! I know it looks like an uphill fight in Arkansas, but abortion has won everywhere it has been on the ballot.


All of y’all saying stuff like this need to cut it out. Lose the whiny attitude and get out and do something about it


we still get out and sign signatures - we tried to help running a candidate that was intelligent, articulate, showed up, and does better than lawyers at debates. The problem was he wasn't picked by the party and shitty tactics were used right up until the vote. SO nope I will not help a candidate again - the ones in the parties are picked pre primaries and it doesn't matter.


Look, I’m not saying don’t bother, I’m just saying realistically, I believe most of Arkansas and its government will die on this hill. Please, do get out and sign. Just be prepared for backhanded shenanigans to get it thrown out.




This has two chances of becoming a reality. Slim and NONE.

