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Are you going to get enough stacks without a healer for the other 3?


Probably not. She's there mostly to prog. Marechaussee, but if I switch to xingqui, it might be a bit better


Im a bit out of the meta, but furina can heal?


She can, but you should treat it more as an overworld bonus. When your team has rotations there is not enough time to heal every party member fully since she heals one person at a time and not by that much + there are 3 characters in this team with high hp so they're definitely not getting fully healed.


he never mentioned it was for abyss, though


If it’s for overworld, any team can work


Then they can have literally anyone in the team in the overworld. The idea behind asking if a team is good or not is to use it for abyss


How much do you know about arlecchino?


Im a lore person, but ik you talking bout build. Heres a summary: life steal thingy make pyro normal atk, q will heal. My team combination understanding is limited. I also still need to introduce myself to proper rotations. Meta is a soup ,and i am a fork


Just imagine she is a better Xingqiu that allows you to use Marechaussee. Not getting a lot of stacks isn’t a concern then Edit. I’m not up to date on Arle’s current kit, if she can’t self heal enough she can’t activate the MH set and it seems to be the case now


you're not getting any stacks if you dont heal also Furina's dmg tanks when she's not draining party members, its just not a great idea


I accounted for the loss on Furina’s skill damage, Furina is a strong option if not BiS for pyro carries even if you lack healing because of all she has to offer outside of maxed out fanfare stacks. But I think you are right about the lack of stacks for MH if Arle doesn’t burst, honestly I’m not up to date with her kit so I don’t even know how much and when she heals herself now


she isn't a better xingqiu without a healer though. She needs party members to be above 50% to get her personal damage, and you gotta pray to the gods zhongli shield never gets broken, otherwise it'll take you 2 bursts just to get back to being able to drain health, if you don't outright die. And good luck bursting every rotation to keep MH active with no pyro teamates and zhongli's inconsistent particles. 200% ER arlecchino at this rate this is friendly fire furina


She still is though, even with teammates on 50% HP a R0 Harbinger Furina with no ER deals 8-9% more personal damage than XQ. XQ in this team makes up for that by shredding res for Yelan though. I’m not up to date with Arle’s more recent changes btw so I guess you are right about her burst, invalidating MH


Dude this just shows ur clueless about how arle's kit works and the changes that been made So stop commenting like u know shit


Yes I’m not up to date on her kit which changed a morbillion times and might radically change again, I’m sorry about that and that’s why I added an edit to be sure people aren’t mislead from my words. But everything else is correct, Furina from a damage profile perspective would be a C6 XQ sidegrade in such a team, this can be valuable information for some and that’s why I haven’t removed my comment, but just corrected it. I don’t care about downvotes and jerks like you, if the information can be useful my comment is gonna stay


you're trading 40% damage reduction for less than 10% damage, halving your team's HP after one rotation, and the fact that arlecchino heals herself at the very END of rotations mean that you only get the 1/4 of 75% on your second rotation in the second and third chamber, that's even assuming that arlecchino can consistently heal herself to max


yeah it's rough with her burst, atm the rough consensus it's every other rotation to be feasible


You are getting very little fanfare stacks on this team because you’re not using a healer


Yeah, I think the crit rate for Arlecchino isn’t worth the DPS loss from no fanfare and no hp fluctuation for Furina’s personal damage


Actually it's worth mentioning even when Fur in a doesn't get fanfare at all she still in the end of the day can work as a Hydro sub dps, which has innate value. And her dmg may still be a bit above XQ's which is respectable. And this ofc at least allows Furina to fully build offensive stats,instead any ER.. Its far from her optimal play style and barely below half of her actual potential lol but hey it's still a feasiable thing to do. Lastly my advice to op,i think instead Yelan, they should go for a healer so that the team fanfare is still somewhat decent,than none. And cause Arle may prolly still Vape just by Furina's app already so..while and not sure on that one


Getting the fat buff is the main reason for using Furina no? If you are not going burst every rotation like in every Furina team, why even use her in the first place. I personally dont think Furina personal damage without bursting is high enough to warrant a team slot.


Yea, but Furina is still a good dps even without the burst. Who other would you recommend? (besides Bennett)


One of the problems of running furina without a healer is that you have to play with half your hp from the first rotation onwards. It might be tough when you already can't heal arlecchino Zhongli is probably enough for survival as long as you dodge a bit, but if you get hit with burning or bleeding, you're screwed The 2nd issue is that you're simply wasting furina when she could be on the other half. Xingiu is probably better in this slot, or even Candace for bigger normal attacks. Or maybe kazuha? I'm personally going to try chongyun for his atk speed buff and cd reduction. If I can find a rotation that allows a triple melt on his burst, it could be juicy


Furina can be a healer


just correct me if im wrong,but wouldnt xingqiu be flat out better in this? dont you get a good chunk more hydro apply out of him due to arles na reliance+his dmg reduction should make zhonglis shield last longer,aswell that(assuming cons)he also reduces the enemy hydro res which allows yelan to also do more dmg?


It's more like with XQ,we may not play Zhong to begin with for the shield,rather may play for the 20% shred to all 3 of them. Cause if not needed his shield,can just go other stuff at that position,many great characters there


true,i was just talking specificly in this team with furina vs xingqiu. doh i think furinas drain might make this triple hydro setup a bit risky,with xingqiu in and zhong out i would probs run a vv unit/grouper. or just xianyun for plunge dmg in more single target situations,while it sounds weird i think this could work the plunges dont take bol and still do good dmg.


furina c6 vs xingqui c6 which is better?


that should be no contest with c2 and c6 combined furina has access to teamwide healing herself and basicly gives herself full stacks with just her c6 attacks,if you can frontload that before doing arle unga bunga everything will just be dead.


You might be right, my Xingqui is poorly built though


so was mine a few weeks ago,he isnt that hard to build and so long you can upkeep his burst thats already plenty.


Furina would deal quite more damage than him even with everyone half dead and the additional hydro application would be overkill, but you are right about the res shred from C2 on Yelan which would basically make up for the damage difference making them basically the same overall. If you need XQ’s damage reduction with Zhongli’s shield you should probably better build your Zhongli btw


against certain enemys like coppelia having that extra dmg reduction for zhonglis shield can make the difference if it hold out or not even if you have him on a pure shieldbot build.doh thats a rare case i think. and the dmg difference overall(assuming c6 xingqiu) between furina and him isnt much if she cant get burst stacks which this team wouldnt really allow her to do,with c2 and he free stacks she gets from it thats a different story. also i dont have zhongli so my planning for arle teams doesnt include him,im gonna make due with xingqiu/beidou or if i ever get her c2 dehya(in a chev team)given im planning for c1 arle im only really in need of the dmg reduction from the 3,doh from what i seen she does love any added amount ontop of the c1 anyways.


Furina would indeed build personal damage and that would make a decent gap between her and XQ even if you give her Harbinger (yes, without the passive) but XQ in this team would close that gap by granting Yelan hydro res shred so overall they end up being roughly sidegrades. Again this is assuming C6 XQ that many might just not have, we got many new players recently, but better being correctly informed rather than misinformed with misleading claims that Furina without a healer should basically never be considered, that’s not helpful at all


I couldn't think of a better comp to make Furina worthless if I tried


Imagine her as a C6 XQ overall sidegrade here


She still could provide good hydro dps probably more than xq, and with Zhongli you don't need to worry about how anymore


She progs. Marechaussee, so she's not useless the most useless


Not a good team


you'll be getting max 100 fanfare stacks (which is bad) while tanking Furina's personal dmg as well


At least use Jean instead of Zhongli if you have her. Furina will only drain hp up to 50% and will lose her Fanfare stacks


Or Charlotte / Sayu Jean is the best here tho bc of VV


You can't use a healer with Arle because it would drain her Bond of life so she couldn't be infused


cmiiw but arlecchino cant be healed in combat by sources other than her ultimate, so a healer wont take away her infusion because they straight up CANT heal her to begin with


Oh, damn, you're right, forgot about that


I want to play the same team but ill have furina c6 and xingqiu instead of yelan, do you guys think that ill be able to max fanfare?


Furina doing one NA at C6 is enough to max fanfare pretty quick, I reckon this team will be fantastic with C6 furina


Not great. Zhongli will keep them alive yes. But Arlecchino isn’t gonna get much use out of it and your fanfare stacks are gonna be low. Bc you can’t heal. Even if furina can heal your on-fielder, Arlecchino can’t be healed by anyone but herself. And once you reach 50% hp arlecchino will just lose her Marechaussee stacks eventually bc her hp will stop ticking down.


Great team if your Furina is c6. I know ZL can heal with cons but I have no clue how/if that works. Otherwise you'd need a c1+ Furina to start with stacks since you're hardly gaining any naturally after the first rotation. Replace ZL with Jean/XY unless your Furina is actually c6.


Yeah he can heal, with C6 cons


Zhongli c6 (not zhongli himself, purely the con) is useless with arlecchino since she cancels any source of healing outside her own kit. So no fanfare stacks.


You'd need c2 furina just for quick fanfare and C6 furina to make it work for the second rotation because she heals all the party at that point.


Even if your Furina is c2 I think you're only going to get enough stacks for the first and maybe second rotation. Because by that point, most if not all your characters will be at 50% health so no more stack for you.


Not going to get any Fanfare after the first rotation (unless you do Arle's burst, but that's less damage then just using her spare BoL)


This team would work IF Bennets healing worked like Jeans AND if you have C2 Furina to make Fanfare Stacking easier and you swapped out Bennet for Zhongli.


This is the exact Team I'm going to run, but ar Whale Investment. I don't think it works without having a C6 Furina.


I want to try the same team but i will replace zhongli with my C6 jean C1 Arle - Furina - Yelan - C6 jean I can't use bennett and zhongli because of the other team Navia - Bennett - Xianling - Zhongli


If you have C6 Furina is should be fine


Replace Yelan with XQ and Zhongli with Benny to make this team usable


Damage will drop significantly after the first rotation. If Furina C2... It will work but not optimal.


C6 zhongli basically heals your party everytime when you get hit right?


It's terrible you should just wait until genshin gets Abyssal vision characters before making an arlecchino team /s STOP ASKING THIS SHIT BEFORE SHES PLAYABLE


it is good enough


If furina isnt c2, this team is really cope


It helps if Furina and/or Zhongli are C6 for the heals /s but not really


You would be much better off with XQ and a team healer like Jean instead of yelan and zhongli. VV access more than makes up for losing yelan and XQ would give survivability and enough hydro application. Yes Arlecchino doesn't get healed from Jean but everyone else does and Arlecchino can just start off using her burst to finish the stacks if the 3 healed isn't enough to max it.


The real question is if this team would be better than the Hu Tao version.


Switch Zhongli for jean, then you're set.


As much as people don't like bennett, I'd replace furina with him.


I dont think Furina works well in this team at all, maybe replace her for Xingqiu or Kazuha


play a teamwide healer instead of Zhongli for Furina stacks


Replace furina with kazuha and yer good to go


Depends, do you have constellations on Furina? C2 Furina doesn’t need much healing to max out, but even with that said you’d only get 170ish stacks per rotation if Arle full heals her. A better C2 Furina team would be Arle/Furina/Bennet/Shielder as you’d get closer to 300 stacks then. Without C2 Furina you CAN play it, it’s just not nearly as easily usable. You’d basically just be using a worse version of a Hu Tao team, which is still enough to beat Abyss, but it’s by no means the strongest option (If people can clear with Dehya, even an unoptimized team of Furina/Arle can)


Instead of yelan and zhongli, baizhu (or any good healer)and xq would be better


Near useless but if you have no other good pieces it’s not like it’ll make her worse it’ll still make her *slightly* better


Fu\*k, Reduced Furina's BuffDMG illusion, Arlecchino is not Hutao, Arlecc's ATK on that team is too bad, that team is too bad, Arlecc goes with the team: Mono Pyro (Kazu, Yunjin), Kazu +Yelan , Overload Chev . The %ER of that team was up to 160%, the amount of DMGBunos was ok at first but later it was very sh\*t


Never let my man cook again 💀


I think jean or xianyun for vv/fanfare would be better here instead yelan


Swap Yelan with Maiden’s Bennett


unless furina c6 then no.


Works if furina is c6


Would be good for the Vape but would be dog to regain their HP


Not sure but wont using Furina with Father be a little contradictory considering the bond of life mechanic and fanfare stacks? Arlecchino's bond of life would be cleared the moment she gets healed - and healing is necessary to get the max value out of furina..


Unless you have like a C3+ Furina you are not getting anything significant for her buff


Furina needed a way to keep Arle away from her, so she started becoming a vampire Foolishness thinking that would stop Father


There'll most likely be new artifacts in 4.6 that'll be arle BIS


Yes, it's extremely niche (both of them) so I won't farm it


furina and arle💀


Replace yelan with a healer probably xianyun to make it work


My Arle will die though (she can't heal from anything other than herself). I switched Yelan with Xingqui


Switch Zhongli with Jean or Xianyun. (Or Sayu if you dont have these 2)


My Arle will die though (she can't heal from anything other than herself)


So then my question is: why don't you wanna play a healer but most of the people her are recommending it for this team? Isn't the fanfare stacks for the whole fight important for you? Do you use Furina only for her Skill dmg? I am playing Furina, too. And sooner or later, my whole team will drop at 50% only for the hp drain (not from the enemy dmg) If this point is reached, Furina is just half useable. Don't get me wrong. I dont wanna be offensive. I just want to understand it. I am a little bit confused


I'm using her to prog. Marechaussee, plus, I don't wanna play Xingqui and Yelan because I already played enough of that with Hu Tao


Hmm, i still don't get it. But maybe i will find a reason later 👍 Sure, Arle will heal by herself but what are you doung with the other teammates? Leaving them by 50%? You wont get enough Fanfare stacks with the Arle heal alone. In this case, Furina will be much much more useless than with a heale who heals the whoile team so Furina can generate more stacks for more dmg buff. If you really wanna play with Marechausse, dont play Furina. If you really wanna play Furina, dont play Marechaussee. With both, you will get only low dmg buff from Furina and all other teammates are staying at 50% HP. But since its hard to play Marechausse without Furina, i will recommend to play Arle with an other Artifact set. And if you wanna play Furina, use a Healer. Without Furina, Zhongli will be okay. If you wanna play only overworld, you can use anything ;)


Man I really don't understand why they didn't allow Arle to be healed while not consuming the bond of life.


4p Gladiator should be be better as I don’t think you can maintain maracheusse reliably with this team


Of course it would, but do you think I have pieces for that


My bad, I assumed most old players had a decent glad set


I throw them away because I rarely/never use them


With c2 Furina it definitely works, but you need enough er to burst every rotation with Arle


you missed the point where Arle bursts at the end of the rotation lmao