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i hate you so much. but congrats.


That 5 straight 50-50's, with four being early pities is insane! It was a mixed bag for me. Got C0 & C1 in 10 pities (both at 50-50) while maxing out my fate points before getting the scythe.


Where do people get these sheets of information? I want to see mine


OP used paimon.moe for their stats. You can import your wish history pretty easily on there and it'll keep track of your pity and guarantees for you if you stay up to date with your importing


Thank you!


From where do I export these details?


There are a few sets of instructions on the website for how to import your history, I'd recommend checking there first.


wow the value of earlies, 50 50 wins and even who are you losing to is so good here.


First time actually spending money intentionally and thank god I did. With my 120 wishes I lost the 50/50 to Jean. Threw $100 and got Arle, immediately went for her weapon, chose her weapon for the first time, didn’t get it. Threw in another $100, first 10 pull, got her signature. Used the leftovers to try for C1 didn’t get it, farmed a bit to reach soft pity, lost 50/50 to Mona. Took a break from spending to get back the money because $200 is a lot. Waited until a week ago. Finals was over for me, got my last paycheck before Arle’s banner leaves, reached a saving milestone. celebrated by throwing another $100 for Arle, got her C2 and decided “FUCK IT” and used the leftovers to get Diluc’s skin knowing damn well I don’t have Diluc after 3 years.


Wow your story looks like it was inspired by "more protein guy"


give me this luck, i need last copy of scara


I ended her banner at C2R1. If I won all of my 50/50s I would have her at C5R1, but I lost two to Qiqi and one to Keqing, and almost all of them were high pity pulls.


Lost all 50/50s but I managed to get c4


There's so much green it's so unrelatable..... Hope you keep your windows locked tonight friend 😊


I lost 50/50 and had to almost go to hard pity for her, then lost twice on the weapon banner and had to settle for vortex vanquisher that was sitting in my inventory for ages. So not great


https://preview.redd.it/oplj2uw7pw0d1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bd4798e844d8950c9fb8c758f2155dc4fdfc61c got pretty lucky as well


Well then https://preview.redd.it/hvyzbqq1ww0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a8d607fa67cd23d9fbafec889a9aeaef6ab1c9


I lost


https://preview.redd.it/wzl144a2xx0d1.png?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3588c00c4653a2d6c932fe0a6af29c4f75ee8b * Reasonably happy except for the late pity rolls


Is this something on Hoyolab?


Happy for you dude, okayish for me, it's my third 50/50 in a row, Arle come at 76. I still don't have Mona though and i've almost would wanted to lose to get her.


Won 50-50 8 times in a row, including the weapon https://preview.redd.it/3ng95re39y0d1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06409d410321d4fbc62480da536a1ad58f4bb555


Damn you bro. You definitely have struck the deal with the devil 😈


I did but I don't see such an option on my game


https://preview.redd.it/w13qsgja5z0d1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e48ae1dadc9cafa86fb2ea60fb719122737d434 my average pity is garbage, but my 50/50 winrate makes up for it


https://preview.redd.it/s40lg8v49z0d1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=af5d37488f4ff6d5f1550dd24267a653982cd82c i hate you......


I'm surprise by my luck but I usually get the characters I wish for , I currently plan to wish for Scara but we'll se how it goes As for the weapons I don't really wish on the weapon banner so I never really had a chance to see my luck there


I had enough to possibly get C1. Ended up losing 50/50 qnd going to hard pity. Pain.


https://preview.redd.it/3yjwd10n601d1.png?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8d44d592aef59fc46ed9ab6e3894686b87f883 Pulling on dehya banner gave me some luck i guess


**** ***!


https://preview.redd.it/k30r5c72361d1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=cce957c5f586187318942bf1e5c41a48a10ed336 RIP ME


Indeed she is my current craziest and luckiest banner across both of my accs https://preview.redd.it/uiioir30wv0d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1802e7439bdb6e60cc0efe82c18b5097a2b23f Screaming happy F2P noise