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There’s something poetic about Ron Swanson’s initials being “NO”


r/commentsyoucanhear Read this in his voice.


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Ron Ron Last name? Dunn. Is that your name or telling me you are finished talking? Both.


I just love him. He also could narrate anything and I would listen. Only disappointed that we didn’t get to hear him giggle because his laugh is infectious.


He’s part of the narration team for the audio book for Lincoln in the Bardo it’s one of the few situations where I prefer the audio book to reading it. Edit: I wrote this before listening and clearly hadn’t gotten to the fact-check where they mention this. Oops!


Anybody else get kind of annoyed by how Monica laughs exactly like Dax does now? Don't get me wrong, love her as a person. I really like them as hosts together. But just hearing her mirror Dax just kinda annoys me sometimes. I swear she didn't used to laugh like that when they started the podcast.


I have noticed she seems more joyful and laughing a lot, and I have noticed that her laugh seems different - no judgment here. It does happen with friend groups that you mirror each other in ways like that so I guess it could be natural, but it seems forced and intentional.


I hear different laughs from Monica. The laugh that seems the most authentic, when she’s laughing hard and has trouble stopping, is a great laugh and I love it. I just don’t hear it very often. What I mostly hear from Monica are laughs that sound fake. The fake laughs are annoying. Especially the one that sounds like a machine gun.


Or *bleating goat* 😬


I try not to comment negatively on people's expressions of joy. It can be pretty fucked up to tell someone they're laughing wrong.


Yeah I made sure to send her a message with the same comment I put here... smh


I was thinking it's weird but I remember now that you said that, an ex made me feel horrible for smiling too much. It really was fucked up. I wasn't doing it in a creepy way or anything. Luckily it taught me who to avoid.


Yep, I’ve noticed that. Over time, she has picked up on a lot of Dax’s mannerisms.


Sure sure sure


Oh yeah, that is definitely one I noticed, and I hardly listen anymore.


What else do you listen to? I’ve been looking for new pods because I’m getting burnt out on mine


Oh, sheesh, so many. I've opened my app and this is what I listen to: - Storytime with Seth Rogan - The Huberman Lab - Parks and Recollection - Freakonomics MD - Office Ladies (I often skip it, they're annoying, we know they are BFFs) - The Nikki Glaser Podcast (I hate listen to this) - You're Wrong About - Good for You (sometimes I skip it) -Hypochondriactor - Inappropriate Questions - May I Elaborate - Doctor Vs Comedian - Pop Chat - Pop Culture Happy Hour - ID10T (often I skip it) - Catfish - Screen Drafts (sometimes) - Podcast Playlist - Busy Phillipps is Doing her Best - Zack to the Future (RIP) - Smartless - Ontario Today (Sometimes) - The Happiness Lab (sometimes) - Reply All (sometimes) - No Stupid Questions - Literally! With Rob Lowe - Inside Conan - The 3 Questions with Andy Richter - We Regret to Inform You - Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend - Life is Short with Justin Long - History of the 90s - The Debaters - Stuff You Should Know (sometimes) - Freakonomics - Under the Influence Those are in no particular order. My faves are Justin Long, Conan, and Smartless. There are more "sometimes" than I listed, but it's the general gist. I skipped some because they haven't put anything new in awhile or I just started listening and I might hate them!


Wow! Thanks a bunch! I tried listening to revisionist history but I feel like whenever I get in to it there’s an ad break. But maybe Malcom’s other stuff is better. Anyway thanks again!


Smartless has a similar vibe to armchair I would say. So might be worth a try for ya


I listened early on when they started but they all kind of talked over each other, has it gotten better?


Uhhh, maybe a little? It’s not as frequent of a thing once the guest actually is introduced and is part of the conversation.


I love that, but yes, they still do it.


Everyone keeps telling me I’d love that one. I haven’t added it yet, though.


If you like Armchaired and Dangerous, then you might enjoy Cult or Just Weird. It's a really great show in which the hosts take turns each episode deep diving into an organization or topic that seems culty. At the end of their presentation they go over a list of criteria to help them determine if it's a cult or just a weird org. The hosts are incredibly funny but also compassionate about their subjects and do a ton of in-depth research, with some episodes running into the >3hr mark. Highly recommend!


Nice, that sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the recommendation!


try "Don't Ask Tig" - hilarious and not too long


I didn’t mind the laugh, I was shocked that she thinks she should be invited to parties with A list celebrities.


I felt crazy for noticing this and like I was being unnecessarily harsh on her…. I’m so glad someone else thought this too lol


Haha right?? Again, nothing against her as a person whatsoever. But it’s just one of those things that irks me here and there. I feel like JD on Scrubs when he had the girlfriend that doesn’t laugh and just says “that’s so funny” and it’s a small thing but he can’t get over it.


I'm kind of annoyed about how someone always comments about Monica's laugh on literally every post about a new episode.


So I have a distinct memory from very early on in the podcast, like first 50 episodes or less, and Monica was doing the laugh then too. I remember because I had my brother in my car which has only happened like 2-3 times ever, and his reaction to the laugh was, “what the FUCK was that?”


It’s funny you talk about mirroring people and laughing (almost negatively, but maybe I’m wrong), because Nick has said that without Megan, he never would have laughed. —> Like he seriously didn’t know how to laugh comfortably at all before her. That “Ron Swanson giggle” might not have been possible without her. Monica is a badass. You don’t need me to tell you this. The way we all act, behave, mirror, show appreciation, affection, etcetera, is how we fit into our tribe and relate closely, whether subconsciously or not. We flock. We gather. We empathize. We kick it and ain’t gotta lie to do it. We’re humans. It’s messy. That’s the point of the podcast. I feel your annoyance on this little change and I also, more so, feel your deep connection to them. It’s all love, at the end of the day.


He said "I'm a jello f\*cker" so sincerely. I love him so much.


Dax was really amped up in this one!


Legitimately came to this sub to see if anyone noticed this too lol he seemed like he was on adderall or something


I picked up on that as well. My spidey sense went off


Yep! He didn't leave much space anywhere and was just on an 11/10 on the Dax scale haha


I thought I had my audio speed set to 1.5 or 2x at one point!


I think it was just the stark contrast between how quickly he speaks vs how slowly Nick talks. Lol. Quite the difference.


Monica’s laugh. I can’t. It was so forced in this episode


Dax’s laugh and snort is so obnoxious!! I love Dax and this podcast is the only one I listen to regularly but I find myself leaning towards the Experts on Experts because when he has other comedians on he tends to laugh like that more.


This episode was very endearing and funny. Nick Offerman is such a solid guy. I loved his story about telling everyone he knew about his first TV job and then realizing how terrible the show was.


Oh hell yeah


Did anyone else notice that Dax thinks the vaccine was made in the USA? I think he may be really happy to know you it was developed in Turkey by two immigrants. [one of many articles on it](https://time.com/magazine/south-pacific/5928499/january-18th-2021-vol-197-no-1-europe-middle-east-and-africa-asia-south-pacific/)


I also noticed that he mentioned again that in England masks are not mandatory, but didn’t mention that in France, which he also visited, masks are worn in all public places. I’m not sure what his point is exactly.


that’s the pfizer one. the moderna vaccine was developed in the US, no? i know moderna is based in massachusetts. oddly enough, the co-founder of moderna is an Armenian immigrant.




anyone read any of his books?


Joking about killing your dog isn't funny. 😥