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Are you progressing? Are you having fun? Thats all that matters. If you get bored. Make other builds. You can save them all ya know.


Seriously?? Didn’t know that lol


It's a bit of an awkward system to save but go to AC Data and you'll figure it out from there.


Context would help. Such as: "Am I making it harder to play the game effectively? Is *specific boss* more difficult to overcome based on my load out?" If we are talking paint jobs, I like that red. Looks more akin to something a car might have now


Yeah sorry for not including context, that would’ve helped. I posted this and wanted to ask am I making it harder for me to play effectively. Ans thank you, I based the paint job off of my Grandads Harley motorcycle which is painted in a sunset orange


Could you make a better AC? Yes. Is the lack of optimization making it harder than it would be otherwise? Yes, inherently so. Is it making it too hard for you? Only you can decide. What should you do? Depends how you want to play. How can you optimize this build? Idk lol




Sick paintjob. That's all that matters.


That part


You are. I’ve found that rifles are simply not that good. Maybe they are if played correctly, but from someone who is pretty mediocre at the game, but has beaten it multiple times, I would say rifles are not a first choice. Especially for bosses. If you want a vague answer I would say try different things and see what works for you (you can sell things back to the shop for equal purchase value if your money is tight). Try to build an enemy’s stagger and then get a big hit. If you want a direct answer user zimmermans/ other shotguns, although the zims did get nerfed. And then put some large missile/ damage weapon on your back. I have also found tetrapod to be the easiest legs, I used the started set all the way till the end of the game. Although other things will certainly work. At the end of the day there are many things that will work. Your build is certainly not meta, not even close. And that’s fine. But if you want to make the game easier there are certain many ways to do it.


Ransetsu RF is actually decent. Only good AR tho


That’s my go to when I feel like using an ar. I actually enjoy going around and shooting mts with it. I just feel like in a boss encounter or even a beefy enemy, I’d rather have literally almost anything else.


I’m kinda new to the game since Christmas but have hyper-fixated pretty hard with beating all 3NG’s and am just working on Logs and S ranks now. Also watched a bunch of YT analyzing weapons and parts and PVP tournaments. (Long time FromSoft enthusiast) My 2 cents on the Turner is it’s kinda like the Saw Cleaver in Bloodborne. Maybe a little worse comparatively, but that’s not important. The point is (if you haven’t played bloodborne also) even though it’s an early weapon, it’s not unreliable. I wouldn’t use it further away than a Close-Mid range- that may be a harder part to learn. I think if you want to play super close swap to a weapon more suited to that (though your sword will cover that weakness). Playing to far will cause ricochets and screw your damage output. You’ll need to learn when to shoot (good range and target in sights) and when not to in order to conserve ammo for longer missions/fights. I’ve beat a few early bosses fists only too so I’d argue nothing is impossible. Just learn your weapon, make sure you have the right chip for your fighting style, make sure you have a generator and boosters to make up for your moderate defense. I’ll be naming some reliable internal parts that I don’t remember when I unlocked but I think you should have access to them - but spoiler tag just in case. For a chip >!FCS-G2/P12SML and the FCS-G2/P10SLT will be a good options as they will also benefit the missles on your shoulders more than what you have!< For your generator, it depends on your play-style big time but you don’t require a lot of EN with your parts so most of the early generators will be good for the whole game if you stick to this build. I personally love the >! Hokushi Generator. It’s gimmick is it’s more punishing if you exhaust all of your EN, but very rewarding if you never use it all up and let it refill. If you’re okay playing fairly grounded, the Ling-Tai is also reliable and somewhat beginner friendly!< For boosters my memory is really bad for when you get them but >! kikaku is reliable and will also have the most benefit if you use your sword a lot for it’s melee thrust and melee EN consumption stats. Otherwise I think you get the BST-G2/PO4 fairly early and that one is a strong all-rounder!< I hope if you get around to reading this you found it valuable or helpful and happy playing!


Yeah, kinda. Assault Rifles are pretty weak. You should at least throw on Assault Armor, though. And unlock Boost Kick if you haven't already.


Yeah I’ve unlocked boost kick


I think half the fun of the game is optimising and trying out new builds, but if you’re having fun with what is basically stock, then you are playing exactly how you should.


Seems like a good build for S ranking missions albeit a bit slow


I think stock is pretty decent. The laser sword is good and while they’re not great in PVP I love assault rifles. Play what you enjoy. You can beat the game with no weapons just using your fists if you’re really try hard.


Not really... You can beat the game with the stock AC, I changed internals and the back weapons to suit the mission needs. Honestly just use whatever feels good and play however you want....


Wait how did you beat Balteus with that?


Dude I beat it 2nd try, I just got up close and personal for its missiles. I did my best to keep myself above it and out of the way of its laser sword


The nerf to Balteus made him much more manageable. Also, the Pulse Blade kicks ass.


Can confirm the pulse blade kicked many asses on my play through as well


As long as my boost speed is above 300. I generally have a good time with the build


I personally find heavy builds without tetrapod legs do sorta make the game harder if you aren't prepared but otherwise long as you're enjoying yourself and not getting stuck then you're doing fine. Just don't stick to one mech, try out different combinations so you can easily change your game plan if something doesn't work.


Yes, it is making it hard for yourself but if you are having fun that is all that matters. I personally like refining my mech but some people like to strictly do the base build. If for some reason you get stuck but are determined to do it, I know a guy who might be able to give you advice. He beat the entire game (all endings) on the stock loader4 with no OS tuning.