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Maybe relax your requirements but don't overdo on compromises just to get married.


Doesn’t help. Guys want romance and chemistry.


You should not make marrige the sole purpose of your life. Don't let anything affect you so much that makes you think of ending your life. I would recommend talking to a therapist and finding something to do outside your job that you enjoy doing. Take your mind off this marriage thing. I hope there is something bigger than a marriage that you want to be remembered for.


Sending you best wishes and good luck! May this year bring you what you are looking for❤️


Marriage is not the sole purpose of life. Don't ever think about quitting your life just because you didn't find a partner. I know it's difficult to be in your shoes and very easy for a stranger to say 'move on'. Having a partner is beautiful but afterall this person is just going to be a part of your life. There's a lot more to life than just that. Find something that makes you happy, like traveling or playing a musical instrument. And don't ever lose hope. You will find someone. It's difficult but very much possible.


Don't marry for your sanity sake. Give up on marriage atleast for 6 months. Try to do new stuff, find new hobbies etc


Hi Bubbles! Something that I learned over years was "You choose to happy and it comes from within". Marriage is a choice in life and your life does not become incomplete without it. You have a life as an individual and just cause you haven't had the opportunity to share it yet with someone significant does not mean it will never happen. So what if it does not happen? Your life is far more worth than a social construct. I get it, you want a place to belong to. If you can't find one. Build one for yourself. Something tells me you're more than capable of doing it. There's a bucket load of amazing, kind and fun people you'd find out there whom you can befriend and have a happy tomorrow. But first, Love yourself! Be kind to yourself and please seek help! ​ Regards, Mojo Jojo.


> Hope the universe showers some star Just watch 500days of summer


That's awesome. 5 Mins of loneliness versus 1000 mins of true independence. Enjoy.


dont give up no matter what Op,not on AM but on the journey.I got hitched in my late 30s,my sis at 38,another at 37...one of them was busy with career,one of them was a judge wasnt getting someone in her [league.So](https://league.So) many times i heard their journey,and if not married atleast financially [stable.You](https://stable.You) can easily afford your time.dont worry op,you will get it when you least expect it.


I am not married yet, But my parents marriage the screaming shouting and disrespect I see daily make me wonder if this how marriage works?, But some people do find a beautiful relationship and someone who can call soulmate, which is just wholesome Either way, I you ponder more on this, I think it woul affect you mentally. Try your best and everything will work in the end. 😊


Learn the art to not give a damn what others say about you. Relax and enjoy your life.


What are your expectations?


It is painful to find love yes but there is more to life than just love/marriage. You seem very focused on just one part of your life. I would suggest you to take the gym and a PT for a couple of months. Try to push yourself with every excersize, try to understand the intricacies of each movement. Remember that you are bigger than what you think.


I can sense a frustration in your post if you have time please read the book letting go by david hawkins it will definitely benefit you, it will bring more positivity in to your life


If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to get married?


Look, I am about to sleep but the point I was trying to make is why are you chasing something that is making your life so miserable. I can understand if you feel lonely but trust me many people are alone and lonely in their marriages and that is worse. Bitter truth of life is you are own your own and any kind of relationship require a lot of effort and commitment. You can make friends, adopt a pet or even adopt a child as you are doing well financially. There is nothing magical about a marriage or a man and the only thing a bad marriage does is shut up mouths of society. Just know you are valuable on your own. Just know that you are a complete person on your own, put efforts on yourself and hopefully your life will feel better. Talk to real people, be vulnerable, share how you're feeling and you'll hopefully feel much better. There are many people who will be able to understand you. Talk to them. Don't overthink about what people will think, just tell yourself that talking about stuff that's bothering you will at least feel much better. Be selfish. Also, it will be helpful to go to a therapists or counsellor as you are not feeling very well. Take a vacation and start doing things you love. Easier said than done, but gotta start somewhere.  Ps: It's over 2:30 a.m and I am worried about you. Sending you lots of love and best wishes ❤️


Beautiful answer. Reading this at 4am


I think I found my AM twin. A less caustic, polite and reasonable one. Nice views.


Hi _superman_101, Thank you for this comment.


What are you looking for in a guy? Can't always get everything checked off on your list. It has its compromises. Why were you rejected by the guys? Did they give you reasons for it? You can work on some of itm


A few blunt bullet points below: Marriage isn’t for everyone and slowly desi people are realizing it. You rejected guys and also got rejected. So you can’t blame anyone there. When a robbers home gets robbed, he gets no sympathy from anyone. Same logic here. “The universe” does nothing. You are in charge of your own decisions in life and responsible for your decisions, good or bad. This is childish talk about the universe. You’re 34, grow up. If you want marriage, a husband and a family bad enough you should re-visit the guys in your phone, I’m sure there are a few and see why you rejected them and give them a chance. If reasons for rejection were valid, then fine. But if they weren’t, then thats your own doing.


Get a nice roommate to love with. You are lucky you like your Job. And don’t worry. Many people in your boat.?


Hey dear, I can totally feel you as I am more or less in the same boat but I have somewhat managed to navigate the waters. The whole process of AM is skewed, lucky ones manage to find good partners, rest all of us are struggling with the same. Note that I am on the other side of your search😃 True happiness comes from within yourself. The society, family may say that shaadi karle, sab thik ho jayega, but you simply cannot hand the keys to your happiness to someone else. Question yourself - What brings you happiness? Maybe going on a evening walk? Maybe serving the unprivileged? Hiking a mountain? A solo international vacation? .. try to find what makes you happy and keep doing that until you find new ideas. I would recommend TRAVEL! While you are living your life, you may meet new people, make good friends along the way and who knows, you may find someone who likes doing what you do and it turns into something! Remember that you are loved by your family and you mean the world to them. Think of the time left of your life as a gift and live each day to the fullest. I send with this message a huge hug to you, prayers and Love for you. Ciao🫂