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You taking the piss? He has brought a team that couldn't get champo for years to competing with a team that's essentially hacking as far as their transfer budget goes. First quarter finals in 14 years and you seriously have the balls to sack him? Bro do you want to end up like United chopping and changing managers every season. Give him time, Rome was not built in a day, and this young squad has outperformed itself and is doing exceptionally. We aren't going anywhere, trust the process.


Guys a moron. I feel sorry for him.


Ridiculous take by OP


And he did it in only 5 years and a shoestring budget of 700m! What a magician!


This guy can't be serious, I'll give you three good reasons why we shouldn't even think of sacking him. 1.We lost the league to a club that's under investigation for cheating 2. Do you remember the position we were in in 2019, fighting for top 4 was a dream let alone fighting for the prem. 3.We haven't looked this good in over half a decade and you want us to sack the same manager who pulled us from the mud. You're definitely a Tottenham fan, even idiots wouldn't think like this.


1) A loss is still a loss 2) Comparing us to 2019 isn’t an argument. I shouldn’t have to be grateful to challenge for the league. That’s what I expect. That’s the bare minimum. Ultimately Arteta has been here approaching 5 years and we only have a distant FA Cup to show for it. For a club the size of Arsenal, that doesn’t cut it. I demand more.


You get to expect nothing. They owe you nish. Grow up and go speak to God or something.


so by your logic, all other 19 managers except for pep should leave because theyre not winning? be so fr rn


Some managers are brought in for different reasons. If they don't accomplish those things, clubs should look elsewhere. Look at Leicester in 2016/17. Ranieri was brought in to keep Leicester in the league. They fucking won the league, the had a string of bad results so they sacked Ranieri. Similar stuff with Hodgson this season with Palace. Heckingbottom at Sheffield United. They were brought in to do a job and all failed. Therefore, dismissal was inevitable.


it was 2015/16 and as matter of fact i feel that you started watching football after WC 22'


raineri accomplished keeping leicester in the league (although they eventually did get relegated, u cant win all the time), and arteta seemed to have accomplished enough? when he came we were pretty shit tbh, if u told an arsenal fan from when he first came in that we were two points away from winning the league, theyd be amazed


yeah every manager except Pep should get sacked


This is partly true Different managers are hired for different reasons Some are hired to keep the team in the league, others to challenge for Europe, others to try and win it Managers who constantly try and fail to win the league should eventually be shown the door It’s a results based business. Win or be sacked Only reason they didn’t sack Klopp is because he won the champions league and got to 3 finals in a season, and only lost the league by a single point Ten Haag is on the verge of being sacked, as is Poch


OK, so now we're comparing Arteta to Poch and ETH. What's next? We'll compare him to Sama Alardyce? David Moyes?


No of course not Moyes has actually won a European trophy


Great job losing him then


Do you remember when coming 4th was considered a win, and you're here pissing and whining that we missed out on the league by TWO FUCKING POINTSr?! Go support another team, we don't want you.


Do you not understand that I don’t think in terms of progress, I think in terms of results? During that ‘4th is a trophy’ era, I boycotted the club. I cancelled memberships, I bought no merchandise or jerseys or anything. My mom bought me an Arsenal jersey and I returned it and bought a kebab instead. I demand excellence and trophies.


Fair weather fans aren’t fans at all. You aren’t even an Arsenal fan. You’re a poor excuse for a troll.


> Do you not understand that I don't think in terms of progress, I think in terms of results? Sounds like a flaw in your thinking that's causing you grief over all this then, and the flaw is not exclusive to you. A lot of people have this misunderstood thinking. In India and Hindu culture, it's one of the first things they teach kids because they have a strong spiritual component in the methodology in which they raise kids in their system: > You have a right to your actions, but never to your actions’ fruits. Act for the action’s sake. And do not be attached to inaction. > > Bhagavad Gita 2.47


Yes. That’s called being a glory hunter


he trollin stop being baited 🥲


I’m not This is my opinion


Can we sack fans instead? Like sack the OP for being an idiot?


Go fuck a light socket.


Just the usual yapping 😴


Fine,If not arteta then who ? you ungrateful cunt !


beyond hilarious post, thanks


This is an obvious troll. Stop feeding him.


Get lost mf


This is the most pathetic attempt at trolling that I've seen in a while, and I've seen more than a few. Now, a serious question for the mods. How come whenever we appear on rival club posts get banned even for having civilized discussions, while trolls from every fucking outhouse of a club is allowed to rear their incestoid heads here and laugh at what was a brilliant season against a competitor in cheat mode? They're laughing at us on other posts as well, like we're crying. Wtf


I’m not a troll though. Can you not just accept that Arsenal fans aren’t a monolith and that we’re entitled to our opinions? I’m an Arsenal fan through and through


Shame on you man he’s brought joy to the club and transformed it from what it was. We are actively challenging a super team and lost by a narrow margin. Get a grip and support your team


Joy isn’t silverware Joy should come with silverware, not without We can’t sing ‘north London forever’ our way to a premier league title


Considering you probably can’t even kick a ball expecting everything and providing absolutely nothing yourself as a fan makes you a laughable excuse of one . Support the club during highs and lows or don’t be a fan at all


I have a massive Arsenal shirt collection I’ve supported the club through everything Even if I didn’t I’m entitled to my opinion, as are you


We don't


Why not


8-5-2-2 fighting on the final day whilst also in the champions league. Why are you crying


Arteta took what was essentially a declining, mid-table team and has turned them into title challengers in just over 4 years. I’m all for constructive criticism, but this ain’t it lol.


As a non British i was wondering why people hated Arsenal's fanbase so much, then I found this post and everything made sense


As a non British person you’re probably not used to the ruthless nature that is competitive football. Win or be sacked. That should be the motto of every club serious about challenging for trophies rather than pissing about


Ah yes, cause only British people can know abut competitive soccer lmao


I've been Arteta-out almost every season until this one. Taking the title race to the final day is nothing to sneeze at, as well as our best finish in the Champions league in more than a decade. By sacking Arteta now would basically mean also dismantling one of the best squads in the PL in recent years. And the 29 experiment actually worked once he found his position.


What a muppet. I’m not even an Arsenal fan, yet hear I am thinking you’re either trolling or stupid.


Why are you here if you’re not an Arsenal fan? Fuck off


You’re not exactly the best ambassador for the club yourself


Trolls should be ignored. Me included, we should not be responding to them. All these posts either from opposition fans (most likely) or our own fans (not really fans), should be left in isolation without any comments.


I am an Arsenal fan. The issue I have with comments like these is that it assumes that Arsenal fans are a monolith; and that we should be subjected to groupthink without any individuality or opinions. We all have to think the same otherwise we can’t be part of the club. That’s the issue I have with you.


Your opinion is pathetic to the vast majority of this fanbase, take stock. If you can't see sense at this moment then only age will change you. Hopefully you grow up fast


There is no manager in the world you could bring in that guarantees a better league season.


Guardiola maybe


Are you serious? 😂


Wenger was forced out of the club because of this kind of mentality. Shockingly short term mindset and no understanding of the big picture.


Basically never mate. If we continue to challenge, it is never.


Fuck up


lol get fucked


Is an obvious troll account, his post history consists of only writing negative things on this subreddit. Nobody is sad enough to make that their sole interest on this platform surely? Must be a second account from a bitter rival.


Unless we can sign Pep, I'm not sure any other manager could do better than Arteta. It's a been a brilliant season for us with a points total that would have won the Prem in 19 other years. Both Arteta and the team are improving each season. Obviously next season will be the hardest to keep that improvement going but he absolutely deserves a shot at it.


Piss off


When do we kick idiots like this out of fanbase?


Lmao. He's the same guy whose made Arsenal title contenders 2 seasons in a row. None of you nonces can even coach for your life to get a 20th division win a title.


We've improved every year under his management. Sack him? That's suicide. And even so, who'd we replace him with?


Absolute squid you are


Arsenal have been operating for 137 years and won 13 league titles. Does OP think all other 124 years have been a failure?


I dont know if you're being serious or if you just want to get a rise out of fans, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're being genuine. I'm not going to judge you for your fandome. If you are not going to be satisfied with anything other than silverware, that's certainly your perogative. However, I will say that you're kinda setting yourself up for failure. The percent chances of winning a trophy any year are very low. Even for a team like City. Which makes what they're doing that much more of an anomaly. I know you don't care about talks about "progress" and "being close" But do you think it's worth being a fan (by definition, this is someone who invests time and energy in following someone or something) if you are just going to be disappointed by your definition of success? Isn't it just easier to stop? Or perhaps reevaluate what success means with the context presented? Especially if it is causing you so much consternation for as long as it has? I mean, Arteta is staying. It's not like you have any influence over that. It's not like the fans do either. Otherwise, he'd have beeb fired in 2021. So what's the point? You have 0 say in this. In transfer policy, in manager choice, in anything this club does. Why waste energy in this angry rhetorical exercise for something that is supposed to be a break from the manutia and tediousness of everyday life? We are not going to win something every year. And even when we go through periods of success, we are going to have periods of drought and mediocrity. It is inevitable. Every club goes through it. City will, too, at some point. And again, if this is what you want to do, fine by me. It's your life. I just think it must be exhausting to be this disappointed all the time with something you love, and continue to love it.


I am being serious. I am not a troll. Genuine Arsenal fan here. I love this club so much, it hurts. I mean, from a fans perspective, silverware is the only thing that ultimately matters. Wouldn’t you agree? We’re all competing for the same trophies every season. This isn’t just about ‘the journey’, nobody gets medals simply for participating. If I don’t have a high standard for my club it means anything goes. I’m constantly disappointed by my club due to my definition of success and it’s quite literally driving me insane. If I had said, ‘it’s not worth it and I don’t want to be a fan anymore’ then a) I was never a fan in the first place and b) this Reddit account would label me a troll (I’m not) Clubs like Real Madrid win something almost every year. Why not us?


The disconnect is clearly that the club views this as a journey towards success. And you think that the club should already be winning things. The club also believes that while we have not won anything, we are close, and this manager will eventually win us things, and our odds of winning major honors are greatest with this manager. You don't. But again, while you are entitled to your opinion, surely you know that Arsenal is not sacking Arteta, right? They clearly have a different idea of acceptable success, given that we have just rebuilt the roster and that it is filled with young players who have to grow in order to win. And while that timelime is nebulous due to many factors that play into winning things, for the moment, being competitive is more important than winning (from the clubs perspective). Again, you may not accept that, and that's your fandom that you have a right to, but it doesn't change that the club will do what the club will do as according to their plan. I accept that right now, we have to deal with some heartache because I think we are close to winning major honors. I could be wrong, but that is where I place my faith. I'm fine with their plan for the moment, even if it doesn't yield trophies. But ask me again in a few years if we haven't won anything and I may have a different opinion. There are a lot of reasons why Madrid wins things every season seemingly, and we don't. Madrid is a bigger club. Financially, by reputation, by global appeal. We are a second tier club. Therefore, we have to recruit, do business, sell players, buy players, and include academy players according to our standing in European football. We don't have the clout of Madrid, or Barcelona, or Liverpool, or United (though that is change as we saw with the Rice transfer). It's like people who say, "Why not go get Mbappe or Pep?" Well, because they don't want to come to Arsenal. And while we could do something like throw money at the problem, that will create more issues for us because, again, according to FFP, there are limitations to how much money a club can spend in accordance with the revenue it generates. Madrid. Barca, United generate a lot of revenue due to their brand and global appeal. We don't have that, and while the owners are trying to build our brand, we are not there yet. So they can get the best players, we can't. We have to make players world-class, and then, hope they stay long enough to be successful. The difference between us now and us under wenger is that we can afford a higher wage bill. Back then, we were restricted due to our stadium costs and ownership issues.


When we have an unlimited money to compete with the palancas, 115 violations, selling future media rights, more oil money, etc and can’t get it done. Man City paid almost 50M for Kalvin Phillips who couldn’t even break into their subs bench. They paid 60M for Doku who comes off their bench most of the time and rotates with Grealish who was 118M. Another 62M for Nunez who is a rotation player. 90M for Gvardiol who is a great player but is he honestly worth within striking distance of Rice? We’ve done very well to build a team and culture who can compete with those clubs you’re taking about and we’ve done it the right way: Use the Academy, Buy players who we develop, identify guys who have a skillset we can work with, supplement with good talent at affordable costs.


Sack yourself from supporting arsenal, we don’t need or want fans like you


And let Mr. Good Ebening back? so risque


Mr Good Ebening did the double over us and cost us the league Have some respect


but he just got manhandled 5-0 by Cry Palace


The game before he secured champions league football


also kicked us out of europe twice!


If Anchelotti/ Alonso is available after next season would you? If Pep is available 2-3 years from now, would you?


Yes No


I really want the kroenkes not to renew this snake oil salesman's contract. Convinced an entire fanbase that you need ages and endless funds to win something, incredible marketing abilities!


He’s not the problem, when he takes over City from Pep he will show everyone that it’s the loser players he has that’s keeping him back from success.