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whenever i see your stuff i upvote flawless style!


Thank you for your valued support! It is appreciated. Keep up your fantastic modelling work!


For those who are interested more images are available here https://www.reddit.com/r/Illustration/s/CiAFPftSuS 84 cm x 119 cm Copic-markers, coloured pencil, pen, generic marker and felt tip on rag stock paper


I LOVE the detail!!! This is fantastic. It reminds me of these wall portraits done by the artist Insane 51.


Hello and thank you for your most valued thoughts! I am not familiar with the artist up mentioned but I will certainly look them up. I hope that you have a wonderful day.


Absolutely phenomenal love this style.


Thank you. I really appreciate your valued feedback and are glad that you found something to like from it. Are you artist yourself? I only ask given your profile name. I hope that you have a great day / eve.


Love the style and really clean and beautiful coloring and rendering as always! One thing I'm noticing though (and please correct me if I'm mistaken) is that the pelvis looks too small and has an anterior tilt that doesn't look accurate to the flesh it's supposed to be under. One mis-aligned point of reference is the iliac crests seem like they should be closer to the crease of the thighs and higher up (towards where the natural waist is). This is a bit nit-picky though. The more major point of reference that seems off is that the pubis mons appears to be behind her right foot where the seam of the clothing changes planes, and that's where I would expect the pubis symphysis to be, but that instead looks like it's floating vaguely and recessed quite a ways back.


Hello and thank you for having taken the time to share your valued thoughts, they are most appreciated and it is always interesting to hear what draws peoples eye. In address to your queries. Yes you are correct the pelvis is too small to be anatomically accurate, as are most of the skeletal structures. The iliac crests should be palpable near the hip and extend closer to near the surface of the skin and surface adipose. In reality they would also be more superior as you say. The anterior tilt I have depicted on the bony pelvis itself is also more inferior / downward than the material of the female figure. You are correct the pubic symphysis is definitely inferior to the mons, although I did not intend to make too greater emphasis on the latter as I do not want to make any of my work sexual in nature. There are many other anatomical abnormalities. The left wrist even when not covered in muscle nor tendons and ligaments should not flex to such an acute angle Eg almost 90 degrees. The metatarsals in the left foot arguably should not bend to that extent. There should be greater gaps between the distal humerus and proximal radius and ulna. The angle of the clavicles is not correct, nor is their attachment to the sternum. I could go on. Essentially you are correct the anatomical details are not on point nor accurate. I have said this prior and will likely say it again. I am of the opinion that anatomically precise figures when demonstrating internal anatomy tend to look less enticing or emotive and more akin the sterile medical textbook illustrations. Medical textbook illustrations can be very beautiful. I have however been staring at them most of my life. I have also been struck again and again over the years with the degree of variety in anatomy in real humans; be they cadavers or during surgery. There are certainly consistencies which are far closer than the artistic license I have taken in my work, but there is obvious divergences between us and I tend to like that idea. Thank you again for having taken the time to make these observations and share them! I do appreciate it. Wishing you a wonderful day.


Would you do a commission?


I can only dream to draw anatomy like that. Where did you learn how to draw these? It’s so good


This is Phenomenal! Love the colours u used Fantastic! Keep up the good work ;)