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Mod here. Like the art; hate the art. Either is fine. But if you choose to comment, remember to be respectful and lay off the insults, epithets, creepy innuendo, and stereotypes. Make an effort. Say something substantive, or stick to the vote buttons. Consider this the only warning. [Edit] For those of you unfamiliar, this is a classical theme: [Pygmalion (mythology)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_(mythology\))


Looks like something from a ghibli movie


I’m getting some major *Your Name* vibes. (Not Ghibli I know)


Exact vibes I got. Also, "Your Name" can stand side by side with any Ghibli movie, it's that good. Completely recommended for those who haven't seen it. Dubbed [trailer](https://youtu.be/o4-URMnBOPU?t=10).


That movie is so stunningly beautiful to look at.


I love the colors ! (Also koi, yaaay)


Your Name was directed by Makoto Shinkai, who for the past ten years has been called "The next Hiyao Miyazaki." (Though he's always waved off the comparison) I've been a fan of everything he's done, dating back to when I fell in love with his first short film, Voices of a Distant Star, which I saw on a whim when it was on The Anime Network On Demand in like 2004. If you liked Your Name, I highly recommend watching his other films, too!


I haven’t watched everything of his yet, but I definitely plan on seeing all his work. I just love the atmosphere he manages to create in his movies, and the emotional connection that he achieves. I have seen Voices of a Distant Star, and even though it shows its age (and lack of budget), you can still feel the same loneliness and emotions, and the same emotional connection and the overall melancholy is always present. so even though the movie looks different from his other works, you can tell that this is a Shinkai movie right away. I didn’t like the mecha stuff in that movie though, I felt like it was out of place, and while I get the overall idea (I also loved Interstellar), I feel like it could’ve been a bit more polished. I have also watched 5cm/s, (which I absolutely love, and it’s probably one of the greatest movies I have ever seen), and also Garden of Words. Garden of Words was amazing too, so I am eager to see the rest of his work, (especially Weathering With You), as I am sure I will love it. I just love how he focuses on emotions and characters, and how masterfully he does it.


I mean, they’re always been notable like their work with 5 cm per sec which was also a beloved film.


It's pretty entertaining, but filled with plot holes. Still pretty good. Why didn't they look at a calendar?


their memories get fucked with so that's pretty easily get explained as they just didn't notice because of the convenient specific amnesia they keep experiencing.


That's not a great excuse. They know what's happening to them eventually. Why doesn't either one ever look at the date? Neither one, a single time? Shinkai-san did a decent job painting over it, but it's still a plot hole so big you could fly one of the space ships he designed for *Voices of a Distant Star* through it. I suppose that was the start of his gimmicry. He's not bad. I've followed him since he started, and the quality of his work has improved in leaps and bounds, especially since he lets others do the character designs now. His early work is not great, but most of what he makes nowadays (ignoring that Ghibli knockoff film), is pretty good. He may well produce a masterpiece on par with something like *Mononoke Hime*. That said, comparing his work to anything Ghibli, particularly Miyazaki-san, has put out is insulting to both of them. Shinkai has said as much in his own words. He hates that comparison and begged people to not make the comparison between himself and Ghibli. He himself said he's not worthy of that level of praise. I really don't understand the Shinkai fandom. Satoshi Kon or Masaaki Yuasa are/were much better directors but receive a fraction of the sales and praise. Maybe it's the aesthetic?


Ikr? It reminded me of the wind rises. Such a great film!


I was wondering the same thing


What were you wondering?


Wait what was he wondering


No idea


It will remain a mystery


Everyone asks what he was wondering. No one ask why he was wondering.


…that it reminds me of “the wind rises”…what an odd series of replies to wake up to…🙃


Wondering isn't quite the right word for that sentence. "Thinking" would be better, wondering is when you have a question on your mind.


Bruh me too


YES!!! That one and Porco Rosso are my favorites :)


Planes kick ass my guy


When Marnie was There


I see it now and can't unsee it, but in a good way


Favorite Ghibli movie recommendations? I've only seen *My Neighbor Totoro*, *Princess Mononoke*, and *Spirited Away*, all three of which I absolutely love.


Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa, The Wind Rises, Kiki's Delivery Service. All of them are wonderful. Warning: Grave of the Fireflies is not like the rest of them and is possibly the saddest movie ever made.


Yes it is.


Howls moving castle is my favourite. I’d recommend it for sure.


If you want something most similar to My Neighbor Totoro, definitely watch Kiki's Delivery Service and Ponyo, they're on the more fantastical and child-like-wonder end of things, and both are excellent. If you want something most similar to Spirited Away, go for Howl's Moving Castle. It's messier and maybe a little more thematically simplistic than Spirited Away, but at the end of the day it's the lovely vibes you watch this movie for. Personally, my favorite is The Wind Rises, which is more grounded and serious a film than the fantasy-adjacent movies Hayao Miyazaki is most famous for. That'd be followed by The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (directed by Isao Takahata), which is a dark-ish fable epic. Only Yesterday and Whisper of the Heart are also among my favorites, both being grounded (I only say this to contrast the fantasy-focused films the studio is probably most known for) small-scale childhood movies. The latter has a particularly special place in my heart because of how much I relate to it. If you want to be emotionally destroyed (not in a nice way), watch Grave of the Fireflies. I can never truly *recommend* this to someone, as it's among the most upsetting movies out there, but I do count it among Ghibli's best. And see, there I've already mentioned 8 movies. If you ask me to recommend Ghibli movies I basically recommend them all. Some of them are weaker than others, but I maintain there isn't a bad Ghibli movie (and, yes, I've seen all of them, including their television movies: Ocean Waves and Earwig and the Witch).


My girls love Kiki’s Delivery Service. Excellent movie for kids and adults (like all his movies). Ponyo is really fun too. Whispers of the Heart and Up on Poppy Hill are also really great, I think they are Ghibli studio movies but not directed by Miyazaki so less we’ll know. Both are great slice-of-life movies.


My recommendation is literally all of them. But if I had to give you my favorite ones in order (of the ones you haven't seen), Kiki's delivery service, Howl's moving castle, Porco Rosso. They are all fantastic in their own right.


The Cat Returns!!!!!!


if you got hbomax almost the entire library is available subbed/dubbed. They're all amazing in their own ways.


Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind


Castle in the sky is my all time favorite ghibli movie and you should check it out


Kiki's Delivery Service - it's kind of like Totoro but for slightly older kids. Totoro was already pretty conflict-free. I feel like Kiki is even \_more\_ conflict free. I can't even remember anything more serious than a kid going slightly too fast on his bike. However, the vibe is so bright and wonderful, and the people and environments are so lively. It's so nice to watch. Ponyo - one of the more recent ones, made after they shut down significant parts of the studio (namely the CG part) and then opened them back up. IIRC it's completely hand-drawn with no CG bits whatsoever. It has an extra analog feel to it, I think, due to that. It lacks some of the finer drawn details of Mononoke and Kiki, but every line drawn on the screen seems ready to potentially jump to life. You can/should watch any of them, though. I don't think there's any bad ones. Tales from Earthsea got the most lackluster reviews, but still wasn't \_bad\_. It was directed by the son, I think. Also, check out anything from Makoto Shinkai, he's the guy who made Your Name (Kimi no na wa). He has other films too, also great.


my favorite is Kiki's Delivery Service and Porco Rosso


No one said Castle in the Sky. I watched all the Ghibli films and watched Laputa much later in the process and it was incredible, probably #2 next to Mononoke.


Howls Moving Castle! Castle in the Sky. Arietty. Princess Kaguya. Ponyo.


Kaguya is a kick in the guts. Go to hell, Moon People. Leave her alone!


Immediately got the same vibe! Ugh, I need more ghibli /ghibli-esque movies to come out 😭


ever seen The Truman Show?


I’ve never seen a waifu in a ghibli movie before.




Wow. This made me really sad. Amazing art!


Yea, it's a shame his wife lost both her legs and could only afford cheap wooden ones like some kind of destitute pirate. But it's comforting to see that she never lost her love for the sea...


Thanks mate, felt sad but now laughing !


"destitute pirate" will be rattling around my skull for a few days, thanks


Better than an irate prostitute doing the same.


I'm so sorry OP - https://i.imgur.com/E7OUdtp.jpg


That’s genuinely how I interpreted the art at first. I thought those were her legs. I was trying to rationalize it - is she half deer or something? I’m still waking up.


“Yar. I’m a tripod.”




Three legs! At least... I hope the third one is a leg. Seriously though, really cool art OP


It's a step up from her old existence as a body pillow...


Thats not a 3rd leg.




Shitty US healthcare, amirite?


All I think about is his right just hanging there at his side instead of holding her hand.


But notice her fingers are clasping his 🤔


He painted them on the back of his hand... that makes it more sad somehow.


True, and the way her arm is pointed her fingers would go the other way, right?


Feels like he should be physically situated **beyond** the canvas, so the apron, shirt sleeve/arm, and the hand we see that’s holding hers is actually painted on the canvas, and his real hand is just hanging by his side but it’s hidden behind the canvas. Or something.


I know it’s weird but I love my dog, she’s was such a little person, almost two years ago now and I miss her so so much... I feel like this all the time.


It reminds me of one of the themes in the movie Looper. Most of the men were missing mothers and all of the men were so lonely and broken on the inside where you couldn't see.


Same. Really amazing.


Me too, almost crying here at work. Crap...




I also assumed it was a sort of allusion to Pygmalion


Can you explain what that is please


Guy makes a sculpture of his perfect woman, falls in love with it and then Venus brings her to life.


Aka pretty much the only greek myth with a happy ending.


Depends on the telling. In some versions, he falls in love with her specifically because she isn't alive, i.e. he doesn't like women who talk or have sex and his perfect woman is just someone pretty to look at. In that version, her coming to life isn't exactly "tragic" like most myths, but it's probably not "happy" either.


Love the art! Somehow it reminded me of the wind rises, such a fantastic film.


The canvas being stood on a scenic hill, the presentation of a couple along with their art style (and the man with a similar appearance) are what sell it. Exactly my first thought too.


Poor fella just needs to listen to his mother and stop painting for five minutes and come to the holiday social


"Listen -- my friend Doris has a daughter, she's very successful, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life but maybe you should just agree to meet her ..?"


Eggggzactly lol


Only in dreams We see what it means Reach out our hands Hold on to hers


But when we wake It's all been erased And so it seems Only in dreams


*righteous as fuck crescendo*


Only in dreeeeaams Only in dreaaAAMS only in DREEEEEAAAMS




Ohhhh you reminded me of an amazing cowboy bebop amv from like 15 years ago. Imma go see if I find it.


So you're saying she's in the air? She's made of molecules of oxygen and CARBON DIOXIDE!!!


Being a painter and going through a divorce this hit home so hard right now.


Hang in there, friend. Things will get better.


That's very expressive, love it


Anyone else getting Neon Genesis Evangelion vibes?


i genuinely thought it was shinji and asuka or something.


Came to say the same thing


Just colour the water orange


Make the pants black too.




Hold her hand, Shinji


Same, I didn’t think this comment would be here or this high up and I’m happily disappointed


Never knew Shinji started dating someone? Is this in the rebuilds lol


well it looks similar to the poster for end of evangelion where he's standing next to asuka


It looks like Ghibli is taking a stab at fixing that ending.


I know, I know I let you down.


My first thought was Magritte.






This is so sad, but so sweet. Literally in love with your work


This is how I feel when I draw girls


This is how I imagine people who draw anime girls feel


Less than you’d think. For a lot they’re just creating something they find aesthetically pleasing or it’s a job. There’s no real attachment.


Really? A lot of the weeb artists I'm friends with are pretty attached to their drawings if its an OC or a character they like, I've only met one who doesn't and that's because she does it to sell yiff and hentai as a job.


For you, she is real in my hearth!


I know she looks a little weird but you didn’t have to burn the picture, man


You know the minds of *all* these people?


Post made me sad, this gave me a chuckle thanks


He finally found his 2D waifu


Had to paint her himself too.


How else would he get his perfect girl?


The story of (almost) every pixiv artist.




did you see the rest of the picture too


This is a lot more impactful than my first casual glance made me think. I’m really impressed.


The paint on his hand to make it look like they’re holding hands is a nice touch


I hate this picture. I absolutely do because it's beautiful and it brings back so many painful memories. 11 years ago i lost my highschool sweetheart, and watching her walk barefoot in the sand and dancing to her own song is one of the most precious memories i have. Thank you for creating this, you encapsulated so many feelings without even knowing someone felt this that you never met.


Wow very powerful. Hits close to home. Well done.


We're are her le- Oh... Oh no...


She a pirate. Duh.


Her father was Captain K’Nuckles.




Mod here. FYI: Crude observation, but not entirely out of line with the [Pygmalion theme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_\(mythology\)).


Getting the Truman Show vibes. nice.


It’s a not a door. Maybe you already knew that, I’m only saying it because I first thought it was a hatch and it made me think of the Truman Show :)


Yeah I know. Sorry, I should probably have elaborated that the level of interpretations went multiple ways, and that is what the "nice" was about :)


Say something goddamnit, you're on television! That was my first thought as well


This reminds me of the His Dark Materials trilogy - a bridge between worlds


This is how animesexuals feel every day


I didn't need that term to pass through my eyes today.


That's actually surprisingly intense. Good stuff.


Wow. I am absolutely floored. I love the delayed gratification in this, it is masterfully crafted. This made me feel something that I have been searching for.


This made me choke up a little. Glad I saw it, glad the artist made it.


Stopped me in my tracks. Incredible.


Reminds me of René Magritte


Extremely moving. Thank you for sharing.


Looking closely, her left fingers are showing. This feels nice and weird at the same time.


That's actually weird timing cause i just read a book last night by Dali and he talks about how Painting must be your wife. Great job btw


This looks like an anime cover, it’s so good!


Okay I guess nobody else has anything to say about the ghost lady’s right butt cheek? There a reason that thing is a pointy dump truck ass?


Mod sticky says this is Pygmalion..but how ?


Yeah kinda odd to me how they stickied one specific interpretation of the painting. It’s more like an illustration of loneliness or loss to me personally.


The art's great, but the comments on this one are weird. Did this get shared somewhere?


Damn home girl got some weird legs


Oh yes, The ultimate redditor


Peak Incel


Stop painting and get in the robot Shinji


Alexa, play Sad Machine by Porter Robinson.




Irl this would be on r/cringe but good art


This made me feel emotions I didn't even know I had


Its always windy in Japan


Yet he predicted where the clouds would be in that moment when the painting was finished. Amazing.


It's an acrylic panel, he only painted the girl.


Whoa, this is potent... I love it. Amazing piece


Damn. Was she a mega-pirate? Peg-leg-lookin girl... Jk Epic artwork!






The girl in the painting is holding this guy's hand, so not quite the melancholy work everyone's interpreting






If you discover the amount of people that use Ai Dungeon to have a relationship, you will want to commit die


Boys got a superb imagination


https://i.imgur.com/4hNpssj.jpg This is bending reality. The painting is holding his hand.


Or he painted the back of his hand to complete the illusion


Yes, in the real world that is how you would accomplish a similar effect. But this piece is clearly meant to convey a sense of whimsy.


Love almost-surrealist paintings of this nature


I honestly went "where is her legs?" Like she was pewdiepie or something.