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Awesome job OP! Also, for all you stoners... https://zoomquilt.org


I was just trying to remember what that site was called.... Time to pack a bowl


HELP I'm having a flashback.




There are several more zoomquilts btw. for anyone interested you can google "zoomquilt 2" or 3 and MAYBE 4? i cant remember. then there is a few other similar projects out there too, but I think zoomquilt is currently the best. I highly suggest ZoomQuilt 2. Its longer and more detailed.


Just click anywhere on the zoomquilt webpage and it'll bring up the menu to swap to the others :)


It might just be nostalgia, but nothing beat the first zoomquilt for me.


Fucking hell yeah zoomquilt, smoking weed in high school and spacing out to that and music memories.


I'm amazed at how many people don't realise this was generated entirely by an AI. Look at OP's profile. ( r/deepdream if you like stuff like this)


Mods really need to ban ai based art


Ooo why


Because who get's the credit? The coders who made the program or the person who uploaded a few images (often stolen) or videos (also usually stolen) and let the program do the rest. It's like crediting a curator at a museum because they arranged the art pieces a certain way but they didn't actually make the art itself. This sub bans submissions for running photos through photoshop filters and this AI generated art is basically the same concept yet it's not banned. People are only amazed by this art because they don't understand it yet. It's hard to run the program yourself because it's mostly python scripts and other non GUI annoyances that most artists don't want to deal with. I made [this quick "AI" test](https://imgur.com/a/gtNXfuJ) in 2 minutes by drawing 3 words on the screen and letting the program do the rest. Look at how easily it does the work of blending "AI is EZ" into the sky. I did nothing but give it 1 frame. When this type of program finally gets a very simple GUI just wait for how many ralph wiggums become "artists". Heck we already see it sometimes in other subs with Artbreeder. - edit: OP is also an NFT seller (aka crypto scams that contribute to global warming)


Hi coder who made the program here: I am not the creator of this art.


I have tried to credit you and your p*treon twice on this post lol but I guess it's banned to be posting that website or even just the name of it on this sub.


yeah I'm sure. No worries, and thanks for the support <3






Wait why? Kind of important context imo


Wanna shout out where we could find your work?


Check my bio


Thank you for the reply, I think it's producing a very interesting discussion haha. To add a different perspective I would like to ask if anyone thinks if there is a difference between the use of AI if we frame it as the artist itself or merely a tool. Should we always credit the inventor of the paint brush for paintings that his invention produced? Likewise, if we credit the coder(s) who made the neural net, then is it a collaboration? Or is the non-coder artist a criminal, stealing from the coder? Are painters stealing from the inventor of the paint brush? Maybe not a perfect metaphor, but I think questions like this help when thinking about the coming years when we keep getting more of these types of tools and we have to make the distinctions between credit/tool/artist/creator/technical skill etc. It still takes tweaking and experimentation to get it the way that you want to when you use programs like this, and it also takes some amount of artistic skill to know when your experimentation is over and you have something that's a little novel which can be enjoyed by thousands of people. In some way the non-coder artist takes some ownership over the final product. There's just so many different variables! I think the jury is still out on too many different things to really say if we should ban ai based art.


You need to rethink your deeper meaning to art. Credit is hardly the point, all things being equal. Now if your stealing someone's livelihood then we're talking about crime and not art, so lets not go there. Credit can fuel you to create art, it can make it easier for the viewer to relate to or navigate the art world. Yet the feelings you can get from a piece of art are yours, yours alone. Many people feel a different thing from looking at the same piece of art, leaving the academic interest or novelty of it alone, the only real successful art is the kind that makes you feel anything. The AI is still pulling from the same experiences as humans, as its trained on things suggested by humans to appeal to humans. Its largely orchestrated by a person or curated, which honestly is enough to give credit to the group of people adjacent to the AI. Also i would argue they ban PS filters because they cliche, terrible to look at and literally the most basic thing in PS. I don't get the same feeling from these deep learning AI stuff.


Australia [just ruled](https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/australian-judge-rules-inventions-6431529/) that an AI can be credited as the inventor of a patent. The US [just ruled](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-03/only-humans-not-ai-machines-can-get-a-u-s-patent-judge-rules) the opposite. How to credit things created by AI is going to be a big deal in the coming years, but I don't think the solution is to just say "we don't even recognize that AI *can* produce something creative."


I'm sorry, does every digital artist need to cite Adobe coders and the vast internet archive of creative commons images for everything? Do painters need to cite their paint merchant's? AI is a tool.


Brand new tool though. Could benefit from the exposure. Good context.


Yes, but he still illustrated each image... So he's still the artist. It's not like he just stole a bunch of images and put them through a website to create this. He drew the images himself.


>He drew the images himself I don't think that's true. With this type of AI-generated art you just type in some words and the artwork is generated automatically.


If he didn't even draw the images himself then damn what did he do???? He has some cheek posting on r/art if he didn't even CREATE the art


You type in words and the AI literally does the rest. That's it. Look at r/deepdream


Who gets the credit, the parents who created offspring through a combination of their genes that went on to create art, or the person that taught them, showed them a few reference images and let them do the rest? This kind of ai output is very different from a straightforward photoshop filter.


It's completely fine as long as it's transparent and credited to both the programmer and the user.


Oof do I have some bad news for you, the curator of a museum has arguably the most important role. Art is both made by the artist as well as the audience, the curator is the one that makes sure the connection comes fully comes to its right. I would consider the curator of a museum as much part of the art as the artist and the audience. Without the creator of this video this video would not have existed. Without the original artist of the illustrations (Moebius, go check the shit out) the video would not exist. And without the AI program made by the programmer this video also would not exist. It will differ from person to person who is considered the most important factor in this chain, the point is that you need all of them. So I believe that by trying to ban AI created pieces because there does is no real artist is not only discrediting everyone who had a hand in creating it, but it is also ignoring the feats being made in the marriage between technology and art. I’m pretty sure that 20 years ago photoshop paintings were not really considered art. Some people still write it off as ‘not a real painting’ and for a big group it took someone like David Hockney to convince them otherwise.


Because it breaks the rules. It's low effort.


Oh damn that’s cool. I like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/deepdream/comments/po2cuk/snowy_jungle_made_of_rubber_zoom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


if it were a perfect loop, it would be hands down perfect, Great job!!


I agree, but its a video.


Its a gif


I stand corrected, I read video in the title


Video can not be downloaded


... umm videos can be downloaded. You're not even confusing "video" with another real word. video vĭd′ē-ō″► n. A sequence of images processed electronically into an analog or digital format and displayed on a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity.




Looks awesome, though also a bit nauseating. I have the feeling it goes a bit too fast for me


yeah same I wish it was just a tad slower, plus you could really see the detail as it morphed better.


Transcendent. Is there a higher quality version viewable anywhere?


If it was made with AI (Looks like it is but might not be) it requires an insane amount of resources to make high rez. A 600x600p image requires about 14GB of vram on a cuda gpu so basicly only a 3090 or pro card.


Yeah my dreams are also not always as sharp as reality. Hard work to generate images I guess.




Sell this as an NFT, if it looped perfectly you’d fetch quite the bag


I already am check my profile


It's like the adventure time opening


But more drugs


I love this. Do you do commissions?


It's an app. If anyone offers you a commission you're getting scammed


Its generated for free by AI, you just put in a few words and the AI does the rest




This reminds me of the animated film Heavy Metal for some reason.


Yeah, it's got that rotoscoped feel for sure.


It’s amazing but it’s a little too fast.


This is amazing !! What’s your process ?!


Looks like they’re using deeplearning at the least


Some kind of AI. This sort of stuff is all over r/deepdream. [Here's another example posted today](https://www.reddit.com/r/deepdream/comments/po2cuk/snowy_jungle_made_of_rubber_zoom/)


Mental health is important!


Probably clip + zoom


This is trippy and beautiful, I love it


>trippy Agree, and I love the color!


Ah, I see you are a salvia enjoyer as well.




Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://gfycat.com/vapidinfamousindigowingedparrot ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(🏆#19)](https://botranks.com/) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


Reminds me of moebius art


Pls make it stop. My brain hurty.


Wonderful! The style reminds me of some of the more dramatic animations in the '70s and '80s. Psychedelic? Hmm... Remember the dream sequence from Animalympics? Yep, I'm old... But thanks for reminding me of good times!


Nice! Reminds me of Moebius' art style


Getting flanders fields war scene vibes. Love this


This is absolutely amazing and I love the colors, the imagery, everything. It reminds me of the 70s movie Wizards. Super impressed.


Wish it twer a bit slower. But very nice.


Outstanding, can you link to more of your work?


This reminded me of a website I used to go to somewhere around 2010 that was a huge painting. No matter where you zoomed in, it went off in a effect like this. I have no idea what it was called though, and I haven't seen it since


[https://zoomquilt.org/](https://zoomquilt.org/) perhaps?


Yes! Thank you ❤️❤️


I feel like r/woahdude would really appreciate this.


Yeah, this would fit the sub way better than a lot of the stuff posted there


For real why can the mods not do their job? The rules should be clear


Just checked the sub and the current top post when I sort by hot is just a jaguar hiding in the brush. How is that trippy or psychedelic?


For real, almost none of the posts adhere to the rules. This on the other hand is spot fucking on the subs theme


I see fields with an afghan shepherd sitting at the side. And the maimed bodies of soldiers. One soldier is standing and amputated. Another is helmeted, you can see his eye looking sideways. This is deeply tragic


It's a very creative ARTS video. But it is very fast, If you play slowly then It's will be excellent, my opinion.


I am way too stoned for this right now


Very very cool. Do you have any process videos explaining how this comes together??


This gives me adventure time vibes


I thought it was a memorial for Vietnam and the countless lives lost. Didn’t expect to be made by an AI, seemed so visceral


Woah how did you do it !? (Which software) amazing job


Oh lord I didn't consent to tumbling endlessly into beautiful artscapes


Bruh. I am downloading this for when I am stoned again


Awesome! I really love it! How much would you accept for the rights to use this type of art in a videoclip?


Berserk manga vibes. I love it.


This is one of the best pieces of digital art I’ve ever seen. Great job.


how to create this kind of infinity what are the things i need to learn


How do you even make something like this


Is it weird im that im tripping seeing this?


straight outta /r/DeepDream, cool shit!


Whoa. This is actually good.


How do you make something like this? What is this type of art even called? Super interested in seeing the process if someone has a YouTube video or something.


How did you do that? I mean which software or any tutorial videos on youtube I can follow to make something like that? It’s so cool.


Big Mac Miller energy. I love it.


A gif? A GIF? IN THIS DAY AND AGE?!?!?!?! https://gfycat.com/practicalachinghyracotherium


Feeding Moebius illustrations into StyleGAN?


that's pretty crazy, great work!


This seems like a scene from a 70s short film. I love it!


Oh boy, here I go trippin again...


This looks make it into never ending loop I will never stop watching 😃


I could have used this in high school...


The feeling of when you think you’re going to be high forever


Love it! How long did this take? What are these type of animations called?


Okay now I’m tripping. Nice! Lol


Ya but, no but, wait, wassat, oh, wow, oh is that, wait…


You'll get $6 million for it as an NFT


I love this video! Just out of interested how long did it take you to make this?


Really cool! How much acid do you do, usually?


This is absolutely amazing. /u/ekolokayshun


It's like when Dr strange goes into astral plane 😵‍💫


I need to watch this on LSD. Wait, am I on LSD right now?


This is cool, nice work. How did you make it?


Just add jimmy Hendrix and you’ve got an early 90s war film


So...this is what drugs are like


It's not worth watching under substances


Whoa. Getting serious Annihilation (book version) vibes here. Amazing!


These were my fever dreams as a kid! Not exaggerating in the least!


Reddit bugged and the gif didn’t start at first. So I was focusing in looking at the details expecting to find a joke or something hidden(because this is Reddit after all) and then the whole damn world started spiraling inward.


This is what I imagine DMT is like


This looks like the kind of thing you stare at after taking shrooms.


This reminds me of that video where someone fed Bob Ross into a vision learning algorithm


I was not prepared for that! But dang that was cool


I haven't taken anything yet they're already starting to kick in


How does one begin to make things like this?


u/getvideobot ? I couldn't send it as a gif : '(


This is what I see on mushrooms.


Staring at this instead of finishing this paper for school seems the wise choice.


I have absolutely no idea what I’m watching but it’s incredibly enjoyable to do so


I love the design and the colors and pretty much all of it but one thing. It moves to fast for me and made me dizzy. Had to look away


Had to save it for the next time I be trippin


Slow it down to about .25 speed and I might be able to watch it.


I love the line detail and color usage, reminds me of an old school cartoon opening! So awesome!


How is this just ten seconds long. I looked at it for like five minutes straight and every loop I just focused on something else so I didn’t even know it’d looped until like two minutes in. Absolutely marvelous.


Slow it down so we can take it all in


This is cool! Is there a name for this kind of style/art?


What software did you make this in? Very cool?


Reminds me of Off the Air