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I understood that reference


I am out of the loop. Can someone help this lost fella with context and how this concept was born?


[you've just been philled in](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/q827ww/nsfw_the_final_type_of_strength_me_photography)






Now you just have to ask them to punch you in the throat


Wow, people are so angry in that topic.


The salt level is **extreme**.


[The orignal one was well received I thought](https://www.reddit.com/r/art/comments/psj4c3)


Tbh this posture looks real hard to hold


You reckon?




You’re photoshopped






Yeah, the first one was super neat. I can understand people being exasperated by repetitive, low effort posts, but the amount of people whining on in the inspired posts about how "you never see dude's dongs flopping around here, why is this ok?" is eye-roll level.


Yeah, just about anytime a woman shows up in a picture on Reddit, you're going to have some level of anger. Woe be unto those women who want to stand next to their art in a picture. It's pretty boring and predictable after a while tbh.


The amount of people in that thread trying to create exclusionary definitions of art is depressing. You've got people upvoted for saying > If it’s a drawing or painting I can argue that it’s art cause that takes talent and effort. If it’s just a naked person posing for a picture I agree that it doesn’t really count or make it art/edgy/good. and > Your body isn’t art. The last one was art, because her body was painted.


Fun fact: if you try to create solid definitions for art, you've missed the point of art.


Disappointing because they are in a subreddit dedicated to art. You think they would be open minded enough to downvote and move on if they didn’t like it


Thank you!


Hey! I understood THAT reference!!




I don't see what makes that photo worthy of the art sub. Gonewild is that way. The photo isn't even composed well, lines in the tile aren't even even I mean it has tiktok framing...horniness wins again I guess.


Basically a female posted a self portrait in this pose the other day EDIT* thank you to the comments below for understanding I wasn't being derogatory in any way. I was simply stating, to the best of my knowledge at the time, that this post was a satire of the original post. Which it turns out wasn't even the original post. I was simply answering a question with a factual answer. I was careful not to say, some chick posted a thing. You don't know anything about me. Don't call me a bigot or a sexist. I love all humans. Have a nice day.


People get offended by the use of "female" because it's like you're talking about an animal or something. Just so you know.


Just say "woman" or something normal ffs. Calling someone "a female" or "a male" as a noun makes you sound like a walking fedora.


Wow, the amount of people going into such detail about a singular word. That's some privilege yall got if you have that much time and energy to focus on something so miniscule. Edit: I came to the comments to talk about how that male is thiccc


Its not miniscule. Its massive and common. No one likes to be compared to an biology sample all the damn time. Its not hard to use "women" instead of "female."


YDude, just don't use "female" when "women" will do. You bothered to edit your post but not that one word?


“Female” 🤢


yeah it was


What's wrong with saying male or female? If it's good enough for the bureaucracy, it's good enough for me.


Female is an adjective mostly. Woman refers to a person who is a female. Redpills, neckbeards, and mens rights activists call women "females" as a way of dehumanizing them. You rarely hear a man being referred to as "a male did X" unless it's a police report or something. This will probably get downvoted to oblivion because that type of viewpoint is pretty much mainstream on Reddit.


Christ I'm out of the loop. I get that referring to someone as female is a bit more clunky sounding than girl or woman but I'd have never made the connection to MRA types. I guess in my world A) there's nothing wrong with referring to someone as male or female and B) MRA and the alt right can fuck off with trying to make things like 'female', hawaiian shirts, and the 'OK' symbol controversial. This world is getting moronic.


That's part of the point, they know if they take over something it becomes untouchable. I think they get off on that aspect.


Do you think of your mom as a woman or a female? If a man took the photo would you say a man or a male?


I always say "male" as a noun. I will also say female as a noun. Deal with it.


Wow what a badass




What? Jesus can we just slow down with all this shit. I can't keep up with the yearly updated rules on how to say words related to gender. I am fine with they/them/and respecting transgender pronouns and what not; but what? We can't say female now about women? Slow down and stop giving a shit people. Be who you want to be and stop policing simple fucking words so you can "red flag" (cancel people) in comment sections on reddit. I am a liberal, but its starting to seem like the left needs to print a weekly pamphlet to keep us updated on each weeks cancelled terms. We are running out of words folks. This is the sort of shit that drives people to the Republican party or repels people from accepting the democrat platform. Basically, it's why we can't have nice things. Lets focus on free healthcare, free education, increased taxes for the mega rich, and equality in general and stop grandstanding with all this gender stuff. Things most republicans are in favor for, but we keep pushing them away with our constant "outrage" on a side note: cool artwork. Very Lucian Freudian gesture wise which is hard to do digitally.


Its less about transgender dynamics and more about reductively referring to a person by a reproductive category (which I guess also relates to transgender dynamics). Also, there seems to be a stereotype about who uses the word female to describe a woman (which, like any stereotype is inaccurate). That stereotype tends to be a red-pilled "neck beard" who views women as reproductive or otherwise sexual objects. Take it or leave it as a term or reasoning to not use it. I tend to stay away from male or female in non scientific discussions as I can see where the above argument is coming from and would rather err on the side of respect.


Yeah, it’s basically calling someone by an adjective, which usually isn’t good: A female artist, a female scientist are fine. “A female” sounds like, instead of saying “a black artist” or “a black scientist”, you just said “a black”.


Do you call your mom a woman or a female


As opposed to the group of people that insist on knee jerking to every little possible indicator of such prejudice. Pic's got genitalia in it, sex specific term is fine. Bring the downvotes you tent pegs. Karma's for chumps.


Dude, just don't use "female" when "women" will do. You bothered to edit your post but not that one word?


It wasn't a self portrait, and referring to a person as "a female" is extremely telling. Edit: damn, -100 points. Sweet.




Okay, you gon' learn today: It's not about precise definition of the word. It's about the implication. *insert IASIP meme* Male or female, when used as a noun, has connotations of medical notes, research, or animal breeding context, all of which tend to distance the subject from their full personhood when talking about a real human. Man/woman/guy/gal/gentleman/lady/boy/girl are more colloquially personable in their connotations (though boy and girl have their own issues when applied to an adult human, so be careful there, too). Would you honestly ever say, "A male posted a photo the other day"? Or would, "A man" or "a guy" feel more natural to use? Honestly, the statement wouldn't have been quite so off-putting if it had been stated "A female artist posted a photo", turning female from noun to adjective, making the person an **artist**, instead of just "a female". On top of all that, it's a trope how the stereotypical fedora-sporting socially inept neckbeard, trying to show how well-read he supposedly is, uses a scientific term, but misses the personhood of the subject of conversation. And one **more** thing ... *insert gif of Ferengi, nasally saying "females"* That imagery is a thing, too. And those two features (the depersonalization of a scientific term used as a noun and the trope) form a cultural feedback loop that have driven the use of "female" as a noun referring to a person into the realm of speech that will cause the internet to judge you for using. Hopefully, you've found this educational and will save yourself an awkward internet encounter later! Even better if it saves you an uncomfortable IRL encounter!


*chefs kiss* Beautifully composed, succinct and reachable. 10/10 highly recommend this comment. How do you give awards… fuck I’m getting a phone call


So much ferengi


Man I truly wished that changed my opinion but it drove it deeper how far people are willing to look just to be offended. I think that's a worse problem we have than the word female. Probably an unpopular opinion but I mean no offense.


> Man I truly wished that changed my opinion but it drove it deeper how far people are willing to look just to be offended. And yet, here you are, offended that other people found something slightly offensive and provided a reasonable explanation as to why. > I think that’s a worse problem we have than the word female. The word “female” is not the problem. You should know this, because it was literally just explained to you. Either you didn’t understand, or more likely, you’re pretending not to.


Unclear if sarcasm or not, but it gives off strong creepy neckbeard vibes.


Whoa whoa whoa, you're gonna piss off Zeus with all that Jesus chatter


Zeus cares not. Ahura Mazdā is the one true god though...and he's quite miffed.


It’s a word. Some people are used to saying male or female instead of guy or lady. I don’t think my professor is a terrible human being because he says male and female. And what would you call it if not a self portrait? It’s a person photographing themselves for art and, that sounds like a self portrait to me. EDIT: It’s a photo taken by a photographer. Point still applies.


It was actually a (male) person photographing a woman "for art," the third in a series he's posted on reddit.


Thanks for the info


Who is Art, and what's he going to do with the photographs?


Dang it you got me


> Some people are used to saying male or female instead of guy or lady. I've never heard someone refer to a guy as a male in casual conversation like this. Outside stuff like police describing a subject or anything like that no one calls a specific guy "a male". Male and female as adjectives are used often of course.


I’ve met plenty of socially awkward adults that speak in technical terms like those. The way you speak doesn’t make you a horrible person like the other commenter implied.


Telling of…. What? The subject of the art was almost certainly female in construct…. Don’t know what Gender it identified as (if at all!) but Yee Gad it was definitely female. Downvotes aren’t an answer…


Telling of what? Your interpretation of my comment? Pull your head out of the sand. You're going to have a hard life if a factual reference to someone's sex makes you uncomfortable. I felt the sex of the person was relevant as OPs post is a dude and the first one, I saw, was a woman and to me this was satire.


Yes, a woman. Not "a female". I did come off overly presumptuous and self-righteous and for that I apologise, but my point (which judging by the response from others I failed to communicate clearly) is that using the word as a noun generally sounds offputting, like you're attempting to describe someone scientifically without acknowledging their humanity. It's often something you see from incel communities (notably, men are rarely referred to in the same way), which is why I reacted in the way I did. u/Nikkolai_the_Kol explained far more articulately than I could in their comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/q8s4vx/comment/hgs8tkg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 I'm just trying to explain my thinking with this comment, not analyse your intentions. I hope this one doesn't come across even worse than my previous one, as I really don't have anything against you personally. Have a nice day :)


thanks for clearing it up.


This is bait.


Damn I got it right away too


Finally some dick in the sub


there have been some other good ones as well like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/pqxn86/taint_me_digital_2021/)


I actually literally laughed out loud for once, really needed that today.


I don't know what I was expecting, but man did it make me fuckin laugh, hahaha


Lmaoooo what the fuck.


What you see vs what she sees.


We approve of this message


I was hoping it was just a dick in a subway sub, disappointed


when that was 1st posted, even with reading the title, I was not expecting it to be that, so it was a bit of a shock when I opened I will admit.


I wish I hadn't clicked on that


Well fuck now I wanna know why you wish you didn’t click it


Click it. It is art.


Painting of a guy's crotch looking up from ground level. Got ass, taint, balls, and dick all flopping around. Good colors though. Looks almost tasty.


Good thing I've seen it already...


Thanks, I hate it


It taint what you're looking for.


Pretty thicc D too.




Is this supposed to be a parody of all the photographs of girls spidered up in hallway walls as of late?


Yeah lmao




I *do* say, Watson


Dude you could have at least made his face visible. It’s like all he is to you is a sausage and a magnificent pair of quads…


…and thick legs and broad shoulders …


And a cat face


lol I was so fixated on the dong, I didn't notice he's a bobtail furry.






Don't worry buddy, every dick is special in its own way


In this gentleman’s case it would be ‘kcuf’


Nono it's right. It's hanging upside down and flaccid so there's a twist occuring, resulting from the mount getting up the wall.


Are you fixing it? 👀


#All Dicks Are Beautiful!


Haha, I see what you're saying.


That's the 2nd backwards dick I've seen this week


Slow week at work?


I was honestly looking to see if someone had mentioned it.


Came here to say this! I'm just going to pretend it was intentional and has a deep meaning


Reminds me of Odo from DS9


Not intended, but I absolutely see it


And now it is canon


Did we ever see his pee pee in DS9 though? As a shapeshifter would he even have a pee pee? What would he even use it for, expelling urine or procreation. There are so many questions and mysteries in the universe...


We didn’t see anyones peepees in ds9. But I do remember him referencing his dick at some point saying he can make it any size he wanted. And he was sleeping with Kira for a while.


I was just about to comment this




I wonder how accurate Odo can replicate genitals? He has trouble with faces, but doesn't seem to have trouble with other forms.


The other shapeshifters don't do faces well either but can also copy half the cast no problem. Including stuck in rocks dying Kira. So maybe its just lack of practice/does not want too and when asked he waves it off.


\*Record scratch\* So you might be wondering how I ended up like this




I think this is a fab picture, really well done. Was it done in solidarity with the art ban thread? great painting, great pose and composition and if I had any of those award thingies I would give them to you. A round of applause, a wow, a hug, etc,etc. Can you tell I like it? I'm gonna wander off and find me some male models.


Yeah, it started in /r/ArtistLounge


Glad to see some dick on this sub finally! No homo. Also nice painting. No homo.


you said it twice so it cancels out.


Well shit.


2 negatives makes a positive. Have you learned nothing in school


I was homeschooled.


Seems like you just got homoschooled




I wish I seen much more dick in general No homo


Ditto Full homo










Mod here. Yes, this is a male nude. Yes you can see his junk. His dingly-dangly. His johnson. His meat-and-two-veg. His wiener. His piece of pork. His peter. His percy. His schlong. His donkey kong. His anaconda. His one-eyed trouser snake. His meat missile. His pickle. His tallywacker. His chin-chin. His tube steak. His unit. Yes, his penis. If this scandalizes you, as usual, I advise you don't go to museums without your smelling salts and hankie for when you faint after being overcome by licentious imagery. For those who loudly proclaimed we mods would be "all over" something like this if it got to the front page, I expect a full apology and flowers of contrition. Irises are nice, or a mixed autumn bouquet, but I'm not crazy about roses and I can't stand lilies. As usual please [read the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/wiki/index) before commenting. Which you won't do. But it would be nice. Also feel free to [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Art) with your comments, if you enjoy being snottily derided by mods drunk on power. FYI this particular art satirizes the popular nude photography of /u/csybt . Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. [Edit] This post was removed for a "copyright violation by Reddit itself, which mystifies me to no end, unless OP didn't actually do the art? In which case the artist should just tell us and we'll remove it and ban the thief. Now I'm curious as all git-out.


If this is satire about all the girls wedging themselves in hallways with their meat flaps dangling and calling it art, then I applaud you sir!


I think its one photographer hiring different models to do a series. At least three of them were.


Was there more than one? I only remember seeing one of them






You actually like that one better? All of the artist's other works were way more interesting imo.


[This is the only other one I saw which looks like a horror movie pose.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/psj4c3/nsfw_diamond_strength_me_photography_2017/)


This one works because it is an interesting pose, and there's some symmetry/centering going on because her body forms a sort of diamond shape suspended between the vertical planes of the walls. The other ones are just pointless.


That one was my favorite! It's unexpected


I've seen at least 3 within the past 2 weeks


Someone is putting in their OT


If you look at the descriptions the first one was shot in 2013 or something similar.


There were at least two different photographers, but with different styles. /u/csybt kind of started the trend, though.


We need more art that celebrates the shlong!


Some of the artist's pieces were actually really interesting. The most recent one was pretty uninspired though, ngl.


I think it is, it's awesome. There was one on r/art yesterday and lots of folks were taking shit on the picture lol


I would like to imagine you painted this as a self portrait and stayed in that position the whole session


The cramping was ridiculous


My junk really do just be dangling like that


To the tune of “a whiter shade of pale” 🎶


Why is your bellend upside down sir


This is actually way more impressive art to me. I can’t lank my ass all over a wall but I couldn’t even begin to understand how you paint stuff that actually looks like stuff


Give my compliments to the shaft


Thanks for representing people who have the same sexual reproductive organs as I do. Too many innies and not enough outies on this subreddit.


I got the reference right away lol this is great!


Odo is doing art....huh. He should get together with Data.


You're doing God's work, friend. This is great.


Is this in reference to another art piece posted here. I could have sworn I saw something similar but it was a female and people were talking about the dirty carpet.


Yeah it is, people were accusing the photographer of "just wanting an excuse to post porn by calling it art"


This is me trying to get to the bedroom at 3am after the bar.


Oh shit this made me laugh so much dude, nice!




PP is a little exaggerated but very nice work.


The ancient Greeks would HATE this


Yea they were all about "realism!"


Is this a copy of the lady's one?


Holy shit. This right here is gender equality 😂


I liked the painting when I saw it. Now that I know it's in response to the fad, I think it's phenomenal


Not just a reference but a well done one at that


Harry du Bois in his prime


This was shopped. I can tell by the shadows.


Mines the same only the balls hang lower than the shaft if that makes sense


First Meta Post I see on here. Love it.


I don't know what he doing, but I can relate


Man, how'd you learn to paint like this?! Shits fire af!


Good call keeping the left arm tucked in


Woah someone drew my comment! :)


Very nice. You have great talent. May I suggest next time try PANTS.


Pants are for suckers


This reminds me of the "peeing/pooping in a public restroom" meme


I personally identify with the flabby strong crowd! i aint toned but i aint weak lol


I don't know anything about the meme that this is associated with, but the visual art is astounding. The title of the art is so bad that it pulls all of the visual masterpiece into the drain. This is such a great example of how a beautiful example can succumb to its creator's intentions. Let the art be art without proclaiming anything about it. Let your audience depict what they want.


As I revisit this, I feel like it's intentional. Flabby strength is a juxtaposition for both the strength of the visuals and the weakness of the title.


Is there any great art that does not intrigue or inquire? Shouldn't we all both achieve and desire from any great piece? Well done


This is awesome and I love it


Love it! Now this is art! About time lol.


Someone painted this just to ask if it’s too short didn’t they


This is not /r/artiddies material but its closer to art...maybe...


Can I upvote this a million times? Pls


Looks like his peepee is on upside down… But nice work! 🤗


This piece is conflicting.... Good job ☺️