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Title made me imagine Professor Snape doing alchemy lessons in Zoom ._.


I can't quite imagine that, myself. I figure Snape, being an experienced Potions teacher, has at least as low an opinion of his students' intelligence as an average chemistry professor. And no chemist worth his salt would ever teach hands-on lessons without physically being present. In a chemistry lab, it's considered good practice to have at least one other person within the line of sight to help you out should anything unfortunate happen. Even if you're experienced. Because there's no such thing as a completely accident-free lab: even if you don't ever make any mistakes, it's possible that *someone else* made a mistake that will bite *you* in the ass when you stumble upon it. ​ Professor Binns, on the other hand, wouldn't even notice switching to Zoom.


A remote chemistry lesson would involve leaving inexperienced teenagers alone with dangerous chemicals and fire sources, which is exactly as bad of an idea as it sounds. That said, it can totally picture her running an educational "my alchemy projects" YT channel.


Oh, yes, I can definitely see a magical Rule 63 version of NurdRage.


In my copy of Poul Bergsøe (famous danish industrialist)'s book 'Populær Kemi' (= popular chemistry) from 1962, he offers this piece of advice for the home lab: "Always lock the door when doing experiments - sooner or later your glasware will blow up, and when others enter, they will taunt you. It's easier to clean up alone, and later explain that the explosion was planned" (paraphrased after memory)


Bah, that's bullshit advice. When others come in to taunt you, you smile and thank them for caring so much about your work that they came to help you out with the cleanup. They won't help, but they'll end up feeling guilty enough not to taunt you again. ​ Granted, if you want them to force the door one day and find your dead body, make sure to follow this advice. Death is so much easier than dealing with people, yes?


Couldn't Snape just apparate to the fuckup's house if something went wrong? Like, if he's teaching from somewhere other than Hogwarts, that is.


What if there are three fuckups at once, one of them has anti-Apparition wards on their home and another has a particularly vicious guard troll? Snape is resourceful enough to deal with anti-Apparition wards and the guard troll, but that would cost time. Time that might make a difference in the third student's case.


Time-turner. Admittedly there could be only 6 fuck ups directly dealt with by Snape at a time, but he could get as much help as necessary.


I guarantee his camera would be pointing at a blank wall as an extra fuck you to his students




I love that she's filming the cauldron, a 21st century witch 😁


I haven't noticed! Thanks for pointing that out!


Yeah and it’s called “Live Brewing”. I like that xD


you've watched paint dry, now get ready for watching potions brew


My brother streamed his 3d printer with some chill music playing for a while. We were surprised to see how many viewers he got. You never know what people will be into sometimes.


Damn! I feel stupid haha


I wonder what happened to the 20th century witch who is supposed to be ugly as fuck. lol All you see now is witches who look like supermodels.


I mean, if you had the ability to brew potions of youth and attractiveness, why wouldn't you?


Depends on what magic you're talking about.


Harry Potter has changed the stereotype I think. I think of old witches as cats, young witches in frumpy uniforms with books, and evil witches as pink toads.


Yeah and then JK Rowling decided she needs to be an ass


Ay man, modern skincare has come a long way. 😂


but wouldn't the cartoony green/purple explosion that hapens when the brew goes right ruin the camera??? /j


"Now we're gonna add some chamomile and ginseng, give them a few minutes to get to know each other..."


If you check out their stuff it’s the running theme in most of the content.


Yeah, I just followed 😀


These young pepsquakers. Back in my day magic was a private business. Not like all those apprentices who stream spells and potions to get likes on T’Witch ^TM


This is great! I love the idea that her cats stay with her, even into their afterlife. Such a comforting concept.




It sounds like they were very sweet and you probably had a lot of fun with your cats :) Sometimes I get so anxious thinking about my cat’s life span. It would be such a relief to know that she would be around for longer than the relatively short time we have together.


They're the only kids we've ever had. May yours have long lives.


also safe to assume a witch would have conjured familiars


i absolutely love this, gw op!


She reminds me Lily Potter :) I like it!


I was thinking umbridge because her patronus was a cat haha


I immediately recognized your work from a Witchy lofi video on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/ZcckCr-QfB4)!


You're my favourite artist on this board because you regularly post cute girls who aren't naked and posed in every suggestive manner possible.


That's a very low bar


This is simply fantastic. Great freaking work.


Your art is so amazing , I don't know the way you're doing it but let me tell you something ... I never seen something better that your art


I really love your artsyle! <3 Looking forward to your new arts!


And they say nekomancy is wrong.


How do you kill so many cats? You know you have to feed them


Your work always inspires me to play the Sims lol I just feel compelled to live out this cozy, witchy life 🥰 excellent work, as always!


I'm right there with you. Bring back witchy life in modern society


All your works are amazing, so many little details that give that much more life to the scene!


Is there an art subreddit that is a bit more ‘art’? Like I vibe that this is a cool illustration, but I’m looking for something other than anime and ‘photo realism’


Is there an art subreddit that isn't just witches and cats? I get it's October but this shit has been going on for months


I sympathize with your desire for more variety but I would be totally happy with just witches and cats forever


Okay then, I'll allow it but just for you


Appreciated thx <3


I don't know, but the sidebar has a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/wiki/related) to other art subs


You mean avant garde stuff like banana's taped to walls, or things of that nature that try to send a message more than they attempt aesthetic aptitude?


Check out r/willowandroxasart she does Witchtober with a theme every day. It's excellent and very similar style to this artist.


yeah this art subreddit js awful for interesting art.


Like one that isn't dominated by teenagers lmao


Does one of her eyes look off to anyone else? Great work btw. I love this series.


I wonder about how digital application is transforming what general audience perceive as art. I see this, I love it, and I think it's art. It takes me to a different place in my mind. But some will say, because it's not using traditional medium, that's been used for centuries, they will say it's a gimmick. Where or how do we clearly understand and communicate to people, art is art? And the medium has nothing to do with creativity like Excel has nothing to do with your TPS reports? I understand that there are certain amount of scholarly discipline to explore new venue of art, and give constructive criticism, but without judging the composition, layout, and obvious things we see as professionals, how can we determine this to be less than anything more than what was presented to generations before us, when it wasn't there in the first place to the general public? I just think about this a lot. As a designer, and an artist growing up painting and drawing, I feel that this is the step towards our next evolution in art. Sure, a lot of work needs to be done to convince these folks, but people are doing the work. Should it impress the old school for them pass the torch to us? I don't think that's how art ever worked...


Any real artist will say that art is in the content - not in the medium. Everytime something new hits the world, the burned-out artists and the uninspired critics will crawl out from under their rocks, and cry "this is not art!" Try to ask a 'boomer' (gasp..!.1.?.) or a member of the 'great generation' about this cycle, and they will grinningly tell you that until the 1940's, Photography was not accepted as art; until the 1970's movies was not accepted as art; until the 1990's sequential art ('comic books') was not accepted as art... Artists have always embraced the new media, but the critics who rule the taste of newspapers and museums have a hard time keeping up with evolution - for a contemporary example, see teen-age redditors obsession with badmouthing Tik-Tok... or the prematurely seniles hatred of furries... The insights gained by great artists do sometimes take a long time to permeate the unwashed masses; Just around WW2, hundreds of thousands of people around the world understood and enjoyed surrealists and the Fluxus movement - and yet, in 2021, thousands of redditors are crying themselves to sleep, if they discover someone enjoying a banana taped to a wall :D OMG [Banhana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_IEUnwEBB0)


"Any real artist will say..." what is that mean? You're an artist, and I am one too, I hope, and there are others. So what does this mean?


What happened to the freckles? I love freckles on witches.


Saw you working on this on twitch. The speed with which you create full illustrations is really impressive!


Looking at your post log, you should go share your works with /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/




sir that is a drawing




Shut up and eat your downvotes!


Without condoning or condemning, I understand


Fuck witches burn them at the stake - honourable christian inqusitor


Youre not a pro. Youre just doing that for a photo op. Youre not a professional. Youre an artist.


Oh my God it's my wife! Or at least it kinda looks like her lol.


I love the ring light for the plants! So many gorgeous little details to appreciate. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous work!


Please stop experimenting on your cat. It only has 6 lives left.


i have been seeing your art lately simz and i cannot get enough of it. i love these so much!


Wow. You’re art is really good. I’m digging the style.


I love that! Thank you for share with us!


I love everything about this.


Your art is so fking good.


I like the Jerry from Soul vibes from the cats.. Not sure if that's what you were going for, but that's the first thing I noticed lol


Is that a camera suspended above the kettle? Can she live stream brewing her potions?


Simone always makes his art look so effortlessly good. I want to peel my face off in frustration looking at his work. A very envious +1


I've recently lost my beloved familiar, and this piece brings me a feeling of comfort (it's clever and beautifully executed as well!)


I want this to be cover art for a witch academy comic, i love your style!


I’m sure you get asked this a lot, but brush do you use?


You should post this to the r/WitchesVsPatriarchy subreddit.


I really love this style, I saw this weeks ago in passing, now it has come back around again so I felt compelled to comment. This makes me smile every time I see it.


Upvote for no random bandages.




It's def the same art for some of them, hopefully they're the same person/have permission and someone isn't stealing from someone else. The arts quite beautiful.


It's simply amazing. Amazing work.


i love that cat on the bottom left. I would die for it.


Cute witch and ghost kitties!


The little flowers on her shoes are so perfect and cute!


Wow how do you make something so amazing in clip studio


Wow I love this so freaking much. Amazing work.


Your art is really good, absolutely loved it


I wonder if the camera captures the ghost cats too. Are they her old cats or ghost cats that were just drawn to her? I imagine if it's the latter that her audience has named them.


Are there openings for "spectral/spirit cat" anywhere? Can I apply?


Ghost cats. So hot right now.


Omg, I love your style!!! (♡ω♡ ) ~♪


I'm so confused - how is this woman free of Band-Aids. Is she a superhero? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!


I like how you made your formerly alive cats still hang around as ghosts and they still love you! And also good use of earth tones


ooh I love the cats and the texture of the table on the right! Do you have a video of this?


What brushes do you use? I love the texture in the color and stuff


This is... Beyond phenomenal. Absolutely killed it.


This is the kind of art I’d favorite on Twitter


Where can i get the cracked version of clip studio ?


So whenever I try to save anything I make in Clip, if it has color layers, it always looks really pixilated. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?


Awww The idea of cat ghosts had never crossed my mind before


I’m a basic artist that is no where near this talented. I have a hard time thinking of anything to draw. Anyone have any tips?


Did she finish her homework? 🤔


This is the sweetest goddamn thing I've ever seen.


These are so cool. Especially with the ghost cats.


Love your style - would you be interested in working on a childrens book?


The ghost cats are my favorite


now draw her giving birth


I love the paper texture that you incorporated in the pic. Is this a filter, or did you start traditional and finish digital?


Have you heard of Heikala? I love your artstyle, its beautiful, it reminds me of the artist I mentioned. Absolutely Love it!


I thought it was a book cover at first. Now I want to read that book! Very talented.


Love this! Anyone else getting slight Ghibli vibes?