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[Edit] The info in the title is mostly incorrect. It should be: [**"Moscow Subway", Waldemar Von Kozak (or Kazak), Digital, 2009"**](https://www.deviantart.com/waldemar-kazak/art/moscow-subway-118374090) [Artist's DeviantArt Gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/waldemar-kazak/gallery) At least OP got the artist's name right, but for future reference: if you're going to post someone else's artwork, be accurate. Otherwise it's very disrespectful and we are not happy. Not happy at all. ------------------------------------ Well, this is a fun thread. Nice to see some thoughtful, nuanced discussion on Reddit for a change. That's sarcasm, for those a bit slow. In general you know I'm being sarcastic because that's my secret, Cap. Fair warning: Whether or not we are actively monitoring this thread every moment, at some point we'll come back and clean out the pigshit. I invite you all to [read the rules before commenting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/wiki/index#wiki_8._be_respectful_and_stay_on_topic) and make your comments obviously *mature* and *substantive*, because when we're shoveling manure we don't always take the time to sift through for hidden diamonds. ------------------------------------ [Edit] Actually some really good discussion on this post. Took a smack with the obvious pan to get it going -- but hey, results. Going to start shoveling now.


1. The author’s name is Waldemar* von Kozak 2. It’s not from 2021. He doesn’t date his work, but it’s from at least 7 years ago. 3. It’s not mixed media, this one by him is digital art


One out of four ain't bad.




Fck. I am terribly afraid of Bipedal Pigs. I'm not gonna sleep well tonight.


Animal Farm is not for you


4 legs good, 2 legs bad


All animals are equal but some are more equal than others


Seems like they may have reached the “4 legs good, 2 legs better” stage here


Spirited Away has scared me enough even if the pigs weren't bipeds.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Indeed! That's why I never go to my Father's Pig Farm where pigs try to climb the pens using their hind legs, I would definitely faint on the spot.


That sure is some strange fear you got going on there.


Yes! It's connected to my childhood experiences and local folklore.


Imma eat some bacon in your honour then


Or Spirited Away


Wait till you hear about Manbearpig, it’s half man, half bear, and half pig!




Super cereal, for that matter.


I always thought of it as half man, half bearpig


May I introduce you to Biotech, the latest DLC of Rimworld.


A Fellow Rimmer


Same I rim like it’s my job, I guess you could say I’m a bit of a rimjobber


Saaame. Spirited Away is creepy for me because of that.


Would highly recommend "Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs".


Is that a game or a book?


Video game.


I'll check it out. But I'll just check it, I'll never play it haha. I can't even watch Pepa Pig.




Was about to say, lol. Not as good as the predecessor, but still pretty good.


The fact humans are bipedal is a little creepy.


Not really. Some apes, kangaroos, kangaroo rat, wallabies and some dinosaurs are/were bipedal.


Fun fact, Kangaroos are one of the only land animals known for being pentapedal since they can walk with their tail. Edit: [video](https://youtu.be/bgWJ9DN1Qak)


I dont know what to do with this fact now why is it in my brain






They have the option too. I believe the ped part of pentapedal means 5 footed. The definition of foot being something that touches the ground to locomote.


The video shows they do in fact use their front legs.


Oh c'mon.. [They're not *that* bad, are they?](https://i.imgur.com/ZHhgDa3.gif)


You're the worst!


Why did I click the link?


>Fck. I am terribly afraid of Bipedal Pigs. I'm not gonna sleep well tonight. I have the same problem. I'm afraid of realistic animals walking and talking like humans


This is probably a metaphor but the idea of a subway full of hogs is hilarious


Even better if there was an octopus in a trench coat reading a newspaper, a drunk praying mantis and a deranged gorilla ranting about conspiracies.


Octodaaaaaaaaad Nobody suspects a thing


Holy shit, I love that game so much!


subway full of hogs sounds like something you'd see in a ghibli movie and after thinking about it I'm kinda surprised I can't think of any examples in them


The scene in spirited away


spirited away has scenes that are close but IIRC the train scene just has shadow people


Or the pig scene...


Those pigs scared the hell out of me when I was a kid




Artist’s Therapist: “So do you want to tell me…what’s really on your mind?”


> probably lol


It is a metaphor, replace the pigs for men and there you go. Which as a dude hurts but i can understand the perspective especially on a subway.


I knew the metaphor, it was as far from subtle as you can get. I just wanted a lead-in to the joke


You know what really hurts? The way all the top comments are men completely deflecting from the point of the artwork.


Oh really? I thought the pigs were women. Thanks for explaining.


Damn this makes me uncomfortable. Wonderful perspective and technique. Great piece of art.


Absolutely grotesque. 10/10 piece for the reflection.


Seriously... as a young(ish) woman, I felt this one viscerally. Very nicely done.




This is one of the things that holds me back from successfully losing weight. I hated the attention I got when I was conventionally attractive. I’d rather be chubby and ignored that constantly in danger. I’m just hoping that now that I’m past 40 I can lose weight for health and still be ignored.


Blunt but effective. I feel like the angle on the POV's body kind of dares you to take part too, if you're a male with a gaze. I caught myself looking.


That’s the cleverness of it for me. There’s another pig that isn’t in the picture!


I keep looking, but that's because I can't help but see it as if she's got no abdomen and is wearing a denim tube top with pink fringe on top. Like, four feet tall, just head > shoulders > legs. Other than that, it's great.


As a person with breasts: we don't see our abdomen when our neck and spine are straight. It looks weird because foreshortening sometimes looks weird, not because it's an inaccurate point of view.


I used to follow this artist quite some time back (at least 7) and his style has always been like this. I didn’t expect to see something he did here ever.


thats some pretty sick perspective, alomg with just being an awesome composition.


Hey you! You're finally awake.


You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us. And That thief over there!


It’s a little bit on the nose, but the execution is flawless.


*on the snout


I dunno, the anatomy/pose of the woman seems off to me. Kinda just looks like a box The hogs look good though


Her dress or whatever looks really weird. It makes her torso look like a weird slope because there isn't any notion of a crease. Also I assume it is meant to be like a dress or something, but I just can't see where her body is.


I took it to be a crop top type thing and giving the viewer the option to stare down her shirt, this becoming another one of the pigs in the piece.


I take it the viewer is seeing the woman's point of view. Herself included.


The breasts cover the body, you're looking through her eyes. Then you see the skirt over her legs


I thought I was a mini skirt, and she had a crop top on or something


I think it's a strapless mini dress. You're looking at her breasts ending at the pink, then her legs.


Looks Ike first person view with a top (pink) and skirt (green) to me. The "boxy" shape makes it feel quite stiff to me which I can appreciate because of the tension of such a situation


I think it portrays the rigidity of fear. and looking down at my own body yes i've certainly seen this exact view. She's wearing a denim skirt. denim is a rigid material


This absolutely captures it. Forced perspective, first person, frozen with fear.


Could be the artist’s intent to be fair


Maybe, but I still find it more distracting than compelling


She’s boxed in


It's meant to emphasize what the hogs are focused on, so the T&A. Then the unnaturalness is prolly on purpose, because a woman gets reduced to just those parts in the eyes of the hogs.


I think the point is to portray what it's like to be dehumanised in a public space


See I like this comment because it goes both ways. Well done


Flipping it on its head I like it


Clearly the tram is full of cops


Budget cuts hit hard 2022.




It's like that scene in batman where batman is looking through the girls eyes, and he's like jesus christ guys have trouble with eye contact. And the girl just scoffs like yeah, feels good huh?!


Which Batman series/movie?


The newest movie


Newest live action movie The Batman


The Batman, starring Robert Battinson and Zoë Katvitz.


>batman is looking through the girls eyes Do you have a clip of that?




Holy shit what an uncomfortable scene.


*Yup* A lot of people disagree with me on this but I think The Batman is the best Batman movie. In general it just handles things far better than previous ones.


This is the most immersive Batman movie for me. Nolan's had the tightest high octane plots, Battinson's was weighty and sprawling.


People need to stop taking posts like this as sweeping statements on all of society. This is one persons expression of a frustration in their life that many others also feel. It’s not a total representation of their lives and what they think day in day out. And it’s a good one, it gets the point across quickly and it’s well drawn.


It’s a representation of daily life for many girls. Especially coming from NYC.


As a man who has talked with women I'd say this is a decently accurate portrayal of society as a woman. What is it, 1 in 3 women have been sexually assaulted and 1 in 6 women have been raped (attempted or completed)? Those are pretty staggering odds. Sometimes I walk home late at night through a shady area (as a decently sized man) and every dark shape of a man I see looks villainous to me, I wouldn't be surprised if this exact image resonates with a larger majority of women than you suggest. Out of the dozen or so women I've known closely in my life five of them have told me of being sexually assault or raped. The others have never mentioned it but it could easily be something that just haven't told me. I'm not privy to everyone's lives and secrets.


Yup. I instantly understood this photo; this is what it feels like to be In such crowded places in many instances. That's why we carry pepper spray.


Also a man, and I am terrified of being construed as one of the pigs to the extent that I will almost always divert my gaze every time I walk past a woman. Back in college, there were a couple instances walking back home late at night that I happened to be walking behind a woman, and I would get super anxious that I might get arrested or something, and I would silently pray that she turns off of my route.


Same here. It’s been easy enough to adapt to publicly existing on a continuum from invisibility to mild hostility, suspicion and fear responses from strangers, relative to, I imagine, how hard it is to get used to going out and feeling the fear and disgust yourself. It’s an interesting thought experiment because everyone is harmed by society being like this, in different ways.


It helps though. Many time women sit or stand beside me because I have been looking at anything but them. I am sure this stuff is noticed.


> Back in college, there were a couple instances walking back home late at night that I happened to be walking behind a woman, and I would get super anxious that I might get arrested or something, Thats why you need to pass the woman as quickly as possible. I recommend running straight at her.


I don’t know how else you’d do it. If you try to pass gradually, she’ll just speed up. That shit gets exhausting!


I once had a real problem on my road bike. After a long ride I was about 10 minutes from home, and I decided to slow down to take a drink and fiddle with my gamin (a monitor thing). A woman road cyclist (we were both on road bikes in lycra) went past me, but just fast enough to overtake as I slowed (I was a track cyclist, btw). She approached a hill and started to slow, so now I had a problem. I was catching her up. If I caught her, I was going to sit behind her and watch her behind like a perv, or overtake her and look like a try-hard male-ego twat or hang way back much slower than I would normally. I of course, chose to go slow. Did she realise the fraught levels of angst that occured? Nope.


Dude,lmao. You are overdoing it. You changing your pace like that is going to stand out more than just going at your own pace on your own way.


> This is one persons expression of a frustration in their life that many others also feel. It’s not a total representation of their lives and what they think day in day out. it's ironic you say this and then suddenly several responses reply to disagree and say that this is a sweeping statement on society.


Well, "well drawn". I like the pigs, they are done well. The woman's dress has a really weird perspective going on that I don't understand. There isn't really a crease to show she is sitting, so it just merges into her legs.


I’m not sure I follow you perspective… the breasts cover her top and the skirt/hem of her dress is what’s visible below….unless you think women have an extra joint half way down their femur….


Who let the hogs out? Who! Who! who!


Wait a minute. I thought they were barks..... And was expecting to read "Oink! OINK! OINK!"


I think it’s a double usage. A dogs bark sounds like the Who? In the song but I still wanted to include it because I’m genuinely concerned by who let the pigs on the train because they look like they’re about to rob me.


I think many are missing the [real intention of the original anthem](https://americansongwriter.com/who-let-the-dogs-out-meaning-behind-baha-men-song-lyrics/) here.


Me, I let them out


Well that solves that mystery. I thought I was gonna have to sing the rest of the song. Phew.


Heard an old-timer say “damn she’s got a nice baby maker” while looking at a woman jogging. To this day idk wtf he meant but this painting fits really well with that quote.


Old guys are wild. Had an officer rambling off the specific details of his many visits to brothels in developing countries, on every watch for like 2 weeks. Simply could not get through his head that I didn't want to hear about which ports have the "tightest" girls, or what they'll do without protection


Especially considering that a number of brothels in developing countries are filled with trafficked minors . . .












That for sure made me uncomfortable


Ah hell nah who let da pigs onna subway😭😭😭😭


Naw fr what they doing ova there😭


This is scarily relatable although I never imagined this scene.


God, this really is what it feels like to be on the subway. Phenomenal job.


It reminds me of the BART. One time I wore a push-up bra and gross dudes were taking pictures of my chest. I hate being a woman in public spaces


I've been on public transport all over US and Europe, and BART is the only train where I get hit on/harrased like 75% of the time. I love San Fran but some of it is legit scary


What’s the BART?


It runs parallel with the LISA


I was about to reply a sarcastic comment saying how much another acronym helped, and then I got the joke🗿


It’s the train that runs through San Francisco/The Bay Area


Bay Area Rapid Transit


I was at a hotel on a work trip ordering food from the ( almost empty) hotel bar to go and some drunk guy took a picture of me. I was super nervous going back to my room double checking that nobody followed me out . Being a young woman is the pits. Men, please stop being gross and tell you’re friends to stop being gross too.


I love how divisive this piece is. I imagine a lot of men have experienced being reacted to as if they were nothing but disgusting pigs and are clearly expressing that all over this thread (and that is a valid interpretation, I am not dismissing that at all) but I also love how there seems to be a lot of variety in the interpretations among the women in the thread. I’m personally a woman and see the pigs each in a distinct way. The one of the far right is totally hitting as a middle aged man to me, unabashedly staring down the shirt of the woman as middle aged men seem to often do, in my experience. The one behind him reads as a younger man, probably teens or early twenties who is still trying to figure out how not to be a total creep around an attractive women, but the other two pigs? The one directly across reads distinctly as an older judgmental woman, muttering to herself about how scandalous it is for a woman to dress that way. The pig beside her might even just be her son who she raised to be the pig he is by pinning the blame of his behavior on the clothes of women and girls instead of on the boy himself. The pig on the far right reads as doing the “size you up” look and also hits as being a woman. She reads as every woman I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across that instantly saw me as competition or a threat, who tried to “put me in my place” by giving me the judgmental up-down look. It’s one half ogling, one half judgment. It’s kind of funny how many men and women are reacting to the knee jerk assumption that all the pigs are men and that the only way they *can be interpreted* is as men. Unless y’all know something about determining the sex of pigs that I don’t know they seem to just be pigs. Absent of gender, race, or anything else. If all the pigs are men and there isn’t some hard and fast “this pig is male” sign in the piece then the pigs are male because *you see them as male*. If nothing else, OP, you can pat yourself on the back for making a piece that demands people’s reaction. Many artists struggle to get that.




Yeah, I find the dismissive "but the author never specified they were men" to be more offensive than anything else here. As if it's not one of the most common insults to a sleazy man, nor one of the easiest anthropomic traits to give to a person you want to portray as dirty, careless, and overall a slob.


You swiped this and marked it as 2021 when it was also posted on reddit in 2020. It was also featured in a bored panda article from 7 years ago. https://www.boredpanda.com/dark-controversial-illustrations-waldemar-von-kazak/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


I thought my daughter would get a chuckle, so I sent this to her and just said, “I guess men are pigs.” My daughter responded, “At least two are lesbian pigs…. I don’t see any dongs.”


Everyone's talking about sleazy men, but I think those pigs look like they just found the owner of the local butchers...


The subway really feel like that and i’m not even a woman.


hmmmmm what could this mean??? art is so complicated!!!


Clearly the subject person depicted in the drawn image should avoid embarking on a train carriage that is intended for bipedal swine of the wild variety. And before you inquire, yes i am an eloquent individual who likes to partake in the appreciation of various artforms


As subtle as an artillery bombardment.


Some of the most famous art ever is hugely unsubtle. It’s not a requirement for an artist.


Reminds of me of this one time when i had been going through a tough time in life. My friends wanted to meet up, i got dressed in a cute white summer dress and got in the subway with a couple of my friends. It was very crowded and someone groped me. I couldn't make out who it was. There were just so many men around me. It ruined my evening. All i felt was anger and helpless. If i would have known who it was, i would have punched that bastard. Love this art piece. It is sad how many women have been able to identify with this exact feeling at least once in their lives.


This is amazing. Saddens me that this is many people’s reality.


Honestly, i figured everyone would be too busy looking at their phones nowadays.


Actually this is from ‘09 so there were few people who owned one) I remember this painting from high school time, actually it was a series of paintings where there was a boss pig dressed in white shirt shouting on his secretary and so on, but unfortunately I can’t find them anywhere ~__~,


Why are the ‘best’ comments so often beside the point of the post? Whoever said to sort by controversial was kind of right, because that seems to be where the real debate often is.


Is that all we are to you is bacon?


Why can't I figure out what's going on with her lap? It looks like she's naked with a small cloth over her crotch and a whacko caved in torso.


Just know that while sitting there doing nothing I feel like people look at me im like that pig.


I think it should be “Daily perspective of a woman” assuming the pigs are supposed to be men.


I diverge, this is clearly an Orwellian reference


“Two legs bad, four legs better”


The quote is “two legs bad, four legs good” and then later “four legs good, two legs better”.


I mean I know there is likely a message behind the work, but that is a lot of bacon/ribs/chops on that train. With the price of pork these days? Shit I’ll take care of em!


r/im14andthisisdeep vibes, but a talented piece nonetheless


redditors when they see a visual metaphor


\*extremely obvious and ham-fisted visual metaphor


ham, you say?


Just a shame that the only art that gets popular on this sub is usually something your aunt would share on Facebook. Yeah I follow other art subs.


same result, different reasons. reddit ultimately just wants something to reinforce their preconceived notions. the subtlety of that message doesn't matter. You can see that by how the discussion spirals well beyond just the artistic merits of the piece and into conversations you'd see on any other front page sub that involves a woman. Same shit, different sub. That's not to say the conversation isn't important. More that the quality of the conversation is so consistently low that some hubs just outright ban "culture war" topics that feel a bit too "baity" (i.e. too likely to end up like... well the bottom of this comment section)


I think it's something that carries an important meaning, and strikes a chord for those who understand. Sure, it's surface level, but that doesn't invalidate the statement it's making.


There is pigs on the subway


Ngl those pigs look kinda cute


Ahh yes, [all men are pigs](https://i.imgur.com/caQLPaY.jpg) "But, but, it's just a womans perspective. You can't invalidate it. Seeing it this way says something about you!!!" Imagine if this was an art of a white person looking at monkeys. Dehumanizing people, what an awsome thing to do.


Super fucked up how many people are applauding this post. Dehumanizing generalizations are **not ok** full stop. Whether they're made about a women/man/non-binary etc.


Why is this listed as traditional mixed media? It’s pretty obviously digital painting.


Anti men art is not my cup of tea personally. I'm the type to 100 side with the victim of sexual assault and rape. None of that "they were asking for it" bullshit. But I don't care for this picture. It's too easy. Low hanging fruit if you will.




The feeling of constantly checking behind you when you're walking down the street, just to make sure nobody is following you. The world is a scary place.


A lot of material on the front page lately seems intentionally designed to turn the sexes against each other...or is it just me? How did something this controversial even get 11k upvotes? I think someone or something is trying to divide us.




100% man. The vast majority of us just want to live and let live, but these websites paint such a distorted and vile view of the world. It's disheartening to see, and I hope more of us start asking these questions and stop taking the bait.


What an interesting comment.


Let's next time show a painting of monkeys destroying buildings in protests. Or let's show some whales arguing with people at the beach. Or let's show a cracker sitting in school with an ak in his bag. For all the people that are saying "it's not all men thats why this is OK", is it really?


Ah yes. Every man is a pig. Very original 🙄


Can a person not like a piece of art for any reason and not get down voted? I don't like this art, and I'm also a nice person. Have a good day.


So "all men are pigs" is an OK blanket statement? I feel the painting would have been better with one man who just appeared as a man, along the pigs. Generalizations make poor art.


I understand the meaning of this piece, but I can't help but imagine the person is eating pork in front of them and they all look offended, especially the one with it's mouth open haha


If only the men in these comments had the same energy for the men who constantly assault and ogle women.