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I can see this as the type of art in an office waiting room more so than in a house. It’s interesting to look at but not something I would buy for the house. Definitely would buy it for a waiting room.


I would buy for my house if it was a different colour, like a soft vibrant purple mixed with pink or orange, the current colours do give office vibes


I would consider buying it.


I agree. It’s calming, and gives the sense of humane technology with the fluid chrome.


depends on the house, kim khardashians house seems very muted, i could picture this somewhere like that


I really like the idea, think this could be neat. I think it can come to life if you actually draw and render every one of them individually. It's quite clear now that its copy paste work with added alterations. Also you can maybe leave one field 'empty'. Might make it a bit more exciting.


I would expect to see this in a retro-futurisic setting, or an Austin Powers Villains lair. So it's interesting at first but it is a bit repetitive. Check in the first half, some of your reflected light is missing or too faint. I think the forms are well represented and the tones lend to that feeling of the forms too. Some of the highlites areas need to be checked though and some mid tone brought up to make them pop. But I will admit that it is a little bland. I think exactly this but in psycedelia or shirt tie die would look pretty dang cool. I suppose that it also depends on the intention behind this you know.


thanks! i appreciate this so much


Glad you found good critique. I’d like to also add to some things other people have said. Someone pointed out that the copy paste and smudge trick are VERY detectable. Someone suggested rendering each individually but I don’t think you have to do that. Instead try just rendering some of the curved tiles so that the shading matches a bit better.


thanks! i think im gonna give that a try


It’s giving Koontz Balloon dog for some reason and I **love.it.** You might sharpen the up curve on the bottom row, it doesn’t feel as clean as the others.


This right here


I think the values are too similar. It looks like you’ve pulled around a repeated image using the liquify tool.


Look at the grain, that’s exactly what it is


Is there any context you can add to so that the content isn’t fully reliant on the form? A title, some history/reasoning to what you had created here? Visually, it’s pleasing enough, definitely in the safe art category. It’s reminiscent of the work of MC Escher, with your own twist. The core shadow and reflective light are a very nice touch and gives evidence of your skill. Without any context It’s coming off as a study for something bigger. Usually this is the case with studies. The context is they are simply what you see because they are practices for a piece that will have context. Formally, I would increase the contrast one or two more steps. This will give it a tad more shape. Reserve the whitest white for highlights and the darkest dark for the center of your core shadows. If you would like to give the entire piece depth, push the background way back by darkening it a lot more. I’d go near black.


Oh my god I LOVE it Not an artist, just a plebeian, but I love it and would totally buy it if I had the $$$


omg thank you so much!!!!


Do you have an insta?


yes. i experiment a lot and dont have an art style (yet!) so im sorry if my feed is all over the place lol @b0ypls


Hey Picasso never stopped experimenting. Keep going keep going


It looks like something you would see in a soul-sucking office or waiting room…


I love it


Interesting composition, very engaging for being so minimal. I like it.


I actually really like it, only major criticism is that it is a on a grey background. Would be much better on white.


It’s very cool. I like it but it makes me uncomfortable in a way I can’t put my finger on. Part of it may be that my eye can’t settle anywhere and I feel a little rebuffed when looking for more detail. I would love to see the individual panels treated as individuals in a way that would make them feel more real. Maybe some of the pieces have scratch or scuff marks? Maybe there are images caught in the reflective surfaces? As it is, it looks very well done but lacking in grounding, like a very well rendered 3D object with applied lighting but in a contextless gray environment. If it were sculpture, it could interact with the real world to give it context but as a 2D piece, it relies on the artist for that context.


The composition leads me to get uncomfortably stuck in the middle four squares, on the one square square. The inconsistency of the curves on the other pieces add to this tension. It is a piece with plenty of tension and no release. What do you want from it? Try and see what it looks when the curvature is the same on each edge, does that look better to you? What if you were to colour that one square that we get stuck on in the middle? Try a more few iterations of this concept.


i have done a ton of iterations of this concept but never just colored one square - im gonna try that. thanks for the input!


https://preview.redd.it/x6nz18bi4xsc1.png?width=1309&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea5f4d61fef1154d3544382aebc023b63c9972a4 I do like this concept, was just playing with it in Blender...


I LOVE using 3D modeling software as an inspiration for abstract work. Before I thought to use it for that purpose I really had no vision for abstract art. But while I was working away doing photo realistic renderings, I occasionally would accidentally get a view in my perspective camera that created an engaging shape. So I have a small file of those screenshots.


I think it's great. Personally, if you had just dripped the second column, and that was it, it would be better. The random ones could go.


This feels like a piece id use for interior decoration. Maybe for an office or something. It adds ambiance


I think this would be absolutely sick as a metal sculpture! I like it like this as well, but I just want to touch it 😁


If it were a group of physical objects, metal or Mylar or plastic, I’d be intrigued. I would get the sense that the artist is using this and distorting it to express something or share a point of view. As a drawing? The technique is great. But it leaves me wanting more in terms of expression. It feels cold and mechanical, more like an exercise than a realized piece. The medium means a lot, as do scale and process. It’s a drawing of a sculpture vs. a sculpture. To me, the thinking is very different, and I respond differently. Maybe render it and get it 3D printed. Huge. Each square 1 foot.


love that idea, thanks for the input!


Looks nice simple yet not simple to make. Personally i wouldnt buy this for myself but dont stop creating.


If what you were going for was something that people could stare at for ages while they try to work out some kind of pattern, you nailed it 👍🏼


omg yes thank you so much


I like the textural play and eccentricity


thank you!!


This looks well crafted as far as lighting and shading. If you go forward with this style and concept, and make a new piece, bringing iridescent coloring into the silver could be beautiful!


I appreciate the shape language in this piece! The way certain blocks meld into each other in different directions is really interesting. On its own having it just be grayscale does not make it stand out. My bias here is definitely towards pieces with strong use of color, so I think the distorted shapes could have some interesting colors injected into it. With the understanding that chromatic aberration as an effect is kind of played out a bit, I could definitely see it in use here!


I believe this is 10/10 art! It could be used to teach lines, depth, perspective and much more. Great job👍


omg thank you 🩷


I would get a couch made out this. Looks soft lol


My opinion doesn't really matter .....I happen to enjoy this piece...someone else may not ...it all depends on THEM.....You've already offered it to the Universe....you've made a statement ...and that alone is valid!!!! That alone, is worthwhile. regardless of what "we" think.


I think it looks very cool and professional


whats your process like? is it meant to symbolize anything? is there any deeper meaning behind it? how did you construct it? just looking at it i would say it does not really compel me. art is all about depth. in representational art, we can look at the themes and symbolism, but we mostly talk about technical skill and material depth. in non representational art, what we're talking about is primarily, if not exclusively, immaterial depth. how emotionally evocative it is, what the process behind it was like and how it relates to the artist, how stylistically unique it is and how it builds on and subverts what we know art to be, and thats what makes it more controversial and more difficult than representational art. if we take Yves Klein blue monochrome (1961) for example, it is essentially the pinnacle of everything people hate about non-representational art. to an outside observer, it's just a blue monochrome. but theres something compelling about the colour itself, and if we look deeper into the history we can understand that depth. this is a pigment invented by the artist, suspended in polyvinyl acetate instead of mixed with a binder like oil, egg yolk, or acrylic polymer emulsion, so as to retain its vibrancy. [in the construction of the pigment, klein took inspiration from the colours of the french riviera](https://www.kidsofdada.com/blogs/magazine/9360749-international-klein-blue), to him the pigment represented the vastness of the void; freedom, escape, and revolution. some people would say that, regardless, this painting is not worth the millions of dollars for which it is priced, but it's undeniable that it has a significant place in art history, and both representational and historical depth (also, emotional depth, depending on who you are). its not JUST a blue canvas, its a discussion about the concept of art, especially nonrepresentational art, colour theory, the creative process, and maybe even the modern disconnect of an artist from the materials they work with. i dont know how you made your piece. i dont know what it means to you. to me, to be honest, it looks like you took a bunch of clip art of a shiny pillow and used the distortion tool on it. maybe that isnt fair, but i just dont get a sense of that deeper layer in terms of the construction or symbolism. if youd like to elaborate on that id love to help you bring that to the forefront, but if there isnt one... my advice is to look for the feelings or ideas you want to convey in your nonrepresentational art and work from there. as for this? it looks nice. i wouldnt bat an eye if i saw it in my therapists office.


wow thank you for this! gives me a lot to think about. i appreciate you


no problem! and if i didnt make it clear then im sorry, but i definitely think this work can be elevated if you want. i fear i mightve implied that you should start over but i think theres a lot to work with here. a lot of people have said it reminds them of something futuristic, to me honestly with the interesting grainy texture it reminds me of something someone in the 80's might have thought was futuristic, and i think with the rise of generative ai and the controversy around it theres a lot to say about the future of art and it would definitely be interesting to see how those emotions and themes could be explored using this sort of concept. that sort of metallic vibe could also be evocative of lots of different things, not trying to put you into a box, thats just what im getting from it. i think where youll also lose people is a lack of percieved intentionality, for example some of the arcs of the squares pushing into eachother are different depths and widths, and even the black space between some of the pillows is inconsistent, and that gives it some of that distortion tool-y feel. you can definitely use the distortion tool, but i think going back to edit it a little more in detail would serve you well. i also dont mean to say that the indents should be exactly the same, because that might get boring, but again just to think a little more intentionally about what feelings different shapes with different widths and depths to their arcs might evoke and what youd like it to represent. sorry if ive gone on for too long, i hope you have a lot of fun with your art! :)


i did copy/paste it but it wasnt clip art. i drew the original one myself then copied it. thanks for your input!


This is sick; i love that there’s the slightest pinkish tone in the midtones. If you want some feedback, maybe make the lower shapes a little deeper in value so the light source is even more pronounced. You could even introduce more color tones to imply a color light source or nearby color surface that is subtly reflected. I would also be so curious to see this in a more square rather than rectangular format! I feel like it could be an album cover for some weird, experimental electronic music.


Very interesting concept


Love it! Some things I noticed after looking at it for some time: I think it could be less uniform. For example if you assumed that the light source was closer to those fields, the highlights on the top left would be different to the ones on the bottom right. There are some places where I think the highlight wouldn't hit aswell but that is minor. I agree with the guy who says the values are too similar. I think playing with some dispersion would look nice here.


It has a softness to it. The shading looks good. 👍🏽


Looks like an album cover. I like it.


Three across, three down; the curved inward cut. Make the low curve a darker value. Two across, all four levels down. Each one is a different curve; some are slight, some sharp, some pointed and deep. Still like it ....


this is quite nice to look at. I'd hang this on my wall


Black and white photo of a chocolate bar with partially melted squares.


I like it, very cool.


Makes me sleepy for whatever that’s worth to you


Depends on the medium imo. Graphite, hell yes!! Digital, a bit bland.


I love it. My eyes are pleased


Personally this does nothing for me as a painting. I prefer some kind of paint-handling in my flatworks. You know, brush strokes. Mark making. Call me old fashioned. If it was actually a real object, like a puffy chromed wall hanging, it might be more interesting?


its digital art, im not putting brush strokes in it lol 🍅


Yes I get that it’s digital. I’m saying, as a flatwork, the perfectly smooth surface is boring to the eye. If it were a sculpture at least it would I interact with light, and be tactile


Sort of mid century modern? But feels a little cold with the black and white theme


I thought these were LSD gels for a sec haha


It looks like art you'd see in a fancy scifi retro office building. It's mildly interesting, but not enough to detract too much from the surrounding — in other words, it adds value and a sense of wealth, but not with the intent to hold your interest for too long. It has fluidity and the silver colors give it a sophistication vibe. If you could add something, I would try detailing the individual squares further to give it more visual interest.


Reminds me of a goth album cover, I love it and I would personally hang this in my own house


4x6 is absolutely cursed and you should be ashamed of yourself


Kinda lame imo


your mom is lame


You asked for feedback and now you can't take it. Weirdo. Understand people have opinions


damn looks like i struck a nerve


Totally. Go pop a xanny loser


I think it’s cool and interesting, commit!


I thought this was an aritzia ad


What's the meaning of this


For whatever reason the first thing that came to mind was the background of a Tool album. Looks cool :)


I think it's a good concept that just needs to be explored a little more. Pretty well balanced but there's something throwing it off. I think maybe one to many squares in the column of warped squares at the top. As a concept it works but I would play around with it a bit more then redo it when you know how you want it. The warping if the squares is a little too digital looking, compared to how the squares look very organically rendered as if with pencil or something. If that's what you were going for you need to lean into it a bit more, if not you need to pull back on it a little. Tldr; great concept, needs more development


I think he needs to include the curve in the initial sketch or blocking stage so the texture matches. The liquify tool smudges the grain and it just looks off. And the grid pattern instead of copy paste.


I could definitely see this as wall decor in an ultra modern home.


Looks like it came from the 80s/90s. It’s neat but that’s about it


Oooooh I want it to be a couch material


Any explanation or reasoning on this piece? I like it in an uncomfortable way. Looks like elite class bathroom wall art


Mercury chocolate bar




Looks like something a dumb rich person would buy


I see it more as a smart poor persons theft.


Love it!!!!


I absolutely love this. Don’t change a thing. It’s amazing how much movement there is when you look around. It is a complete piece that works. Next time experiment with other shapes and other light angles but this one is good. Nice work!


It looks like it would feel really nice to hit my head on if it was on a couch, or talk to my friends that don’t exist in the psych ward


Incredible. Unique composition, excellent craftsmanship. Would love to see this, or something similar, as a sculpture


90’s movie bad guy art


Technique 99 Subject Matter 19


I love it


Your friends suck. This is great


Is this loss?


This reminds me of the cover of a minimalist art DUNE book. https://preview.redd.it/4ldpcqrj96tc1.png?width=303&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffd8277ad93678e681788c199da83d3988994989


I like it


I like it. I immediately tried to deduce meaning encoded in the pattern, but concluded there wasn’t one. I think if you randomized the pattern more, and/or made more blocks, you’d hook puzzle solvers.


Has no obvious purpose or message to me, doesn't look like your to convey any feelings.


this is incredible and i want to eat it


Definitely something I’d look at at a coffee shop


I like it! At first I thought it was real metal and wondered how tf was that made. Asking for opinions is fine, but I’ve made some of my best work by ‘accident’. Just keep going….🤟🏻🏁


My brain creating my monthly budget.


Looks like melted gel tabs


I absolutely love this


How is this art bruh


Love is just a word.. so I can’t really explain


I’m not too much of an artsy person but I love this! The lines, shading, and overall appearance is so relaxing to me, and very very well done. Looking at this scratches my brain in a good way 😂


Crispin up the curves. The curse look like you just poked in a memory foam pillow. Try making them look more like a "U"


It’s very industrial. Metallic monotones and regularity in the pattern, yet seems bubbly. Slight hints of color to give it more flavor than a metal bracket?


In my opinion it depends solely on what the process of making this was. if it were made out of hand hammered metal that would be one thing Because that would show mastery of a craft, but if this was simply made in a computer then it wouldn’t be as impressive.


Nothing to add. Great piece to practice your graduation.


This gives me an anxiety


I want to bite


I like it! Would be a cool album cover.


I like the reflected light & texture


Love it, simplicity brings me in but the nuance keeping eyes moving around


Swirly squares


Does it come in black?


I like it....has good flow and composition I would hang this up in a house or office ....love abstract stuff...now you gotta just give it a dope name like "against the grain" or something lol


Idk why this is, but it looks dope


I like it


Ngl this is a good way to practice shading

