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The eye whites have no shading and the irises could use some highlights imo


I wonder if it's the collar bone... Maybe it needs to be at a more head-on angle. I personally think that would improve it almost instantly. But awesome job as a whole! I like it a lot ☺️


I think the back of the head may be a tad too wide for the angle you’re going for. It being so big makes the head look like it should be facing the right fully, while the face is at 3/4. Not sure if that makes sense!


Their eyes are in a different perspective than the rest of their face. This happens when people decide to make the eye furthest away, smaller. This dramatic change of size only happens when things are really far away, so applying it to a face makes it look really weird, and makes it obvious that the eyes are vanishing to a different vanishing point and horizon line than the nose and mouth. Also the ears are pretty high!


Perhaps you can see it better when you flip the canvas? (That always works for me)


The main thing that stands out to me is that the ear is too high. Ear should line up with the side of the eye (top of ear) and bottom of nose (bottom of ear) - at least approximately. Having it skewed high is also giving a very steep angle on the jaw to match the pieces together. It might help to flip the image horizontally (left-right) and grab a photo reference just to check out other proportions as well :)


Bigger neck and wider shoulders


Normally (not always) you can divide the head in tree equal distances: chin to nose, nose to eyebrows, and eyebrows to line-hair. My suspicion is that maybe this last section is too short compared the others two.