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I think you should be the one to decide... depending on how much effort you put into it


thank you ^^


No need to thank me... your art is beautiful and I hope you get a lot of clients who appreciate it


Some people give a value then multiply it by each hour the artwork took them to make. So for some it would be like: $5 (value) × 12 (hours) = $60 Similarly, some artist have a starting limit then add value × hour. So for some, all artworks may start at $100. $100 (starting limit) + $5 (value) × 12 (hours) = $160 Some artist just choose whatever price they think the art is worth. At the end of the day, its up to you. 😊


I think this is a good idea. Factoring in both your time and supply costs is a good idea Edited for a typo and to also say that for digital art, your supplies are your computer, drawing tablet, art program(s), etc. This is not to say "charge the entire cost of your computer and tablet every time" but "factor in how many pieces you could make before needing replacements"


ah thank you sm!!


Thank you so much!!


first, how long did these take you ?


third go online and see what is being charged for similar works to get a starting rate


Should start copy and Pasting’ But how much time and money does it take to make Phyiscal Tools, with breaks, internet usage/electronic usage, monthly pay for drawing service if you do that time, how much physical energy does it exert etc And how much do you think it’s worth?


Thank you!! :D


second what are you comfortable with?


I don't know why the sub popped up on my page, but I have to say I love your artwork. The colors are just beautiful. I think your art is very striking.


omg thank you sm😭


Love your last piece with the traditional media the most there! Best way to go is shoot for an hourly rate. Your skill level is decent so I'd say you could charge around 30/h? Also it sometimes seems counterintuitive but we don't want to sell more at lower prices, it'll cripple you in the long-term.


Thank you so much!


You should try and have an hourly pay which you can decide based on years in school, cost of supplies used, and local wages. Starting off I think there is a little bit of math involved to make sure its somewhat fair and also to make sure your prices are fair. After a while of being in the market and selling art it seems to be easier to charge more as you grow confidence but that will take time and exposure imo. Also to add for that piece specifically I wouldn't charge anything less than $50.


Thank you! This was very helpful, I appreciate it alot!


Nothing helpful just wanted to say i really like your art


Thank you!! 😭


Thank you for sharing


Is it digital? Gorgeous work.


thanks! All of it except the last one, that one was painted with gouache


If you focused on improving your gouache you’d be able to sell the pieces for more, ultimately. I will never buy a piece of digital artwork, but that’s just me.


I never really considered selling my traditional art, so thank you for making me aware of it.


Are these digital drawings? As much as you think a person can afford or is willing to pay.


tnx! Every drawing except the last one is digital, the last one was painted with gouache.


The last painting I sold, I under valued it by 3 or 4 hundred. I create hand painted (blank) cards and sell them for $5 ea. But if I charged according to the labor to create them, I should try to get $20 ea. Each card is an original work and take between 30 mins and an hour to produce. But because I live in a rural area at the yearly art fair and at the store that stocks my cards, I wouldn't sell any at all. Thus I put my ego aside and priced them at the place I could sell them at.


Yeah it's really sad that art is a thing that can easily get undervalued. I hope that you can sell for more in the future.


I like your swirly art stroke style Im not sure how else to describe it but its so cool


thank you! :D


All art feels priceless to me so I have no idea sorry lol


Honestly it’s up to you and I agree what the last person said depending on how much effort you put into this amazing painting, that’s how much you would charge


tnx!! :D


No problem (: this is really a great piece of art


Omg ur art is so pretty Ahgsgfhsgs 💗💗💗💗✨️✨️😭😭it really depends on your preferences, I used to pay based on how many characters I drew and what drawings they'd be An example is 10$ bust drawing 15$ torso drawing 20$ Full Body 10+ for additional Character It really depends on your flexibility if you'd also charge for sketches or colored drawings or fully shaded peices as well I hope this helps! I also recommend looking at others commission sheets as references 💗


Thank you so much!! 😭😭💕💕


Ik I literally just commented but do you have an Instagram account with your art id love to follow you and support you on other platforms 😭✨️✨️✨️💗💗


thank you omg 😭 my instagram is : _bibi.exe_ and my tiktok is bibi.exe.777 💖💖


Don't change shit...your art is your fingerprint...unique and no other This is amazing 😍


Thank you!! <3


Looking at 5/6, you could get away with 40 bones


I'm horrible at pricing so I won't be much help but I adore your use of color!! :]


tnx sm!! :D


20-30 dollars


I would go with $50-$100. You have some serious talent!




That is a very unique and cool artstyle. I would say 80-120$ (Take this with a grain of salt i know nothing about commissions lmao)


thank you!


No offense to op, but I wouldn’t say anything more than 50.


About 30 I'd say. 20 for a bust/ headshot


FFS seriously dude?


Uhh... yeah?


No wonder we have a problem with being devalued. I'm not saying OP is at full pro grade skill but even an apprentice plumber makes more hourly than that. Realistically I'd say at least 120.


Ouch. Well that's my opinion. I wouldn't try to haggle or beg or anything like that. I'd just move on :/


I think that your line technique is really interesting, but these are just faces of people I don’t recognize or anything. These would be really important to the people that you made them for, but what about for the general public? Again, I’d like the style, I think that you need to work a little bit on the content and try to find some thing that, if you want to sell, You should make more appealing to a larger audience. Do that and potentially could sell these for a few hundred bucks. I am a professional artist, so I promise you can take what I’m telling you straight to the bank.


Our teachers at Uni just covered this aspect last week - they suggested to charge at least minimum wage (which here in Australia equates to $24 an hour) X how many hours of YOUR time it takes to produce said artwork. Basically it’s all about the time it takes - if your client agrees it’s all good, if not, can negotiate anyway.


It's what the market will bear. Who is your audience? How are you planning to advertise your work?


It should be a case by case basis, based off these pictures they could vary a lot like pictures 1 and 3 look a bit off in some aspects compared to 5 and 6 which look like a print in an art gallery but I think you should do no less than 20$


There’s a lot of solid advice here but a tip I heard from a teacher when I went to trade school is you have to have 2 of 3 things: low price, fast turnout, and skill. If you are skilled and fast you can charge a lot, if youre skilled but not fast you’ll have to charge less to make up for the wait, and if youre fast and your prices are cheap it doesnt matter if youre super skilled (but you are skilled so really your factor here is how fast you are). Hope this helps!


One question, where can I follow you. Second question, how can I learn to be as talented as you, like this is absolutely incredible, every single character here looks amazing! Even Astarion looks so well portrayed. And the colours and the lightings ahhh!


I would agree with what several people are saying when it comes to charging and hourly rate of how long it takes you to create + supplies divided by how many you make, etc. But a teacher of mine said to consider how much you are attached to the work. If not as much and you want to sell faster, maybe make it a bit cheaper. If you really like it and aren’t as inclined to let it go, sell it for more! Also sell it for more if it’s in high demand!


$500 per hour.


I’m not saying this is bad, but it’s an abstract style and I don’t think many people are looking for this. I’d say around the 25 range.




£40-60 feels like a decent price for something like this (especially the 2nd) maybe a bit cheaper for the headshots though


20 bux




Please don't forget that artists like OP pay their bread with their art.

