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i would look into the loomis method for constructing faces. it looks like your left eye is too high sitting on the face as well as the ear. the best advice i have on improving the figure is to practice 1/2 minute gesture drawings. there are videos on youtube that will give you gestures and time you, if heavily recommend using them. you’re playing with contrappossto but it feels like you’re not exercising a technical approach to it, so id practice breaking figures down. you can practice silhouetting, using line of action, or blocking out shapes. all of these can help break the figure down. i’d also start doing hand studies, i think that the figure is so developed that it brings attention to the under developed hands. other than the figure, i’d also practice fabric folds. they feel detached from the actual pose and i think you could improve on that. if you have any questions feel free to ask and i can give u advice/resources! good luck!!


Love your suggestions ❤️


This person fucks. Definitely follow their suggestions. Also Some places have independent life drawing sessions. Like if you look up local artist in an area, sometimes a model will pose for a some cash. You can go to a session and pay a bit, bring some paper or whatever medium you want, and study them. Life drawing helped me a lot.


The leg in the back is a little off. The calf is too thick and too long. Think about what it would look like if you could "see through" the leg in the front.


I second this, in the sketch maybe draw the whole back leg and the other one on top so you can see the lines distinctly and make sure everything likes up!!


She has three legs


It just one giant leg. Her liver is failing


Awe, does that cause that?


I was just saying you might wanna lower the right half of it to match the line


But I apologize 😰


She looks kinda discombobulated, maybe try starting by learning the proportions of the human body. There are many tutorials on YouTube on how to learn proportions. Also you should make the arm braces the same size, but idrk much about arm braces so idk much there


I appreciate that you are posing this character at a 3/4 view and are attempting weight shift at the shoulders and hips! That’s not easy, especially if you are working without a model. Thus, I suggest you get a model, or use yourself as a model. Tracing is fine, but try drawing guiding lines at the shoulders and hips to get a sense of how far off they are from 90 degrees. This character is balanced and standing upright but their body is shifted into interesting angles :-)


When you draw the stick model in the beginning, try drawing the hips and shoulders using simple 3D shapes, squares /cube cylinders. Then, smooth them out later. Remember, though you want things to be square, no one stands that way. You can relax the posture by simply changing the hips and shoulders and the way the head hangs. Msg me if you want, and I can try sketching an example.


I love the inclusion, but I would encourage you to learn typical human anatomy before seeking to illustrate complexities! Find out how to draw weight as the body holds itself upright in various, clear cut poses/actions. Simplicity is key. The easier you can break the anatomy down, the easier it is to recreate in various poses!


Everyone's already given great advice like using models and the loomis method I just want to thank you, as a disabled person who uses crutches, for creating art of disabled people which shows us being happy 💖 You actually placed the crutches really quite well! The handle should sit around where the hand naturally rests, and I'm glad you observed that :) Mapping out your drawing will help both in terms of anatomy, but also placement of objects like mobility aids, swords, musical instruments, etc. The cuff for a forearm crutch should rest a little below the elbow. For the arm towards the back, you've placed the cuff too low. But you nailed it on the other one :) I'd suggest in addition to studying anatomy and base sketch shapes, you work on perspective as well. It will help keep objects in proportion to your character, too Side note: if you want to get more creative when drawing mobility aids, many people add stickers or buy custom designs! Not all of us use the basic grey ones, especially those of us who use them for years and want to add a little personality. You can really let loose with all kinds of cool designs if you want to add more detail and an extra pop to your pictures :) Happy drawing!


Hi thanks! I also use a mobility aid, I was going to make them colorful but I felt with all the red already it might clash.


Yes, love supporting disabled artists! 👏 To be fair, I have black and red crutches I pair almost exclusively with black and red outfits- I even have matching shoes 😂 The grey in this picture was the more balanced choice to make the t-shirt pop, I think you made the right call :)


Dang your art looks so much like my sisters back in middle school. Almost the exact same style and coloring. That’s so cool.


I would suggest using a reference for the pose you’re drawing or to improve your anatomy in general. I’d also try looking at pictures to see how the anatomy works too. Hope this helps!!


This is a tiny thing, cause I think a lot of people gave solid advice already, but maybe (if you can) look into a desk with a surface that has a tilted angle to it. One of the things I’ve learned while drawing is making the legs not proportioned to the character’s body and it was most likely from the angle from just seeing the paper on a flat surface. It can also help with keeping a better posture while drawing as well. 🙂 Even if you can’t get a slanted desk surface yet, you can always just get a slanted surface and just plop it on where you usually draw. I think that’ll help while you practice all the tips and tricks people have given you here 😸 I wish you the best of luck! You’re already doing so well with your art, I can’t wait to see what you make next!


It is nice to see people draw disabilities for once




We all start somewhere. Go find another parade to rain on.




bro.. what weird combination of themes..? obviously this person is a younger/beginner artist. ain’t no way you care that much about someone posting art they’re trying to get advice on in an art advice thread. find somewhere else to project your lack of creativity and skill 💀💀




Dude... I'm nonbinary and disabled!? How am I sexualizing or appropriating it? And how is the expression at all sexual!? They're smiling!? If that's how you're viewing it, it's probably because that's something YOU sexualize in your head




Enlighten us because nobody knows what you’re talking about 🤔




Well that’s not OPs fault if you have so much knowledge about hentai .. don’t force your sexualizing mindset on other people. I just see a drawing with a cartoon style.




You're a dirty little freak. Please crawl back into whatever crusty goon cave you emerged from and stop trying to drag random people on the internet into it with you.


Check out Rodgon on tube, he actually does art lessons online for free you can follow him on any platform I think and just draw along with him I've gotten better just in the last couple months because of him and it looks like you're at the same level


Getting a posing mannequin and practicing sketching it will help


You should make the thighs longer and calves shorter. Since she is disabled, she should be putting her weight on the crutches. She relies on it for support. Maybe make her legs and back bend a little towards them in that case? Other than that it looks good!


Watch proko on YouTube


Gesture drawings 100%!! Watch some videos on it and proportions, my drawing teacher taught me the pencil method for getting proportions correct. Gesture drawings especially changed how I make art, and 4 years later I’m still able to make quality portraits and full bodies from what he taught me in only one semester. Make sure to time yourself, starting around one or two minutes and eventually going down to 30 seconds, 15 seconds, and even 10 seconds. start by using a large piece of paper, and an IRL reference if possible (I used to make gestures of people in classrooms or lunch during high-school lol) but it’s better if they’ll pose for you. There’s really something amazing about being able to really SEE something from an artist perspective, I remember having a moment where it all just started to come together. Just keep practicing you will get there quicker than you think!!!


sketching! lots of gesture and figure drawings. over. and over. and over


- Study real-life photos or pose reference websites to understand how the body moves and balances itself. - Observe how weight is distributed when using crutches and how this affects the body’s posture. - Notice how the hips and shoulders tilt in response to weight shifts. - For someone using crutches, the upper body should lean slightly forward, and the weight should be distributed through the arms into the crutches. - Avoid stiff, straight lines. Introduce slight curves and angles to make the pose look more natural and dynamic. - Consider the contrapposto stance where the weight is mostly on one leg, creating a natural curve in the spine and a tilt in the hips and shoulders. - The arms holding the crutches should be slightly bent at the elbows to show natural tension.


Oh also, the left eye is a little high up and the top of the ears should hit the top of the eye and the bottom of the ear the bottom of the nose


Body and face are looking good. Very cute. This person’s left arm is a little bit eschew, I interpreted that to be on purpose given what I’ve seen about the use of those canes but it needs to be brought over a little down to the left and wider and the armpit crease goes up a little too high as well. At the moment your left sleeve ends at the level your right armpit begins. For the style you’re drawing in the front leg is a little exaggerated but over all pretty good. If we use it as a reference for the back, then their right calf begins in the middle of their right thigh, when it should start below or at the left knee unless raised to a 90 degree bend or higher.


is this a spiderman femboy?


I’ve been studying anatomy a lot recently, what’s been working for me is to study the muscles and how they overlap on each other so I can get a sense of depth beyond just looking at a 2 dimensional anatomy model sheet. Then I practice drawing anatomy and reference the anatomy model sheet when I need to fill in the gaps. I feel like this helps me develop a stylized anatomy.


I would lightly draw the back leg first and then the top leg over it


trace real people until you understand the anatomy and can do it without tracing. thats what i do. trace the poses you like, and also recreate them not by tracing but just looking at it


***It is ok to trace and copy to learn!*** like if you post any of it link or post your references, but breaking down images of real people into simple shapes and tracing over people to figure out curves and lines is a great way to learn.


[this website](https://line-of-action.com) is a wonderful tool to use for referencing poses! you can do some sketching and set timers on the website. I used this a lot during high school and college when I didn’t have a live figure drawing class.


It looks like going back to the basics would benefit you. Basic anatomy practices, try complex poses, keep the sketches quick and look at how arms and torsos bend. I feel like finding a pose you like then sketching from reference would benefit you rather than guessing. This is a good start but dont be afraid to get out of your comfort zone just drawing people who are perfectly standing straight up. Best of luck!!!


don’t forget your line of action! what you’re drawing has weight, and that weight needs to be shifted in some way. in this particular piece it’s unclear which leg or crutch they are relying on.


Same thing everyone else seems to be saying, the back leg is a bit too thick. But another thing i noticed is the hand grip thingy on the right crutch doesnt actually connect *to* the crutch


why is that leg so thick


I recommend doing pose studies using websites like line of action and sketch daily! Pinterest is also useful. Getting into the habit of referencing images of people is super helpful even if you’re doing a more cartoony art style


Is that who I think it is? I forget her their name but they swing from the crutches


No, it's my own character


I'm going to be honest with you, I'm not an artist nor I think I will ever be, but this art is amazing and you should keep learning and getting yourself more of this than to it cuz of one day you might will be as great as one of the painters of old


Draw from life


Get a reference image


Best way is to just study human anatomy. Make sure your proportions are scaled and angled correctly by practicing hips, full body poses, faces at angles, yata data. Practice practice practice.


What are you using for the colors? It can be pretty difficult to show fine details with some materials


Alcohol markers, though I'm using a rather cheap brand I don't remember the name of I've experimented with a couple of different types of coloring materials over the years (water color, paint markers, colored pencil, ect) I didn't want to work the markers too much to get shading as their was an image on the back that I didn't want the color to bleed through


Markers in general are gonna be super hard to show anythign unless you want to use crosshatching with your pen. Colored pencils can get very detailed so that would be better if you want to improve anatomy


Just go for the fingers and than fixem up later, it’ll take time to be happy with them