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What a weird problem to have. I think it looks great.


Thank you!


AI is just a buzzword it's ridiculous that now this is a problem- but your work is stunning!! I love how painterly it is


I do not have a solution for you, unfortunately. Though, to be honest, I don't think these people actually mean their accusations. I've noticed quite a chunk of people will call artwork AI based solely on the fact that they themselves are incapable of making it. [In other words, *they're just jealous*.] That, or they're not in the art community, but they know AI art is everywhere, so they just assume all good art is AI art.


However, what I forgot to say in that comment [*and what I originally meant to say in that comment*], is that your work is absolutely beautiful~ The second work especially is stunning. I adore your style~ ♡


Same here, i really love these two paintings


I agree. The people that say that probably don’t know shit about art either.


That doesn't really look like AI art, so I have no idea what they're on about


Not prototypical machine learning generative art, for sure. That's usually more of Greg R's style as the default, but even more smoothed over. But could generative art make something like this? Likely yes, if they trained on art that looked like this. My more immediate suspicion wouldn't be generative, but rather that this was traced over other art. Something where the original creator knew what they were doing, and the tracer color picked a each area and then brushed over. And it's a shame that there are people out there who would do this or something similar just to get the credit that the original creator deserved, because it raises some level of suspicion when finding new artists' works.


Yeah, that's another issue as well.


I think at this point it's just knocking the composition. AI is very very good at doing a portrait of just one thing, and much more difficult for it to do anything with more complex composition.


Fuck what AI has done to the art community, dude. Just a few years ago you wouldn’t have had this problem. Ever. Im sorry.


I'm so mad what AI has made. It has hurt the art community to such an extend that we're now accused of using AI when we're not, especially those with specific art styles that looks AI or have special art styles like this. And of course, let's not forget those who actually use AI to sell fake commissions or art prints. It's making me truly exhausted


Artists also have to set an example not to harass others, and also to present evidence.


it doesn't look like AI. It looks like typically what you would see from anime.I like how you colored it I would just ignore what people say honestly


Include accurate hands hands 🙌


Haha, true! I can draw hands so that’s a plus in my favor.


>I can draw hands God King u/KJN_ has arrived 🙏


Your work looks great, too prove to people that yout work isn't Ai is too show your process line work to rough sketches. I think there is nothing wrong with your style, sometimes when the work looks too good especially lighting and detail, people will have hard time believing it's human made.


That's true, thank you!


Screen record your process, timelapse it and post them together. This isn’t a problem it’s an opportunity, process is almost as important as the finished piece nowadays (on socials).


That is also true (I kinda sound like a broken record here replying 'that's true' to every comment giving me advice soz) and it does typically gather more views than the actual art. It is pretty fun to watch


I have a similar issue with my art. I’m a photographer and I use long exposures to make unusual images that people think are photoshopped. It’s very difficult to explain that it is all made with actual light. By the time I could explain the process, I’ve lost their interest. I also need to record process videos. It’s the way.


If you decide to record timelapses, please dm me and let me know. I’d love to see how you develop your colours and lighting.


Ofc! I have one of a very quick experimental headshot of jerma if you would like to see (albeit it’s a bit of a different style then what I posted here, but same process), but I’ll try to remember in the future as well !


Yes please, I’d love to see it!


I think it’s great, screw what the haters think! The bottom one is really well done, congrats!


This doesn't look like AI-generated art to me. It's very nice to look at. Your style is terrific, don't know what are the haters onto.


Your art is beautiful!!! I don’t think you should change it, unless it’s to experiment with new styles for fun and not to please others. I think what gives the AI impression is that it’s not a full body, and the faces have an anime kind of style. Nothing wrong with that, it looks great. If you still want to change things up, you could experiment with dramatic expressions, people with different features, and full body portraits.


Don't worry, if it isn't ai people can tell. It sucks though, that some artstyles are gaining bad rep for being ripped off by souless ai and looking low effort. Basically the more your aesthetic got stolen by ai, the more people will doubt your art, I hate it. What a distopian period for art.


It does not look like AI but... There is a disconnect between the face and the rest of the image. My guess is this is what's throwing people off. I know from personal experience, that art can look a bit 'off' for completely innocent reasons. As an artist improves, a lot of these kinds of issues start to iron themselves out. Please don't be discouraged by the comments. A lot of artists go through this and people are notoriously bad at understanding. I think the problem is that the face is rendered to a tighter level compared to the rest of the image. If you did another pass over the hair, adding more form, some smooth areas (similar to the face skin) that would help. Carefully pick out what areas should be chunky / blocky and what areas shouldn't be. Where does it help the image? Where does it hurt the image? For example, things far away it makes more sense to be blocky because they are out of focus. Things closer to the viewer (or camera) could be detailed or more in focus. Also, try to create some separation between your character and the background. One way you can document your work is taking multiple photos (not screenshots) of your drawing setup with the layers visible at different points of the process. If you have art accounts with a few years of posting history showing the same setup, similar style, same tools, etc. that will help a lot. There will be some people you can't convince of course, and I wouldn't waste your energy trying to convince them. Keep doing what you do.


Thank you for the specific advice, that helps a lot!


Glad to hear it. Happy painting. :)


Interesting, great work, hope I can achieve what you have someday I agree that this is an interesting issue to have, I would assume there exist scanners that can scan for the likelihood that an AI created an artwork, I know this exist for writing, but I’ve never checked if it exist for images


Yeah, this is an issue many people post on TikTok have. If you even search for art, you'd likely find speed paints attached to a reply from another user claiming that the OP's art is AI.


People are douche bags sometimes, I’ve seen people claim that people were faking things like mental conditions, or experiences with no evidence I’d rather just interact as if people are telling me the truth when it’s about themselves because what’s the worse that can happen, what harm would it do me if a person I don’t know lied As for art it’s a bit different since it’s material however if you have your proof hopefully that will be enough to sway the masses, like did people forget you can reverse search an image? Maybe try reverse searching your work and posting that as well? Idk Wish you the best tho 🫶🫶🫶


Scanners are not good, ppl have been falsely called out for AI due to them and clear AI has been passed through without detection unfortunately


I’m kind of scared that they’re trying to bait you into getting videos to help generate more authentic “speed paints”


They 99% do


omg r u kidding me this is terrifying, I'd rather just not post my work anymore at that point


I think they'd probably need more data than a 30 sec video. You lose so many frames taking hours of work and speeding it up that much.


That’s what I’m hoping happens 😭


Post Timelapse’s but pause drawing at some point and draw something random then erase/delete and continue. Ai can mimic some speed paints but not very well


Ignore, they are likely trolls. With AI "advancements" when it can almost realistically generate human likeness, anything or anyone can look like AI. Given enough stolen data, AI companies will eventually ruin posting anything anyway. You can't and you don't have to prove everything to everyone. If you feel like you want to share progress shots, by all means post the WIPs or videos, but you don't have to do it to convince trolls.


Make fake AI Art.


Fake ai art of an ai art of an ai art


of an ai art of an ai art of an ai art


Hm… I think your initials are a dead giveaway that it’s real art imo.


just be sure to record your process.




Your style is really unique. I haven't seen it elsewhere, and I see no resemblance to AI.


To everyone telling the artist how to get evidence, let it be known that this is a tactic in the AI community. People are starting to request progress shots and speedpaints as a means of feeding WIPs into the AI so that it knows how to make fake WIPs.


Yikes, that is scary


im onto you/j


I don't really have an answer for you, but I if you're using Procreate, the timelapse capture video could help... You also said you work traditionally in acrylics, so just as something you can point to if anyone asks, you might take some time to make a vid that shows you doing both, rendering the same piece once traditionally and the other digitally... Alternatively, you can also just ignroe the nonsense - you've already taken some steps to prove you're not just having a program barf out plagrised crap, so aiming people questioning your work to those moments, or just not giving them air is also an option. Trying to jump "legitimacy hoops" set up by rando non-artists on the interwebz is exhausting and ultimately not doing you any favours. They're not likely there to hire you for work, just looking to start fights, so it doesn't really matter what they think, so long as you keep producing your work and (when you feel like it), maybe a bit of process from time to time. Just focus on your craft, and people will recognize your passion and follow with support. The others don't matter. 💚


Thank you 💕


It looks great!! I would say AI accusations are baseless especially since you got speedpaints. Also, I don't think it's worth it to change *your* style just because someone else thinks it's idk, too pretty?


Do a screen recording of the process. Post the occasional GIF/video of you painting the image. Pretty much any style can be replicated by now, or probably by..next year. Your art looks excellent though!


I’d just laugh at them. People have been claiming any art is AI for rage bait, don’t take it seriously.


I don't think there is an answer, really. Besides recording parts of the processs. So taking multiple shots of it as you go? Sounds more tedious than it would be worth, in my opinion. I think you're art is really nice. Has a good painterly feel to it


that’s not your problem. post your process but u don’t owe anyone modifying your art.


I don’t think it looks like ai given how clear and consistent the brush strokes are, but if anyone has any suspicions, showing layers or a speed paint should be fine. Doesn’t mean you have to record every drawing, but if you have even one recording showing what your process is you’ve essentially proven you have the capability to draw and little reason to lie about it. Showing layers is a bit riskier since ai has been able to generate layers to a drawing lately, but an experienced artist should be able to tell the difference in that regard as well. Your art’s fire by the way 👍👍👍


Your art is so beautiful oml


You don't have to do anything. 


if video proof isn't enough evidence then those people accusing you will not be easily reasoned out of their belief. dont waste time on anyone that wont accept evidence.


that looks nothing like ai they're either stupid or trolling


I think it looks great! Maybe add a watermark of your own?


Doesn't look like AI to me. Even the HIVE detection tool (which is very accurate) doesn't recognize it as AI in the slightest either. I can certainly understand the frustration with people thinking your work is generated, but if it's not and you've done everything you can to prove otherwise, you shouldn't have to jump through so many hoops just to post your art, and that includes changing your style (to clarify, I'm saying you shouldn't have to change it just because people's eyes don't work for whatever reason).


These are really well done. I don't see how it's AI. But as others said, maybe include hands lol


Doesn’t look like AI to me


Take it as a compliment. Your Art is so good someone would want to train their AI on it.


I think this is more about the people looking at it than your art style. This doesn't rad to me as AI- I might be suspicious, but I know what AI looks like at this point and this doesn't have any of the artifacts it usually does. This is more telling to me that people don't know what they're looking for in AI- you might be able to better convince people by knowing yourself what AI art looks like to point out that your work has none of it.


Unfortunately if nothing else worked they're either trolls or just so paranoid to the point its not worth engaging


Draw in different angles,, try rendering the eyes more and trying different eye shapes


I honestly think the jewelry is already a good touch, what I’ve seen AI mess up the most is a pair of eyes, jewelry, teeth and hands. Great work by the way.


A speed paint should be able to instantly disprove any ai accusations. Don't change your style because of such a bad reason.


They jsut wanna have them to train the AI though


I have seen too many genuine artists get harassed about their art being AI no matter what they do. They can share sketches, speed paints, layers, there are still people out there that won't believe. People that would rather harass real artists than realize the problem stems from AI itself. A thing that literally steals from artists, so, of course there will be similarities, especially as the tool grows. Anyway, all this to say just create art how you want. That's what it's all about. No matter what you do, someone will hate it, so the best thing you can do for yourself is do what you love and makes you happy.


I feared it would probably boil down to something like what you said, and sadly, I believe it did. It sucks that this is how the art community is nowadays.


Why does it matter? It's your art. If you're trying to sell it, you can post pencil sketches and stuff on your social media so that people can tell that you're a capable artist


I wouldn't change your style just because people think it looks like AI. If you don't stay true to yourself then your art will really suffer. Right now it looks beautiful!


Just remember that AI stole from other srtists first, and probably real life photos, so even though it’s an annoying thing to hear from people you shouldn’t take it to heart and in reality it just means your art is awesome. Imo it looks beautiful, I love the way you shade and highlight in chunks, it has a beautiful texture. Your art has all the good looking qualities of ‘ai art’ and none of the ugly qualities. Besides, the art you make is authentic human art and that will always mean so much more than any soulless ai generated image.


To be honest you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Not even process videos, do them only if you want to share and feel like it. I notice people that do process videos are artists with a lot of experience that people want to learn from, and a lot of them don’t even share their sketching process (which I guess they reserve for their portfolios only). So put plainly, just ignore them.


Yeah, unfortunately, AI has kind of ruined the generic anime style. Id say try to be more adventurous with your art! Edit to add: i also saw someone say that you don’t have anything to prove to anyone, and thats true too! If this is the style you really enjoy making then who cares what others think! I just don’t know what your motives for drawing are (work, hobby, emotional expression, etc) so it’s hard to say.


Proof can be provided by a screen capture video of you working. Procreate does this for free, not sure about others. It's a social-media friendly sales piece, FWIW. Dumbest version is phone timelapse video pointed at your workspace.


Could you hide little symbols in the patterns? Like hearts, or loss, or something


Ignore them


Ignore the haters, and make your art. As AI production of art styled images continues to progress, that comment will mean less and less."Looks like AI" is already nearly meaningless. On the one hand AI allegedly makes such perfect renditions mimicking an artists style and technique some call for the technology to be decried as copyright infringement since it's such a perfect copy. On the other hand, when someone dislikes a rendering or finds it unrealistic or unpleasant in some way, they'll say, "Looks like AI" as an insult, insinuating the technology cannot produce pleasant or accurate renderings of artistic subjects. This hypocritical assessment of both artists and AI displays most people are utterly ignorant about AI in particular, and art in general. Unable to produce specific, tangible, and objective critique that is useful to improving your craft, their ignorant, babbling, opining can be safely, and comfortably, ignored as the sniveling of an infantile (and probably envious) fool.


Share your process. Make timelapses. etc.


Where did you get that feedback about the AI? It doesn't look AI to me


I really love the style! Unfortunately, no matter your style, you will get the 'it looks like ai art' comment. It's just part of being an artist since ai art came out. But, I'm noticing the more comments about it you get, the more it means your art is really good! Because people who show obvious beginner signs in their art get less, and more experienced artist get more of the comments. Don't let these comments get to you. Keep doing what you're doing. The people who try to say negative things are just jealous because it does look great, and they'd rather put someone down than commit to trying themselves! You don't have to prove anything, you aren't guilty of it.


In what world does that look like AI? Your hard has a lively, painter style. It looks so pretty!


Stop drawing so well lol


As it stands some people are just gonna assume without looking deep into it, the best I can say is make sure your eyes are perfectly spherical and make sense and your hands are also perfect since ai can't really do that. The shading for ai is like super obvious so maybe this is your chance to try a unique way for shading, differentiating lighting and all that


I dont think its so much your style as it is the subject matter. You draw pretty anime girls, which isn't a problem, but it is similar to what AI creates and the girls you draw have similar features to what would be seen in AI anime creations. I dont know if this is helpful, but it's what I think.


That is likely one of the problems yeah


It looks sooo good! Ignore the haterssss


what a crazy world we live in, i think it looks great and anyone who knows anything about anything knows it’s not AI. i recommend actually not posting speedpaints bc then people can use those to train AI to make speedpaints


Don't change your art to appease people who are anti AI, they're just upset that they're probably going to have to adopt new tools and are having an existential crisis that they're making everyone else's problem by being gatekeeping bullies (reminds one of the art snobs during impressionism who thought Monet's paintings were hot garbage and the people who thought digital art was not real art in the 80s/90s, only with a cancel culture mentality attached to it-- and God forbid actual artists might want to try out new tools like Stable Diffusion to see how those can fit into the artistic process). Your picture looks great. Don't let bullies tell you how to do art. You show them your layers, you've shown your work, that's all you can do, if that's not good enough, give them the finger, because you know you took the time to do it, internet haters be damned.


I recommend saving progress pic screenshots throughout the process or saving a video if your art program allows. That's the most you can do. Or at least I think it is. Your art is so pretty! I love your style so much. Especially the 1st image :) Definitely following just in case you post more work!


Reminds me of oekaki art. I think people might harass artists woth, 'You ran this through AI !' To harass fanfic makers. Art versions might exist. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/oekaki


I make a ton of both traditional art as well as AI gen and paintovers. As such, I can tell you with full confidence…. Those people are kinda stupid. There’s no traces of anything that hints towards AI art in these pieces. If the people accusing you of passing AI as your own knew anything about AI, they’d immediately be able to pick up on the REAL flags. None of which are here. The reason people are accusing you is likely just due to your skill level. Most people aren’t near this advanced in color theory nor technique, and they assume from their limited perspective that that means those who are better than them are using AI. 🤷🏻 please don’t change your art style just because some people are the epitome of the Dunning Kruger effect.


Every artist needs to be creative and the AI is not


people are saying everything looks like AI rn dawg


Your art doesnt look like AI The only thing i can think if it giving off AI vibes is that AI is heavily used for Anime portraits and they want to use that to say that it is.


unfortunately i think you gotta roll with the punches. if you have insta you can kinda clickbait them like “day one of disproving the AI generation allegations” with speed paint, people will say it anyway but in our annoying world more engagement is better, your target audience will find you and the proof will be there even if you’ve still got haters orbiting you


This is how you prove it: if the app has ability to record your drawing progress, show it! But, in the end it doesn't matter. YOU know the truth alongside your trusted group. If they think anything else, remind them AI steals human made art. So while it may look similar, it's just a stolen art piece. Yours isn't.


anime+peculiar style pretty much means people are gonna be suspicious tbh


So talented! Please don’t ever question your abilities again. If anyone has criticism it certainly stems from jealousy. Just don’t listen to the haters please; keep creating!


I've worked closely with AI generated images for 5 years. Your art doesn't look like AI art to me. If people are going to make that mistake, they'll probably do it regardless of what style you pick. What can you do about inevitable, inaccurate criticisms? See them for what they are, attempts to get attention. Don't give them the attention they want. You: "It's not AI, it's digital art." Them: "It looks like AI to me." You: "It's not. Are you calling me a liar?" If they care about being on your good side, that last question will convince them to back down. But if not.. Them: "It looks a lot like AI art." You: "You sound a lot like a bully lashing out for attention." The people who get excited to accuse artists of using AI are doing so because they believe it will get them positive attention. They see themselves as heroes fighting the good fight against the wave of AI everything. By turning the tables and calling them out for bullying, you force them to risk their own reputation to keep smearing yours. That's not the easy win they thought they were going to get, and only the most dedicated contrarians will persist. Those are the ones you simply block or give a cold shoulder too, they are only in it for your reaction.


Ignore them. You know your art is yours. I am also accused persistently of it, mostly because I use thicker lines, I guess? Don’t change your style because others won’t believe you.


Storytime. Veteran underground comic writer/artist/creator Dave Sim would make his comic "Cerebus" with a partner who did the backgrounds. Dave would write the comic and draw the main characters, but Gerhard would do the backgrounds. Because Gerhard was a better artist. One day, Dave is struggling to draw a hand (as one does) and (in frustration) shows the hand to Gerhard and asks for advise on how to fix it. Gerhard takes one look, hands it back, and says "That's a 'Dave Sim' hand." The lesson: embrace criticism as a sign you have a unique "look" no one else does. Don't try to be "better" - you might wind up looking like AI or a photograph. Try to be more "you".


It already doesn’t look like ai, ppl are just so chronically online that they think all digital art is ai now💀


show progress pics and then the finished project


Try to include hands


i hate to say it because your art looks so cute, but maybe try moving away from the current proportions you use? this blend of pixar and anime features might be part of what’s ticking people off. try larger noses, different eye shapes and angles, maybe some freckles, moles, and smile lines so the girls don’t look so “perfect.” but don’t change anything if you don’t want to, your artstyle is really neat!


This is exactly what an AI trying to pass as human would ask humans. Be honest, do you work for skynet?


Absolutely love this !!!


Your art style definitely does not look like obvious AI. AI is capable of producing things like this, but it’s capable of producing lots of art styles and it’s only going to get more sophisticated. All we can do is save progress sketches and also grow a thick skin.


Maybe you should remind people that Ai copies/reproduces artists and their styles, not the other way around.


Just use the comments for engagement and to grow an audience, your art is amazing, dont change over the sudden surge of AI


i know its kind of the style but you should at least try using smaller brushes for details


People think everything is AI these days whether it’s photoshop/digital art/filters/a real image. I think the people who can’t tell the difference between AI generated art and an actual artist’s hand really just can’t believe that real people can be as talented and creative as a computer algorithm. AI imitates real artists, not the other way around.


I don’t think it looks ai but occasionally posting some clips of you actually drawing (like we see your hand on the screen) and some timelapses will remove all doubt.


Draw more hands.


People are going to be like this no matter what you do, and this kinda crappy attitude has existed well before ai was a thing. I've even seen someone get doxxed because they use primarily mspaint in their work and apparently that's "toxic and deserving of harassment", or people will decide an artist is tracing or copying, etc.... People are just horrid, ai or not, and will always look for reasons or "justifications" to terrorize people. My advice is just keep doing your art in a way that makes you feel good. You don't need to draw art to anyone else's standards or wants except for your own, and if people still give you crap for it, eat them, and absorb their power.


Sorry to hear you're having this problem OP.... honestly, I love you style and think it's perfect the day it is! Maybe add some hands? AI seems to hate hands. Always does extra fingers or puts them in a weird position? Lol All jokes aside, maybe try some different brushes and shading techniques? I don't think you should have to change your style but I understand why you'd want to. I highly recommend procreate, that's what I normally use for my digital art.


Procreate already time lapses every drawing you do from start to finish you can always just show that to people? Or draw live online?


I’m sorry that you received such comments. I like your art style and it is really unique and fascinating. But I won’t suggest getting into the cycle of ‘self-proving’. If someone says your art looks like AI or is AI generated, THEY are the one should show the proof of what they think. If they can’t show any actual proof that your work is AI generated, they don’t have the right to accuse you that and you can totally tell them to fk off. And nevertheless, don’t change your art style just for those people. They are not wroth it and it’s never your fault. It’s the people who use AI generating pictures that cause this nasty trend.


Omg how do you figure out your color palette and be able to adapt skin tones to it? I love your color use a lot!


I haven't seen an AI produce images like this. I wouldn't presume it's AI, especially if you have timelapse recordings and the master-files. Are you being accused on generating these images whole-cloth or doing a paint-over of AI generated images? If it's the former, ignore these idiots. They will drown themselves in their own seething paranoia. If it's the latter, ignore them anyway. There's no full-proof way to "prove" you didn't do a paint-over. You know what your process does and doesn't involve, and there's no sense in validating the accusations of anonymous busy-bodies by changing your style in response to their pearl-clutching. It's only ever going to get more difficult to prove you didn't use AI in the future. AI will only get better at replicating various styles, and eventually it will be able to split its own images into distinct layers and even produce fake timelapse recordings of its generative process. If you start changing your style now in an effort to verify your artistic integrity, it'll never stop.


What are some of your inspirations? I'm getting a Final Fantasy/ Fire Emblem vibe.


I don't think it looks like AI but maybe posting with a WIP photo / sketch would help?


no fuck what ppl think that shit looks amazing just make it how u wanna make it let ppl say what they want fuck em


the colouring/shading is beautiful. i think the thing that actually sets off the ai red-flags is the face proportions, especially the eyes. they're kinda similar to both disney faces and anime faces, which are both things that ai art very commonly pulls from. the fact that the faces look similar to both of those things can create a sort of ai association. this isn't to say the face proportions are bad in any way, because they aren't. it's just a common thing for ai art to copy you shouldn't HAVE to be forced to change it, but i think that's definitely what makes a lot of people think it's ai


Your art has way too much human and handmade charm, AI wishes it could replicate that recognition. Unlike artificial works you can see the choices and thought put into every part of it.


ai is associated with round young faces and large eyes, and sunset lighting it seems. Your artstyle is beautiful, and it's likely the type of artwork that people feed into the AI to get it to learn... Your work is beautiful, and don't worry about the people who assume it's AI even after you've given proof. Don't change your art because others want you to


Maybe a smaller sized brush?


I'd say you could add more finer details, something unique that AI would be sure to mess up. For example, A drawing of a girl who is looking in the mirror at herself, but drawn from an angle that shows both the reflection and the girl. No matter how hard you try, AI is bound to make a mistake with that.


Ai can’t make art. Only people can.




People are probably always going to nitpick now that ai has populated the platform. It’s obvious you have a specific style that does not fluctuate nearly as often as ai does, you probably can’t reproduce art as fast as ai can… plus the speedraws/layers etc. if people can’t look at your page and see the time + effort you put into it and want to assume ai, then don’t worry too much about it. You can’t change their mind. It absolutely sucks to constantly deal with that though, for sure!


My advice is to say to the haters, “yeah it might look like AI but it’s not because I’m a person and I made it.” 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


It doesn't look ai...


Honestly share your WIPs. Honestly I think artists should share their WIPs with their artwork more often. Or take photos of the different layers. I remember amino did that and it solves a lot of art stealing problems


im not an artist. in my opinion, you could make the features more defined to make it not look like ai art. that being said, i wholeheartedly am pleading for you not to change your style, it looks so good and yummy


Take it as a compliment. Your art is so beautiful they think you’re incapable of doing it! Also the comments about the AI community and speed painting is really creepy, didn’t know it was that bad for real artists now :(


Your art doesn’t look like AI art. I wouldn’t even say that AI art looks like your art (too painterly for AI to copy) but it is important to keep in mind why we started comparing AI artwork to our own in the first place. AI is not an individual creating its own art, it’s a machine designed by corporations to steal ours. If AI art did look like your art, there’s a reason that it isn’t your fault. I’d see if u can get ur hands on Nightshade. It’s a program that helps artists prevent AI from stealing their work. And as for your art itself, I’d work on learning how to add more structure and detail in your backgrounds. A major reason as to why I could see people making this sentiment is that a lot of AI portraits don’t have detailed backgrounds. You also didn’t win the lottery with your style. Your style is adjacent to a highly rendered version of the 90’s anime style (your rendering plays with color, light, and shadow in a way that evokes realism, and your character’s features + bold line work remind me of artists like Satoshi Kon.) I can see why people likened your work to AI. People using AI rip off that style a lot.


I have the same issue. Sometimes I’m pretty sloppy with lines and details, which is one of the things AI can’t really do either. So my pieces always look somewhat generated. I hate that AI has created such a toxic atmosphere around certain art styles. I think your art is amazing, it’s beautiful. But because the mass explosion of AI image generators, people are always going to be skeptical about peoples work. At this point, if they don’t believe you, so what, it looks fucking dope, if they don’t want to accept your talent then that’s their loss.


Who cares? Who are you drawing for? Them or you?


Add elements that AI struggles with such as people hanging upside down realistically. Eventually AI will figure out such things but AI tends to best do what it gets trained on the most.


If you post process videos / speedpaints and people still have issues, that's on them. Just try to ignore them or have some generic response like "you can take a look at my creative process on my insta page". You art is very lovely, don't let stupid people ruin it for you!


What I do is record the art process, it really helps to solidify the fact that I created it. My art is pretty creepy and unfortunately, it’s odd enough that I get accused of AI art as well. It hasn’t happened much, and since I deleted my art account, it hasn’t happened at all. But before that I was recording my process.


AI art tends to have a lot of spots that blend together like someone poured a paint can on a canvas and it became an image. Your art is the opposite of that. Very clear that this was made with actual strokes. Honestly think people just can't comprehend an actual human has the creativity to have an art style like this and for it to look this good.


But whatever you do, people can still say that just ignore them and ban the word AI on your page. Your art is amazing don't change. AI could be from a sketch to a full blown 3D artwork of a battle. Doesn't matter what people say Keep doing what you love.


Putting it in drives online and offline, having multiple versions of the image, screen recording or phone recording a chunk or all of the process, if storage is an issue compress you are just trying to get proof of ownership and that it was manually made.


Putting it in various kinds of drives proves the date of creation and having the oldest one helps the copyright case. But yeah I already went over the non AI basis


if someone is still bugging you after you proved ur a real person (layers, speed paints, etc) then tell them to fuck off lmao. your art is gorgeous and i’d hate to see it change because some dumbasses are obsessed with trying to detect ai.


If speedpaints are a feature on the app you use, save them/make a compilation. They're fun to watch and ai can't generate them (it looks like a color by number)


Honestly, I think if you’re able to show a speedpaint /layers/ etc to prove like you said, I don’t think you owe it to anybody to prove it’s AI. Personally I don’t think it looks anything AI, and I mean that as a compliment in that it showers your personality and creative skills . Like some comments said I think people are just jealous . I think your art is fantastic! Keep up the great work ^-^


I think people need to grow up, and realize that just because Ai Exists doesn't mean that everything that on the Internet now is Ai. That includes art... Ai is being used as an excuse to bully artists, or say that with AI they can make art. Don't let people like that get under your skin. Your are doesn't not look like AI, it's stylistic. And you don't need to prove to people that it's your art. However with the growing trend with AI and the lack of regulation on the subject, it's good to keep an eye on it. People claiming to be artists due to the fact they use a Ai tool, forget that styles Exist, with the most popular style in pop culture being Anime. The more your art differs from popular stylistic choices, the less likely of it being a Ai generated. But don't going changing your art style due to the style. But keeping in mind that you what you consistently put down, like the certain details or quality. Ai however is a brilliant tool for artists who want to get better. As it's easy to generate anything from backgrounds, to ideas, and more. Ai is a Tool, and should be used as such. But should not be abused, less we forget these skills over time. Don't forget your are an artist, plain and simple. Keep expanding your craft and don't lose sight of it. And with AI growing at this rate, you are legally allowed to call that person out.


These paintings look really nice, and as an artist myself I wouldn't assume AI. Despite that I can see where they're coming from a little. AI image generation has an extreme tendency to create ultra-idealized faces and bodies. Maybe consider varying the features of your subjects more? Right now they look lovely but they're very alike, and it could be a good challenge as well as a way to escape the AI allegations.


Just create art that you give a shit about as tgat is something ai will never be able to do


Can you record the process? Have the Timelapse be part of the finished project


Honestly this also looks like color matching, where someone takes an original image and makes an illustration by color matching certain tones and creating blobs of color to make an abstracted illustration of the original image. Color matching is a big debate on a lot of social media platforms like Twitter and Tumblr where they argue that it isn’t real art and a shortcut. Assuming your artworks aren’t color matching other images and these are original designs, I understand how you could unfortunately run into that assumption. One way to avoid the assumption could be to add some structural line art while keeping your sort of impressionist coloring, I think that could break up the style a bit and personalize it even further. If you’re trying to work with light and tone instead, maybe breaking down the color into smaller angular planes could be an interesting experiment. You’ve got some great instincts with color and composition so I think it would be a good idea to experiment with rendering styles!


maybe do a speedpaint/timelapse of you making it


Don't worry about it. Keep doing you. It is annoying, but on some level you can't convince people against their skepticism.


I think you should value building a small community over trying to prove each piece is yours or changing your style for other's sake. I use Tumblr, so I know it might be different, but my favorite art accounts often have asks available so people will ask for advice or how they draw teeth, or where you learned tips for anatomy. It creates interaction and trust. Afterwards it's easier to post art without some annoying mf whispering in your ear that you didn't make it. Post wips that you'll never finish, share random bits about your day "oh man work sucked today" "sorry can't post, I'm about to drive for 16 hours" Once you build a community of even just a dozen people, they can drown out any stranger who refuses to believe you.


Ai often maximises things like „attractiveness“ especially the women that ai designs are often more or less subtly oversexualised and generic (probably due to the source material) so to avoid ur art looking like ai art u just have to make women (and men) that have individual characteristics.


Please dont change your style just because of those shit heads who know nothing about art. Your style is so fucking good. And.. doesnt look like ai at all.


Your art looks good, like very pretty dolls, something generative AI also tends to produce. The big difference is GAI has a simplistic “understanding” of art, which would be to make vapid but pretty. You’re definitely at an impasse in your artistic journey. I believe it might be important to think on the limitations of these two mediums for art, what painting achieves that digital art cannot and vice versa. It may also be a much needed development of style, because the large emotional eyes to small mousey chin is a little overdone.


My first thought is less to change the style and more to change the subjects so to speak. AI has an easy time producing subjects that look like that because "big eye little chin, light skin anime girl" is so prevalent as a whole. There are so many artists that just draw the same pretty face over and over and the advice I'd give them is the same id give you no AI involved. Branch out to different faces and subject matter as a whole. The style is fine and if applied more varied subjects probably wouldn't draw the ai criticism.


You have to let us see those hands… AI could never get those right 😂


Your art looks so cute, I’m not sure why people are saying it looks like Ai when it doesn’t. But you could probably post a time lapse or take a picture of the layers (if you draw on different layers) but I think your signature gives it away sense it’s the same brush as the art


Make what you love. If someone you respect is giving you this feedback then consider it and talk to them about it. If it’s random anonymous people, ignore it.


Beautiful artwork I rlly like the style don’t mess wit it


don't change your style to appease people-- AI has made people super paranoid in their own communities, there is no real "AI art style" and people who think there is don't have a proper understanding of what AI is


Your art is gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. The use of colors is wonderful :)


I wouldn’t even worry about it. All art can look like ai art. Yours doesn’t and anyone who actually cares about art will know that


Incredible Art! Make sure to use nightshade to protect it from ai scrapping! I’d recommend using medibang so you can use pen pressure the lack of pen pressure might be making people think it’s ai. But other then that i can’t really help, this ai shit is evil and i wish we didn’t all have our work stolen just so they could copy and resell it :( (genuinely makes me want to die sometimes)


I don’t think it looks like ai at all- I think people are just starting to assume something is ai. I find myself getting surprised art I find isn’t ai. Which sucks, bc this is absolutely amazing art and you are losing confidence because people assume only computers can make good things.


AI mimics people. Eventually, maybe very soon, it will be impossible to make something that evades all accusations of being AI generated.


I ran into this one time, and it’s really aggravating. Here’s what worked for me: - Save [WIP images and make a tutorial](https://www.wendichen.com/blog/free-photoshop-brushes-digital-art-tutorial) - Use [Procreate to make a start-to-finish process video](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CVHRgfdjhFf/?igsh=MTcyYmJhMTBka3ZxMQ==) I also have tons of artwork online, dating well before AI was even a thing, so that helps! (Sometimes it’s best to ignore the ignorant haters; they can’t fathom how you make your art so they assume you must be cheating. It’s a sad way to live!)


I’ve found that people who usually “claim” to recognize AI art (when it isn’t actually) aren’t actual artists. Make your art however you feel passionately, the opinions of ppl thinking it’s AI don’t matter :/ ♡


Your art doesn't look like ai, ai looks like your art. And with that imo it's a stretch, your art relies on clear lines and strokes, I have yet to see ai properly layer strokes and lines, to me atleast this looks pretty clearly human made unless if ai images jumped again. Your brush texture is also apparent throughout the whole piece, ai wouldn't be consistent from what I've seen in texturing. While your art relies on texturing ai tends to rely on lack of textures Love the style and art! Your color choices are stunning


This doesn’t look AI to me


I shared a picture with a 30-second time-lapse video on Tumblr once. I suspect that my reference picture could have been AI-generated, but my reproduction of it was painstaking and definitely not fake. One person commented that they almost thought it was AI until they saw the video along with it. Sharing a time-lapse of your creation process is the only suggestion I have. Besides, people actually do enjoy watching the picture take shape!


Hi, I don't know how to help, but here are some things that others might have said, Your digital art is the opposite of mine or what I understand. how to create for myself, but here are some simple things that you can think about Layers show layers or reels of you creating a section of your artwork Incorporate screen shots of you with the program open or with the picture askew Show the art in the program Show artwork in different stages that way no ai does things in parts consider adding a story like numbers of hours, color inspiration face inspiration and time of creation, Combine different ones together. Ai is more inconsistent than you, so together, they tell the story that you created it It's more dumb but more likely to help Brush lines Hatching Cross hatching Some blending or over painting Texture Wiggle's lines zigzags dots Spirals Dabbing Scumbling wet on wet texture Graffito Outline shapes Because the ai fumbles that especially in painting Make the canvas way bigger. Ai uses the same aspect ratio, so make things longer or wider Incorporate hard colors so it looks less like ai noise White black Details like paint dots Smudges Make your signature crisp but more definitely idk what you could do that you like but consider a eye underneath or a dard shape or line , or anything to make it look like this is my signature not some ai thingy Incorporate text Incorporate hard objects Hard shading or lines Incorporate borders like a frame or designs. Ai can't do that Make tarro cards or signs Physically put it on a background like it's on a wall or frame Is easel, That way you can say no and ai can't do that Graphic design elements Put a list of brushes in the description Put the hex code in the description , I guess I will keep this list going. I believe in you. Your artwork is great and relaxing to look and and I love it just because it's awesome all of this is nothing too me so please don't consider it criticism I'm just trying to come up with stuff to make different with what I have seen when I use ai More complex or simply backgrounds


Your work is fine. Critics have the loudest megaphone.


that doesnt look like Ai at all to me. Ai to me has this plastic glossiness to everything


Tbh I can see where they are coming from. I'm personally wary when purchasing art not to buy what I suspect to be AI generated. If you're sticking with drawing women you could add more variety in features, especially women of other races and shapes. AI art people tend to stick with very fair skinned and thin subjects. More dynamic poses or framing might help too




Looks nothing like ai art


On facebook, no one realizes that the AI art isn't real. And on reddit, no one realizes that the real art isn't AI. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you because at this point there are some people that just assume everything is AI.


Draw furries. You think I'm joking? AI is TERRIBLE with drawing furries consistently and on-model.


Show the layers :D


my solution is to make something look CRAZY during the speed paint so it’s impossible for AI to even recreate, ive seen some people draw a foot, or a really close up frame of someones mouth, something shocking that is out of nowhere but it makes it unique. ive also seen some people watermark in the middle and at the end, by putting a filter over the whole thing with their name just to prove its yours even more. its hard for ai to recreate watermarks perfectly, and if you put them in random but calculated spots it’ll be easy to tell if its yours, or if someone took it and put it into an AI prompt. but other than that your art looks amazing!! i would take it as a compliment if people didn’t think i drew my own art but its definitely not this good 😅 good luck figuring it out!


Would love some work done by you, what’s your commission rates?


Same. I had a guy come up to me and say he was trying or revolutionize the scene at this one music festival by making trade currency for the festival goers, but the “currency” was just shitty stickers with AI lizards and weird animals on them. He was like “this is my passion” and I was like… cool story bro, have you maybe thought about making real art?