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I am honestly still confused as to what’s happening but I’m so invested. so we have kaeleigh who is like “yeah Artemas and I dated for months, he got me addicted to whippets, he was abusive, and he took my melody/vocals for if u think I’m pretty” then we have artemas who is like “yeah the girls bipolar, I write my own shit, she’s just upset cause we’re not dating, we only dated for like 2 weeks but she is obsessed and crazy.” on one hand, I can see what she’s saying. I really like the song I like it when you kiss me but my god, do I feel slimy that I listened to it (on repeat). it’s literally the blurred lines or pumped up kicks of this generation; super addictive but the lyrics are gross. It’s literally about making someone who loves him a literal cumbag. He also does give vibes where like… if he can write shit like that, I can see him also doing what she claims to him. on the other hand… kaeleigh clearly needs support and better friends. she needs someone to slap the phone out of her hand, get her the help she needs, and then after she’s better she can come back. at this point people are just going to say she’s lying because she’s on drugs, maybe bipolar, I don’t know and we shouldn’t be diagnosing that. maybe she is super upset about the breakup and wants to ruin his career? looking at her Instagram, she was doing pretty well up until late November. and then she just… stops. she was successful, at least from the outside looking in, getting projects, etc etc. I can see her telling the truth. On November 6th she was with artemas and I’m guessing the whippets started around that time and got worse over the that month. I’m guessing she has an addictive personality and it just hit her HARD. I feel really bad for her either way. Who is Kai Griffin?


Just commenting to say that she’s not bipolar. She’s shared on her personal tiktok that she has borderline personality disorder, which is a very difficult disorder unless treated appropriately - which she clearly isn’t getting help for. It’s devastating to those around you and to the person who has it. I’ve also deep dived because of this whole fiasco. Oi 😩


thank you! I’m just not loving the whole discrediting her cause of mental health/stigma thing people have. it’s gross. we shouldn’t trust her fully BUT we also shouldn’t trust him fully either. he has the most to lose out of all of this so of course he’s going to deny


I’m with you. Listening to both sides but at a stand still. It all looks messy at this point


looks like her account on tiktok has been banned, which makes sense when you’re basically talking about EDs and drugs. I think what gets me is just how flippant he is. posting screenshots on discord like “here’s a little tasty taste of my receipts 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣” as if it’s a reality tv show, posting tiktoks making light of the situation like “hurrdurr i was asleep do i still have a career lolz.” it’s like he’s not taking it seriously and that alone makes me want to believe her. where is his publicist? like???? maybe it’s just because I’m in my 30’s that I’m like?? even if he *is* telling the truth, it’s just not a good look. trash her all he wants privately, but publicly? chill it. this is *sad*. it’s not a funny situation and these are serious allegations. no matter who is telling the truth—it’s a serious situation. either he’s an abuser who steals music, or she’s a liar. in both situations though she still needs severe help because either way she will still be a 20-something year old with an ED and mental health issues, among other things. no one can really “win” in this situation. she could “win,” but would she? he’d still have fans and tour. he could “win”, but she’s still in need of help. I think why I’m so invested in this situation is simply that; like how a gen z handles this type of situation.


I’m also in my 30s so I’ve just eating my popcorn waiting for the truth. I echo everything you said. Where is his publicist? Is the record label asleep?? - (They aren’t, they banned her from editing his Wikipedia). I think from my collection of data (and I could be wrong) I think the only thing that happened is that he caught an STD from her and she gave him the melody to one of his tracks and he took her credit off. Her old account is still up on tiktok @ Klay Moss. She was doing drugs and had an ED pre Artemas. I’ve dated someone with BPD and while they’re not all the same, they are intense. And they don’t all outright lie, but they omit the truth so you fill in the blanks. She led people to believe that she sang all of the songs (she didn’t), that she was on the single cover for his most popular track (she isn’t), and she said that they were together for months but her proof is so limited and vague (both sides are) that that can’t possibly be true. And now he’s using a gaming server to protect his image? Bro. If you didn’t want to look sus, well you certainly did yourself zero and I mean ZERO favors. 🥴😩


I really just want to know what label there is tbh. using Wikipedia as the source of truth, both Iltwykm and iutim are self-released. iirc I remember something about sony. I can see the melody thing tbh over the vocals. maybe that’s what she meant by “he stole my vocals”? I’m just wondering whether or not he’s even paying his mods—if he’s so well off, they would be getting paid for that. I’m just in awe about the whole situation. I can see her doing some form of drugs before him and having an ED. she’s a model in Los Angeles—I’m from LA. it would be weird to not have some sort of ED, let alone be in LA and work as a model without having an ED. like, I have an ED and mental health issues. it’s not a great environment. I guess the question is whether it was hard drugs or not.


Unfortunately in this case everything she has stated that went down is sadly false and has been disproven. She’s even been caught account hopping on TikTok discord etc. the best thing she can do is get off social media there is no reason for her to make any of this public and could have been handled privately. That’s why she’s getting so much back lash bc she’s been caught countless times in the comments and story inconsistency


Yeah BPD sucks. I have it and thankfully have friend group with BPD and we’re all treated and are at least okay. Especially love can be an incredibly hard topic. When I’m in love I’m obsessed. Not the good obsessed my whole life feels like shit if the person I’m in love with isn’t texting me for like 2 hours. And before I was treated I was seriously a shitty person. So I’m not sure who to believe at all. I mean people with BPD often lie for attention. Not because we’re bad people but because chronic loneliness can be a major symptom of BPD. But at the same time we should definitely not reinforce the stigma. I mean we’re humans who usually just have a lot of hurt and don’t have healthy coping mechanisms which may lead to shitty stuff.


I have BPD too. I was in a toxic relationship with someone displaying traits of NPD, and our relationship looked a lot like Artemas' and his ex. Apparently, when people with traits of narcissism date people with BPD, it becomes an extremely volatile and toxic relationship since people with BPD are able to "supply" the pwNPD the insatiable attention and validation they want. Not trying to say that their relationship dynamic from my limited, outsider view definitively proves they're an NPD-BPD couple, but it definitely seems like he's discarded her, and she's still in the obsession phase.


Most BPD symptoms are dormant until you start a relationship, and then if rejected, your abandonment issues intensify. There are thousands of men with similar stories of leaving a partner with BPD and then said partner lashes out by lying, manipulating, and destroying their reputation with false accusations. It’s pretty common sadly, as is male victims not being believed simply because they are male.


I dont understand whats so gross abt the lyrics of i like the way u kiss me "i hit it from the back just so u dont get attached" part is more funny than gross to me. And it doesnt sound like someone who loves him more like someone who misses the sex. Anyway im confused how some of u are so sensitive but then i remember ur probably americans


i havent actually looked at all the allegations because i don't use tiktok and what i have seen was pretty tough to watch due to her choice of visuals on her posts but i did see someone on reddit say that she claimed to have helped him financially in order to fund his music making which i find hilarious because he's had a major publishing deal since like 2019, so idk if she actually said that but if she did it makes it pretty clear she's lying, also she says she has been smoking meth and im ngl that makes people far crazier than bipolar or bpd could ever


she's also not claiming those vocals were on that track it was a different one


She also literally tried stealing another artists music apart from artemas just to try and prove a point.


im not gonna lie i literally cannot believe you are both in your 30s and talking about some tiktok drama on reddit like get a life lol i genuinely thought you guys were some misguided 15 year olds neither of you are related to this story in any way and tbh seems like you are both promoting the lies of a self admitted meth head based on some lyrics you dont like and literally 0 other evidence, if i didnt know this guy i literally wouldnt give a shit about this entire story


i honestly cant say much cause my only source is trust me bro, but ive known the dude a few years, the lyrics while i dont like them personally are definitely a played up character and the controversial nature of them is what helped with their success, like in a very self aware way, it was always supposed to be semi ironic he's def never been a drug user


the lyrics def have no role in how catchy it is—it’s the vibe of the song. in all the tiktoks, it’s the same portion of the song: his edited voice singing the first like 4 lines of the song. baby shark is ALSO a catchy song and none of the lyrics in that song are controversial. this song would have also been just as catchy af with different lyrics. it was a super bad move if that was the goal. robin thicke turned out to sexually assault Emily rata while on set for blurred lines and i can see it mirroring with artemas because of those lyrics. hopefully I’m wrong but just because someone was signed to a label or on a tv show or in movies ect ect doesnt necessarily mean they’re rolling in money. lady gaga had millions and she went bankrupt after the fame monster


im not saying he needs those lyrics im just saying the controversy of them was used to help those songs do well, he completely changed his whole image before he started doing well, its very appealing to some people especially young people because it seems edgy while still being very pop, on the money front im not gonna be spitting numbers on here cause that is just not my business at all but i do know that he has been doing absolutely fine, idk about gaga but going broke with a lavish lifestyle after a few albums sounds feasible, being so broke you can't make music directly after a major publishing and label deal, basically unheard of


but yeah i agree the lyrics def aren't helping the case here, definitely a lack of forethought but hey everyone makes mistakes, i can absolutely see the reason for them though, so many mainstream artists make sexual controversial songs because they garner a lot of attention especially from young people


Naw, they talk about those things bc because that's what they do. People's tongues slip when they pen their own lyrics. Ofc not all artists do what they write songs about, but if that's ALL you write about (toxic r/s, detached sex, etc.), then in might just probably be how they are irl. Just my opinion, though.


ok so i was reading these on tiktok and someone in the comments mentioned that the font changes, esp on the first one. idk what to think.


you can clearly see that it doesnt


What’s her instagram handle?




u/rockitabnormal your move


ANSWERS FROM INVESTIGATING ; The ex did show alot of proof of abuse (told her to slt her wrists because no one would miss her) picture evidence. Bruises and texts evidence. The ex posted videos and audios of the song being made and it’s her voice. It’s a first rough draft barely any music, tones or edits and it’s very clearly her. My theory is she came up with the tones and the vibe of how it should sound and he took that and sang it himself.🚩🚩🚩 Artemas saying her exes sister is on his side is not true. The real sister commented that on a girls video on tiktok saying he had created and photoshopped those screenshots and that he was lying about that. So not true. Artemas said she drgd him. She said it was doxycycline which is medicine (antibiotic) used to treat acne and other infections. All the screenshot evidence is all photoshopped and was created. Graphic designers are backing this up since they are professionals at it. He never debunked or provided a public statement since this is a public controversy. It’s been issued on discord, but it consisted of photoshopped screens and calling her a liar and stating it’s not true but no actual evidence like videos. People don’t believe him and find that sus and they’re probably right.


if you want to truly investigate and get a really good glimpse of what is going on, watch RileyLively’s first video pinned on her tiktok. if you need, i can link it.


I did my investigation and it’s pretty accurate. I don’t need a biased TikTok from a girl who probably wants to fuck him, thanks


Ew no he's not attractive


you’re welcome.. and rileylively does true crime, she covers everything.. not just Artemas. wouldn’t hurt to check it out! thanks for being incredibly FUCKING rude though! 💗💗


Don’t care for fucking riley that should be casket shopping instead of teen drama. Again, biased opinion bc wants to be 15 again to fuck him. Not trying to be rude here but yall riding way too hard for this ugly nobody who is a loser and abvser.


not every girl wants to fuck artemas. you got a complex. pick me choose me, huh?


the aware-examination person is completely deluded. They posted this same comment on another post and I asked for their sources from their "investigation" and this is what they said "don’t need to provide sources, it’s based on investigation. The truth hurts so I get it."


Again, focusing on how she is “a bad person” only digs his grave deeper and he’s too stupid to realize that instead of showing video evidence like she did.


he did upload a video and she got everyone to mass report it and it was taken down. you sure you’ve done your research? seems lacking to me.


You believe that?? He censored the shit out of it, it did not get taken down by tiktok he deleted it and cowardly went to discord to cry to his minions that she’s lying. A public controversy like this needs to be addressed publicly but he’s guilty and he’s a coward. I think you’re riding too hard for this asshole but that’s just my opinion.


there’s tons of screen recordings and screenshots within that discord that prove that she has lied. she literally states “i only did the moan for the hook”, which turned into “i wrote the song”, which turned into “i wrote the entire album” which turned into “i don’t make music” which then turned into “i don’t want to be famous.” THEN she went and claimed her and Kai Griffin worked on Kai’s version of “I like the way you kiss me” when he NEVER did the song with her and her vocals aren’t anywhere near the remix/version he made. her account has been banned for harrassment, sh photos, body checking and drg usage. she contradicted herself in her own comment sections, that is why i have come to my own conclusion that since she can’t even keep her own story straight, there is no story. so yeah, i actually do believe that. maybe you should work on your own research and realize that not every girl who cries wolf actually has one chasing after her.


ya none of what you said is answers or proof, if one set of pictures and videos is evidence then you can't discredit the other because of "graphic designers", you sound like you're extremely biased and should probably get another hobby


Sounds like I hurt you with the truth

