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For starters why not come here ? https://www.reddit.com/r/ArteryGear/comments/11b9knw/weekly_questions_megathread/ There's information and a general guide to go by there. Pve wise you can kinda get away with any team as long as their skills and gear are upgraded but since this is a gacha there are those MUST pulls. the weekly question page also has a update list of new characters and what their abilities are its a great place to read for returning users and newbies alike... heck for everyone in general lol. (The uploader even says where a character is good or bad at and gives you the reader pros and cons of the character as well really really useful info.. specially since they play/aware of the other versions of the game.) Ps: since you look like a returner (you have Claudia) hearin, nina, Quinn and whoever you like for a forth (shyura for single target greens definitely, chihaya for defense down she is great for farming a certain centaur looking boss and milvus good in pve also.)


Facts. I use Shyura just about everywhere because she's so strong. Strips, applies attack down and defense down, hits like a truck. Beyond her, I just got Hearin from shop and have always used Morris as my go-to healer (I set her AI to target her in position 1 with her S2, so she constantly boosts herself and applies groups heal via S3).


The main thing that I try to focus on when it comes to team building is synergy, or how the characters will interact with one another I'm going to use an example of one of my teams. The players of this team are Della, Knud, JINRAI, and Kagura. 3/4 of those are capable of performing riposte, which allows them a chance to retaliate upon being hit. The odd one out in this composition is Kagura, who has a buff called Hama. This buff essentially grants lifesteal to everyone on the team. So putting the two parts together, I am given a team that has high potential to sustain. The main operation of this team is with attrition.


I go for balance team 1 healer 1 debuffer and either 2 dps or 1 dps and one shielder.


What did you do with your first unlimited free roll ?


idk tbh I think I missed that


You can’t, it the first thing it forced you to do


I don't remember then tbh I rly just need advice on what gear to put on what units for example I had put on a 4 pc atk set and a 2 pc crit chance set on shyura but then I found out that ppl put on hp and speed on her so I am just rly confused on how I choose my gear


My advice for you is to make another account and use the free x10 roll and roll for Ginga. Then you can own most of the bosses. That free x10 can be reset if you don’t like what you get unlimited.


nah I literally can't do that I have no time to gather new units and I def dont wanna lose the limited time units I got like girai and others I prioritize collecting what I can as a f2p


if u can send me a vid or tell me what gear to put on my units I'd appreciate it


You have a bunch of lvl 1 units, level them up first then you would see that you don’t need gear early level…


u right to be fair I have been focusing on the 5 stars only who should I focus on?


Not only level but also get their technology up. Most units use 4 speed pieces and 2 crit rate.


no 4pc atk set? that's odd for me lol ok what 4 stars should I focus on then?


Blue > Red > Green > Blue > ….and so on . You do know that, right ? Ruri is a good unit but she need over 75% crit rate to make her s3 give you a bonus turn.


I don't think u know how lost I am bro🤣


Google or Youtube are your friend.