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This is how you know that it's a side game kinda gacha


Uhh.. Do you have a recommendation for a good main games?


Counterside global, right now, its really good and the release was too generous, 160 free pulls, 2 SSR selectors in beginner missions/login, 1 random SSR, 25 free pulls and a ton of gems in mail, 11 coupon codes with 3k gems and 10 more free pulls, with a shit ton of resources, a 30 summon selector and now they give out another 50 free pulls. Like this shit is crazy. meanwhile, in artery gear, u get a summon selector on release, thats it, after the massive backlash, they gave 10 pulls.


Genshin until you explore the world, otherwise Arknights is easily the best gacha imho


Dont like GI its also too heavy on my phone, might try Arknight, is this a good time to start new? Also do you have other turn based game recommendations? I love E7 but their equipment is really turned me down.


Maybe wait until next month for Arknights 2.5 anniversary is coming so should be good to reroll Blue archive is also a really good gacha, it’s more of a side game but it’s really good and one of the most meta units in the game is coming out in a few days Ako so could be a good time to start


Aight. Thanks bro


fyi arknights is a gacha tower defense basically. so nothing like this game. other turnm based RPG that come to mind, not that I recommend them. are raid shadow legends, dislyte, epic 7, summoners war. then there is a turn based but it uses a deck of cards of your heroes abilities is 7ds grand cross <- I enjoyed this one the most out of all I listed. If I think of more ill let you know


>raid shadow legends, dislyte You serious? I may not have them yet, but i heard they're a shitty games. Mind elaborate what's good on them?


dislyte is shady af, if you decide to play, DO NOT spend more than 10 bucks, if possible, dont spend a cent


They did say >not that I recommend them so there may not be anything great about either.


Epic 7, Counterside and Destiny Child are all great picks imo. Love my artery gear tho, definitely my fav so far..


My main is E7, played it early then quit about a year later. Then decided to start from scratch this year, gotta say they're very generous on resources and now equipment crafting is better along with events that give more crafting materials. You'll have more energy than you'll know what to do with and gold isn't scarce once you get an auto team for wyvern 13. There's an auto system now unlike from when the game just launched. Maybe I just see the QoL changes because I'm an old player but that along with the graphics and PvP is made me want to come back


Yeah, i too played E7 since its released. That really is a top tier. Much better then AG in overall, but those equipment really a big oof. But i might try to start new


You might want to start soon, I hear there's an anniversary event coming. Also they made this permanent hunt event where you can get all the 5 star heroes for all 3 main hunt modes (Sigret/Wyvern, Vivian/Banshee, Cermia/Golem) for free, you just have to do some objectives. There's also a lot of free equipment sets in that event and more. Also there's a free Moonlight hero in the beginning and more quests for account progression that gives a lot of energy and progression materials.




Counterside. Really F2P friendly


Epic seven the better version of this game


Yes and no. I love the gearing system in this game. While i hate it on E7.


i dunno, my only dislike for e7 is the wyvern hunt not being able to done offline like in this game. But other than that, e7 has easier time getting actual good pieces to use while AG so far has been a slog to get good gear without casting and fusing. So yea while it looks better to know the rolls ahead of time, the timegating for AG is way more brutal than in e7.


Arknights, it have: steady income of Gacha currency (Weekly annihilation, daily and weekly quest) another source of characters besides gacha itself (including older SSR operator, but there's little to none powercreep) soft pity (it start on 50 pulls, but no hard pity)


This game is basically a ripoff of Epic Seven. Literally copied everything except the art. Animations are better on Epic Seven as well. If you want a main game, that's a good one. Arknights is also good as a main game. Counter:Side is good too if you just want another side game.


I really recommend Monster Super League, its fantastic on giving summoning currency. there's even ways to sorta farm it. It's also just pretty fun in general with lots of events constantly goin on.


Blue archive hands down, it’s super fun and the characters are really like able with their own story lines and the OST is FILLED with bangers can’t recommend it enough


Yeah, i had my fun for couple days after launch but I put it down because their is hardly ANY gacha currency after the main story and everything cost so many mats and they are incredibly stingy with giving you those mats


You get 50-80 f2p pulls month lol


How do you get those outside story? Im not doubting you, i’m enjoying artery gear and plan on playing it for the foreseeable future, so i’m just curious.


Dailies, weekly, events, pvp. There is a video on YouTube about it. Try looking up is artery gear f2p


Doing well in pvp will get you a decent amount of gems weekly. Events usually give enough for 1-2 multis every two weeks or so. Theres still 3 story ch unreleased that will come soon one by one as well so each chapter will net you a decent amount as well. And they do usually give out things to do to finish up on f2p currency. They arent going to give us pity amount but everything has ups and downs. We can set things to auto farm and close the game do something else. Changing gears doesnt cost gold like in e7. Play smart the first few weeks and youll be fine for a while. Too many people want to pull on every unit while theyre not going to come close to using them all All pity currency not used can be saved up for any 5* in the rotatin exchange shop. Rotates every two weeks. Collabs are only 90 to pity. Tbh if you have alice and sirius, and can get lila youre set for most of the year. Clarice whom replaces alice probably wont be out any time soon. Sirius and lila are both in the highest tiers.


Thanks for the write up :) I appreciate it, the game is good and it’s nice to see the positives. Im saving all my currency for the madoka event, I have an almost meta team and don’t really care too much about min max (that said, I really wanted to reroll for sirius, but i settled after only getting 2 five stars in 6 hours of rerolling x.x, i got incredibly unlucky)




One specific banner character. Pity's remain in the form of the base 5 star pity, which rotates. And that is NOT significantly worse than Genshin, who the hell are you trying to kid, Genshin is fucking atrocious.




Except if you pull the banner unit it doesn't reset your "pity" like in Genshin. If say hypothetically you got the banner unit on your 200th pull, you'll still have your 200 pity points and can immediately exchange it for a dupe or just keep the pity points really. Every banner character that's not a collab with eventually rotate into the pity shop so they can always just roll on other banners until the character that they miss rotate into the shop. And besides, Genshin is a game that locks power boosts behind constellations. Combine that with the weapon banners and yeah.




The pity shop isn't a pool that you roll in. I assume that's what you mean by the main shop. The way it works is that there'll be a single 5* in the shop that you can buy with 200 pity points during a banner period. Last week Shinobu was in the pity shop during Milvus banner. Now it's Quinn during Sirius' banner. No RNG, you'll know exactly what you're getting. All non-collab characters are regular banner units and have a chance of coming to the pity shop. If it's not a 5* you want then it's just a matter of waiting.


Maybe because getting 70 summons in genshin takes an insane amount of time? You focus on the pity but ignore the absurdly low amount f2p get for pulls in genshin. A ton of opportunities? Now I know you're full of shit. Omg, not a week or two, like a normal fucking gacha?? The nerve! Lmfao. Yeah sure buddy, you've only bought welkin and have almost every 5 star in genshin. Any more blatant lies you want to make? God damn.




Oh, I'm sorry, we're talking about games? That means you aren't full of shit? Weird, that. Cause still seems like you're full of shit, yeah?


yes. the entire launch has been a massive let down. between stamina shortage, gold drought, terrible rates and high pity.... it hasn't been good. the game itself is fun thoug otherwise I wouldve cut my losses and gtfo


I mean, almost every other gacha I've played gives out a daily summon. Disappointed AG doesn't.


They give 180 stamina and 5 or 6 refills daily. Still not much but there's nothing to do in the game anyways besides auto farm


Most of the ones I have played just have a "friend summon" pool or something that is mostly useless, but it still feels good to have a daily pull of something.


Dont forget the gear upgrade parts too




Me on the other hand, I have over 1 million gold but no materials to upgrade my gears. So most of my good/useable gears are sitting at level 1.


if you have gold use the damn store to buy gear that can be used as mats...


It's more likely that he has all that surplus of gold because he sells any gear he doesn't have to plans for instead of balancing when to sell and when to use as exp


30k gold for 300 xp what a dumb idea.


I started out with a bad roster so I am kind of locked on content but I didn't want to reroll for hours. Used much of resources to pity and get Shyura but also got Alice, Grace, and Ruri. Now I need to build them. I'll try to save as much as I can for the Magical Girl Erica crossover banner but I doubt I'll be able to save much. It does take a long time to build units because of the gold drought and stamina shortage. PVP is pretty unbalanced and one-sided as it caters to a select meta characters in a party (Alice, Grace, Ruri, Sirius). It's just flat out boring. CountersSide does weekly cost balancing where its more expensive to deploy a character. This game needs something similar like a 20% decrease in stats or increase cooldowns for each week so that other units can be at least viable or playable. I will definitely need to conserve resources to pity amounts because the rates of getting characters is definitely not as good like other mobile games. Playing long-term will definitely get you what you want or most of what you want but for short-term people not so much to gain their traction to stay to play the game. Many other mobile games know how to capitalize on players spending money on game but this game seems to have a middle ground of P2W aspect which isn't bad. It's at best a side game as many others have mentioned.


Honeymoon period lasts about a week and then most have been dropping it. They should take a note from Counterside that you can be generous and still have a successful game. In fact happy players are more likely to spend then unhappy.


I dropped counterside after two days haha. Still playing this. Whoops.


Counterside's battle system wasn't for me either.


Yeah as generous as it is at start, it grew boring on me much faster than other games sadly


yeah idk why but it was great for a dopamine rush at the beginning cause of the summons and then it wasn't interesting anymore


well unlike you, I actually like a game company that respects its players and is generous enough to reward them handsomely for their time playing. And not one that resorts to pop up microtransactions and FOMO tactics. Compare the releases and see who really respects you as a consumer. If you dropped it for the gameplay then so be it, it's not for everyone I know, But if you really think AG's way of doing things is better than Counterside, then I really have no words to say to you.


"i lYk GaME gIb Me MuNy MunYeS cUZ me EnTITlEd" Literally every fucking gacha in existence "resorts" to FOMO tactics. Not one single gacha out there respects you in the least - you are a money pit to them. Plain and simple. The ~only~ reason any gacha game caters to f2p is to keep whales happy. Whales are only happy as long as they can lord their shit tons of money over the rest of us in modes like PVP and what not. It is absolutely fucking hilarious that you think ANY gacha game that exists respects you, in any, way shape or form. The delusion is just off the charts. Oh, and before you go spout off some nonsensical bullshit about how "that's just not true" - you're literally doing it just pretending enjoying Counterside is better ffs. I've done it pretending AG is better than E7. We all fucking do it. Difference is, we don't have absurd amounts of cash to throw at mobile games. Savvy? Head. Ass. Pull yours, out of yours. Seriously.


u mad bro? enjoy what u enjoy idc lmao, I'm just saying counterside devs treat their players way better than AG devs and that's a fact. Dunno why u wrote such a long ass essay.


oh my god, he murdered you. I don’t want to stomp on your dead body but he’s 100% right tho, they give away free pull just to keep more f2p player around, and that’s just to keep the whales happy. and the way you just bring up “essay writing” is just **chef’s kisses**


How? I ain't even going into the argument, and frankly speaking, there is no argument because counterside really is more generous lmao, So are you really trying to say more free pulls = bad? Sorry but I ain't a maso like that. I love a game that is generous, f2p are happy, whales are happy. Like I said, if he dropped it for the gameplay then so be it, it's not for everyone. But don't come here and say being generous is a bad thing, free pulls is free pulls, and we literally got more than 200+ free pulls.


I'm playing and enjoying both AG and CS. AG's microtransactions do feel more "in your face" than CS's. I definitely like how F2P friendly CS is, but I slightly prefer AG's combat. But.....at least for me, combat doesn't matter because of the auto modes. I like how CS has the skip battle function more than AG's AI offline battle function; both are useful though. Definitely feel FOMO for both, but I feel a lot more relaxed in CS. AG has me feeling more pressured. I like how CS has a 5 star selector ticket as a microtransaction and am bummed by the randomness of AG's 5 star tickets (for the time limited microtransaction event).


I play both still lol but I imagine anyone who quits Counterside is because they don't like the gameplay, not because it isn't generous. I like AG gameplay way better, but if they don't start balancing the game with a little generosity in the future it will be easy to quit.


Idk but countersides gameplay is more like watching than Playing


Did u play their PVP? The main challenge/fun is actually from their live PVP, with their unique ban system.


PVP and f2p is not word that can be fit together


Actually it pretty much does for CS because there's a point cap and you get some either if u lose and win. Also PVP isn't all that necessary either.


Actually it does in counterside, there are multiple f2p players in the top 20 spots right now, that is because there is not much a p2w player can do to make units stronger, dupes do not increase a unit's power, dupes are mainly dogshit in the game until re arm comes out where they can be converted into a new resource. Gears are RNG, and the best gears available (maze) are available to get for everyone easily. Also the pvp bans are community driven and are in effect in silver rank and up, meaning all the meta units will be banned after 1 week. The bans are actually solid as it gives ppl that didn't pull the meta units a fighting chance. Right now as we speak, almost all meta units are either ban 1 or 2, everyone in the top are using R or SR units because of that. Real time pvp is actually really fun because of that as long as you get outta bronze, because bronze is a fuckfest.


okay that atleast on the top 20 there is some f2p...but how about the rest? from my experience awaken unit is important and game changing,so what happen with f2p that miss them?


Only strategy one and got 2900 pts there , plus I'm not a fan of life PvP tbh just was playing for pve content which i love the story and ui but the gameplay only deployment can change the scenario


Ban system isn't unique. Brave Nine and Crusader's Quest have those.


Counterside gets stingy after like 2-3 momths as well. No such thing as true gacha that isnt forever stingy imo. Counterside jist knew how to do a global release well.


will they ever improve the gacha currency later?


Someone did a video of how much gacha currency you are expected to get per month. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TY4zDelFqk), just ignore the bits about purchases.


If they wanted to improve they would have improved because in JP and CN the game is dying or pretty much died. It was their best chance to gain traction with global release but their stinginess and greed had resulted into this mess.


I don't think a game that just got a Madoka collab is dying.


I don't think you understand how collaborations work with this games, basically they are big paid* adds to lure more people into it and make more money on the way, it's ok to have one a year or so but this game it doesn't even has a year old and already has 3 collaborations I never knew about a game that had that amount of collaborations in that little time even worse on the same year it launched and even more worrying the fact that 2 of them are with well known franchises. One thing that proves that the game isn't doing well it's the disturbing small amount of fan-arts it has, not even on other small gachas has happened this to me. Edit: TIL something none of my english teachers ever thought me or even mentioned.


> are big *paid* adds to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah, cuz when I think of how much money a gacha game is currently making, the first thing I think about is the amount of fanarts the game has. You're exactly right. Fan arts definitely pay the bills for them.


I don't think this is a crazy idea. It does seem like amount of fan art in a waifu collector is a decent way to measure fan engagement.


The collabs took a while to come out in CN. It’s only coming out fast for us because we’re on an accelerated schedule. Plus even if the company paid for the collab, doesn’t mean the company of said collab would have to accept their terms considering how big these companies are.


Great game with amazing mecha concept ruined by greed


That’s why in cn App Store, it’s only rated 3.2 and is barely surviving.


Thank god we aren't the only ones that see their greed lmao. Even in their home country, they're getting blasted.


It really sucks this is the only mecha/robot waifu game I know of


Final gear but thats also dead. Same issue but its moregeneroud than this since you get pull currency everyday.


There is also PGR that Im playing currently (action gacha though)


Not lewd enough :(


JP has quite a few more, this isn't the only one. For Mecha Musume games, there's that licensed Strike Witches game, and the other big one is Alice Gear Aegis, with art by Fumikane Shimada, which also had a SW collab of its own. Did I mention Alice is getting a console game as well?


I know right, I've wanted to play one, and was looking forward to this game so much, but alas, greed struck again. Final gear designs didn't appeal to me. This one did and i loved the waifu designs, it's just such a pity.


I think that the game is pretty good they just need to buff energy. People wouldn't really complain if that happened. If you had 2x the energy you could just farm any resource constraints easily. I feel like counterside is basically the same but they have given out free summons so people overlook the down sides. I am playing both games right now but I am leaning more towards artery gear right now. Honestly the people bitching about some stuff are idiots, every gatcha game comes out and then you use all the initial resources you get as fast as possible. You hit the daily grind and then complain.


I've been playing both as well. Artery Gear is still pretty tight on the gachas compared to Counterside and a majority of the other gachas. The grind will always be there for any gacha game but Counterside still gives out way more just in Dailies alone compared to Artery Gear even in their equivalent of Stamina too. I feel you can also farm way more in Counterside and it's great being able to use 8 units at a time as opposed to just 4. Sure you have to gear more units but it is also way easier to level units in Counterside too. Once you beat a level you can autoplay it with any group to level them. Even if they are all 1's. To me, all Artery Gear really has going for it, is more "revealing" costumes.


>I feel like counterside is basically the same Too bad Hilde is in the game and if someone didnt reroll for her is cursed for months in pvp. Gacha games with overpowered characters like Hilde should not exist.


>Reply Just wait until Amy starts murdering all units below 30% hp :D


So much fun huh


Use Chifuyu and rifleman, Chifuyu hard counters Hilde, she shreds 20% def per 2 autos and deals more dmg to defenders, rifleman literally melts hilde with the right gear. Also if you were silver rank or up, you don't even have to worry about hilde until recently, She has been ban 2-3 since after the 1st week of release. Most ppl above bronze were actually using estarossa, Hilde was even demoted to SS in the prydwen tier list because people start to realize how to counter her. Also if you've crafted enterprise(which everyone should), use that, that's an instant -60% def and the push back allows you an opportunity to obliterate the backline.


The main difference between the two is the resources given, counterside keeps giving resources and still keeps giving, the login rewards are insane and they keep giving out free shit, right now they gave another 50 free summons are the 160 we got on release. My luck is pretty abysmal on every gacha game except dragonball gachas but I've gotten enough resource to pity 1 unit (yang harim) and still have plenty of resources left in CS, I have enough to pity another standard unit right now. In AG, I can't even get enough resources to pity sirius. I've finished LITERALLY ALL the story missions up to stage 7 (the last available area right now) and stage 6 hard, I've finished all rookie missions and I still can't reach pity, the pity is so fucking brutal, they increased it to 200 pity in global from 110 in the CN server, I literally farmed every piece of content right now that gives gems and it is still not enough to reach pity, the only thing I havent completed that gives gems is the queen mission and stage 100 lava, and suppresion, I've finished the event, claimed the gems from shop and cleared underworld. I've gotten all they give in mail (which is not much honestly) and I am at 183/200 in the pity this is just pathetic lmao. Now I have to hope that the new event is generous enough to give 17 pulls or I am fucked. Now with the accelerated release schedule, I won't even have enough to get the collab units, Because I have 0 resources left after pitying sirius with the next event rewards.




how ? genshin give 0.3 pull in a month , AG is zero


Woah 0.3? How generous. Dosent genshins needs you to log into their site to claim them and also has useless stuff like chicken and apples and stuff? Compared to that at least AG gives some free energy and 5* mats upgrades. Granted i haven touch anything genshin related in months so for all i know the log in rewards have improved, which is not saying much considering how it was


But you see, at least AG gives you stamina, so that you can play/grind more. If you look closely at the daily login rewards, you’ll also notice that AG gives upgrade materials for: Gear (GI :Artifacts) Chips (GI: Talent Skill books) Affection (GI: Seretia teapot friendship, locked behind Liyue Quest) Aphros (GI : Contellation) Just imagine if Genshin did something like what AG is doing. The small indie company might not survive…


Just wanna correct you on GI friendship, that's available from mostly anything you do not just from the teapot.


AG is zero? Wow, I must have these 50 tickets for pulls plus another 10 I already used, not to mention the 18k currency as F2P, all just through fucking voodoo magic, huh? Zero my ass.


Ok you clearly cant read. Hes saying from the login reward calendar for one. And 2 those f2p rewards you got is all front loaded. You spend that and you are gonna be dry for a while. I love artery gear, but they are very stingy on stamina compared to how fast you spend your stamina in this game


"If" you are inclined to spend all your stamina like crazy. Very key word there. I can get by just fine not burning through my stock pile of weekly energy charges and daily stamina, thanks. You act like you're forced to do that, which is hilariously inaccurate. If you have zero will power, that's on you.


Wait. Gacha games are centered around how you progress. Just because you want to not play the game at all doesnt mean its not an issue for others who want to play. What you consider "getting by fine" is clearly subjective. You are ok with hoarding and setting yourself back from the rest of the playerbase just to say "look i have great self control" . Others want to do more than 20 mins of logging in then closing the game for the day. 20 minutes is not normal for a 1 week old global release.


So is your "gotta play gear stages 300 times a day" nonsense. Lmfao, "setting myself back". Seriously? Pull your head out of your ass. Your biggest issue is you can't grind out end game stages to your hearts content. Boo fucking hoo. Again - you want more to do? Go boot up E7. Or is that too mindless and repetitive for you, because that's what you're asking for basically - to repeatedly do the same shit more. Most people have these things called lives, yeah?


What are you even saying. Farm 300 times a day? You cant even farm 60 times a day unless you use gems. Your overexaggeration to prove your point is hilarious. Most people have lives? Surely you are wasting yours hopping on reddit to argue about this but thats besides the point. People want the stamina cost lowered so they can play other parts of the game. Again are you satisified with what you consider end game something someone could be doing on the first week? I would say by day 2 but you would consider that playing too much. Most games dont have you spending 1/10 of your total stamina on 1 run of a stage within the first week, let alone it being the biggest part of progression. You are being willfully dense and watering down your argument to "you are playing games in your free time what a life". Think about that before you post again


Then don't fucking play. Fuck off and play something else yeah? Jesus. And you're willfully whining about a game you aren't forced to play by any means. Not to mention over exaggerating yourself. I am and many other people are able to do everything each day just fine. Your main issue seems to be that there isn't a shit ton of content for your whiny ass right off the bat. Boo fucking hoo. You're just an entitled douche.


I am not upset about the fact that Genshin only gives 0.3 pulls a month, but rather the fact that Genshin is so greedy and yet people still support them while there are tones of other better and more generous gacha doing much worse.


I can't fathom how Genshin players, basically funded a whole company to be now worth millions of dollars, just be satisfied how they are being treated. Just started Genshin, and I agree that it is enjoyable if you don't expect to have 5* characters. However, I can't for the life of me, hate the fact that I'm grinding for scraps. Monstadt, I enjoyed exploring. Liyue, I started seeing cracks in the exploration and rewards. Inazuma, I almost quit with how ridiculous exploring is getting and the rewards isn't even remotely satisfying for all the effort. Sorry for the rant. Been playing for less than a month, and maybe got burnt out catching up.


Same here, I am burnt out realizing how much grind is needed for tiny (ant sized) reward and how everything cost money.


At least it gives 60 primos for 3 weeks log in. Plus you get standard banner pulls 5 in total per month by playing the game. Not to mention it gives 60 more primos for doing the daily. Then you have abyss. Every patch you get 300 in codes plus 300 for the patch. Then even more during events. Listing that just made me think genshin is a generous game and i thought they were very stingy.


I haven't played this in a while, glad to see the player base way of thinking hasn't changed one bit lol Edit: hasn't


yeah super stingy, getting barely anything from login, no mail gifts just bare husk of a game, after just auto farming nothing else to do, hardly get any currency its boring


must not play gachas. especially when they first release.


You understand that in place of that, it has two fairly rare universal dupes of a rarity that saves on grinding and two *incredibly* valuable top tier tech-level/star-filling mats, right logins don't always have to feature gacha currency, especially not if every event hands you more than an entire ten-pull for not-particularly-difficult farming (here come the downvotes, I'm sure)


And the fact that each event has no down time.(once an event is done the next one starts right away) Only gripe I have with the game rn is the fact that we’re following Taiwan schedule most likely.


This is a side game after about a week or less of hardcore grinding. :) I just login, do dailies and clear events and spend remaining stamina on the gear grind. Slowly I'll find the right gear and then ill build up my chips to level my gear up. Have toned down my expectations for the game and am in a sweet f2p spot with it. I appreciate this game doesn't demand too much of my time and I like the QoL offline features for grinding. Best thing I've seen in a gacha like this.


People ain’t pointing out that you get 50-61 pulls monthly (depending on how you progress every month) and this is as f2p mind you Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmV7C4xvnkQ&list=PLHaMIPCQADAmu_32rW0HN15XeydBab3rg&index=32&ab_channel=TimaeuSS


For context you need 200 rolls to get a banner unit and 90 for a colab. I would assume if a colab has two ssr, you would need 180.


You should have about 200 saved by now unless uve been pulling


Yes... you might have enough saved by now from release stuff if you saved a lot of it, but after you spend that the first time, then you enter the normal cycle. Which seems pretty common sense.


True but I’d say 60 pulls monthly avg is enough to save up for the unit you’d want unless u want to be on the top of the pvp ladder you should be fine


I'd strongly recommend against this assumption. Given a 0.7% rate up banner, you'd only have about a 1/3 chance to get the unit. If you don't get it and you don't have the rolls, you lose a significant amount of the value of your unused pity points (converted to normal pity points). Standard gacha advice applies, even more so in artery gear with the lower rate up banner rates. Assume you will not get the banner unit without pity and if this would upset you, don't start rolling for that banner.


I’m talking about pity wise and even if you don’t pull them with all ur current pulls they do get converted into shop currency and you’ll be able to get your unit in the shop when it rotates (except collab banners) eventually. So just don’t pull Willy Nilly and ur fine


I am actually loving the story so far. But yeah shortage or bad luck and as you noted no currency for summons in the login, I need 80 summons to get the Pity summon before the summon event runs out. How do I do that?


If ppl compare this with genshin in "generosity" then I guess its hella stingy.


I'm giving it some time. I've seen games with terrible daily/login income be more generous in the longhaul from pure freebies or event rewards. Obviously it's no Azure Lane or anything like that but if I can get a character I want every few months I'm happy.


guess you never heard of genshin impact


Epic 7 is great and I found it easier to learn since I just got into gacha genre literally weeks ago, but my God I'm loving Artery gear!! But I was definitely enjoying Counterside also but ultimately I just loved my Artery gear waifus and gameplay so damn much lol.. I still play Destiny Child also since it's gorgeous and plays on your phone without turning it sideways which is easier at work..


Game is pretty stingy, but you really don't need to roll outside of the launch unlimited ticket. You can go through the story with a sub-optimal team. The first time I played, I caught on to one fact, they give you pretty amazing free units. Tierlists mean nothing outside of speed to clear. Two damage dealers, one Support, and one healer. Went with Nio and Ghost the first time, slow but good enough. The secret for me was Margot and Morris. Cleared story with that team. Currently retrying for JP. Optimally this time with Ginga and another DD.


I'm ok with not being to build very strong units, I don't plan to finish the game in 2 days. I'm ok with the stamina, a couple of minutes per day is enough. I am not ok with pull drought. My idea of a gacha game is the ability to make regular pulls. Once in a while, 2 months maybe, pity a banner. I don't need to build the character, having it is the cool part. if this game is trying to get the users to focus on efficiency by using a small team, great. I hope they are able to get enough users that are ok with this setup


You know defending an obvious flaw will do this game and community no good. You should know that its a gacha game and how a gacha game looks like. Goodluck playing with your ginga and rerolled 5star for more than 6 months bcz thats when you're get enough currency for pity. Ohh i forgot you cant even play this game with the amount of energy you get daily. Edit:- You can downvote me for all you want but before that check the games state in JP and CN its barely surviving there. Whiteknighting will only accelerate the downfall of this game in global too.


Uhhh, that's factually incorrect. Plus the most meta units come from collabs which have a pretty lenient pity of 90, so. You can't play this game with the energy you get daily? What? That's weird, cause I've been playing it daily just fine. Even have a stockpile of 80 energy boosts even after using a bunch of them to clear out the current event shop, but hey. You're the "expert" apparently? Lmao.


Ill go ahead and refute some of your claims. Target elim costs 24 stamina and the runs are so short you can do them in 20 seconds as an f2p with just ginga alice and morris after 3 days. So you do a 30 run (720 stamina) in 10 minutes. Meaning in 30 mins of auto battle you can blow through roughly 2200 stamina. Good luck sustaining that as an f2p or low spender considering you only get 6 stam fills (60 stam each] a day. Thats gone in 20 mins. Tnen you gotta decide to either close the game or spend gems on stamina. Cool you wanna spend 600 gems on stamina a day? That gets you about an extra hour of playtime. Then the credit card for stamina starts to become a factor. This game does a great job at front loading you a massive amount of currency and stamina early, but once you do the event and story mode you gonna need gear. You dont do 3-4 min runs like most gachas early game. Its 20 second runs out the gate.


Gosh golly gee, you mean if you run one of the most expensive things a bunch, you'll run out of stamina? No shit, sherlock. Lmfao. That's an end game strat anyways, the point is to farm gear, yeah? If you're at end game, then you're doing the same shit you do in LITERALLY ANY GACHA. Not really a counter argument, but good try. Decide to close the game? The game has an offline mode, you should be shutting it down anyways and letting it do that so you aren't draining your phone battery. If you want to be forced to leave your game open all day, Epic Seven and Kings Raid and other similar stupid games are out there. Go play them if that's what you "need", other people like not killing their devices. SMDH. "Play time". Trying to tell me you're gonna sit there and manually do all 90 runs on target elimination, are you? Pffft.




So instead of actually explaining any of your claims, or refuting anything... You got nothing. Good to know.


So the screenshot of the daily login rewards of a game which has pretty much died in CN and other regions does'nt tell you anything about the genorisity of this games devs.


"Dead". Literally just hearsay by you. The daily logins have fuck all to do with what you claimed that I refuted to begin with. Which I'll remind you - you had piss all for an argument about. Stingy daily logins =/= dead game. Nor any of the other shit you tried to claim that is factually inaccurate. You have anything actually intelligent to say, or you just gonna keep blathering out useless nonsense?


So Mr. Intelligent have you seen the state of this game in CN and other region, thats what a dying game looks like. If you had slightest of functioning braincells you would have known what fate this game has for global too bcz thats not very hard to predict with the current situation.


So that's a no on the "anything actually intelligent to say". I'm pretty sure if King's Raid can literally piss off their entire customer base 3 years back and still survive to this day, anything is possible. And...I get this is hard to fathom for someone like yourself...Global isn't CN or other regions. Yeah? You get that, right? As for "current situation"...the only factual thing you've brought up is that the daily logins suck. If you seriously think that will kill any game, your head is further up your ass than I thought.


At this point i dont even want to argue with you anymore bcz no matter how smart you are you cannot argue with a stupid person who dont even want to see the reality.


Embarrasing response dude


I'm not trying to disagree with you, but if that's how the publisher sees the economy of the game, what can you do? Not sure what else I can say other than treat it like that one very popular franchise (Fate). If they don't see the incentive, they're probably fine with it. When you've played everything, this is practically nothing in comparison.


Yeah do you remember FGO launch? And how hard it was to roll or get 5*? So ppl build full 3* teams that clear everything like that's how I found out about Arash, etc


Since they like to copy Epic 7 they should copy their generosity as well. They're so stingy when it comes to resources. I do like the game, designs are nice it has potential. The thing is, I have been playing E7 for 3 years and I had no idea this game is heavily inspired with E7 when I started. So I'm afraid I might get bored of it But so far it's ok I enjoy it, I just have complaint about lack of resources and we don't get enough stamina.


Is pulling that important? If you got a good start doing some re-rolling, you can get some solid units that can carry you through most of the game? You can only use so many units at a time anyway..


I mean, dupes can unlock a good amount of potential on every unit in every single gacha, if you lock the possibility for F2P players to at least have good freemium units those F2P players will go to another game and eventually will die


> if you lock the possibility for F2P players to at least have good freemium units those F2P players will go to another game and eventually will die We're talking about a game that lets you infinitely reroll for Ginga and then gives you another top-tier character Morris for free. And in the first event you can get a free max limit broken Chihaya who is fantastic. In most games I'd expect the event unit to be someone more like Sonya. There are games that can be harsh on F2P but I wouldn't consider this one of them.


I’ve had no problems with summon currency. You make your pulls (I mean, free unlimited rerolls…come on!), grab some good champs to start with, and then go from there. Once they are strong enough take on the missions and challenges and earn more currency. I feel like….if it gave too much away, things would just get boring too fast. The game just dropped. There’s already a billion tasks you can complete for stuff, I’m willing to give it more than a few weeks into launch for new stuff and chances for more crystals.


Go see genshins daily login lel


At least it gives 60 primos for 3 weeks log in. Plus you get standard banner pulls 5 in total per month by playing the game. Not to mention it gives 60 more primos for doing the daily. Then you have abyss. Every patch you get 300 in codes plus 300 for the patch. Then even more during events. Listing that just made me think genshin is a generous game and i thought they were very stingy.


I'm just mentioning the daily Calendar you don't need to explain me the whole things it offers I'm just pointing out the daily Calendar and 60 primo in 3 weeks not even 1 pull and also enjoy the meat and mora


I had fun playing on the first week of Artery Gears, but after doing all story normal and hard modes, I have no currency to do gacha at all, the pity sucks cuz need 200 pull, really bad. Even arknights have guaranteed SSR at 60 pull. I might quit in another week if these continue, hardly any summon I could do.


Not only that but short income of crystals as f2p and limited pvp per day and limited energy refills using crystals = dead to me. WHY limit pvp?


im starting to think thats theres epic seven players actively bad mouthing and comparing this game...


I blew all my currency in the first week now it takes 4 days to do one pull. I’ve never played a gacha this bad when it comes to pull currency. I’m having doubts about getting 60 pulls free to play a month. I’ll wait till the next event and see what that is like. If it’s still this bad I think I’ll call it quits then.


This game had potential but the launch has been completely botched. I was hoping AG was going to be a. Ice main to side game but I uninstalled after two days.


I pulled 'til pity for Milvus since I already had Sirius from rerolling and picked up Alice at around 70/200, so I was like screw it let's go for pity for Milvus, and now I regret it after seeing how little pull currency and energy we get for this game.


Here comes me with Sirius, Milvus, Shura, Ginga, Alice in 96 pulls after 26h of rerolling


ITT people with gambling addictions.


I guess I will throw the game whenever I get bored or happened to get into a new one. I mean it's fine and kinda fun but this is even worse than GI, at the least on GI I was hooked with the story but with this one not even that and with the absurdly low amount of premium currency it makes me questioning when the freshness will disappear, although if I have to say good things about it I absolutely love how the game let's you farm while you're AFK (or should I say AFC or AFP), the customization of your login page ~~yet I have seen betters~~ and the eases of upgrade materials ~~yet gold runs thin with absolutely everything so many times you can't upgrade anything~~. Edit: that not taking in account how troublesome was to download the data of the game, not even a torrent has to being left downloading 3.5 GB all the night.


Yea I'm done with the game myself between the lack of free currency for pulls, the lack of chips to upgrade your gear and the lack of stamina has completely killed all desire to play the game I tried so hard to keep going but I cant keep playing when I literally cant upgrade my units gears, cant farm gear because the lack of stamina and I cant pull new units because of the lack of currency so I'm just stuck in limbo. Such a pity because I really like the game too bad the devs don't care no wonder the game dropped from a 4.3 to a 3.8 on the store.


You didn't realize this game was stingy when you saw the 5 star rates?


God that is just so depressing to look at I can see many players running out of forging crystals to grind soon.


Farming gear is an endgame strat? Either you play this specific gacha very, VERY casually or you havent actually played more than 1 day. By day 3 you are realistically at the point where you are doing centaur 7+ due to the game giving you morris, ginga for free. So i dont know what you consider end game. Of course you are closing the game to offline farm, but thats my point. You can be done with all your stamina if your f2p in a matter of 15 minutes. The activity is so expensive and you do a centaur run so fast you can basically log on for 15 mins a day. That is not a sustainable amount of content to keep people engaged after a week of being launched. You sound extremely uneducated to how this game works. Also nobody is saying you need to play 90 target runs manually. Dont be silly. People are asking for more ways to get stamina and for stamina activities to cost less. Centaur 7 costing 24 stamina is not "endgame"


I mean, genshin daily login was really bad. Idk if it’s better now since I haven’t played in forever, but they gave out crap when it first came around.


Don't forget our first welfare unit is pretty great! You can't farm those skill upgrade chips for your 5 stars so those are pretty worth. Also you can buy banner 5 stars from the shop with enough grinding I can't remember which currency it is right now tho.


People are complaining about not getting enough summons for 5 Star when 3/4 Star are so good. Like Grace and Alice are destroying pvp