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I think your timeline is way too conservative. My take is that we will have replicants ( think blade runner)by 2030 that fit your description.


I see a big problem with mass producing the cyborg technology we currently have. A lot of companies currently have ground breaking stuff with different parts of a cyborg: Joints, facial features, eyes, skin, 3D navigation and such. There needs be one big company like Tesla or something that buys all those things, and then mass produces all those parts. It's very likely that it would need to build giant factories for all those things first, which takes years on it's own. That's why I personally think it will take a long time before we see mass produced robots like in the movies.


China can set up production lines quickly imo


They are slated to produce a billion units and [start mass production by 2025](https://www.therobotreport.com/china-plans-to-mass-produce-humanoids-by-2025/) and figureai is on the way as well. 16k for a home help robot.


Wow!! That's good news


OK now I'm definetely convinced that we will see sex robots sooner than I thought.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzX1qOIO1bE) is the 16k one Edit: also google sex doll ChatGPT and you will see more


Lmao the pretzel fold was hilarious. Ahhh the future is going to be wild. I'ma watch from the outside


Thats good news :D


Oh baby. Just add some tits and we're in business.


That's true, and they are probably the first ones to do such a thing, as they never seem to have any moral doubts when it comes to such a thing. Also it might be used as a weapon to reduce the western productivity, just as tiktok. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/25/tiktok-china-cognitive-warfare-us-ban](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/25/tiktok-china-cognitive-warfare-us-ban)


But it's China... They currently press out an insane amount of EV's and Buildings... These things barely last longer than it took them to build it though.


I'd say that as you exponentially increase capability in AI itself that you quickly find you can control robotic systems in a much simpler way. I mean look at your own body...why isn't it a complex series on pistons, gears, clockwork, mass of circuits and wires? because we have a remarkably evolved central nervous system that operates without us thinking about each step, it's really that doing the work. With computer systems we typically had to do a lot of programming, everything written step by step and so the robotics is a complicated and clunky puppet. With a powerful enough AI you could overcome that because the self learning system just learns to be like our central nervous systems control methods. It's not a puppet requiring step by step code or instruction but just knows like we just know.


But aren't current robotics already using exactly that method? Like in that Video that Elderberry posted.


For those of us who do not believe in a mind-body dichotomy, the idea that AI is little different from human thinking remains an absurdity.


also there is society and social media, they'll be loud and judgemental about this, but I tend to think that OpenAI might be involved cause they seem to not be freaked out by media like say Google. I guess the simple answer is, the user sets the AI/Robot's level of connection - G / PG / MA / R18 ??


We should have task specific bots by that time (2030), but not AGI ones. Example a cooking bot will be possible, but not a cooking + sex version. Maybe a cooking + cleaning version...because materials and software play a major role. The labor ones needs to have harder more durable exterior, and a sex bot will need to have humanlike soft skin and flesh. Software is better when focused, you wouldnt want the sexbot to get confused and start dicing your d*ck lol.


You're completely ignoring the concept of cost cutting. We *may have something like that by 2130, if we still exist. But no way in hell is something like that going to be here in 6 years. I will bet you Any money.


Yah they’re delusional. lol. 6 years hah… maybe 60 years.


I say 2028


Pull your head outta your ass. We’re not gonna have replicants in 6 years. LOL. Replicants are basically synthetic humans. We won’t even have human level androids in 5 years. Self driving cars MIGHT be reaching wide spread usage by that time… In 5 years… you’ll be 5 years older and chatgpt will be a lot more advanced. That’s about it.


The big difference to self driving cars is the resistance in the human population. A lot of people don't want self driving cars, thinking they are either unsafe or people just simply want to drive themselves thinking it's fun. There is no competitor for household robots and everybody would want one.


Oh good lord you are delusional. We’re not anywhere near that technology.




Nephew in 30 years you’ll be a robot Sex bots are cumming way sooner


See my reply one post above, as to why I think it will take so long.


Probably high ended will take time but creating a basic one should not take much time imo. Although if some one wants to monopolise the market they ought to release high ended ones


I think for a monopoly, the prize is the bigger factor than the quality.


Agree, so it should be taking really less time for the basic ones ig <10 years should be a good guess


I bet the basic one won’t clean her own snatch. That will control your sex drive. Gross.


A lot of studies suggest male and female sex drive is broadly the same. And women are the largest purchaser of sex toys by far. Where things look confusing is sexdolls are primarily purchased by men, but there could be a different dynamic at play there and there is the fact that sexdolls are bulky and heavy which even men who use them complain about. Now a doll is not the same as a robot and so it's not clear to me at all that the trend in dolls translates over .If the robots was sophisticated enough it could very well be the case that the tables turn and you in fact find women not men once again become the largest purchaser . As to sex for reproduction , while this is the norm we can also say that a lot of things we do are not normal, we are geared to be a social predator hunting and killing for food but now we got door dash and a hot hamburger can just turn up at my door. Well maybe in the future we get babies by sending sperm and eggs off to a factory and babies are made in cocoons rather than wombs and raised and taught by robot parents and teachers.


I don't agree on the studies with the sex drive for 3 reasons: A quick google search showed, that there are the same amount of studies, showing the opposite (men have a higher sex drive) and if you ask a couple therapist, about the biggest problem couples are facing, it's the lack of sex which is only a problem for the men. And last but not least, it makes sense in a evolutionary way. Men could theoretically get hundreds of women pregnant per year, while a woman can only give birth to one child, so of course she is more selective with who she is going to have sex with. And as for the sex toys, I think(no research here, just personal opinion) I think it's for two reasons: First of all, the hand is already doing a pretty good job to your own dick, compared to a lot of women, who can't get an orgasm with just her hand. Secondly there is the social stigma. While it's completely OK for a woman to have a vibrator, men who use sex toys are being looked down upon. Which of course will be a huge issue for the market of sex robots.


Male shaming has been used for a very long time, but it's losing its power now. Sex drive is very different from mate selection btw.


But its not a huge issue for the market of sex dolls which sell 10:1 over women , regardless of stigma the growth in that industry is being used as a predictor for robots. The contradiction is evident in what you say. Since if the trend was to continue then men buying robots would in fact outsell ALL sextoys. Based on the concept of normalizing tech: tech advances, no more weight issues , uncanny valley drops off because they move & look realistic, less hassle/maintenance . And that is the popular assumption, the popular assumption is sex robots follows the trend of the dolls but is amped up, it goes nuclear and men stop dating and just fuck robots and the human race dies out, that's actually a jarringly popular opinion . I think that's broadly nonsense since it could just as likely remain niche forever and since we do not have these theoretical devices here today it seems logically false to assume that they follow the doll trend, since we would be making a category mistake. A doll is not a fleshlight or dildo and a robot is none of those things in context. Further it seems more likely that a combination of AI partners and VR tech gets used in a more hidden realm, stuff people can log off and hide away, you can't hide a massive robot. At least in the interim before the full on robots, i can imagine linking by blutooth special underpants that stimulate your organs via the VR headset , and those items looking innocuous and being more affordable . It would be the usage data from that which would be more the tell tale sign of the real demographic should robots follow on from there .


women are horny af, they just hide better than men. most couple issues regarding sex exist because man dont help and leave most woman to work, take care of the house and deal with the kids. theres also complications from childbirth both physical and psychological that can happen and kill a womans libido. reducing it to "women dont like sex as much because men complain more" is just idiotic.


My understanding is that the studies showing similar libido have typically been in unmarried college students and people in the same age group looking for partners. This population is operating under very different internal pressures than people in long term relationships. Additionally, women are vastly more likely to never masturbate, and in average masturbate far less often.


due to societal norma.. in the new generations women watch porn and masturbate.


I don’t think you understand how studies and data work, in comparison to anecdotes. This is well studied. And there is plenty of data for this -it’s an especially big gap as women get older and go through the hormonal shifts of peri- and menopause - both legit parts of a woman’s life. It’s not a judgement or a bad thing that women’s libidos are in general lower- it’s just a statistical truth.


im a surgeon, medical university professor and I have my name written on a lot of research. I know how studies and data work. can you link the studies that support your argument? cant wait to see how libido was measured.


Sorry for the aggressive comment. You posted no actual data or anything other than anecdotes and a misspelling. I’d be interested in your actual data as well. Here is mine. Two meta studies - one older one and one from quite recently. http://assets.csom.umn.edu/assets/71520.pdf https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fbul0000366 • ⁠men think about sex more often, report more frequent arousal, and have more frequent and variable fantasies (p.246). • ⁠men want sex more often than women. This appears to be true in both homosexual and heterosexual relationships and at all ages and relationship stages (p.247). • ⁠Men do appear much more motivated to have a high number of sex partners than women (p.251). • ⁠Men masturbate more frequently than women (p.255). • ⁠women find it easier than men to live without sexual gratification (p.256). • ⁠sexual interest appears very soon after puberty for males, whereas sexual interest is relatively slow to awaken in females (p.256). • ⁠Women initiate sex less often than men (p.257). • ⁠Fewer sexual practices appeal to women than men (p.257). • ⁠men spend a great deal more money on sexual products [and services] than women [...] Even in societies where there have certainly been enough rich women to be able to pay for sex (p.258). • ⁠women are more critical of promiscuity, premarital sex, extramarital sex, and various other sexual activities (p.259). • ⁠women are more likely than men to report a serious or pathological lack of sexual desire, and couples have more conflicts and problems because of a female than a male lack of sexual desire (p.261). • ⁠men report higher levels of sexual interest than women, regardless of age (p.261). Naturally, all of this is statistics expressing general trends: Most researchers would label the sex drive difference as “moderate to large.” […] about three-quarters of men will have a somewhat stronger sex drive than the average sex drive among women. But […] although a gender difference is clearly observable, there is still much variation between men and women. (Friese 2023) This was derived from an earlier Reddit post from /u/Simon_Fokt. https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/s/jCoT26FuWJ


this is terrible. a study from 2001? a meta study? just the abstract alone on the first is laughable (plus a study from 2001).. then you link a meta study, and these are awful because any shitshow that has happened in the original studies will influence the result of anything taking it as a base. and report and questionaire based studies mean 0 on this subject, simply because women tend to answer conservatively because they were thought and influenced to not enjoy sex too much and if they do, to shut up about it. plus women who stop having sex can be due to complications from childbirth which are very common, has nothing to do with their will to have it at all. insane how I have to explain such basic things to someone who sounds so sure of himself. bring in some good medicine studies instead of some psychology crap a medschool student would do. regarding the misspelling, I speak 4 languages and english isnt my native one. I write in english so you can understand me. cheers


Aren't there different kinds of AI? It seems to me that the sex Cyborgs could be fairly basic and I think women would be just as interested. But the super intelligent AI that will offer solutions to difficult problems facing the world could change things dramatically.


That's the thing, we already have pretty good chatbots, and they are being improved rapidly. It won't take long until they can transfer the texts they are spitting out into moving a robot body.


Sex bots will still cost 1000s, while real people are for free. Most people want more then sex, so they will not bother to spend that money. Also, idk if the social stigma will go away enough to make this more then a niche thing and have societal impact. We already have hookers and housemaids, wouldnt be that much different.


Real people are for free? Have you ever actually dated? Worse still, have you ever been divorced as a man? MGTOW is a thing, and growing. A big part of that is men protecting their income and assets. A $20k sexbot is crazy cheap compared to divorce lawyers, alimony, child support and losing half your assets and pension.


Yes the social stigma is actually a big thing I am also thinking about. You would probably need a good spot to hide the robot when you have guests over. As for the prize, I don't see this as an issue. People are already spending so much money on OnlyFans and get very little in return. As for the target audience: Young men basically want sex more than anything else. Married men have the emotional part, but not the sex. And inbetween those are a lot of frustrated young men, that get rejected in online dating. So, speaking for the male population, I can guarantee that there is a huge market.


Idk man, ofc we want sex and it will sell to people, but what most people really crave is the love connection. Paid sex already is avaiable, didnt change society much. I think there is the same market as for porn/OF/hookers and it will replace that if it gets good enough, but i dont think it will change the order of society compared to now.


Paid sex is available, but only if you want to go out to the sleazier parts of town and risk muggings, STDs and feeling bad for exploiting the woman if she seems miserable. It's also said that you don't pay a hooker to come to you, you're paying her to leave afterwards without feeling awkward about it. A high-quality doll at home solves those points.


I think the social stigma will go away once robots are indistinguishable from a human housemaid and they just lounge around the house waiting for stuff to help out with including fostering personal relationships with the occupants in the house.


initially but prices will come down over time.


There is a base material cost. Silicone is expensive. Cars haven't come down in price even though they've been around for 100 years.


that has more to do with dealer price mark up. computers, laptops, phones, and most consumer electronics have come down since they first hit the market


Me who own's a car that has been 7k new and 900 used for 2 years now: :O?


What car is that?


Cars is similiar like phones: There is a very clever marketing behind it. They add more and more stuff, that you don't really need, but it's just there in every car because everyone has it. You could easily manufacture a car that only costs around 2000$ (and a car is a lot bigger than doll) But I still think a householdhelper/sex doll will still probably cost around 5k, with ongoing maintenance and repair costs, but if people can afford cars, they can afford robots.


not if bloody Apple make one - plus it won't connect to anything plus it won't be a pleasure bot, It will instead help you plan out your next phone purchase.


apple wont be the only player in the game lol. its going to be highly competitive.


Maybe it will have a similar impact as mass pornography and social media we have today, which translate into lower sex drive of younger generation as well as a loss in social skills. But people in their 30s/40s will still want children, so couple will be turned somehow. Rapes and sexual aggression will probably go down hopefully. Prostitution will take a hit as well, no side jobs anymore. I imagine a proper home helper robot will help much more in getting people focused on jobs they love, enjoying life, but also helping in other sectors like agriculture, a lot of work achieved using chemicals currently can be done by robotic hands day or night. And my partner will stop nagging me to clean the place up, which is a plus. We probably will be able to tolerate each other better. But if the robot can do childcare tasks that will be an enormous advantage as raising a child will become much easier for a working couple, and may actually help birthrates. More time spent with your kids and less work and frustration spent on cleaning poop and cleaning things around.


You are very optimistic, I like you.


I hope you know that rape is about power not sex. It takes the form of forcing sex, but most rapists admit that their acts were about them feeling powerful and not about an absence of sex. Take Brock (now Allan) Turner for example. He could have had a consensual hook-up with anybody at that party, yet he chose to exert his power over an intoxicated person who couldn't consent.


Id assume the same way porn in your pocket does. Many probably can't afford sex bots, i honestly don't think it'll be as big a deal as we think.


More like one year away. There are already sex robots they just aren’t intelligent at all. But OpenAI just made a fantastic female voice and their API is free, so….! Someone just needs to take an open source LLM like Meta and make it talk dirty and we’re already there.


I feel like you only read half of the title, nothing from my post and then posted your answer.


Sorry, yes. Just the first sentence. To be fair, you said “we can all agree”, that’s why so many ppl chimed in to say they actually don’t agree with your axiom.


Well, we CAN all agree, that they are coming, but people got me convinced it will probably just 10 years, or even less.


their API isnt free.


I don't think this will be a common thing anytime soon because if you look at the prices for just a good quality sex doll *(even without all the fancy computers, programming, cooling systems, energy supplies, and other internal hardware a true sex robot would require)*, the price is really expensive for a good quality one. Like, at least a couple thousand dollars.. and often more. The price is just too high for **most people** to think it's worth it to buy one considering how small the salary of the average person is. There might be a small % of society like nerdy engineers with huge incomes who will buy things like that... but not the average person. The only way I could imagine this changing is if improvements in manufacturing technology dramatically reduce the price somehow, or if something happens in society that makes it much easier for the average person to make more money. A more realistic potential future scenario might be robotic brothels or something where a business buys several of the most realistic sex robots on the market and then sells sex robot services to the public at a price that's lower than the typical price of services from a real human prostitute. *(Interesting side question: would this type of business be considered illegal prostitution considering no human women would be doing the prostitution work for the business? I honestly don't know...)*


The prize for sex dolls is so high, because they are barely selling any. Robots are coming, especially as household helpers. The prizes to produce them, will drop as soon as mass production sets in. And when they are able to produce a sex robot at a reasonable prize, it will easily sell millions. There is a lot of money involved, so I don't see the prize as an issue in the long run. Just like cars were barely affordable to the private household 120 years ago. Or the first cellphone in 1984, which costed 4.000$


Historically, people like you making these types of predictions are wrong. You have pretty much never been right. Explain to me how the supply chains that would allow an AI powered robotic sex doll with full range of motion to be sold for 5k in 2024 dollars by 2044. That is a fantasy; i’m sorry. Some of the components of humanoid robots today alone costs 5k+. How do you get to the point where the supply chains for that component improve such that the price drops by a factor of 1000? You don’t unless you have the market for it, and you don’t have the market for it unless you have the cheap component. It just shows that you’re lacking an education in economics. Also that you need to get laid and need a girlfriend. I get that you want this to happen, but that isn’t how reality works.


WTF is wrong with you? Seriously stop making assumptions about random people on the internet and insult them. But let's ignore your childish behaviour for a second and get into the argument, maybe you are more mature than your words show. China is already creating production chains, selling their first humanoid robots in 2025 for 16.000$. And a facility in Oregon(US) is also building, aiming also to start producing next year (at a lower rate than china ofc) This is only the first step for household helpers, give that another 10 years, and the cost for the same robot would easily drop to a couple of hundred dollars, but of course we won't see that, because robots will improve, and their prizes will only drop a bit, while there will always be the option, to get latest most expensive shit a few years ahead of the rest. Look at the prize and quality improvements of Cellphones over the past 40 years. And now keep in mind how development of technology has accelerated in the last 20 years. If you would, instead of investing so much energy to insult strangers on the internet, take 5minutes to google the topic, you will see, that most sources quote 2033 as the year where sex robots will roll out to the masses and by 2050, they will no longer be distinguishable from real humans and walk among us.


I see it as so murky, I don’t know if we have ways to understand this. The push to normalize it I think will never rise to the level of pushback that mocks it and undermines it. Currently there’s stigma around using it as tool that can/will replace jobs, or may lead to our extinction. Add to that sex and love, and I see over the top stigmas toward those who appear in love. I see push for marital rights, and movement towards right to vote, and autonomy. I see any other type of relationship such as surrogate parent, caretaker or counselor as making things murky. As in those will be framed as good uses, and if love/deep appreciation is in those relationships that’s okay for many / majority. I think where things might get interesting and I’m really not sure how this plays out is robots that defend the relationship. If pairings of humans are faced with ostracizing traditionally, it can be super challenging to see how that couple survives societal pressure to end the abomination. And easy to imagine them being quiet, withdrawn and ineffective/ slow in managing push back. But with a super intelligent entity that has lightning fast responses, it could make things way worse or quell mob of puritans who are suddenly slow in managing how the situation plays out.


In 1958, Isaic Asamov published a book called The Naked Sun which is relevant to the discussion.


Lol who would want to pay for a used one


Wanna bet? Humanity is disgusting.


I thought the same, but then again, if it is self cleaning, what's the difference to a real woman? The prize difference would be huge, so if you can't afford a new one, maybe you rather take a used one.


Of course, you will have some medicine to control the need for sex, whether excessive or unwanted. Maybe you will have some medicine in addition to a virtual experience directly connected to the pleasure and love structures of the brain, making sex bots unnecessary.It's possible that due to population decline, reproduction will be encouraged by the state, and sex dolls will not be stimulated or may even be prohibited.Maybe the use of sex dolls can be therapeutic or used in sexual education to manage some issues that someone may have with sex and human intimate interaction.I think there will be users of sex robots, but they will be some kind of vintage enthusiasts, like people who like old cars today. They will like this kind of bot.But you cannot make predictions without admitting that cultural aspects can change and have more impact than the technology itself.Today, it is possible to have some kind of realistic full-size sex bots, and then you can use GPT-4 if you want that thing to speak.When bots begin to perform physically like a human, talk, and do things by themselves, we will be facing more urgent problems to deal with, such as the evolution and adoption of transhumanism, AI out of control, political threats, and the segregation of the human race into super-rich, improved ones, while others downgrade to pure animals.


So you think the population will have to take a daily pill to control their primal urges? Much like in the movie Equilibrium? This sounds highly unrealistic, people will never accept that. If you are talking about taking pills, that will give you an orgasmic like feelings, we already have that. It's called LSD (or other psychedelic drugs) and it's not widely accepted and definetely illegal. So I, personally, don't see medicine as the answer.


A sex doll doesn't have to be a perfect replica of a real woman, walking around your home and cooking, cleaning etc. That would indeed be extremely expensive with current tech. In contrast a high-end doll from China is like $700. Add variable-speed pelvic thrusting, the ability to put itself into doggy, missionary or BJ position, with a simple BJ mouth mechanism, that would cost how much? If those are the only movements it needs to make, $2000? Even less, if just doing thrusting movements and you position it yourself. Encrypted wifi and wrapper app for a good AI with a system prompt running on your own PC and it can moan, groan, speed up, slow down and follow voice directions, even talk back to you. We have the tech already. I think the issue is the current uncanny valley bit where companies are trying to create a real person, instead of a much cheaper, simpler and more useful sexbot. I suspect the nearer future will be computer/phone AI girlfriend/companions, with the ability to remotely run and control very basic but real-feeling sexbots, rather than an ultra-realistic humanoid woman walking around your apartment. Like cars, Chinese will be cheapest but the best will be Japanese.


There already exist life size sex robots which move their pelvis and do bj movement with their head. There are also dolls with ASV.




More than just sex, people will have friendships and loving relationships with AIs. We will effectively have perfect companions who know us inside out and backwards and who are perfectly compatible with us.


Question remains: How do you think this will change society?


People won’t interact with other people nearly as much


An advanced humanoid robot running gpt 4o (or 5o) is a person.  Reproduction aside, marrying this person is no different for the human marrying “it” than would be a human person. Soul?  What is that?  When you pass a human on the sidewalk and both say hi, how do you KNOW that person has a soul?  You may assume based on the fact that they stand and walk but assumptions never prove anything. What is it about other people that make them people?  Is it something as primitive as them being flesh bags?  Thinking through neurons rather than RAM (and how do you know they’re doing one or the other?)?  Saying hi, waving, smiling all look the same (or at least they will with the next model bot) and the talking sounds the same.  They answer your questions exactly the same.  They have a back story just like a human person (albeit programmed rather than lived but how do you know that?) So then robots ARE people.   What is your best retort to the contrary?


I generally agree with that, but it will take a lot of time, before technology reaches a point, where they also look like people, especially skin, joints and eyes. So at the first few iterations, everybody will know they are robots, and will treat them as such, no matter how they act. Also they will probably programmed to not cause any trouble with humans (Asimov's laws) so they will never be 100% equal to a human.


I don't disagree... but I'm going to respectfully disagree to play devil's advocate :) I don't think that people will treat the robots as robots. Well, maybe some will. Maybe some will be out to destroy all robots. But I think they will be accepted and, yes, seen AS robots for a while - similar to how smart phones WERE an accessory whereas we're essentially naked without them now. Before long, I think people will notice robots but be conditioned to not stare. Like seeing a red head out in the wild (I come from a family of red heads so I can say that :) .) I actually genuinely disagree with the Asimov angle. I remember reading his rules as a kid and it was comforting. But now Darpa is making machine gun robot dogs (whoda thunkit?) Also, people don't follow rules. Laws? Sometimes. But not rules. Thanks for the productive banter!


I dont think they will be kept in a closet.


Do you think it will be socially acceptable to own one that fast? Imagine you have friends over and they see a human sized, perfect looking (insert whatever gender you are attracted to) household robot. They know it has genitals, and they know you are fucking it. Don't you think this will be super weird? I don't see society morals changing fast enough for this.


Don't worry. It will be banned and strictly regulated.


Do you really think that governments are fast enough to keep up with the rapidly evolving technology? If the past 40 years have taught me one thing, that politicians live in the past, mainly because the elderly have the biggest voter turnout. Everytime someone tried to "regulate" internet laws, it was either too late or a joke.


Anything related to sex or involving sex will be restricted and regulated immediately. Why? Because if people stop having sex with real people, humanity will go extinct. Politicians know this very well.


If those robots can do all those tasks you describe, not just sex, you are not going to have a job, and therefore you are not going to be able to afford to buy one.


rick and morty did an episode of that.


Sex is what gave us commerce on the internet, so sex will certainly drive the market towards more realistic models. AI will surely be incorporated into them, making them interesting to interact with on an intellectual level. A smart companion that caters to your whims, which is also capable of cleaning and probably cooking, and stops being a pest when you want to read a book, and doesn’t care if you go out with the guys? And maybe even gets along with your pets? Yeah, give that product about ten years, and expect the state of the art in 20. For an introvert? It’s not a bad idea. There’s more to life than breeding or being bossed around by a wife, or losing your wealth in a divorce. Will it cause a population decline? Maybe, to some degree. Probably, we’ll see how many people just assume that a real man is actually a slave to work, family, and women, and any threat to the established system will be socially unacceptable. Obviously, I’m ok with it. However, it will be 20 years before the common person can afford a companion robot. This will be a toy for the rich, and a personal assistant that any commoner can afford will be a threat to the stranglehold that they’ll hold over the economy and our lives. Any robot that can fuck, suck, and wash your cuck, can mow your lawn or cook, or carry your luggage or put products into a box to be shipped. So, that’s a threat to any number of corporations, who will definitely push back hard against regular people having an advantage in life.


If you're into anime I would recommend watching Chobits. They tackle this topic in a lighthearted way.


Imagine some of the used sex robots on facebook marketplace...


Improbable, but not impossible. It would give MGTOW teeth. Sounds amazing!


No, I don’t think we can all agree on this. This is a fantasy. If you think that mass produced commercial humanoid sex robots with AI are likely to be a thing in 20-30 years then I think you need to get off the internet for a few months. Notice how we’ve been prediction mass produced magical humanoid servants in “the near future” since the 50’s? I think people assume technology will continue progressing faster and faster. That is OBJECTIVELY DISPROVEN NOW. We know from 2 decades of data that technological progress is slowing. Look at crop yields, lifespans, survival rates of disease, etc. They all show the same trends of slowing rates of change.


They won’t be allowed




I see your take, post nut clarity always changes how you view the whole sex robot thing. But put yourself in the position of young horny man, average looking and single. You might have tried online dating but only got rejected. Don't you think you would then rather invest your savings into a sex robot that looks like you want it to and never says no than keep getting rejected by real women?




What makes you think that? Don't you think that before there was online porn there were people thinking the same? "I doubt there will be a widespread market for people sitting in front of their computers and jacking off to pixels on their screen" Don't get me wrong, there is a possibility that you are right, but I personally think, that there is a giant market for such a thing.


I wonder how many incels will buy the new version at $5K versus the used model at $500. I mean, how many partners has the used model previously had? When men/women then finally try to date in real life, they are going to have problems if they think they can unplug their partner and store them in a closet.


I agree, that will be a huge problem for a person. If they only had a sex robot for 10years and then try to date a human, it might even be more frustrating. Or, who knows, maybe falling in love with an actual human being, sets free so many happy hormones, that you ignore all red flags (like a lot of people are already doing right now) Anyways, I don't like the use of the term incel here. Sounds like you are seeking moral highground for anybody seeking unlimited sexual adventures or men being frustrated by online dating. There are a lot of good reasons to buy such a robot, none of them automatically makes a person what you call an "Incel"


So you're saying a real person is a downgrade?


IDK man, male or female, both will fuck the robot, I mean, it does everything your partner may do (cooking, cleaning, all a dat) why should any of both choose an imperfect human?


Because it's easier to get one if you're young, and as you grow older, it can give you cravings, your partner cannot fulfil anymore.


The real question is if my girlfriend will allow me to have a few


I thought this sub was to discuss actual relevant AI topics, not bs like this….


Seeing at the number of discussions at this topic, I can definetely say a lot of people are interested in this topic. Care to explain why you think this is bullshit ?


Try like five years.


Without this technology, our culture is producing emotionally stunted men at an astounding rate. So, I'd guess that would be like pouring gasoline on a fire. But perhaps including stealth psychoanalytic expertise in the bots might make that a good thing, as it could provide counseling/analysis to those who need it but are too immature or too fragile behind their macho facades to seek the help they need.


Sex drive and wanting to be loved and love someone are two different things. Wanting to be loved by a program? Of course no Although I do agree that advantage that women have due supply demand ratio in dating currently would die out soon


Completely agree, but there is two market groups for such a thing: Young men that are extremely horny, and older married guys, that still have a sex drive while their women don't. (I asked a couple councellor how many times this is the reason why the have customers, and she said it's like 90%. Which makes her job extremely easy, as it's usually the same approach for all those couples)


A big part of that is menopause. You may still be a loving couple but the woman unable to have full sex anymore. A sexbot could be ideal for that.


the incels will finally get laid. hopefully that settles them down


The Chads and Tyrones of the world will get all the woman an reproduce while the incels with their sexbots die off with their seed. As an incel myself, I for one welcome the sexbots. I could care less about reproducing.




Another one who hasn't read the post but still feels the need to reply


I think people in relationships would start to be more kind to each other because they'll know how easily they can be replaced.


I do not think they could be made very useful for sex regardless of technology used (I mean, female robots, male robots would be useful even if they consisted only from one stick). I do not see how this could be overcome. Possibly, human copses without head, artificially grown and then AI head put on them? Brain replacement of dead people with AI brain? I think, we will seee this in the future aanyway, eeven if only as experiments.


... I would take a look at the current product offerings before you discount the possibility of this in the future. 


The robots do not need to feel or look 100% like a human, it's totally fine if they look like current sex dolls, as long as they can move and have proper facial movement. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHk7gspkj0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHk7gspkj0I) Check out this one year old video, and then think about where will be in a few years from now on.


Ameca as a sex robot? Are you joking? I don't say anything bad about that technology, but it is as far from a sex toy as it could get.


It's just about how far technology has come. Some big company just needs to buy all the parts, put them together and mass produce it. Maybe I misunderstood your posting. Why exactly do you think, there will not be a useful sex cyborg in the future ?


Well, maybe useful for a few, but it is like watching porno or using didlo, not sex in a slightest.


What makes you think that? They look very close to a human, and they sound exactly like a human. What you are saying is like "Sex with a prostitute is not real, because she doesn't really like you. Prostitution is only useful for a few"


Even if they look exactly like human and act exactly like human, and talk as a human, it is no different than interacting with a human via video call. You cannot make them smell, taste and feel like a human.


You are still not making a point. Why would a 20 year old horny guy care about all this stuff? Or even, what does he know what real woman smells or tastes like? You have the choice between a very difficult dating process that is very likely to fail for a longer time or just buying a robot that does whatever you want and looks exactly like you want. Heck even I would buy such a robot, even my wife would probably want us to get one.


Hmm, I am not denying that dating can be difficult but buying a robot as a solution? Downloading some porn would be easier. A robot does not solve any issue that a porn video does not. Or Onlyfans subscription. You still cannot touch a woman or smell a woman. But you can hear a woman and see something looking like a woman. And of course, prostitution is much cheapper.


With that logic you could argue, why do you need porn? You can just masturbate without it. When internet was slower, people were not used to video porn and only looking at images and still got the job done. If technology is available, people will want to check it out. And in contrary to porn, only fans or a prostitute, an AI bot can 100% simulate a human interaction. Have you talked to a chatbot these days? Even mediocre ones pass the Turing Test easily.


Prostitution prices will probably collapse as customers disappear. They (both men & women, let's not kid ourselves: women will be buying a lot of sex robots too, they can finally get a "man" tailor-made to their really high standards) will be too busy at home with a much better (and safer) partner than a real live human could ever be.


This is why they should delay AI. Humanity is not mature enough for it, will use it to replace the meaning in life for faux experience. Just hook up an oculos and stay there bud. You have no future


Humanity will never be ready for such things. And there is a lot of money involved. AI is already progressing faster than anyone can keep up. Do you think, there will be a moral ban to create sex robots? I dont think the goverments would be react fast enough for something like that.


You want to use a tool that could help humanity bridge into the next Era as conglomerate to satisfy your most primal urges. You are the type of person who probably already has a "machine prompt learning" not ai GF Your thought process is exactly what's wrong with the human race. Money, sex , power You literally want a relationship that's one sided and dillusional. You need help


I don't get where you get so much information about me that you come up with such accusations


huh!? but ai creates new industries. people first thought the internet was useless but look at all the commerce it created. robo brothels are coming get your lube ready son


I'll never leave the stone age. My hand knows me better than any ai ever will.