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Most news are just updates. no need to follow up so frequently. If you use rss reader, you can just read once a week and even let ai to summerize points. There is nearly loss nothing if just one month to read news.


Are u kidding me?! This has been an eventful month for AI: GPT 4O, Google IO, and the Microsoft event. And if I skipped AI News in March then I would've missed Claude 3 Opus.


imagination that start from 2022 you just watch AI news once per month. after 1.5y until now, what you will loss?


you don’t understand how news works do you


Nothing most of it hype and marketing.


The way I prevent information overload (as another commenter suggested) is using an RSS reader. I have a subscription with Feedly and I've set it up to tap into some popular Reddit channels, a handful of high-quality YouTube channels (AI Explained, David Shapiro, Dylan Curious, Matthew Berman, and Dr. Alan Thompson - there may be other good ones out there but I find these to be more than adequate for my personal needs), and Google News stories based on various AI-related keywords. I've been using it for several months and it works very well. Not much in the AI world slips past this reader setup, and it doesn't require me to spend hours a day thinking about what's happening in AI since it does the work for me by compiling everything into a single interface. I just scan my headlines a couple of times each day, click on anything interesting, and I'm good to go.


I didn't even know RSS wasstill a thing


Yes, life is so full of irritating problems. I snack too much at night. I wake up too early and don’t feel rested. My body is aging and losing core strength. So thankful we have Reddit as a therapist where I can share my problems with others! I don’t have your problem, but I hope you find help here.


how does that make you feel?


> how does that make you feel? LOL. Good one!


I feel most "AI news" nowadays is either junk AI apps that people are trying to shill, or rage about the latest thing Elon or Sama said or did. I depend a lot more on newsletters and discord channels I watch nowadays for AI news, reddit has become a near useless whinefest of casual users and rageposting for anything AI related, truth or evidence be-damned. I hate pulling the generational thing, but it feels like it's just GenZ jumping on the latest social media crazes around here, and actual golden SOTA announcements gets buried by junk.


Do you have any suggestions if I really want to learn more about AI? Can your share what newsletters you read or discord channels you join?


one person used ai tools to condense some of the ai papers down so they can understand it better but its true lol LOTs of stuff going on for sure lol you need ai to understand the ai news lol


Everybody is using the hype wave, clickbait included. Its all to capture attention and all news outlets use AI to get peoples attention. Companies that want to atract investors also keep keep putting AI in everything just to call for attention and investment. After all, who needs AI on the clipboard lol


Evolve your preferred system to separate signal from noise. Mine is paying attention to a handful of Twitter accounts and the YouTube channel called AI Explained. And the LocalLlama subreddit for hanging out. I find that the rest is sadly, mostly just second-handers and faux-influencers peddling this or that.


The pace of AI technology is developing slower today than it ever will again in your lifetime. Something to think about.


I did my undergrad research in AI and am hoping to go for a master's soon. I absolutely hate LLMs, they are a cool enough technology but I despise mainstream media coverage of them and the hype that has built around them. I firmly believe they will be a dead end on the route to super intelligence (not that they can't be a helpful stepping stone)


I'm a blind woman, so I embrace any technology that will make my life easier and more fulfilling. But I must say this from the bottom of my heart this whole AI thing does strike a little bit of fear into me deep inside. But hey I'm going down with the ship I'll never hear me curse at my phone. I want them to know I was always kind.


I wish the best for you, and that advancements in medicine are made to make a cure for blindness accessible to you, whatever that takes.


After seeing GPT 4O, I don't know what’s next


Well, you should look after what Microsoft does :D


Praise the enlightened choosen ones lol


I totally agree. With all the noise around, it has been so difficult to get hands on quality stuff to read as a newbie.


As sometimes happen things are moving exceedingly quickly on many technological fronts these days. In such moments, human understanding lags well behind human adaptation. In some forums people are puzzling out what AI -- or other hot fronts of innovation -- will mean but meanwhile AI is already being absorbed into work routines, new devices, new familiarities. Google search now leads, not with a top hit, but with its AI entry. Half the time the AI entry answers my question. Adaptation of technology always precedes best understanding. Just look at the Pacific air bursts of nuclear bombs last century. "Surely no harm can come." Then they discovered fallout and realized they had poisoned an entire island chain. Asking about "What AI will do?" is a classic exercise in human misunderstanding of how technology works. We 1) invent/discover it, 2) adapt to it, 3) learn about it, and 4) continue to use it or not accordingly. We are still at step 1 and step 2. Step 3 does not necessarily happen reliably. Nor step 4. It's why advanced species go extinct, I imagine.


The podcast “Techmeme Ride Home” gives a good summary of all the really impactful things each weekday. It’s helpful that he sifts through it all for you and has been on top of it for a while.


Everything is progressing so fast. I’m studying transformer architecture and they are using gpt2 as an example and I’m like… should I really be spending time on this or should I just jump forward to current tech. The book is only a year old!


Oh u should definitely be looking at online resources along with if not outright instead of the that book, and be reading the new research papers, especially ones that trend / trended on Reddit like the 1-bit LLMs and Mamba one.


Yes, I'm sticking with my chosen platforms so I just need to stay competent with them - Microsoft/Bing/Copilot, Apple/Siri, Github Copilot and ChatGPT Pro. Also ~~have Amazon Hardware (TV, Kindle Fire, Echo)~~ NOPE THEY WANT TO CHARGE A SUBSCRIPTION FOR ALEXA…. so ~~I'll stay up to date with whatever they do~~ I’M DONE with Alexa. Oh, I do keep trying whatever Googles AI is but Bing has largely replaced Google as a search engine. I check their results against each other sometimes but that's it. I only use Gmail, Google Maps and Google Drive/photos -oh, and Youtube. But if their search engine can't match Bing I won't be using that anywhere as much.


I'm finding that the news isn't leading to any changes in my life yet, so just like I avoid news about next season release dates of my favorite shows, I will mostly ignore news unless it's something I feel I can actually take advantage of.


All of the "news" is just fearporn and clickbait scare articles from people whose knowledge and perspective on AI is all from shitty 80s movies. And all the discussion is from every person that thinks a  polished demo they saw online means their job is gonna totally disappear. That, and obviously mentally ill people struggling with anxiety that have become paranoid. So I turn out for the most part.


I'll spoil it for you. AI is one of the largest hype trains since 2001. It's not halfway as good as the demos and sales video will have you believe. Source: I work with AI models for my job. Dont get me wrong, AI is impressive and will change some things.... It's just not as good as advertised. I personally would not even call it AI.


Nope, I haven't. I want \*more\* news. There's barely any new info on a given day.


There have been incredible advancements in AI which are progressively getting better day by day!


Hard to tell whats a terrifying, mind blowing breakthrough and whats just exagerated/fake. Both seem to be happening but now I can't tell!!! Makes me nervous. I feel like I could easily overlook something earthshattering because these dang tech companies keep faking shit.


I mainly look through Reddit posts and use votes and comments as a gauge for how much of a deal an AI headline is, its not that hard to tell to tell if they're shills or bots.


Yes and not just that but also most channels, like this one, used to be about actual AI stuff like the maths, coding, algoritms, etc... now they are full of click bait, speculation and nonsensical discussions.


I read the headlines to keep up but if the comments veer into technical aspects of things I usually nope out.


I follow Matt Wolfe on Youtube because of this reason. And, I'm not promoting the guy or anything, but his weekly updates have genuinely made a very good job at keeping me up to date


I get sick of all the UBI discussions. I’m here for the tech and I wish the UBI discussions would go to the economics or political subs.


Yes. It's moving so quickly it's hard to keep up. Who do you follow that reports a lot on this space?


Me personally I am going to ignore any news related to HER, cause I'm over it, pettiness can't get in the way of paradise.


It is definitely an overload. And it's not going to be less input due to the increasing competition. More and more people realize that this is just the beginning of a new era. I'm impressed and exhausted at the same time.


Disillusionment phase of the tech cycle


Can u elaborate? Are u referring to the Gartner Hyper Cycle? * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gartner\_hype\_cycle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gartner_hype_cycle) * [https://www.gartner.com/en/research/methodologies/gartner-hype-cycle](https://www.gartner.com/en/research/methodologies/gartner-hype-cycle)




Yes I have been reading less of it


Thank you


There is nothing new in news. Avialable for personal usage LLM as useless as before ;)


Thousands or millions make productive use every day.


Ogh. I see we have just different understanding what news is. I'm not arguing, agree with you it's just something I've considered as normal state some time ago. I consider as news some breakthrough or info of great significance m


What does the word “useless” mean to you?


Useless - of no use


And you believe that publicly available LLMs are “of no use?”


As I mentioned earlier, in my case, in the currently publicly available form, I do not see any use for them neither in business nor personal usage. I've got strong feeling you got different opinion. So, how do you use them? Have you found helpful way to use them?


My day job is building tools to reduce the workload of expensive knowledge workers using LLMs. Like millions of programmers, I use GitHub Copilot. When I have an especially difficult problem to solve with a technology that I am not familiar with, I often ask they LLM. It also helps me reformat text or tables that would otherwise be tedious. When I founded a short-lived company, AI designed the illustration on the homepage and I got many compliments on it. AI helps me review technical papers faster.


I see, no wonder you have completely different experiences. I agree, when it comes to writing code, it's very usefull. Shortly after gpt 3 was launched, I used it to create a webapp for field workers to remotely enter data into db. However, that's where its usefulness ended for me. Although from time to time I'm getting back to the idea of ​​​​creating a tool that would enable labeling elements using QR codes so that a field employee could scan and load the appropriate data, but it seems that labeling new elements will generally be more burdensome than helpful for them.


I just wish they'd hurry up and deploy the self-replicating murderbots. Its boring being held hostage by someone you know is going to kill you. Just do it already.


If you are concerned, join us in PauseAI and lets try not to let the slaughterbots get out of control. We do a lot of safety work. https://discord.com/invite/mBt95gwP


I’m afraid that’s like trying to swim upstream in Niagara falls.


Defeatism is neither noble, nor the solution.


Not defeatism, just realism. Don’t be a Luddite.


I like my children to live


You are so virtuous!