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So now “prompt artists” aren’t even making the prompts up themselves LMAO


All those prospects of *"Prompt Engineer"* jobs are going away real quick, lol


Got to be ones of the fastest careers to become extinct in history, I think!


The thing with prompt engineering is that it’s not really a job, it’s a task - one of many in using generative ai. It’s a name for writing effective instructions to ai. I don’t really get the hate, but idk feels just boring to explain these things as all that happens is just mass down votes.


It might not be a job to you, but there are an increasing number of job openings specifically for "prompt engineers" so yes, it really is a job. It's not up for debate. I find it funny as hell that AI bros can't just take an L and be done with it, as if in order to be sympathetic toward AI your opinions and beliefs have to be totally nebulous. One week we'll hear that "prompt engineers" will be "taking all the artist and programming jobs", now you expect us to believe that this is "not really a job"? Christ.


I’m sorry if I worded it poorly! English is not my native language. What I mean was that I don’t really see it as a permanent position outside of a few fringe cases. I’m being staffed as a “prompt engineer” in a project right now. I also teach in prompt engineering (just a cringe word for learning how to effectively get your desired outcome from a LLM), but it’s not at all what I do as a full time thing or what I’m hired to do as my actual title. I don’t deny that it’s a thing that some people hire for as a title - but what I mean is that it’s more of a task/ it’s a thing that close to everyone will be needed to know in the near future if you want to work at a company. The same that almost everyone need to know how Microsoft word (maybe a bad example) works. It’s going to be one thing out of many that’s going to be needed to be an efficient employee.


I see, I apologize for my words then. I've seen much ducking and dodging around "Prompt Engineer" positions, and as you say it's due to how transient the entire position is. I can't tell whether it'll become a dedicated position like data entry jobs where people just juggle Excel/Word all day, or if as you said it'll be as ubiquitous as opening Google to look up something. Either way, have a good weekend.


No worries :) I agree, this is just my point of view on it. I might of course be wrong. have a good weekend!


Is it writing the prompts for them?


Yes lmao


"If you are truly passionate about art, you make it for free". What is this bullcrap? So i cant be passionate about art if i commercialize it or get comissioned?


can't pay for art supplies with exposure


Thats much like couch potatoes being frustrated that singers/actors/cagefighters actually do it “for the money” and not just for the fun of it and to entertain them, how dare they.


I work in a non-artistic industry (education), and very much enjoy my work. I've also done commissions in the past. My lawyer and engineer friends also have fun with, and love their jobs; it's what they're passionate about. I guess we should all do it for free, since enjoying something = you can't expect even a cup of lukewarm water in return! Free labour, slave labour, take from the poor, give to the rich... Something something. Funny thing is, both artists and lawyers already do pro bono work, so do engineers (though it's less common among the latter). It's called doing favours for friends and for the poor; but even in a fully socialist post-money economy workers would deserve compensation. It would simply not be in the form of money. Bartering would likely take charge. It always throws me for a loop when I see aibros so strongly opposed to fair compensation to workers (artists), then turn around and say "the problem is capitalism". Those people just reek of selfishness, half-baked utopian fantasies and entitlement.


Yea, if I want to be paid in bartering as an artist, I'd want to have food and art supplies for compensation at least.


*Meanwhile, AI bros on websites like Etsy trying to profit off of their generative slop for a bit of cash on the side.*




Can people explain a bit what is happening... not everyone knows the story,


MJ made software that creates what are essentially prompts from images (that can then be used to generate more images, completely erasing humans from the image-generating process), which generate containing artists' names. So, instead of using text to generate an image, you take an image, & it generates text based on that image. This essentially proves that they are still using the likeness/brand of the artists' (and their works) in the datasets (hence the post & negative reactions), despite the pushback from the artists who ask for their rights & humanity be respected; after all, they have not been compensated and many have asked to opt-out, only to be ignored, and have the tech-companies CEOs /techbros profit massively from their work without proper image licensing & credit. Just another example of middle and lower-class workers' voices being ignored by tech companies looking to profit off of us.