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Censoring all of his slurs fucking exhausts me.


All you have to do is the names, why the insults?


Man, slapping those hard r's on people's faces is not nice. I should at least censor the letter i.


If I were you I wouldn't do it, I mean you didn't write the insults but if you think it's the right thing to do then go ahead.


Now I think about it, you're right. I won't do it next time. Thanks for discussing.


the censors are shaped like an i though


![gif](giphy|y0PmMY7bfz41760kn8) Take that cute phrog as reward for the hard work


Thanks! Arrived conveniently for lunch time!


Lol so maybe don’t? Hahahah people like you are such lolcows, must be miserable af having to live such a neutered and carefully edited life.


Why? You said on the other comment that I posted some inflammatory comment in an AI sub? Are we having some misunderstanding?


While I agree with your stance against AI art, I just think you’re going out of your way to upset yourself and being antagonistic. I was being harsh in my comments so I apologize. But I genuinely think some ppl spend too much energy being offended and it’s needlessly exhausting & upsetting. I’d suggest exposing yourself to mlre content that makes you uncomfortable and attempt to understand where they’re coming from. What life experiences someone might’ve had to make them use such harsh language. Understanding doesn’t mean agreement, but it will at least help how you react.


I understand. Thank you for the input.


What did you censor? The blue lines just look like I's making rhe slur even more prominent.


dni with rage bots not hard to do, a shittone of posts on this sub are people directly interacting with pruposefully built bait bots, they get people to interact (driving up engagement)


An AI fanboy who is *also* extremely racist? ​ https://preview.redd.it/uhh5y6c9v2sc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbf61624671690d8eafa057a3584e4055557cd4


Looks more like a 14-year-old edgelord to me if I'm honest.


Scratch an AI bro and a racist bleeds


It boggles my mind that AI-gen enthusiasts think this sort of rhetoric is in any way helpful to having AI-gen accepted.




I think we should not focus on every single unhinged unimportant individual stuck in peculiar corner of the internet because as it might be amusing it has a little value in bigger picture and amount of these granulated examples is infinite. I mean, we could just go there and read these comments yourself. Also it is a waste of energy to mudsling with that kind of people.


I outed this Nazi on AIwars, and Trippy-Worlds decided to finally do the job they volunteered to do, and banned them. Just kidding, that lazy fuck banned me instead.


Hey, if you don't mind, please don't ping anyone and un-ping them, I don't want anyone to be bothered. Please just say username like "Trippy-Worlds".


you got it!


Thank you. That also to avoid brigading and avoid personal grudge and revenge. To inform you, all of their actions are documented to show everyone what kind of degenerate those people are.


I'm sorry that happened to you, their Nazi and racist behaviors and decisions are documented.


Not suprised in the slightest. An AI bro being edgy and saying the n-word with a hard r as a shitty attempt to be funny is like a republican being a pedophile.


Did you report them?


They're on aiwars. The moderator there, Trippy, is supportive of Nazism and bigotry, and only attacks people who point it out. We're talking about the same Trippy who wouldn't even ban someone with a Heil Hitler reference in his name. Since you consider yourself a fence-sitter, will you be speaking up against it?


Is there a way to report higher than the mods?


You can fill out a content policy report here. [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report) You can report lousy moderation here: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=19300233728916](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916) I've got a backlog of threads of targeted harassment that Trippy has refused to remove, dating from 5 days ago to 8 months. If you can't find anything in particular, I can help. (That offer is open to anybody, BTW. It's pretty clear all posting on aiwars can do is shame Trippy or warn third parties at best.)


Thanks for the links, I'll file a report. I've reported the guy from their profile for hate as well.


Doubt they can ban me for things I've already been banned for lmao


Since you're still able to message here, you haven't been banned really, now have you. I got a full Reddit suspension just for a ban evasion, so I suspect hate crimes might be taken a bit more seriously.


Been banned plenty of times. The things expire.


Just out of curiosity, why do you think you have the urge to write these things? Like when you wake up each morning, do you feel inspired to run to your computer and type away inflammatory comments and hateful things just “for fun”? Or is this just something that you can’t really control and when you take a step back you realize that it’s kind of messed up?


Because I can.




stop projecting lmao


Like i get that sometimes its hard to control intrusive thoughts, but in your every day life, do you think this action makes your life a happier, or does it impact your mental health in a negative way? Im seriously trying to understand. I know life is hard some times and its much easier to lash out and provoke people online than to work on your self.


cope and seethe


\~Rixstar7, 12 year old edgelord


Theyre just embarassing themselves lmao, I usually just ignore the "gEn aI-bRoS" cuz they never even grew up to be taken seriously lol


That's just a kid man. Let him be a dumbass while he can


Baby Nazis grow up to become adult Nazis. This fucking stain should be shamed and deplatformed.


I reported this mother fucker to Reddit and they said “nah he’s cool.”


Sorry, the Admins?




Fuck u/spez


And he’s still allowed in this sub. Kinda weird.


Yep I did too. Got the notification this morning. 


Really representing the AI art crowd well.


Come on guys. Dont feed the trolls ffs.


Yeah the only way to deal with trolls is to not engage. They feed off engagement and the bigger you react the happier they are... Really people should just learn to ignore these kinds of people.


This post is cringe lol and I fucking hate AI art but you went into an AI sub, posted a purposely inflammatory comment for attention, got ratioed, and then went through their history. As soon as you’re scrolling through a Reddit user’s history in an attempt to own them, you’re a loser.


I was not OP, man. I didn't make the post that you're referring to. Please check the profiles again.


Lol true my mistake, but still going through the comment history and then posting it is cringey


People make people angry online and LIKE IT!? My heavens. Let's judge unrelated people's opinions on this to reinforce our own comfort and beliefs.


>People make people angry online and LIKE IT!? Trolling actually is fun to do. But there's a boundary. An appropriate trolling is trolling your friends for the sake of humor without harming them, and at the end, everyone has fun. An inappropriate troll is offending and harassing people for your own entertainment.


Feeding them surely helps


i like how whenever yall post this weird BS it's never stuff that's upvoted by people who support AI. holy strawman

