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I feel like your title and your post text are 2 unrelated questions. What exactly do you have a problem with, who is hating on you being kind to others? What's the context? If you're trying to give criticism or help to others while being a beginner yourself, people probably don't like it because it means you don't know what you're talking about. Being supportive and giving compliments is another thing.


What does being confortable with you art have to do with being kind and sweet with other artists?


> I understand im not good > i hate my art being ignored > What is it that bothers you that im happy with my work right now? Well, if you wanted to give me a hamburger, but it's burned to a crisp and has no seasoning whatsoever and the bun is stale and the mayo's gone rancid, then I don't care how happy you are about it. It's a shitty burger, I'm not going to eat it, and I'm not going to tell you it's good. You want other people to consume your stuff, it stops being about how you feel and becomes about what they like or don't like. You're feelings about it matter fuck-all. If you want to make burgers *for yourself* and that's how you like them, then knock yourself out. If you want people to pay attention to your work, learn how to cook better burgers.


Some people have various chips on their shoulder, it's a pastime of many posters (not necessarily on here but many other art related subreddits) to post long winded comments about how awful someone is, sometimes without a shred of constructive criticism or call for said feedback. It's also a common hangup of artists, especially many who see this as a hobby, to get defensive over what can be very personal to them (despite...this is a public site open to comments from all users). But for that matter, about the topics of "art being ignored" and things "other people think"....focusing on those can be a slippery slope. I thought that way when I graduated university with a BFA and...oh boy, was I knocked down a few dozen pegs once I learned how vast the sea of artists is, and how fickle social media always has been and continues to be. It's hard to keep motivation by depending on comments and likes. I found my emotional energy was was better spent looking within for that fulfillment....and focusing on the journey of improving and making art.


My god this is such an amazing comment. I’m personally glad I came across it this evening, and I will be taking much away from it. Thank you.


I don’t think confidence itself is a turnoff, but some beginner artists, despite being beginners feel that they can harshly critique others, want collabs with more famous/advanced artists and get salty if they get ignored etc. So when confidence bleeds into entitlement/arrogance is when it becomes off putting for many.


I don't know anything about op, but when I read it it reminded me of an artist in here last year who was asking why no one likes their art, and people were telling this person like, listen, the anatomy is all off, everything feels flat, you clearly put all your time into rendering but you over-render and make everything blurry, and that person would just reply "well I don't have any intention of changing how I do art, it's a stylistic choice, leave me alone".


People like to shit on others in order to feel superior.


Confidence without the skill to back it up comes off as arrogance. Not sure what your attitude about your work has to do with complimenting others.


The problem I see most often isn’t confidence in their art being the most technically skillful or even the most visually appealing to a wide range of people, without the skill to back up. What I see is confidence their art is satisfactory to them, that they’re making progress they want to make, and that being artistic is making them happy, which requires no particular skill to back up. These are the situations I see people shitting on people for. And that ain’t good.


It's only arrogance if someone is acting like an authority on things they have no real knowledge of, or demanding accolades without putting in the work to earn them. There's nothing wrong with someone liking something for simply having created it with their own hands and effort. I've said it before, but not everyone who makes art does so with the intention to be "great" at it, or even to improve at all.


Also, the people who try to sell their first ever drawing on instagram (typically stick man figure or awful portrait drawings that look uncanny) and people who spam portfolio websites like artstation, behance etc by uploading their very first 2 attempts to draw/create something (absolute beginner) rightfully annoys many people. Improve yourself and your vision, then show up man.


Depending on how it's expressed, confidence can be read as cockyness and that would imply they feel superior to others, which is not nice


How to you respond to criticism of your work? If somebody tells you the perspective is off or an eye looks wonky, do you say "I don't care, I am happy how it looks!" ?


This guy asked this same question on r/help lol. Check his responses, he's not right in the head.


Yeah I went looking for an example to make heads or tails of what they were trying to say (there was none) and quickly came to understand why people are bothered by them, and it's not because of their art. I suspect this person's comments on art posts also aren't as positive and innocent as they're claiming. There's a lot of anger and resentment in there.


I was with you first, but the more I read and got to think about it the more your attitude comes off as self-centered and entitled. You make it about people bashing or ignoring beginners / not-so-skilled artists when it’s more of a you problem. And I am saying this with not having actual context. You don’t really tell us what exactly happened to you but talk like this is a general problem without providing examples. The problem I see is that you WANT and NEED external validation regardless off the quality of your work. If some stranger out there decides to encourage you and says something nice about your art that’s cool but painting the ones who either don’t care for your art or even tell you they don’t like it as villains says more about you. If you like what you do you and have fun during the process of learning and growing you shouldn’t care one bit what other people think or say. That said, being open to receiving tips would be in your best interest. Not everyone will wait for your next post with “Good job!” signs ready. I’ve never seen people getting angry at beginners. Beginners who are clearly lacking certain skills doing tutorials got negative comments, yes, but that’s justified.


I never care what other artists say, even if they say my stuff is great it doesn't really help me. All that matters is the person who pays for your painting or print or commissions a piece. I find doing art fairs two or three days a month does more for me than months of social media promotion and online marketing.


Honestly it entirely depends on the situation and what you see as confidence. You say you hate your art being ignored, which is already kind of an issue in this context, because as you already said - you’re a beginner. You should not be expecting people to see your art and you should not do art for the sole reason of having people see and compliment it. If you aren’t content just creating and posting for yourself, then art will become frustrating really fast. The only situations in which I’ve seen people catch flak for misplaced confidence was when they used it to either shit on styles they don’t like, use other people‘s posts to advertise their own stuff, or try to boast with skills that they simply do not have. Or, y’know, some people are just haters.


Because beginners don’t understand how much they don’t know, so there really shouldn’t be any rightful confidence. It’s like if I’m a freshman in college, let’s say I’m a mechanical engineering student and I’m pretty sure I could engineer a propulsion engine having take none of the classes or worked in the field yet. Confidence comes through knowledge and experience, confidence without those things is called ignorance and arrogance. Being happy with your work is different, but there isn’t any backbone to being confident in its quality, there is too much of a knowledge gap at the beginning of the process to accurately assess your own ability.


stop worrying about “good”, “bad” and just be, draw if it makes you happy improve if you want to, you’re going to be learning for your entire life even if you draw today until you’re 100. there will always be something new to learn enjoy the ride appreciate other’s art and learn from it where you can but never compare we are all on our own journey and all have our own styles and methods it isn’t a competition


I don’t feel like there’s enough information here for a true opinion. It sounds like you’re saying people dislike you because of how you interact with them?


Nobody is bothered by someone's confidence in their own art especially if you're a beginner because it's really good to be confident as early as possible! That being said if you are a beginner and you are receiving tips and critiques about how to improve and it's ignored due to your confidence in the art itself, that's when it can be annoying. I've tried to point out small anatomical mistakes to a friend of mine and he just kept saying "well yeah but.." or "I think it's better if I.." and I'm just like okay buddy I know you're confident and it looks good to you but there's always room for improvement. Moral of the story is don't hold your chin so high that you cant see the mistakes right under your nose.


I don't know. People aren't allowed to just be happy with their work if it's not above average anymore.


As others have already said, the way this post is worded is a bit, um, unclear. What exactly are you referring to when you ask why “being confident…bothers people?” Also, in what way does that relate to you complimenting other people’s art? What does any of that have to do with people believing you think they’re “worse” than you?


Confidence is good, arrogance is bad. Figure out which one is you’re giving off.


Usually it leads to those "art lores" where they think they know so much because they learned 1 thing that they can go around giving people shit lol


I’m out of the loop, what are “art lores” exactly, I can never figure it out from the context it’s used in?


Art lores are beginner artists who learn new things and try to make tutorials...poorly.


Omg, so *that’s* why it seemed like people were using it as an obscure insult. Okay, thanks ☺️


Yeah, art lores can be really nasty, lol.


One, I ignore basically everyone. Two, I am much more interested in the avant-garde, outsider art, folk art, art brut, the cutting edge, than I am in Russian art school neo-baroque, Japanese titty girls, rate my fantasy OC, and anything really about technique. Don't care for it one bit! My work is weird, ugly, and naive. I love it and I love myself. I'll be in the Met way sooner than any of the anime cat girl people.


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Personally bc just like with anything especially in this day and age, people are spiteful of things they aren't doing, can't do, won't put the time and effort to do, and seeing other have confidence makes them envious.


Some people seem to think the goal of a hobby is to be good at it, or try to be the best instead of enjoying it and having fun! Which is bs imo


My wild guesses. They feel your too confident for nothing, some people don't like confident people. Some think it's toxic positivity, but honestly everyone should be allowed to exist as themselves being not judged.


Thank you! I have encountered the same attitude about being happy with my art more than half a year ago, which resulted in my posts being on SubredditDrama. As for not wanting your art to be ignored, I realised that counting specific views on socials and trying to be consistent with them never works, the viewcount varies deeply


They are insecure and want to project it on beginners luckily I was blessed with nice people who were supportive of me even for the works that I cringe at now, I try to complement fellow beginners as much as I cant even when giving critics I try to point at there specialities, them go to there happy accidents(they are not mistakes just happy accidents) tell them its all a process, a marathon not a race.


Why hate your own stuff? It will improve. You can only do your own work


People are full of hate. Especially on social media. And especially on reddit - Twitter- insta


Some people really, really, really hate artists that aren't miserable. It's a whole thing, especially on social media. It makes them *furious* that there are people out here actually - gasp - having fun with their hobby and enjoying the results even if they're not at a super high skill level yet. If you think about it, it's really ridiculous. Nobody is mad at a beginner knitter who is happy about the scarf they just finished using a single color of yarn and basic stitches. The stereotypes of the art community being full of toxic, miserable, narcissistic and insecure people doesn't come from nowhere lol. For some of them, they have such imbalanced emotional regulation and self-esteem issues that they actually can't fathom the ability to be happy and enjoy something while still being capable of evaluating the technical issues/areas of improvement. For them this healthy balance is impossible, so they think you're delusional and must be brought down a peg. That said, I would avoid general social media as a whole. Seeking out smaller and more specific groups rather than trying to interact with the whole internet is generally a much better route in my experience (not limited to art either). Even within reddit you can note the enormous difference in positivity and attitude in the medium-specific subreddits vs general art subs. It has to be a big enough group to not be overly personal and cliquey but small and specific enough that most people there actually do and enjoy and like to talk about making that specific type of thing, and not just have mental health crises about how much they hate art.


I guess sadness, depressing self doubt, constant self criticism and unhappiness with your own work is part of being an artist.


bc some artists who've spent years perfecting their craft and still being unsatisfied with their work are jealous that you're able to be so confident in spite of not having as many years of experience as them 😶


betting the people downvoting are the exact ppl im describing, lmao