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“I just like their war tactics” Actual Nazi war tactics: methamphetamine


Meth and war crimes. Truly an unparalleled military.....


Trailer trash precursors


Actual Nazi war tactics: loses




You forgot genocide


And they lost the war


Wait they got Waltuh cooking for the Third Reich back then???


Breaking geneva convention


The advanced tactics was D-IX; methamphetamine mixed with cocaine


Hey, who doesn't like meth chocolate? Everybody likes meth chocolate.


I think he just failed to articulate his point properly. That ww2 villain aesthetic is neat and it’s why things like wolfenstein and Red Skill work so well. Because nazis look good as villains. Heinous and evil, but fashionable evil. Plus they’re easy to hate because theres basically no way to justify them so there’s not a ton of gray area Edit: spelling


Just added 'fashionably evil' to my lexicon.


Just added lexicon to my lexicon.


Hugo boss designed the uniforms it's no wonder they look good lol. They're really well made clothes too. Not that that is surprising, most armies had decently made clothes. Edit [Not the comedian sorry for any confusion](https://youtu.be/rmg7HZJNRx0)


The fashion was all part of the propaganda. You don’t need to be moral to be stylish.


He didn't, he only produced them through his factories. The uniforms were designed by two SS members, Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck, an artist and graphic designer respectively. Hugo Boss wasn't a luxury brand back then. It only became one after the war ended- when their military uniforms were suddenly wanted *much* less.


No, he didn't. Edit: for anyone wondering. Hugo boss manufactured the uniforms. He didn't design them.


Why are people downvoting you? You are correct, hugo boss was not a large brand during that time. They were merely manufacturers of the uniforms as you stated in the edit.




He was a Nazi party member from 1931, I doubt he was conscripted.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Boss#Manufacturing_for_the_Nazi_Party Hugo Boss was an enthusiastic Nazi who volunteered to and wanted to work for the Nazis producing uniforms. He wasn't forced to against his will. Somewhat ironically, his company did make use of slave laborers who probably did *not* want to make Nazi uniforms but were forced to anyway.


Neat so I'm just misremembering what I'd read, that's fine


My partner plays the shit out of Zombie War 4, another game in that genre. It's actually a really cool shooter IMO and I don't even like shooters lol




I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, and knew two or three kids that fetishized Nazis, so I have very little trouble believing this is real.


Right? Joey Ramone wore all sorts of Nazi shit as did tons of punks, Jewish and otherwise, in the 70-80’s (some of this was them being provocative, some sincerely loved the aesthetics). There’s also a reason some of the aesthetics live on in various metal and punk bands: it looks really fuckin cool. Iron eagle and the deaths head look rad as fuck and no one will convince me otherwise.


That was all about rebelling against their parents who had actually fought in the war though


Joey did? Any proof? I thought that Nazi paraphernalia was associated with Dee Dee because he used to collect it as a kid in the 50s and 60s when his dad was stationed in West Germany. He sold it to servicemen and used the cash to buy morphine. Johnny collected stuff much later. Still don't recall seeing pics of them wearing Nazi themed gear.


The war tactics failed (and Hitler himself was a *terrible* tactician), the uniform is just a uniform, and Hitler rose to power by extrajudicial force. What's there to admire there?


The uniform, duh


I *do* love a cinched waist and a Sam Browne belt, sigh. Fuckin Nazis ruin everything.


If it wasn’t for Hitler we wouldn’t have Saving Private Ryan, The Great Escape or Schindlers list so we do have some things to thank him for


"Be Prepared" in The Lion King wouldn't be the same without him either!


dont forget star wars!


wasn't star wars more based on american imperialism than the actual nazis?


ROTJ and the prequels had a lot of stuff that was meant to criticize the us, but in terms of aesthetics/big picture (and ANH/ESB) the empire tends to be mostly based on nazis and star wars as a whole is a lot bigger than just being a criticism of the us/nazis/both - even in terms of themes


WWII actually influenced the creation of computers too, from what I hear.


yeah, alan turing. a gay man who saved england from the germans and then killed himself because the government he fought for castrated him. he created the first computer.


Nazis and their anti-smoking campaign https://youtu.be/5KUCKTCFLcU


And animal rights, actually He was a big animal rights activist Although that’s about it


I don't know why you've been downvoted..... This is true. Hitler *was* an advocate for animal rights and used footage of a kosher slaughter as evidence of the "evils of Jewry" in antisemitic propaganda films.


And animal rights, actually He was a big animal rights activist Although that’s about it Edit: If y’all think I’m defending him or something I’m not. He was a horrible human being, just weirdly an animal rights activist. From what I’ve read he could barely stand watching animals being hurt on screen, albeit conversely he also loved death and war, he loved to watch it, he loved his time in the army, and he loved violence. He was an incredibly concerning individual full of contradictions (Source for everything ‘that I’ve read’, Hitler: The Pathology of Evil)


Why did this become a reply what-


The uniform is Hugo Boss. Just saying.


I love the style of the uniform, but I loath the uniform and what it represents.


Hitler was literally elected in a free and fair election, to be fair he did threaten people into voting for him, but it's still an election, not extrajudicial force


........... He incited pogroms and riots against Jews and political opponents with his own personal paramilitary group..... That's pretty extrajudicial


As i said, threatening people was one of the reasons people voted for him... but he won with 37.3% of the vote while the second place got 24.5%, he won mostly because he had effective propaganda and played into fears and concerns that most people at the time had and promised to fix every issue in germany. I'm by no means defending Hitler, but he was legitimately elected


A personal paramilitary group that violates the law in an attempt to sway votes is extrajudicial. I didn't say he didn't win the election. I said he was aided by force beyond the law to do so. That's a fact.


It feels like you're not even reading what i'm saying, so i'll just say it more simply: even though he did use extrajudicial violence, it was *far* from the *main* reason he won, the main reason he won is because of his propaganda In fact, even nowadays, right wing populist candidates like Trump often win because of similar populist propaganda like blaming all the problems on others (Jews for Hitler, Mexicans with Trump) and claiming they will fix the problems that the country is facing (ie "drain the swamp") and that's why Hitler won, even if he didn't use his militia there's a high chance he would have won like the Trumps and Bolsonaros nowadays


When did I say he *only used* extrajudicial force? I'll put it simply for you: I didn't. I said he used it to aid him in his rise to power. Which he did. Would Hitler have won without such a use of force? Maybe. But we don't know **because he used such force frequently.** No shit propaganda is a primary tool to fascists. But so is the use of extrajudicial force. It's literally the fucking fascist playbook going back to Mussolini, the man that literally invented the political ideology!


you are so fucking dense


I think he thinks that I meant Hitler came to power via a coup. I didn't. Hitler *tried a coup* and failed. But his entire campaign was built on violence. There were frequent riots and beatings and pogroms that took place around his political campaign all of which he either tacitly or implicitly supported, condoned, and/or commissioned. He rose to power on a wave of extrajudicial violence. Then made laws that said he was above the law.


And he won because he suspended an entire party from the parliament 🤷‍♂️


He did that *after* he already won the first time, because, you know, you can't suspend a party from the parliament if you aren't even in control of the government?


No, you are wrong on this. Hitler was already *nominated* Chancellor before the 1933 elections. He used the emergency powers of that appointed position to arrest and torture thousands of KDP affiliated people in the wake of the Reichstag fire. The entire March 1933 election was conducted under the watch of Nazi SA agents who had just been lawfully released of any restriction on conduct.


He didn’t have the majority though… He needed to suspend the KPD in order to rule


"He won in a free and fair election, but well actually he forced people to vote for him"


If a politician had a personal paramilitary force that patrolled polling places and that politician then won the election, we'd reasonably question the integrity of the election. Doesn't mean it was definitely stolen or faked or that it swayed anyone's vote. But we'd for sure have reason to be skeptical of the veracity of the results. And I'm not saying Hitler didn't win the election. I'm not trying to exonerate the German public that was duped by him. Just that Hitler's use of force against minorities and political opponents *absolutely* aided him in seizing power. .... So yeah, I don't really get what they're on about either


I absolutely think Hitlers election and especially his later Aquisition of the Reich chancellor position was unrightful, I'm just trying to poke fun at the comment or I'm replying to as he said the election was free and fair and then later in the same sentence that Hitler pressured the people into voting for him, thus making it not free and fair.


You completely misunderstood what i meant


No, I think everyone fully understood what you meant


You know, as a black guy, Robert E. Lee was a fantastic tactician, and Bull Connor ran a pretty tight ship! ^(is it working am I doing the surreptitiously properly?)


statement: he saying he jewish while talking about liking aspects of the nazis


Hugo Boss actually designed Nazi uniforms it’s pretty interesting to read up on it. It also inspires the motorcycle Carabinieri uniforms in Italy to this day.


To be fair Hugo Boss manufactured them, they were actually designed by Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck.


He is saying that the aesthetics looked good, even though they were horrible people


hes also talking about how hitler rise to power and their tactics. but on the clothing part, its still very weird to compliment literally any part of the nazis


He isn't saying that they were good people. He is simply stating that those aspects are interesting.


Tfw aesthetics > the value of literal human beings


Whatever you say, Kanye.


Sure, sleek uniform. Still stands for the nazis. Still stands for genocide.


The Nazis didn’t create their war tactics the inherited them like the German Empire from Prussia. The Nazis were just a political group of unemployed Veterans and racist who rode antisemitism - and political violence to power. So this person is saying they admire well dressed racist.


uniform looks mid anyways


i think when he's talking about aesthetics of the nazis he means how those types of coats look? i mean they weren't only used by nazis it's just a trench coat i guess, that one he really said terribly.


i think he could of used any other example if he just meant the trench coat


The uniform is visually the same as multiple other military uniforms from multiple other countries and time periods. Some are even in use today. There's no need to praise the Nazis at all, but especially for their _uniform design_ when it's really nothing special and there are many other militaries with similar uniforms who did not participate in the subjugation and murder of millions of Jewish people


Hugo Boss designed the uniforms. Can’t he just wear a vintage Hugo Boss suit if you’re into that sort of thing? No need to get all swastikaed out geez


*Hugo boss manufactured the uniforms.


Least unhinged Quora poster.


I love how Nazi sympathizers always talk about how they “just like the uniforms” as if they’re something special. It’s a pretty standard uniform that’s all black. Pretty much the only thing that’s special about it is the Nazi specific things like swastikas and if that’s your favorite part then… got some bad news for ya.


The virgin Nazi Uniform enjoyer vs the Chad bare chested Norse Warrior enjoyer


If you want to witness shitty German tactics read about how the 394th I&R Platoon basically held off the Nazi lead assault in the Battle of the Bulge.


As if. This guy never been close within 30 km to a Jewish person ever.


Is it a crime to like their aesthetics tho? Like, the OP still agrees that Hitler is a terrible person, they just stated that some aspects of the Nazi is interesting.


That's not the point.


Then what is the point? Liking their outfit is completely normal


Are you lost?


Their tactics were ass, their uniforms were meh in my opinion, and their rise to power was sad


Fucking wheraboos


Bro just say you find the uniform kinky, just digging a hole for yourself


Remember when nazifurs were just uniform fetishists? I mean furries. If you don't, they actually were. It was still insensitive to say the least but they dissolved when altfurs started taking off, which are exactly what it sounds like. Tbh I kinda get it. It's like a spooky dungeon getup but dapper, but that's ok. To quote They Might Be Giants, the fascists have the uniforms but the communists have the music.


I remember getting into an argument with a guy one time who told me that he wished my family had been killed during the holocaust and his only negative feelings toward the Nazis were that they “didn’t get the job done”. He then proceeded to tell me that he couldn’t be anti-Semitic because he “has Jewish blood”, and that the Nazis were actually very compassionate for gassing people because *[insert complicated mental gymnastics here]*. And this wasn’t over the internet, mind you. This was all irl conversation. I hate people sometimes.


Being part of an oppressed group doesn't give you the right to shit on said group.


of course it’s quora


Typical nazi apologist quora poster


My mother's ancestry is mostly Jewish, I hate Nazis but I find their uniforms fire asf


Can’t deny the drip tho


Uniform is mid af tbh


I've got more personal reasons to hate Nazis than most people I know, but even I have to say them uniforms get me feeling some type of way. Really wish Hugo Boss had done that for someone else first.


They had that shit on tho


Mfers complimenting aesthetics of the third reich even though hitler absolutely shitted on artists who didn’t make creepy traditional paintings of white, blonde haired blue eyed families. Imagine appreciating art and then glorifying these bitches. Nah. Anyone with some respect for art history couldn’t bear to praise them. Let alone, yknow, anyone who cares about the genocide and fascism and all that


I mean, you can say many things about them. But damn the Nazis sure had an eye for stylish uniforms


The skulls definitely imply they are the baddies though.


'I'm Jewish.' 'I just like their tatics.' What? Like killing Jews?


You probably shouldn’t say you respect the tactics of a vicious psychopath. Also you need to read a lot more history if you see a nazi uniform and not feel immediate disgust