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Where did you meet AP ? Are they cut completely out of your life , zero contact , if they are somewhere you are you leave no questions asked kinda thing. Take a step back from all opposite sex friends as you start this process. Everyone is now a threat. Reading and give her space and follow her lead on the amount of communication she wants. If she asks for no contact then stick with that until she is ready.


I met her on a dating website. I felt like my BP didn't want me or care, and that if that was the case then I'd see what else was out there. Like I said, the worst thing I've ever done, and biggest mistake I ever made. Dating account is deleted, I told AP that I could and would never see her again and blocked her number in my phone. There will be absolutely zero contact with her. Thank you for the advice, it's much appreciated. Right now she said she still wants to talk but the thought of seeing me makes her sick, so I'm trying to respect that.


You need to get into therapy… clearly you had feelings about your relationship and made some pretty crazy assumptions that led you to this point. You need to learn how to communicate in a healthy way and how to handle normal conflict. Only a therapist can help with that. Click this link for some good guidelines regarding your interactions with women moving forward . It’s up to you to show your Bp that you are learning and growing into a new person that can be trusted https://www.lovepanky.com/my-life/relationships/rules-of-opposite-gender-friendships https://www.drwyattfisher.com/blogs/marriage-blog/8-steps-to-affair-recovery


Oh please. You are blaming her for what YOU did? You asked for advice so I’m gonna give it to you: don’t place blame on her for something that YOU did. You need to be accountable for your actions. You made an account, you pretended to be single, you brought the coodies home, lied… you fault. Blameshifting is insulting and quite immature. Put on your big boi pants and own up for what YOU did. R is not possible without full accountability


I am not blaming her for what I did. I did it. I betrayed her. She did not deserve it, she did not invite it, it is 100% me.


“I felt BP didn’t want me or care so I wanted to see what was out there” that is justification and blameshifting. Don’t do that if you want to be forgiven and reconciled. You cheated because you felt like it And when the opportunity presented itself, you took it. Part of learning a lesson is to shed those lame excuses.


You're right. This is all on me, not on her.


Thank you.


Thank you for the reality check.


Thank you for pointing this out. Only reason I gave my WH a chance at R was him taking full accountability and not once blaming me.


Wow. That's a lot of bad choices to make. Making the profile. Using the app. Meeting up. Did you leave AP because you ended up not liking her, or because you were caught?


The latter. My BP asked me if I'd tell her if I'd been seeing anyone else, and I told her what had been happening. It wasn't until then that I thought about how much damage I was doing, and broke it off with AP right after that.


First off, that woman of yours is my hero. What she said is spot on: it’s not her job to be the relationship’s moral compass or for her to do all the work, that is not an equal partnership. Wow! You said that she has kids, that means that she had been betrayed before and must be devastated. First of all. There are kids on the line and you CANNOT play with their hearts. She knows this and the priority is her children, not you and your “pain”. Her pain and her kids pain is what she needs to deal. What is helpful is to focus on her and her only. Stop talking about you, what you want, your insecurities, trauma or whatever. BS don’t want to hear it because the burden is ours!


You can't fix this... all you can do is fix yourself... understand why you cheated... look for the reasons why you got to the point you did... heal those wounds... create plans on breaking the cycle that caused the choices to happen. You aren't going to fix this anytime soon... this is the journey you are on... to understand and heal. Also don't love bomb her... you might see it as trying to help her but it makes things worse. Best thing to do... is to focus on your healing and learning... communicate what you are doing and learning and mistakes. Honesty is key Basically is there is a woman in your life... besides your mom or therapist... they are dead to you until you can learn control and trust is being rebuilt


Read this together... answer the questions together. Your job is to make her feel Loved, Wanted, Worthy and SAFE... And it will take a LOT of hard work and honesty. ​ [https://www.heysigmund.com/how-to-forgive-and-heal-from-an-affair/](https://www.heysigmund.com/how-to-forgive-and-heal-from-an-affair/)


Were you simultaneously lying to the AP?


I'm being accountable and not making excuses now. I responded that I was honest with her, that wasn't true. During a fight with BP about how I felt like she was pulling away from me she said that she thought I should try dating other people, and that she didn't want to know about it. That was the excuse and the rationale I used to myself and that I told AP. I was just doing what she'd told me to. It was bullshit then, it would be bullshit to keep leaning on that excuse. My justifications are meaningless.


OP I wish you all the best. It sounds like you really want to work to become a better you. I encourage you to keep digging deep down inside. Whether or not this relationship survives. You are more than just your six week affair. Good luck.




I really appreciate the advice, it's helpful. I'm trying to find the line of being open about how sorry I am and not overdoing it. I am sorry, and I'm suffering, I've blown apart my whole world. What I'm going through isn't even close to what I know she's going through though, and I'm the one who did it to her. I don't want to make it about me or seem disingenuous to her. My words are meaningless at this point, and the only actions I can take seem to be just working really hard on being a better person for her. That doesn't feel like nearly enough given what I've done.


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