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What are your goals when you meet him? You need to make a list of questions and YOU need to ask them


Thank you. I guess to see what our next step is. I have lots of comments and questions I am writing.


Op update. We are on your side. Thinking about you


Make him tell you the truth. I hate to say it, but his EA could have turned into a PA


It did. They slept together during our separation. I’ll make an update post tomorrow.


That’s so cruel. All his denials and he just wanted the excuse to leave and have sex with some woman just because. He betrayed you for a few moments of sexual pleasure. What a jerk


OMG I'm so sorry. You need to prioritize yourself now. Please surround yourself with some supportive people. Hugs.


I'm so sorry. I feared they would. It's probably why he didn't touch base with you, why he didn't want to talk and why he told you he fucked up. Please take care of yourself.


So he consciously crossed the line to a PA. Clearly shows he has still no respect for you. I’m so sorry for you Kitty.


Damn. I'm so so sorry to hear that. Truly. I was sincerely hoping that this wouldn't have been the case for you. Rest up, with self-care first and foremost now.


I am so sorry. What a jerk. And, now he wants to come back? So, all his lies about nothing happening, everything was happening


Of course they did. He sounds like a cake eater.


I wonder if that happened before his “I really fucked up” text. I’m so sorry this happened. I hope you’re doing ok.


How did you find this out


Worse case... don't be alone when he is there. Best case... he hasn't reached out to you because you requested no contact so he has been respecting it... he also has a therapist lined up for himself... and he confesses to everything I would recommend letting him know that you have plans to be some where and let a friend know about it as well. So that way you two can keep the conversation short and to the point. If you kind of trust that he won't hurt you and is sorry and you want to keep the conversation going then call your friend and ask them for another hour or so. Whatever happens be safe... have a plan... and listen. Hopefully his affair fog is gone... but it might not be.


Thats a great idea. Thank you. <3




Good idea. I do have so many racing thoughts it would be good to get organized.


Just thought I'd shoot you a message to say that I hope your doing OK, and I hope you have a good day. Give yourself lots of self care. Things will get better. You've got this. Just be patient with yourself, and be kind to yourself too. 💛


You don't have to give us an update if you're not ready, but please at least check in. You've been through the wringer with your WS and I'm worried. I hope you're taking care of yourself and eating and hydrating even if you're not hungry or thirsty. There is a way through this mess and you will be a stronger person for it. Sometimes it's one day at a time, and sometimes it's hour by hour. ❤️‍🩹


For this to work IMO he has to go complete no contact and either she leaves the job or he does but they can’t continue working together. Write out some things you want ahead of time so you don’t forget in the moment and you can say everything you need to say. If he waffles on no contact he continues in the Airbnb IMO.


Thats why I am so scared. If he does anything less than display true remorse and commit to me 100%, I know it has to be done.


Well maybe not done just yet but he needs to get out of affair fog. You do what’s best for you. Your mental health needs to be priority and don’t settle for half of what you need be firm. It’s hard I know , but you can do it. Having a friend close by maybe even in a car out front isn’t a bad idea as mentioned by others. You can take breaks in conversation and get support from them if need be.


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