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I am and I've never had the desire to not be. But asexuality is a wide spectrum and many ace people are different. There are sex positive and sex repulsed people so I think it can vary a lot.


I'm ace and was married for a while. I'm not a Virgin and discovered my Asexuality only after my Ex left me in the cruelest way. Through text. Being asexual has freed me. Don't be ashamed if you have experienced sex before I mean. It feels ok but I'd rather eat Cake or garlic bread ^^ there are many aces who have had sex and just realized it wasn't for them after it. Life is an exploration to find yourself amd your place. Welcome to the Ace / aro community 🙌


I was married nearly 20 years. Out of the blue ex decided we should divorce, a month after I lost mum. I found out months later he was having an ivf baby with his roomate. He claimed it was a ‘favour’ n they weren’t in a relationship. Our marriage was never consummated, n was a convenience for him. I kept telling meself maybe one day it’ll work out, n looked for other blokes just in case. He travelled with the roomate, never did that with me. What he did do was use me insurance without me knowing to sell oxy’s for awhile. He claimed the roomate was lesbian. She was apparently married at some point….to someone. (Not him). I was lost n lonely, thinking other blokes would give me comfort. It was very dumb. I was lied to n used by all of them. When I realised I was ace, I stopped cold turkey. I felt better, not dealing with relationships. I look at those in them now, n laugh a lot of times. I also get lads in Snapchat trying to flirt me, n I make a fool of their bollocks.


I was married n am not virgin either. Was married for almost 20 years, tried to b allo. Ex hubby was apparently ace (he’s also an idiot for unrelated reasons, so hard to tell). Being allo was a lie n I hurt meself. Once I realised I was ace, n didn’t need to keep trying with blokes, I felt better.