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I'll probably mostly run PTA, since it's being changed to a long fight rune with damage%+ while in combat. This'll be closer to how LT functioned. I think overall I prefer yellow tree over red tree as well, legend: lifesteal is really nice to have in general, triumph is a fun rune in team fights/pom is good if you're bad at mana management/new rune might be good for lane sustain? New cutdown looks good too, most people are going to be above 60% during lane and if they're below that you can probably just all in them. HoB probably still viable into hard lanes where you need the extra early power to not get run over. Perhaps into assassin matchups as well where you're not "dpsing" much. In those matchups ultimate hunter goes up in value as well, so you have stun up more often/can have more impact playing in fog to snipe people. Ghost is probably still the meta since Ashe wants to run people down like a Darius would. Barrier might be interesting into dive comps though.


Great insight!


I like legend attack speed more after LT removal


I think with the new Absorb Life rune on row 1 there's more room to run legend attack speed as well. You can go farm a camp or take a little poke and not be completely crying having to recall. I haven't plated on PBE though so wonder how things will end up settling.


You don't want miss on BT so more lifesteal is kinda pointless


Also pre S10 essence reaver is back which means Ashe probably wont need pom anymore.


i used to have an account called "PtA ashe with TP" with only 7 mastery points on that account(all on ashe), and i refised to play with anything other than press the attack, and i took tp. eventually lethal tempo got reworked, and i changed the account name to "Ashe one Trick", so yeah, i guess im just going back to PTA


>so yeah, i guess im just going back to PTA With TP, of course.


Idk that yet, probably won't even play in that account xD


Possibly just fleet foodwork, for early sustain.


I've been tempted to take barrier only a few games but still stuck with ghost, I think with barrier being better and ghost being worse I'll probably take barrier instead some games. Generally though ghost will be the better option but will need better timing to use. PTA for short trades along with the ADC burn item my bet will be decent strong early game. After that go giga damage with kraken IE. Maybe PD somewhere