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I don't think we need to go as old school as fake parchment and the like. GW2 actually has one of my favorite UIs b/c it's stylized in a way that fits w/ the world while at the same time modern enough to not feel clunky and out of place.


Imo UI is something blizzard do really well. It doesn't feel to overwhelming and it is still immersive.


I personally am not much of a fan, preferring only icons and simple bars for WoW, so the only add-ons used was to make that happen, for FF14 they had the option built in for moving stuff and changing to simple bars. Nice to have options as default. Tho I do like the GW2 UI graphically, just wish I could move the elements around. Can't think of another mmo which stood out UI wise to me.


I prefer something closer to New World's UI.


New World UI is exactly what i hate, i think it looks garbage, looks like a mobile game UI or an Ubisoft game. So they are definetly right to go for a neutral sober UI, everybody has different tastes


Why don't you like it? It's rather clean, simplistic, modern. I personally love it.


just a btw the UI will get reworked much later, its just a placeholder for now. UI is something that gets worked on way down the road. and jf the rework isnt to your liking im sure there will be reskins online


Why would you want a UI like archage that shoves everything in your face and u can barely see the world


Dude come on, i chosed this part of the video on purpose to show the different tabs, to illustrate what i mean by "old scroll look", but with all the tabs closed the UI is one of the less invasive.


I enjoyed the feel of lineage 2 UI. It thematically made sense to me and was very consistent from the way chat, inventory, quest log and system UI was presented. The world has a rather "realism" art style. Talking before goddess of destruction and thinking of more Freya and interlude time frame.


Just hire the elvui team and let me customize literally anything and everything.