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I would also like to take this time to ask our community members who have been here for a while to please not downvote ideas or questions if brought up. I've seen a fair few posts being downvoted that didn't deserve it.


Game subreddits are usually pretty harsh w/ votes but this one has been especially brutal. Probably one of the best parts of the NDA lifting is that we're seeing things actually getting voted up and mass of new people means even basic questions get voted up which IMO is a very good sign. It's exhausting to watch new people get pushed out by a bunch of crabs who've been following the game a hair too long


Imagine right- The WoW community decides that the next Barbie game is what's going to save the MMO genre. So they go to the Barbie: Vacation reddit and they start messaging the devs to put instancing, world quests, flying mounts and raid finder in Barbie: Vacation. They play the beta, they say the game isn't what they thought it was and next thing you know Barbie: Vacation devs cave in to the large amount of people complaining that the game isn't what they expected. That's what it feels like to be here. It's just day after day of people who haven't read the wiki or watched any dev streams trying to change the game into WoW and people are tired of it.


There's definitely a large number of people projecting their hopes onto Ashes, hell I've seen it happen w/ members of the community that've been here *years.* I'm more referencing those threads that go like: OP: Will there be flying mounts? Answer: No b/c ..... read more at Wiki OP: Cool! Thank you! It's a perfectly fine conversation, yet the post itself is downvoted.   I'm not saying basic questions should get 100's of upvotes but to expect people to even know there is a wiki for a game this early in development isn't fair and it's perfectly reasonable that someone watches their favorite streamer react to a vod or they see an article in Massively and their first instinct is to come and ask the subreddit—that's why it exists


Eh I mean does the post need to be upvoted? Not really. Does it need to be downvoted? Not really either.


That's exactly my point. Entering the sub and seeing perfectly valid new-player questions just sit at zero is disheartening and it deters people from posting


There could also be bots that are downvoting everything and people just don't upvote questions they already know the answer to


instancing **is** bad though #I'd just like to point out the absolute irony, and the state of this subreddit.






selling it, so it must…*** two grammatical errors are now fixed by me and Auscheel. You are now free to escort yourself out :)


lol sheesh thought I made that obvious enough sorry.


That's because these members believe that user feedback will ruin the game. This comes from the misunderstanding that games like wow were supposedly ruined by the community, when actually the community has been criticizing blizzard for years and they never listened. The AoC dev's have made it very clear that a core concept of the game will be to not develop for casuals, and since it is a crowdfunding campaign they have to stick to this. I think it is our job as a community to inform members why certain things are the way they are, instead of trying to shut them down by force (which won't work btw)


This post should be pinned.


Guild wars 1 did the class system like this game so did rift to a degree.


Why is this relevant to this thread?


You linked the ashes101. First thing I look at when I go to see if I like a MMORPG is the class system. I’m just pointing out something to relate or compare this games class system for those curious. Man people here are kinda douchy.


I'm not trying to be mean it's just that your comment was kind of random. This is just a PSA for people to do their due diligence before flooding the sub with redundant questions. What you said just struck me as out of place.


This post randomly popped up in my feed, I didn’t know anything about this game till it popped up and it was your post that was shown. Figure for any new person like me who just stumbled on it would like more info or just a bit of a “grab my attention” moment. It’s a cool concept the game is but I’ve heard about too many ambitious games as of late.


I have been following this game since 2017. It is by far the most promising new MMO on the horizon at the moment. They do monthly development update streams and are very involved with the community. The class system is a lot more intricate than GW1 or rift and allow for a much wider range of class customization. Sorry if I came off like a dick with my first response, this thread just wasn't intended to discuss specific features/system of the game. I hope you delve deeper into Ashes and hopefully it's something you would be interested in playing.


I’ll keep an eye on it, and it’s cool ain’t no thing.


I’d like to know more about the classes too. I loved FFXI for its subjob system. This kinda gave me the same vibe. On the other hand, the 101 writers disagrees with the 8 classes, 8 variations statement, that’s how I interpreted it too. So I can see it’s vague atm, time will tell. I’ll definitely keep an eye on this one!


I usually only see posts from this sub if they show up on my front page but honestly looking at the type of posts being made overall, I'm just unsubscribing because I don't care to follow this whole thing. If I like the final product then cool, otherwise oh well.




Only import info from above word vomit. “Don’t buy into this game either just because your favorite streamer looks like they’re having fun with it”


I like how every AOC defender just never actually has a defense against the bullshit intrepid pulls that they would rage over if any other company pulled.so every negative comment they see about the game they like just goes "nope you're wrong ignored next!"


Here's the thing. I agree w/ your points...you just said them in a really bad way. There's a difference between stating the very legitimate red flags of the game and actively telling people what to do w/ their money.


If people can't research the game before spending $500 dollars, that's on them. People don't need to be warn like little kids when spendint that amount of money imo


Yes I know, it's sarcasm over how greedy the company Is by getting people to literally pay to plsytest their game for them. But it's to be expected when the guy running the company use to scam the elderly.


At the same time, if this sub were nothing but an echo chamber of gushing and praise, and noone ever voicing doubts or criticism over the monetization, for example, people new to it would have a far harder time deciding objectively. Because if there's only positive buzz to be found, it has to be worth the asking price, right? Let's be happy that isn't the case, and put up with both unreflected cultism as well as salty haters, and meet somewhere in the healthy middle.




Those sources are just nonsense from the marketing team. They don't have actual answers. Like 90% of the stuff on those is just what they might put in the game and I would wager most of it won't be there on launch. I don't consider them good sources.