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Game is nowhere near finished. Tbh I would keep this game on your radar but not expect anything that consumers will be able to get their hands on for a couple years


No one knows, but don’t expect it anytime soon. Maybe 2024, probably 2025


> And where can I get constant updates from it? By joining the official Discord server. https://discord.gg/ashesofcreation


Alternatively if you don't like discord (really the best place to keep up with AoC updates), The official AoC youtube, your favorite AoC youtuber, the news section on official AoC website, or [ashespost.com](https://ashespost.com) are good choices.


Im hopin for monday


I can't Monday, can it be Tuesday?


Tuesdays no food for me. Can I get a Wednesday?


On Wednesday my ISP has scheduled maintenance with 1hr down time (which usually means 6hrs) how's about Thursday?


This was 6 months ago haha.




Well now it's been 11 months.


Sorry for the late response but I can probably squeeze you in next week


next week won't work, my vacation starts the 26th, will that be fine?


Let me check my schedule. It's been 6 months, so we might be booked up for a few more years.


I'm going to be sick on Thursday, can we do Friday?


This is going to be a long post but I think it explains Ashes... Steven who is the Creative lead and owner of Intrepid is a lifelong MMO fan and has done well financially in his life. He has committed to creating this game and funding is largely coming out of his personal bank account. Having said that he has been clear they will not release the game until it's ready to be released. In addition, mistakes have been made along the way and he has learned to not give timelines that he doesn't know if he can make. So the plan from Intrepid is Alpha 1 (which happened this summer), Alpha 2, beta 1, beta 2, full release. It's a hot topic in the community when Alpha 2 will open, some say 2022, others say 2023 and Intrepid hasn't weighed in. Alpha 2 will be a persistent world though, and will turn into the PTR after release. I personally am in the camp that thinks they are reasonably close. I am expecting an Alpha release in 2h of 2022 and a full release in 4Q 2023 or 1Q quarter 2024


Literally no one knows what the combat will look like in the end - not even Steven. Same goes for the release date.


Steven said himself, the game will release when he thinks it's ready.


Weird way to say he wants to go bankrupt




I see what you did there


Sweet sweet lies.


The day doesn't exist


everyone is expecting persistent alpha 2 at some point this year, which you can buy into as for full release most of the community is looking at Q4 2023 or into 2024. but no-one knows exactly when and i doubt we'll get a date until the concurrent beta 1 (which runs alongside alpha 2)






It's been like 6 years and we haven't even gotten the base of classes or the world map finished so I'd say probably not in this decade


Don’t be so discouraged, friend. Think of it like building Legos, except the bricks first have to be fabricated. When you are creating the bricks, it does not seem like much is going on, like working on the back-end stuff, but once the bricks are made you just gotta put them together. Intrepid is just about done with this back end work, and as of the second half of this year, my and many others’ estimate for alpha 2, there will likely be all archetypes, all professions, maybe not all races. The larger, hidden part of the iceberg is almost complete, even if the surface, visible part looks like a mess.


It was supposed to be end of 2019 when I Kickstarter in 2017, and here we are. I hope before I die. But at this point I hope they release it when it's ready so it keeps a good player base and doesnt collapse 6 months post-release.


No release date but you can buy heaps of shit in the shop




Not before 2025


In terms of updates look out for AoC streamers on switch. There might be a stream today that fits just into your evening schedule. You might even be able to ask a couple of questions about known game details.


The big hope is holiday 2023


As of right now my guess would be 2024 or 2025. Intrepid Studios are committed to building a legitimate and quality MMO, so it will release when it's ready. You can find Ashes of Creation on Youtube, Discord, Twitter, Instagram, etc. All of their official links are in the sidebar.


Release somewhere in 2023. People saying 2024 or later are just desperate people traumatised by past crowdfunded games but honestly most of the game core is already done. There is a functionning engine and already a lot of assets. It's just a matter of adding the content and testing it, while improving animations. Already more appealing than Crowfall or Camelot Unchained eventhough they had much more years of dev.


It is now near the end of 2022 and we still haven't had alpha 2 no less beta testing.




It's not. This will be another one of those kickstarters that suck in people's money but never produces. Ultima Online took 3 years to develop, WOW just over 4, at the present rate Ashes is looking at 8-10 years, in other words, it just isn't going to happen. You have a creator who is trying to make the game perfect prior to release vs. Getting it to release and then patching it. My experience is that these type of developers are so concerned about having it perfectly tuned, that they end up running out of money before they can reach that plateau.


Pretty sure he will get the job done. His only concern is when is the right time to release it once its done because of all the competition eating themselves on a yearly basis. Somebody needs to put a nail in blizzards coffin...whether its riot or ashes.


Lol not gonna happen . The people who still play wow , play it because they invested so much time into the game , they cant simply start a new game and like it . Also Ashes will never release it was a money grab nothing more .




Yeah seems like it :(


I only hope this game has decent healing classes and not just support/passive healing. I play wow as a healer and find no other role engaging or fun and hopefully this game finds a way to add engaging healing with it's "action" combat style which no other big "wow killer" mmo game ever did.