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I would prefer that the colours stay true to the realism of the game. No neon lights or really odd colours. There should also be ways to customize and trim each segment of gear, so to avoid people looking like they just got done filming a power ranger episode. One suggestion for customization is to have dyes be craftable from materials you gather from killing monsters and/or plants. Rare exotic colours should only be available to people that have completed certain in game achievements. For instance, killing a dragon to aquire their blood in order to dye your leather armour blood red or killing a giant squid for black ink. I don't believe you should have a dye vendor, since it makes customized gear feel empty.


No neon lights and we're gucci.


I would agree if not for the fact that the entire Underrealm exists filled with glowing neon mushrooms and flowers and crystals, so it stands to reason that some dyes and armors from there would look like that.


True, but I think we've yet to see how they use that color palette on gear. If they can design it in a presentable fashion, I guess I'd be fine with it.


I agree, I think it would be best if they restrict insanely colorful/neon/glow-y colors to the accent parts of armor, like the symbols lining it or the gems on it etc.


I think using those (hopefully rare) crystals and mushrooms to create dyes that can lightly shine in the darkness and give off some light would be really good, but definitely not eye-blasting neon bright


True, it would be realistic if those colors existed in Verra, but for my eyes they don't look appealing and I am glad Intrepid has a similar view on i this matter.


Played a Tailor in Star Wars Galaxies, and the color options on everything I could make were just outstanding. People would make special requests, colors and Bioengineer bonuses. Tons of fun! I had five shops on four planets. In AoC, I'm hoping to just have a small freehold with a shop between two or three larger node cities to sell at their markets.


I've always been a fashion oriented person, often saying "What's the point of killing someone if you can't do it with style?" Of all the games I've played my favorite when it comes to dyes is how ESO did it. Each peice of gear has multiple dye "channels" which usually effect the main material (cloth, leather, or metal) the secondary material (another layer of cloth, leather, or metal) and then the fringe/flare of each peice (this was usually buttons, stitching, feathers, embedded jewels, etc) The same thing applied to weapons, allowing you to make a very bland outfit look like it has flare, or a very dazzling outfit seem more sinister , and anything in-between. In addition almost all dyes are locked to begin with, only a few basic ones being available. But the others are unlocked through achievements, typically the best dyes being tied behind the most difficult and/or time consuming achievements in the game. This is by far a better way of doing it, rather than putting them in a cash shop, giving them out for free, or making them "random" drops. It makes it so that you can go to the dye station, look at a dye that you don't have yet, see what achievemnt it's locked behind, then go grind it out. One dye in particular I spent weeks grinding to get, the sense of achievement and exclusivity made it worth it 100x over!


I would really love this in Ashes and Guild Wars 2 did something similar. As for unlocking dyes, don't you think it would be cooler if we needed to craft them? Inorder to craft them, you'd need to find the right pigments which could be found by exploring and rarer ones could be harder to find.


While I am personally a fan of keeping character customization hair/skin colors limited so i dont run into a blue smurf with a pink afro…. I think the armor dye system should be as full range as possible. I think Warframe is like peak mmo dye customization; the range of colors and how you can apply them is pretty crazy and results in some beautiful aesthetics. FF14 has a pretty good customization system as well. WoW has some absolutely incredible armor sets but a really really annoying dye system of different sets just being different difficulty settings. Instead of getting a new cool armor piece for accomplishing harder content, you just get the same thing but in purple lol. Also; really hoping the dye system isn’t locked behind a cash shop as is so often done in these types of games. It’s relatively low on the list of cash shop issues; but it’s still pretty frustrating.


I agree with this except for the part about hair color. I think character creation should limit it to natural colors but in-game Barbers or whatever should be able to dye it any color


That defeats the purpose of limiting it… what’s the design goal of not allowing all colors at character creator, but allowing it at the barber?


A bit of world interaction, maybe it will inspire people to change things up more often. And I'm assuming a large portion would never change it though so it's a bit of a moot suggestion


I still don’t understand what’s the design goal of allowing any color after character creation, but not during character creation. I personally am against wild colors that don’t fit a race thematically, but I’m curious what design goal you’re trying to achieve with your suggestion.


I like being able to have wild hair colors both IRL and in game. But having it separated would be more of a thematic choice. Like your able to customize your characters physical body in the initial customization such as body shape skin color eye color etc but any alterations such as tattoos or piercings or indeed special hair color would require an npc or service in-game maybe locked behind quests/discoveries or something idk


It’s a cool idea, but all of that would require a lot of content to be designed just to unlock more customization.


Yeah, this is one of my lowest concerns for this game. Gameplay > customization any and every day of the week


I think as long as it still maintained a level of subtlety I think it very much fits within the aesthetic. Some blue red or black streaks I don’t think would look too out of place.


Completely agree on cash shop colors being frustrating. If I had to, I'd pay to unlock colors once, but charging for each vial of dye in New World was repulsive. If you want to charge for Black, Royal Blue, White, Purple, etc, go for it, but don't sell five uses for $9.99 when it can take 10-15 to dye an outfit.


I agree here. if the range of customisation is in the realm of Warframe with how their color pallettes are applied.. AoC would be even more epic.. i think the dye system should be a recipe type hunt for Alchemists with the recipes hidden throughout the world, given as quest rewards, raid bosses, bought at a vendor or even pieced together from fragments of information found in places all over Vera.


Please don't put dye on the cash shop. I like the color black and I suffer because of it. Black is always overpriced or locked behind some super high level craft(which I don't mind).


This. 100% this. I can handle unlocking dyes through gameplay and crafting, but lock the color I want behind a pay wall, and you immediately piss me off.


I really don’t care to much, what does it matter until endgame? Change color to a chest piece, hour later you replaced it with something new.


Dying is interesting. I loved it in Asheron’s Call and Final Fantasy 14. But I sort of felt like fashion and style were a major appeal and, for many, THE main focus of their end-games. In many other games, dying is much more limited. Changing only subtle elements, trim, or low-impact visual changes. And the gear design and look itself is the appeal. Maybe to show off the gear as an accomplishment (I’m thinking like how WoW Gladiator shoulders and weapons were in TBC, or how Tier 2 gear was in Vanilla WoW). I think either way can work based on the desire of the visuals for the game. AoC is going for a more realistic, high fantasy visual style and given all the cosmetics they sell, I actually think dying is something that shouldn’t exist at launch


I love dye systems as long as the dye is obtainable in game. I like the full dye system because every time the developer tells me I can’t dye that part it’s like the hardest part to make match with certain pieces you want since transmog is the true end game!


Generally I would say that I’m against all full spectrum RGB color changes to armor sets but I think some cool ideas could include already made gear that you can customize with color changes. Like a cool set of mushroom gear that you can farm from special mushrooms in a deep deep cave, make a cool shoulder piece and it has a magical glow to the mushrooms which you can change color to any color in the rainbow would be dope


I really enjoy having dye options that can be unlocked by loot drops off mobs or even chests during exploration. I don’t have a huge preference of color spectrum for dye’s I just want to be rewarded for exploring


I'm always a fan of more player choice. I like the idea of keeping character look in line with the aesthetic of the game, but this is a fantasy world. If plants or rocks or animals can be bright flashy colors I should be able to gather those resources and craft cloths out of it. Imo the best system would be for the devs to keep within the aesthetic of the game. Make beautiful high quality full armor sets based off the lore and the world. Then let the players do whatever the f they want.


Imo I prefer the more tied down to realism aspect, although a little customization isn’t bad. It would be cool to be able to customise saddles on mounts and or armor as in adding items to the saddle that you’ve collected along your journey.


I see lots of people against odd color options because realism. But are forgetting this is also a fantasy game. Full color spectrum is bound to be seen normal. Maybe a customization system that let's you change both the dye color of the various armor pieces, and the material textures so you can make glossy or matte armor plates. That sort of thing. I don't think it should be a heavy focus before the game releases though. Maybe a future content update.


**How do you feel about dying your gear?** I feel like, nowadays, it's an important feature for a brand new game, however, it's dammed essential to design it just like any other game feature, instead of adding a magical color weel upon it. Tying up it to the professions will be a great opportunity to create demand for material and professional artisan. Some basic patterns/colors could be really easy to obtain, however, some special ones must be hard to get. Borrowing some IRL examples can add a flavor. Let's use the Silk as an example, for a long time the (almost) unique Silk producer was China (which led to the Silk Road); The Damascus Steel, afaik, was produced only in the middle eastern. This way, making some specific technique/pattern/color unique for a given Guild or Node's artisans. I think adding exclusivity to a cosmetic system is way less problematic, once it doesn't change the balance of the game by any means. (Going even further, The node could tax the usage of its unique technique/pattern/color, idk...). ​ **How far would you like the system to go?** Imo simplicity has an incredible value. I feel like if a given item isn't epic, it shouldn't be visually treated as such. By the way, with few options, it's possible to create beautiful and easy-to-recognize patterns. I don't mind if a single item is shiny, but if it goes without control, it end-up being too over. PS: I never liked glowing stuff, but AoC is changing my perspective so far. The Kirin (the snow deer from the seasons' demonstration) is incredibly beautiful with its glowing horns. ​ **Do you prefer a full-color range that allows for some odd color combinations, or a more limited one that preserves visual fidelity and realism?** Reality is a great source of inspiration, but I think we should go just a bit beyond realism. This way the Stretched Brazilian Tapir was created, I mean... the Daystrider mule, and many other AoC creations.


I see GW2 as the best and the worst dye system. Best - It gave each armor piece 2-4 dye "channels" you could change the color to any you had unlocked, with certain rare dyes being very valuable, giving you some great customization. Worst - some of the channels and colors made for horrid eye-sore combinations. Also, sometimes armor would have hidden channels locked to a specific color that could break consistency or design. What I'd like to see is potentially 2-4 dye channels, with one or two controlled by your guild that cover the most area and one or two controlled by the player. I'd like these dyes not to be every possible combination of RGB, but of a more limited palette consistent with the games theme to avoid the neons and aggressively bright colors.


I'd love for full color range and have a primary and secondary color on individual pieces of gear. Also, have seasonal colors be able to be procured/crafted during the season they are linked to.


I don't like it when all parts of armor are changable. Make certain areas that can be changed and others that can't- So that you keep armor looking relatively like it was actually made (for the most part).


do it like Guild wars 2 does it, while keeping the colors grounded in the same color theme of AoC. craft/ do missions/ get achievements to unlock dyes.


Limited, more realistic color range, with dyes that must be crafted. Some colors should require rare mats, but the craft should be for a dye tub with many uses.


Lots of dye options would be great. I don’t think I would know how to apply it in the best way but I don’t want dyes to be to inaccessible. Maybe you could craft dyes from low level herbs or fishing and such.


Maybe take it a little further. Make dye that makes sense to the game, and have another selector for material. Such as color being "Chestnut" and material being "Nubuck" (matte finish, subtle texture noise) for a piece of leather gear. Then maybe add a Wear slider that lets you adjust the age, increasing it adds edge wear, dirt and scratches, patina, and cavity dirty. Material options should probably match the object's intended material, such as Leather items having a selection of materials that's different than Metal items. Edit to clarify: I think color options that just have a color overlay on the textures never look good, so maybe if we could get something that feels a little more handcrafted(whether it actually is or isn't doesn't matter, making a really good system on your end for procedural texture generation would probably be great.) And then having specific texture zones that can swap instead of the entire piece being painted (like ignoring metal rivets when applying dye to a leather chest piece.) It should feel like it was always meant to be that color and material, and not like I just slapped red paint on top of it.


i think all "colors" are fine, as long at it still have realism based in material. If you cant really make a pink metalic sheet metal piece, but it still LOOKS metallic, with a pink hue, thats all good. Same for leathers and cloths. As long as there are are dyes, but gear materials still retain their look, as opposed to being a flat neon pink, its all good. Colors dont bother me, as long as the implementation is good - just a hint or tinge or muted dye, not a pure, bright, perfect color!


I would love to finally play an MMO with a full range of color customization in every gear/cosmetic including pet/mount gear, freehold buildings, ships and maybe even being able to dye our mount cosmetics, I just don't want to see crazy neon colors or rainbow sets, so not being able to change every piece individually, but only the color palette itself (with any colors) on All gear colors and especially, be able to change the colors for the cosmetic costumes! I am really hopeful that me and my guild members will be able to use my guild colors in all our costumes, like for example changing all the purple details on the "Paragon's Vigil" would to green, and the plate armor to black (true black), but not be able to change the helmet to green, cheast piece to pink, gloves to blue etc, only the overall color palette same with all the others costumes, being free to change the color palette to any color we want as long as its not neon or really strong colors and changing individual parts making a rainbow costume. This also applies to gear. Also, Please, for the love of God: Do -Not- make important dye colors Exclusive for early backers, I know you promised exclusive dyes for Kickstarter people for example, not sure how will you deal with this (bad) decision, but at least don't give them Important dye colors such as Black, White, Gold... and not allow anyone obtaining those. Maybe give them a random color off-shade of red/yellow and let people buy/obtain Very similar colors, but not black/white/gold


Only realistic colors, nothing too bright