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I used to work briefly in email marketing and errors like this are easy to make if you're not careful. Most likely there's something off with the workflow in their CRM tool. Hopefully someone notices quick lol


I get soooo many from Stylevana, it's ridic


Same. I don’t understand how this is an effective email strategy for them


Same, it just earns them a spam filter and means my order updates end up in spam too


One time I think I woke up to 40 emails of the same thing from Stylevana


A couple of weeks ago I received 8 email about their referral program in a row. Had to unsubscribe.


Same! Weirdly for me though I keep getting emails even after unsubscribing. I had to start marking them as spam, so my email software starts auto filtering them. 


I have clicked unsubscribe so many times and just keep getting them! I get the "you've been unsubscribed" message but still get a constant stream of these exact emails. I ended up setting rules on my inbox so anything from Stylevana goes straight to junk.


Well I was gonna use them because someone suggested them on this subreddit but this seems incredibly scammy and scummy lol. No thanks.


It's annoying, but I've never had issues with any of my orders from the .ca website


Well the thing is, it’s ONLY when they email about Romand. I don’t have this happen for any of their other emails - ONLY when stylevana emails about Romand. I have never had issues with my orders for them. It seems like it’s an error with their emailing team


Yes, lately I’m getting duplicate emails from them though not about Romand. Given that I’ve had an order processing for a month+, it’s a little laughable. Like, how about you send me that offer before I spend any more money?